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@Nooble That was literally my first real contribution on GH
You should be so proud of me
@ʞɔᴉN you srs?
when am I not srs
@ʞɔᴉN when you are serious not srs
I'm proud of you, my child
@ʞɔᴉN plz bb do grmmr XOXO
Yeah I usually take a more consultant-style approach to my contributions
Grrrrmr is fur skroooobz
Like I'll open up new issues and tell skrubs like @nabijaczleweli why they're wrong
@ʞɔᴉN yeah I like that tbh
you do?
Actually, I found my first true bug last week
@ʞɔᴉN ahem I believe the correct spelling is, ah, "skrub."
So I can silently close the issue :P
It was in Shiny's htmltools module where if you tried to read Markdown from an empty file, it'd give an error
Agh why doesn't Unturned have linux support.
How am I supposed to run a server.
@Nooble with your face
@Nooble ...By using Mac.
and Cheese.
Who actually runs Windows Servers...
And who codes games in C#.
disgusting people
@Nooble Hmmmmmm I heard there was some tiny little game engine called Unity that used C#...
@VermillionAzure Yes yes I know.
But can they not export to different platforms?
@Nooble And I think there was something called comma NET or something that was supposed to run a lot of different enterprises... and be worth millions or something...
@VermillionAzure I don't like anything that isn't cross-platform.
@Nooble yeah they can
They can export to freaking Wii.
@VermillionAzure WWII
oh wait
Then why the hell is Unturned only for Windows?
@Nooble because hitting the export button more than once is a Lot of Work
@jagged kek
@Nooble Because they're zombies and want your face.
@nabijaczleweli Check Mumble.
For my amazing comment.
@jaggedSpire :(
I'll be on mumble in a bit
if I survive traffic
@ʞɔᴉN yeeeeaaaaaaah
I'm at work
@Noob which one?
@nabijaczleweli Comment.
I only have one.
Work is disgustinG
@nabijaczleweli ???
@Noob ah right
@Nooble would you say my comment is ay worse?
@nabijaczleweli <3
> Meth is healthier than assuming MSVC is a sane implementation of C++11
You stuck a comma in there
For shame
No idea what you be talkin'boot
Thank you, nevertheless
Who thinks Meta Stackoverflow is full of more trolls?
@WanderingFool than what?
How about than Stackoverflow itself.
can C++ be used in swift?
@WanderingFool heck if I know. Meta is a cursed place and I do not wander its depths. Except maybe when bored.
@jaggedSpire Lol, I have seen those acursed lands.
@WanderingFool hoo r u
@NSGod No one here uses Swift.
@VermillionAzure He posted that floating point question a few months ago
@VermillionAzure I am just a fool.
Yeah I thought so :(
@Nooble Okay
Will reverse-psychology work?
Haha guys get it.
@WanderingFool They're amateur politicians rather than trolls (though the difference is too subtle for many to perceive).
@Nooble nope
bb plz expln
@VermillionAzure It's a pokemon.
@WanderingFool Actually I'm curious. What did they do this time?
@jaggedSpire If you liked my floating point question from a few months ago, I wrote up a more interesting one with my own analysis more recently here. stackoverflow.com/questions/30688422/…
@WanderingFool thanks
@Nooble "haha guys get it" yeah i no it pokemun but i dun know y u post pokeman
@Nooble So tempted to delete the stars...
It's very hard for me to please anyone on the meta site. I have all but given up hope for it.
Is it weird for me to recognize who you are Jerry Coffin? You've actually answered a couple of my questions before.
@WanderingFool They must have been fairly easy questions.
Lol, yes they were. Yes they were.
@WanderingFool Your floating point question is weird
i don't really get it
The deviation between the two is equal to floor(log 2 / log 10)
which is about floor(0.301029995)
@VermillionAzure I don't recommend poking your nose too deep into it if you're not committed at reading all the reference material. It's pretty long.
@WanderingFool Bah.
Seems quite esoteric anyways
I'm sure I'll get a helping of it in my college classes
If they're indeed okay
I agree with you.
@VermillionAzure Starmie.
@VermillionAzure what you mean they haven't already made you play with IEEE 754 on your tests? kids these days
@JerryCoffin Please don't Mr. Coffin.
@JerryCoffin You actually have the highest voted answer for my floating point question. What do you think of my answer? I don't know if what I wrote is completely right, but I would love to hear your opinion.
@jaggedSpire ...
@VermillionAzure I kid
I'm like 4 years older than you.
