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I cant remember, but when I do git push a window comes up with an email and I have to enter a password
So you don't use keys
You use usual HTTPS encryption
It is a keyring application
I thought it was to unlock the key :P
I guess I'm dumb
The key unlock only requires passphrase
To unlock your key
Right, I thought that was what it was doing vOv
I just checked
it isn't an email
only passphrase, not email+passphrase
it's a hostname
and it's just a passphrase
no no
...wait what
It's good to be aware what you're doing
> An application wants access to the private key "elliot@pc-linux", but it is locked
weird stuff
It's not weird, the default comment on generated SSH keys is username@hostname
String in that format is not automatically an email address :v
oh, that
So that is my git ssh key
I also have a gpg key which has two subkeys
yay, I proved my GitHub and Reddit
floating point sucks
you're not the first one
hey, the upvote/downvote arrows don't float anymore
what gives
what is the remainder of 57.0 and 1
damn you autocad
maker of 40 second imprecision lines.
@Mikhail yes
You're probably doing something wrong hth
You're probably doing it wrong
(rem num 1), where num = 57.0 ======> 1
No, I know what's wrong already
I need to deal with precision errors when parsing strings
As we all know, floating point arithmetic and strings don't exactly mix when you want 12 decimal place precision
Okay can get your opinion on this. When you fork, memory will be duplicated following the copy-on-write mechanism in Linux. So, memory is only duplicated when you try to write to it. In python, when you fork a process memory is always duplicated because fuck you. This is sad because I have a 56 gigabyte cache object. Should I file a bug to CPython?
are you seriously using fork in Python
@Mikhail "a process memory is always duplicated because"
wait wait wait
so if you're using 200mB and you fork you get 400mB
I just read it, but couldn't refind the topic....
@VermillionAzure yeah. its worse, I have no intention of touching that data. stackoverflow.com/questions/30963650/…
It's hard to not modify stuff if you're not the host but the guest
@Mikhail screw this already
Just go to boost.python or something
Anybody knows how to convert a -180... 180 angle domain to 0...360 normalized angles?
add 180?
... think about ?
@paul23 add 360 if negative
therefore, -45 ==> 360 + (-45)
or use a modulo
@Mikhail no
fuck what kind of question is this
hmmm, that sounds more correct
floating point modulo and angles do not mix
I would go modulo
I'm writing code for this right now
It needs 12 point precision
@VermillionAzure huh?
except I don't know what is a -180...180 angle
@paul23 Here's the deal
-180 is 180 clockwise
floating point modulo keeps the accuracy of its parameters does it not?
I am parsing a string in the form (DDD.MMSS)
@paul23 no.
uh crap, you sure about that?
The string uses our version of atof to turn it into a float
Suddenly, I have an angle, 205.57
Why is no standard arithmatic logical in cpus
This should be just 205 degrees, 57 seconds
@paul23 What are you even talking about
@Mikhail multiprocessing is not a fork hth
But let me continue
Well division does keep it's accuracy as long as you don't go subnormal
@Ell or CCW
205 deg, 57 min ===> NOT RIGHT
of course not
there are 60 minutes in a degree
@milleniumbug ...
The original angle is 205 deg, 57 degrees
when it's being drawn, it turns out to 205 deg, 57 min, 40 seconds
Why is this? The error was in the string parsing function.
Use decimal arithmetic or something
(defun _parse_dms (buffer / num degrees minutes seconds)
  (setq num         buffer
        degrees     (- num (rem num 1))
        num         (* 100 (rem num 1))
        minutes     (- num (rem num 1))
        num         (* 100 (rem num 1))
        seconds     num
  (append (list degrees) (list minutes) (list seconds))
Pretty standard.
Guess what guys?
When the input is 205.57 parsed from a string, it turns out we get 40 for seconds
@Mikhail If you want to share data you use docs.python.org/2.7/library/…
Why? Because num when num supposedly equals 57.0 % 1 is actually 1.
Every child gets a fresh interpreter so all top-level code gets executed from scratch
fork COW is not a language feature
It's not a bug
Why? Because the floating point is not 57.0, it's 56.999999999987.
