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@JohanLarsson Code Contracts. :)
I dont love cc, used them a couple of times
never learned it really, had some bs with building & build server
@JohanLarsson It's pretty nice. Especially when I'm writing a feature from scratch.
yeahi guess, everything that can provide static analysis is nice
hope it takes off with roslyn
im watching scott meyers, no idea why
@Borgleader ooooof that burn
Good morning guys
What's @Cicada's new nick name?
Found it.
@buttifulbuttefly Yo everybody says my Kakao is gone. Lol.
that's not Cicada
@nick Are you serious? It seems like him.
@buttifulbuttefly is a gentleman and a sir
A mother father gentleman
dunno why anyone would draw any comparisons between him and Cicada
Ugh systemctl has reload-or-try-restart but 'start and show status maybe' is apparently too outlandish
Also is-system-running
function is-system-running() { echo "no of course not muppet" > /dev/stderr; }
is robot this adorable when he travels?
which one is he?
Third one.
dunno does he have a beach bod?
I think?
Am I a good collaborator, koala?
i would say i have a decent bod but you won't catch me in a speedo ever
nab is the man
@nabijaczleweli I'm curious, what was causing the anti-gravity bug? AFAIK the implementation would just check if there was a char below.
@nabijaczleweli Hell yeah.
@Nooble A check for char above, lemme check if I fucked up in refucktoring
when are we adding the ability to shoot lasers?
@nick Soon.
After I implement enemies.
@Nooble Yeah, I refactored this into this
i think my quadtree collision detection suggestion was top shelf
a.k.a. misread as below and fixed with adding check for above
@nick Might as well use bullet3.
also i think we need hardware-accelerated rendering
this is gonna be a really graphic-intensive game
I was just about to say that :P
great minds think alike
Great minds think like me
If they all think like you, then they all think in a similar fashion, which is a fancy way of saying "alike"
Hello @Dean what a surprise to see you there
i can't argue with that
@nabijaczleweli We should probably use wchar_t.
> Please close Visual Studio to reduce the chances of requiring a reboot
@Nooble Where, how?
Well would you look at that, installers giving reboot probabilities now
@nabijaczleweli In the map. This way we can use fancier characters.
@Nooble Sure, just remember to use wstringstream and wcout, I'm going to bed, see ya' in 6 hours
@nabijaczleweli Good night.
@nabijaczleweli Counting
5:59 left
@nabijaczleweli sweet dreams
also 6 hours, way to take it easy
Speaking of hardware accelerating Gaem, hello @buttifulbuttefly!
Hello @Nooble!
@buttifulbuttefly Gonna be 9am here, not too hard of a goal
yes we need valuable input on rendering our string-based game faster than 15 fps
@nick That's silly.
Eyes can only see 0.3 FPS, why bother.
@nick inserts $3 into @nick's ear
Valuable input
tick tock
also i wipe my ass with $3
In all seriousness, however, we really do need a faster timestep. Problem is that flickering starts to happen when you refresh (cout) too fast.
i wash it off then spend it afterwards too cuz why waste money?
Also, @Nooble you need to fix the uppercase in file and folder names
Heh I like uppercase.
Or I'll just fix it tomorrow later today, w/e
@Nooble Do you buffer your output?
No you don't
Not on case-sensitive FSs
@buttifulbuttefly Well we put it all in a string first and then send it out through cout and immediately flush.
A string or a char array
can we "redraw" only the updated parts of the string or does it all need to be refreshed?
Most efficient you can do is a write of a char buffer on the out fd
@nick All.
Since we clear console.
so inefficient
i need access to the gpu frame buffer
i need access to the pentagon mainframe unix filesystem
@nick no you need access to the gibson
You won't have access to the gpu frame buffer
Remember you're not writing pixels to a frame buffer but text to a file
If you want to directly write pixels then you need to do your own text rendering
we need a custom rendering environment
I fixed upcaseness
I can sleep now
@buttifulbuttefly So I'm writing to disk then?
fix the preformance of this gaem while you're at it
@Nooble No, to ram, but my point is you have no control over the rendering
If you want to render text super fast, use an actual surface and render text on it
who's idea was it to make this game in shell output anyways
Mine 'cause I'm good.
nice work now we're stuck with a codebase that we can't optimize past .3 fps
In reality we can do about 10 FPS before flickering.