I can't really call you a kid
You totally should play with it though it's super neat.
and then you can join the lounge fanclub
It's criminal not to induct young engineers into the cult of IEEE 754, I say.
you should start a club dedicated to it.
I'm not sure I'm talking to anyone anymore
why am I talking to myself?
good morning
@jaggedSpire hi again
oh wow you wrote a lot
@MaiLongdong Good morning
@VermillionAzure such allegations are patently false and I will not have them
I felt that pinging you more than once would be irritating, so I just stuck more updates on the end
I enjoyed conversing with you all. Thank you for the stimulating conversation.
@WanderingFool Have a nice time! Stay away from the meta-hounds!
Bring back cheese if you storm a castle
why am I so squirrely tonight
I think I'm going to ban myself from posting for the next 30 minutes
Fantastic @thekhronosgroup reel made by Dominic Agoro-Ombaka, entirely in Blender + Cycles GPU rendered! http://accelerateyourworld.org/ #b3d
/cc @AlexM. @Prismatic
dat video
star if you get it. do not google if you dont.
@Borgleader What if I don't get it and still star?
it's not googleable
@MarkGarcia you'll throw off the stats :(
@StackedCrooked Don't put a space between "fake" and "taxi".
I'm not gonna google it. @Borgleader told me not to do it :)
Ugh damn, I'm busted.
nop time, night all
Good night.
I'm confused if this new Alphabet Google thingy invites more EU anti-trust lawsuits or less.
Having all of the companies under a single roof invites integration. Though they are doing this too for more segmentation.
I am writing a program to convert MIDI notes into ascii characters, using the alsa library. Unsure whether to use a binary combination rule, or something more memorable...
> binary combination rule
Bit flags?
sorry, binary key combination rule. Or just bit values represented by the keys.
Well, just enum keys?
User's wont remember binary values.
> If Vulkan is too low level, perf will could be absolutely terrible.
> will could be
Probably will could be.
@MaiLongdong >Using Vulkan for 2D snek game.
@edition ,...............................................................................‌​.................................................................................‌​................
@edition DEADBEEF
something like this: imgur.com/sMUUWF4.
pointless project, nevermind.
Would you use a MIDI keyboard to input the bits of ASCII character bytes?
If I wanted to.
Great. My project is not useless.
In the words of glados, we do what we must because we can.
@ʞɔᴉN your face is a nerd
does anyone know what all the recent tic-tac-toe posts are about?
There have been like five I've noticed in the last couple of weeks.
homework questions?
While this isn't an unusually high number for many topics (see: how do I getline after cin plz help?) tic-tac-toe is rare
@edition Possibly. I'd expect a sudden wall of them though.
@jaggedSpire College exam season on some countries?
What's weirder is that at least two of them have specifically asked how best check the win conditions, in a more efficient way than simply checking everything. Case in point. There was one a few days ago too
And maybe. It's a weird test question.
@jaggedSpire Simple: use machine learning on the cloud.
@MarkGarcia Of course! Such a simple, elegant solution.
Draughts is more enjoyable to program than tic-tac-toe: bensdraughts.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest
Stunning in its simplicity really
^I wrote that in high school.
I hope so.
@edition you don't want to see what I wrote in high school. Fortunately for everyone that code is lost.
What did you write?
@edition a few "games" in a language called Darkbasic
no points, just controls and hardcoded buildings
I ran out maybe three sixty-day demo versions of the software
QBasic, VBS, VB.net, C#. Those were the languages I learned from my childhood.
Darkbasic looks ok.
shrug It was a good first programming language for me
doesn't mean my code was okay
I found programming easier than school mathematics :/
@edition I found STEM stuff exponentially easier than human language and fundamentally misunderstood the purpose of history papers for three years
I thought I was supposed to find arguments against the established perspective and make a good case, regardless of how sane the established perspective was.
When it comes to common sense I have uncommonly little.
I'm just glad I realized my error before I had to write a paper on the detrimental effects of The Great Leap Forward. Pretty sure arguing that it was a good thing would have sent me to counselling, and for good reason too.
"Oh yes, millions of people starving and descending to cannibalism in a massive famine that also destroyed most of the country's industry was a good thing" /s
you're terrible
@ScottW mumble is up why aren't you on
@ʞɔᴉN your face is terrible
same mumble server?
loungecpp.sehe.nl i think
@ʞɔᴉN added sarcasm tag, just for my fav duck
@ʞɔᴉN concur'd
@jaggedSpire you didn't add it to "your face is terrible" though
@ʞɔᴉN no. No I didn't. Are your feelings hurt?
because it's too late now and I'm sorry
why do I keep getting disconnected
very hurt
but I thought the edit window was three minutes
Can't sleep
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ mumble then
It's so silent you'll be lulled into your dreams
Or a sense of false security. I'm not authorized to disclose which one.