All I'm seeing is "ew" who doesn't use radians for internal sotare lol.
@Jefffrey only through happenstance
I'm sleeping anyway
@paul23 Oh no, we do use radians
Night all
2 mins ago, by milleniumbug
Use decimal arithmetic or something
I'm sure lisp has one
@VermillionAzure Then why calculate the minutes/seconds lol?
@milleniumbug Which is what I have to do.
I've nver seen that being done in real life - ever
@paul23 Because it's the input format.
And it's the drawing input format.
Ironically the functions take in radians
Or don't change it into float until the last moment
@milleniumbug Unfortunately, their atoi rounds.
People do use that? It would confuse me totally, I'm used to using degrees & radians. But 201.57 means to me a bit halfway 201 and 202.
@paul23 The format is (DDD.MMSS)
@VermillionAzure What atoi
@milleniumbug In my version of Lisp
(atoi 56.9) ==> 57
modulo is broken for floating point.
I'm stuck with splicing strings.
That's not your input string isn't it
@milleniumbug It is.
@VermillionAzure Anyways, this is a fairly constant error - so long as you don't use tresholds & keep the internal values as a simple radian/degrees variable it shouldn't be a problem
Input ==> 205.57
oh and just round it for customer display
Split it on .
@CatPlusPlus Whatever you say, its not nice and we would live in a better world if this behaved differently. The solution is to wrap your object in a weird data type with arbitrary limitations (like 4 gigabyte sizes, and calls to Pickle), when I do this I start getting even weirder errors. I don't want to live in a world like that.
@paul23 Unfortunately, I work for a land surveying company
@VermillionAzure So?
treat left part as an integer, and the second one as an integer
I need 12 points of precision when they use the angles for miles.
@milleniumbug Yeah, I know
Put them back together
and go on
@VermillionAzure 12 digits or bits?
Don't count on representations of stuff
@paul23 digits
@milleniumbug Well, yes.
@VermillionAzure Well then export(!) normally in a single value lol. And tell the laws to shut up.
@Borgleader 17min honking, hahaha
@paul23 what is this export
@VermillionAzure You need 12 digits, so don't go round to minutes & seconds.
@paul23 We don't round.
@Mikhail Allocate it after children start, you need shmem or a proxy to use it anyway
@VermillionAzure Then where is the problem? 56.999999999987 is the amount of digits you get?
P sure it's interpreter reset
Btw 12 digits is overkill however you put it.
@paul23 The problem is that when you parse this, you get an imprecise number for the seconds.
Because the remainder malfunctions because of this
It says 57.0 % 1 is 1.
Whether you get COW or not doesn't really matter because if you just naively share it it'd be copied anyway
But of course, 56.99999999999987 % 1 => 0.9999999999987 ==> 1
@VermillionAzure Why would you process is EVER? - except when printing it to paper (and no one is going to notice 12 digits when printed)? The other way round doesn't use this modulo.
@CatPlusPlus Actually I don't share it at all. I never touch it from those threads. Basically I have a 2 task parallel system, one task reads+computes+caches and the other processes. The cache is never used by the processing thread, and I can't even access it from that thread, but the large cache is still copied :-(
Then don't allocate it before the process forks
@paul23 Because I need to take input, and then manipulate it using the in-built functions which take radians, and then output it back to degrees in order to draw lines because the drawing input takes DMS.
I'm stuck in a 10-year old program with a 10-year old version of Lisp.
I'm studying for aerospace engineering (woot deep horizons almost arriving, exciting times). Truncation errors are always a big issue there, but I don't ever saw 12 digits of accuracy at all.
@paul23 I'm in land surveying; they need quite a lot of precision if you're getting a control from miles away or doing far-distance calculations
It is also utterly silly actually. The meter is only well defined up to 9 digits of accuracy, so anything beyond that is useless anyways.