Getting only a bot of flicker at 5ms render clock
10ms is nicely stable
I think you can do better than that with cursor positioning commands
cough cough WinAPI
must be cross platform
We don't wanna dwelve into winapi
cough cough flicker
Seriously going to bed now
"I have this problem but want none of the solutions pls help"
ha "solutions"
more like terrible hacks that even the lowliest programmer would be ashamed of
enjoy your slideshow then
I need a new IGN for my character
Let's play the Lounge<C++> IGN suggestions game
Nop x 2
Fetty AWP
Hot Grill
There, a massive list of IGNs to choose from
most of them ending with -bert but w/e
So what are your bertcist??
the intolerance is astounding
ppl on the internet are so sensitive these days
how about [generic anime name]
or senpai_rulez
@buttifulbuttefly bertc is Bartek's new nick?
Okay I found out what causes VS to reset the layout to some weird shit
When you start two instances simultaneously they somehow fuckup the settings
Good job Mircosoft
that's a more complicated error - it could be a lot simpler, like when you rename a folder to something in lower case, the file system does not register until you hit refresh or reopen it
I can half read that
> “Whoever takes this book or steals it or in some evil way removes it from the Church of St Caecilia, may he be damned and cursed forever, unless he returns it or atones for his act”
Why does it mention Fiat cars didn't even exist back then
"it be so"/"let it be"
thanks sehe for clearing a) my doubt and b) my joke
no need to thank me for your joke. You made it :)
2 hours ago, by sehe
> Considering these two practical theft-prevention techniques – chaining your books to something unmovable or putting them into a safe – the third seems kind of odd: to write a curse against book thieves inside the book.
context btw
Installed VS2013 Update 5. Can't open any source file anymore. Good job.
@buttifulbuttefly I didn't know that existed.
Also "cannot open" - explain
I click on a source file and an error pops up about some setting missing. And the file doesn't open.
Oh. You are damned. You used a tab
Anyway, am I reading that right that I could compile an .apk in GCC or CLANG and debug it in VS2015?
Really looking forward to trying some android dev in VS2015. Especially if I can figure out a way to use the stdlib
@buttifulbuttefly I guess this is the "get VS2015" update?
1 hour later…
Bah. I don't see all this problem with it.
Yeah, if she was a guy she/he would be in jail. But really, who cares.
She accidentally showed her vagina. Are they all like 12 years old?
/cc @rightfold
While you are at it, rightfold, what is this repository about?
Github is worse than Facebook
Commit message should be "Initial and last commit ever"
1 hour later…
Why am I alone today
Maybe ppl forgot about you while you were on holidays?
@buttifulbuttefly meuh
Nombre d'éleveurs en grève pour 100 habitants
Tiens, 0 vache en Île-de-France, surprise teintée de stupéfaction
ils essaient même pas
Quelle bande de citadins
> Le scénariste belge de bande dessinnée Jean Van Hamme, 76 ans, père de XIII, Thorgal et Largo Winch, a décidé d’arrêter d’écrire les aventures du milliardaire [Largo Winch], qu’il avait créé avec Philippe Francq.
76 ans putain :o
Par le plus fortuit des hasards, n'eussiez-vous point le même schéma en données absolues, et non rapportées à la population de chaque département de notre bôpéi ?
Jean-Claude Van Hamme ce nom me dit quelque chose
@buttifulbuttefly Étrangément non
tiens je sais pas écrire
M'en voilà tout contrit
c’est 'étrangement'
say pagrave on et en 2015 mdrrr le becherelle ser pa ce vieus truc de vieus qui va nous aprendre coment ecrire mdr
tu vois tu fais comme ça
important : saupoudrer sa phrase de mdr avec une quantité variable de r (néanmoins non-nulle)
Okay mais je l’ai écrit comme je le prononce et ça c’est plus dur à déguiser
Un peu comme un obèse en burqa !