@jaggedSpire I think it's around a minute
@ʞɔᴉN Oh gosh darn my misconceptions.
@jaggedSpire True, until my cat decides to get on the mic
@ʞɔᴉN that cat is living on the edge of a fevered dream so intense he's no longer sure if he's a cat or just another rainbow trout in the sky.
@jaggedSpire I'm sure someone will hypnotyze me and convince me to send money to them in my sleep.
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ but you'll be asleep.
@jaggedSpire it's all the special chocolates I feed him
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ do you have an Italian accent?
@ʞɔᴉN Where did you get them? The local dispensary?
or are you like that fake frenchman Mai
@jaggedSpire ...maybe
@ʞɔᴉN Mai is a perfectly legitimate frenchman
noobel says he has no accent
@ʞɔᴉN Nor does your cat
Yet if I am to believe you about owning a cat, I must also believe Msr. Longdong is French.
I don't have a cat.
@ʞɔᴉN I have a sexy accent
@ʞɔᴉN I've heard it.
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ oh yeah?
My cat keeps escavating its way into a pillow
It's because he feels he will get closer to your heart if he can be closer to where you rest your head.
Whether this is for warm and fuzzy reasons or murder reasons I do not know
Why are people so against justified text?
@MaiLongdong because they're against the carraige returns of Justice
I don't know what that joke was about or what the implications were but I'm sure it was one
@MaiLongdong Poorly justified text is annoying to read.
Poorly justified yes.
But with reasonably good justification algos, I find it much better than left-aligned
Ugh dammit how do I make fake spaces in chat???
fake space
@MarkGarcia maybe just use the pre formatting
@ScottW This is betrayal of the highest order and also abandonment
@ScottW vaporware
Ooooooh great! MS has VS 2015 Express editions.
@MaiLongdong What's the advantage of justified text?
I don't have much experience with C++, so I'm not even sure I formulated the question correctly. Can someone help me? stackoverflow.com/questions/31932859/…
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ No jagged edges on the right side.
@MaiLongdong why don't you have a real french accent?
@MarkGarcia What's the point? VS2015 Community pretty much has everything most of us care about.
@Mysticial Old laptop with smallish storage, and other features I don't care about.
@ʞɔᴉN lol do I have a fake french accent?
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Making my previous statement is making me conscious on the right side of unjustified text. :/
@MaiLongdong I haven't heard it but @Nooble says you don't have any accent at all
so you must be american
@JoãoDaniel you're good
@ʞɔᴉN Koalas can be deceived
I wish there was a relevant sith gif
true, especially by fancy frenchman living in china
Meh I don't have a strong french accent but I'm p sure you can still spot it. Although IIRC @sbi also said he couldn't?
join the Mumble server!
They have cookies!
I am totally not part of it. :)
I have special chocolates
for special people
@ʞɔᴉN like your cat
he died tho
what is his name, OOC?
@ʞɔᴉN lies. His glorious purrson is immortal.
his name was Don Corleone
@TimBiegeleisen Is it my name that is upside down or is it everything else? — ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ 1 min ago
It's your name...I've never seen this before actually. — Tim Biegeleisen 52 secs ago
So serious
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Ignore the heretics. They know not what they say.
@TimBiegeleisen it may be the time zone you're in. Is the sun up? — Drew Dormann 29 secs ago
lol, this guy knows what's up
and it's not the sun
@jaggedSpire nite
lol yet another question "omg why is my code so slow" "compile in release mode" "omg is so fast now"
I am in Singapore, and it is about 12 noon. — Tim Biegeleisen 40 secs ago
Seriously Tim, stop.
You are taking this too seriously
What a singapoor joke
My sequels
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ I think I inspired him
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Nice list.
Starting JabbaScript day
I am so excited.
Default terminal colors are fucking unreadable when ssh'ing from Windows
Aug 7 at 2:53, by Mai Longdong
la revanche
@MaiLongdong Winblows
@MarcoA. What the fuck
Have you heard of Darwin
@MarcoA. Why didn't the father himself save her? Would it still dishonour her?
@khajvah I have no idea.. I'm kinda speechless
My makefile works!
Imagine if somebody else saved her. Her father would kill that guy.
@MarcoA. Its a sad article.
Her father needs to be prosecuted.

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