@paul23 12 wasn't a hard threshold--they need it more around 9 or 10 but 12 is pretty revealing
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, so I do a few passes on my data, each time follows a similar scheme. So the first time maybe, but the following time it will just duplicate the data... maybe just dump all the logic into only 2 functions. Feels really dirty.
@VermillionAzure Well the importance (what I've learned) is to never use more nor less accuracy than you already have. So you define well how the accuracy scales (It is squared with meters, or are you talking about lengths) and then you decide the width of your word size on the hardware you need.
@paul23 We're using AutoCAD to draw, but we need to draw from deed descriptions. Having the lot drawn incorrectly by an automation program compared to the hand-drawn thing is not good.
@VermillionAzure Hand drawing you will at max keep 4-5 digits of accuracy lol. I still see no reason why rounding can't be done.
@paul23 Area calculations can be off.
urgh monday
Having an error of 40 seconds with a 500 ft line is 0.09 ft off.
That's an inch
@VermillionAzure But your charts are off more.
The maps you draw the line on.
@paul23 We use AutoCAD
They are now much more precise.
Yes but you end up using satellite data to anchor it to reality right?
@paul23 No. Satellites are surprisingly imprecise for property boundaries.
More precise than aircraft lol.
All of our data is taken using lasers on tripods with leveling tools.
I don't think this question deserved all that hate.
The tolerance is 1/100th of an inch I think.
This is for property boundaries, now.
@Jefffrey What answer I only see a kweshun
It's a snack overflow question
@VermillionAzure I'm highly doubtfull you do that, as there are many things that can actually change that measurement by like 1/100th of an inch each day or so.
Of course it deserved all hate
FOr example if you measure overnight or during daytime you will notice different lengths thanks to sun heating up the ground.
@paul23 This is why they do boundary studies.
That's in the order of 1/1e6th of the total length.
They reevaluate when the land shifts and they research history and they try to recreate the original measurements.
> Programist Volodya
what a username
@VermillionAzure But then you're not even talking about inaccuracy thanks to earth rotation. (Not a fixed frame of reference) Relativistic effects take over at the 10th-11th digit.
@paul23 So, why did you suggest GPS?
@Xeo Hoooooooo you're almost done :D :D :D
@VermillionAzure Cause it gives an overview - so you can actually verify it to a frame of reference.
@Borgleader Final honk, hopefully
@paul23 No.... People do not use GPS or GLONASS because it's too imprecise.
all 3 lanes alive
@VermillionAzure Lol wut?
They use ellipsoid models with CORE stations to account for the Earth and rotation
Newest GPS signal is (only available to US government though) precise to sub mm. And I still don't see why you need more.
@VermillionAzure Uh now you're talking bullshit sorry
@paul23 Okay, he's here right now
The only thing that annoys me is I seem to have gotten the badge for it but not the xp that is indicated on the badge
Quote: "You need to stand for 5 hours at a time and do static GPS-ing, and you have to stand there for today, tomorrow, and next week. You need to make it precise."
@Borgleader You only get the 200xp once
at level what, 2k or so?
"And they're all off by several millimeters; you get tens of thousands of points and you have to average and then you get it."
@paul23 Well the signals is/are different, it lets you do atmospheric correction. Alternatively you can average 2 GPS receivers for more precision (I did this in undergrad).
@Xeo Ohhh :(
@Mikhail Indeed - actually a first order approximation is now available to the public
Do you think they stand a total of 15 hours for every single survey they do? No; the office work must certainly be more precise than the field so that we can have good precision on the field points.
The newly launched sattelites (Since 2009) provide this unscrambled, only the higher order accuracy is not there.
@VermillionAzure I really don't get the reasoning but ok, whatever suits you. Just realise that the accuracy you try to achieve on the computer won't be achieved anyways; because of physical constraints.
@paul23 No, it's just the calculations; the office calculations cannot be off by 40 seconds because my floating point to the 12th decimal place has imprecision problems.
Btw back to the very start: 56.9 % 1.0 = .9 right?
@paul23 No, it tells me that 57.0 is actually 57.0, but it's actually 56.9 whatever. And that's the frustrating part.