c'est peut-être une orthographe désuette
une recherche gargle rapide confirme cette intuition
mais ça remonte au 18e sièce donc va falloir se calmer Luc
Avec un peu de bol ça sera un truc des réformes de 1990
ah merde non alors
je trouve pas de source fiable donc bon
toujours est-il que y'a plein de libres sur google books datant du 18e avec cette ortho là
c’est pas grave t’as vu du Molière ? ils savaient pas écrire à l’époque je dirai que c’est tout de leur faute
@buttifulbuttefly j’ai trouvé ça
comme on peut le voir les mileux professionels de l’agriculture souffrent d’une forte discrimination envers les personnes Lego
En plus c'est une analyse faite par Jean-Benoît Bouron, ça risque pas d'être très tranchant /cc @Mr.kbok
Hello Mysticial
@buttifulbuttefly pas compris
connais pas
eeeuuuh okay
toujours appelé ça des couteaux à beurre lol
@buttifulbuttefly pls forgive
inb4 kbok "c'est nul"
oui et alors
jveux dire des ciseaux à bout rond à la limite j’aurais ptet capté…
Un couteau de table est un couvert de table permettant aux convives d'apprêter une dernière fois, en les tranchant à leur convenance, certains mets ou certains de leurs ingrédients. == Histoire == Dès l'époque paléolithique, l'homme utilise un couteau de pierre porté continuellement à la ceinture pour dépecer ses proies. Par la suite, les personnages de haut rang (nobles, prêtres) utilisent des couteaux différents pour la guerre, les sacrifices, la chasse ou la table. Durant le Moyen Âge, le couteau avait la pointe aiguisée, à l'instar des couteaux à viande actuels : il s'agissait le plus souvent...
AJA le vrai nom du couteau à beurre
enfin je veux dire que je beurre avec ça, j’ai rarement eu de vrai couteau à beurre
AJA que c'est une invention de Richelieu
> Comme tout couvert, l'usage du couteau de table est traditionnellement marqué par les mœurs du milieu et de la culture que partagent les convives : il ne doit être utilisé que dans les cas prévus et d'une des façons admises comme bonnes.
ça ne rigole pas
@buttifulbuttefly La carte a utilisé ces données.
J'aime cette précision. On sait exactement le nombre de vaches qu'il y a dans chaque département. Incroyable.
merci les subventions
Voilà ce qui se passe quand on vote à gauche ! Merci Obama.
"std::allocator Is to Allocation what std::vector Is to Vexation" Andrei Alexandrescu
^ lol, title for his upcoming cppcon talk
It's dinner time for your pet fox! His meal consists of N crackers, with the i-th cracker having a temperature of Ti degrees Celsius. He also has a large dish of water, which has a temperature of W degrees Celsius.

After taking an initial sip of water, your fox begins his meal. Every time he eats a cracker, its tastiness is equal to the absolute difference between its temperature, and the temperature of the last thing he ate or drank (be it the previous cracker he ate, or a sip of water, whichever he consumed most recently). He can drink some water whenever he wants, and can eat the cracke
^^^ Who can solve this problem ? :)
^^ @sehe take a look at it
not too hard, is it?
but incomplete. What's the tastiness of the first cracker if he does not drink before?
@buttifulbuttefly clocking in
@LucDanton dat 4chan french
@ArneMertz stop the starbait
@nabijaczleweli I lost count
holy mother of flags
what the..
morning flagboys
@buttifulbuttefly 5 hours
@buttifulbuttefly the what?
@sehe ? it’s fine dude
@Jefffrey sounds legit.
What a contrived story. The fact that there was a son in the office (wut) has nothing to do with things, really. And the whole rest of story was too much of a "feel good" success
@LucDanton lel.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I like that definition :P
@sehe whatever :|
my cat is bad at physics: it keeps falling down when jumping from the balcony
I wonder how many it has left
less than before
there, question answered, next
*Comes in to rage about a unwarranted flag*
omg sehe flagged it! Don't hurt me!
Looks like it was flagged 8 times, wut
Did you mean: cerberus?
Says the person that didn't capitalize his name
First, it's her, and second I do what I want
@buttifulbuttefly I do what I want
@LucDanton Good morning. Did I say something wrong?
Also, excuse me for not being a psychic and realizing you're not a guy
@MarcoA. You've not been banned, right? (Did I miss something)
@Cerbrus Typical patriarcal, sexist attitude
@sehe It’s perfectly normal French.
You're not seriously upset I assumed you're a guy, in this field of work, are you?
"ptet"? I assumed that was "ptet" for "maybe"
@Cerbrus ...
@sehe righto

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