So the program obfuscates the fact that it's not actually 57.0; I have to cast to a string to see the imprecision in their system
And that's what pisses me off.
So 56.999999997 % 1 = .999999997. So if you would then multiply that 60 you would get 59.9999982 seconds?
I don't see how modulo increases the error there to be frank
@paul23 No that's not the problem.
The error turns out to (205.0 56.0 100.0) for DMS
The 1 turns into 100.
The 56 goes to minutes
@Xeo So close, so very close
@VermillionAzure Then I'm still missing it. If the INPUT to your program is already inaccurate how do you ever hope to fix it? Error can only GROW, it can never reduce by processing a single datapoint.
@Borgleader This should be it
30sec left
@paul23 But it's not inaccurate.
The problem is the the parsing; from 205 degrees and 57 minutes, I get to 205d56'100"
100 seconds?
@paul23 yes.
How is -even 1.0- turned into 100 seconds? Shouldn't that be 60 seconds?
@paul23 No, because the function I wrote which uses modulo is broken.
Intense honking there
Time for sleeps
I've got ~5h of sleep left :D
Anyways I"m annoyed why my newton method won't converge
Maybe it doesn't identify as converging
@Xeo nn
@paul23 All second order methods require a trust parameter which is hard to determine. Second order methods don't actually work when you exceed above 2k unknowns without a-priory knowledge. You can pull about 1 million using conjugate gradient and then a few more using multigrid.
@buttifulbuttefly ... It should
@Borgleader ??
@Mikhail Uh this is a simple (reduce all problem to that) newton method to approximate 0 = x - sin(x) - y for a given y.
The problem lays with giving a good initial value.
yeah because obviously that isn't well defined
also 0=-y for small values of x
I tried doing the taylor exapansion. But it really seems fsin is soo off to me.
I have no idea why the accuracy of fsin drops so heavily around pi.
Our company is planning to purchase Visual Studio 2013 Professional edition. Is it that, if we purchase one product, the license is distributed in each member of the team or do we need to purchase the product per user?
(Doing this in x86 assembler atm btw)
@mr5 There are bulk contracts and per-head contracts IIRC
@buttifulbuttefly what does that mean?
Finally pluto shows his true colour! (courtesy of nasa)
user image
Just 2 more weeks
@mr5 Well I don't know the exact details, but your company can either purchase licenses individually (for a precise number of users, I guess) or purchase a "volume license" (eg, 500 licenses) and assign those to users.
@buttifulbuttefly Does that mean, each license will cost equivalent to the product price?
@mr5 It depends on the type and size of your business (and the number of licenses) I think. It's flexible.
@MarkGarcia I have been looking in this site: microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/en_US/pdp/… and I'm worrying if each license will cost this much.
@mr5 steal a copy with BizSpark
wait 500 bucks is cheap
@mr5 Generally it costs lower per license.
We are just a team of less than 10 members
Not really sure if we'll benefit from the paid version.
Might as well, we could just download the Express edition.
@Mikhail Yeah. It's the other option :)
Express is deprecated, use the community one
@Mikhail You are too rich then if 500 bucks is cheap for you.
500 bucks is less then all the other software we use, for example Adobe is 700 per user. Amira is like 3k. PowerFlow is like 500 per MPI (so like 16 per node)
@buttifulbuttefly Any downsides of the community edition? I just heard it's like the paid version and the difference between them is just it's unpaid? Is that right?
@Mikhail o.O But thinking as individual, it's too expensive. I will never buy those.
@mr5 There seems to be a catch when you use it in commercial organizations.
@mr5 Adobe doesn't have that anymore. They're doing subscription now.
@MarkGarcia Like, you need to pay for the license before releasing the product?
Also no cross-build tools
@mr5 CE is available for organizations with up to 5 users
^ that
@buttifulbuttefly Very useful information. Thanks! I will note that one.
@MarkGarcia What do you mean by "there seems to be a catch"?
3 mins ago, by buttiful buttefly
@mr5 CE is available for organizations with up to 5 users
Ah, get it.

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