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"author here"?
does he mean he authored that particular API? o.O
I thought he meant the answer
Of the article
ah oh
oh right indeed
Is polish bacon back bacon?
Ashley Smith is yuumei.
there's his name there
I am tempted to buy a dozen of red wine, but I am afraid that if I do, I will become an alcoholic
and there we go again
because I tend to over drink when given too many bottles of wines
try harder
@chmod711telkitty drinkoverflow
Are bitfield layouts mandated or implementation defined?
g++ and msvc are laying out stuff differently
@BartekBanachewicz incorrect
Urghhhh implementation defined
@buttifulbuttefly "Allocation of bit-fields within a class object is
implementation-defined. Alignment of bit-fields is implementation-defined."
eh i want to play instead of working now
me too
esp. because I'm leaving so soon
this is a huge motivation killer
I wanna cooode
@Ell factoryoreo
like hmpfh they apparently already think I am unfit here
@Veritas thanks >.<
no probz
@BartekBanachewicz who? your new job?
i am still at my old job dude
40 days left
Then what do you mean by "already"
@buttifulbuttefly well like, they made the decision to let me go
phrased it badly perhaps
on one hand I'd like to prove them wrong
on the other, I am pretty convinced I wouldn't be able to because I believe I've been doing my job fine so far and it's their bad opinion
@buttifulbuttefly lol
This codebase is shitty as fuck by my standards anyway. I only cared because I felt I could improve it over a longer period
but since that longer period will never happen, the biggest motivation for me is gone
If I were to ask you to invert a binary tree, what would your reaction be?
oh ffs binary trees questions again
I'm not interested in the answer. Only in the reaction.
It cannot be done Mr Segundas; that is not respected English magic.
I wonder if a dark souls-like-gameplay mmorpg would be possible with today's technologies.
without doing a ton of compromises
I didn't even knew what the definition of "inversion of a binary tree" is.
@Jefffrey that'd be the question really
Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can’t invert a binary tree on a whiteboard so fuck off.
And this is the context
@Jefffrey import binary_tree; binary_tree.invert(tree)
@PhilPlckthun it wasn't a joke, I was rejected this morning. But it was a flippant tweet.
oh well
fuck Google anyway
they are hardly a development company
They probably already indexed that "fuck".
@Jefffrey how the fuck do you invert binary tree anyway
they still write tons of shitty java code
like this?
@Jefffrey Good, then they'll stop spamming him with recruitment emails.
@milleniumbug I still have no idea
@BartekBanachewicz how do you know that?
it's p much public knowledge that google uses shitty dumbed-down languages
cue style guide
It probably means you loop through the tree and swap L and R everywhere.
Dunno look it up.
@milleniumbug I think the idea is to invert the arrows.
@BartekBanachewicz Yet they seem to be very successful with them.
But it's not a tree what comes out of that operation. Obviously.
> All that is required is to change the direction of the pointers.
If suppose node A has B and C as its left and right node, change the pointers in such a way that C's left node and B's right node points to A.
"Inversion" sounds like the name of an operation that should return something in the same domain as the input is in.
@Jefffrey try inverting an integer
Like finding the inverse of a matrix.
@BartekBanachewicz I guess you are right.
Oh well.
@BartekBanachewicz Still same domain.
Integers are to floats as binary trees are to graphs.
Something being an integer doesn't mean it isn't something else as well.
I guess.
@rightfold irrelevant.
@Jefffrey the word you're looking for is "subset" (and it's rationals or reals perhaps, not floats)
TIL your mother opposes gay marriage: pbs.twimg.com/media/CHNu4ggUYAE7MRu.jpg
troll accounts ftw
newblet avatar
In computer science there are integer types and floating point types. For example, 5 is an integer, while the result of the operation 1 / 5 on most implementations (excluding those where / is only integer division) is a floating point number. Sometimes the result is something like std::ratio though. And those are the implementations that are really great.
I suppose inverting a binary tree means mirroring it.
I.e. the left nodes become right nodes and vice-versa.
7 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
> All that is required is to change the direction of the pointers.
If suppose node A has B and C as its left and right node, change the pointers in such a way that C's left node and B's right node points to A.
Isn't that easy?
@Jefffrey there are also fixed point types.
Where is that from?
inb4 hidden requirement: balanced tree.
@R.MartinhoFernandes not reliable enough to cite.
just a random opinion
@Jefffrey hahahaha languages where / is defined on integers returning integers.
Yeah, you just recurse all the way down, and do the changes while coming back up. I think.
@rightfold Int -> Int -> Maybe Int?
Int -> Int -> Rat master race.
(/) :: Int -> Int -> RWS Int Int Int ()
@rightfold lol
@rightfold absolutely. All lesbians will be cured for life
@BartekBanachewicz 1/X?
@BartekBanachewicz yeah. What do they know about software and shipping anyways
@MeltingIce they said they would revisit me next year. Like I'm a theme park.
@Mr.kbok that's reciprocating
@sehe they don't care about code, which is enough for me to not want to work there
@Jefffrey haha
@sehe That's the name for the multiplicative inverse.
@BartekBanachewicz What do you mean already?
-X would be a valid answer as well. (It's the symmetrical, aka the additive inverse)
mxcl so butthurt
So inverting is only defined in terms of an operation right
@Mr.kbok that they've seen enough
@mxcl if I were you, I would have flipped the whiteboard upside down and said, "here, I inverted this one for you".
Look who else joined in
If inversion is defined in terms of X op inv(X) = Id where X op Id = X
Then what does it mean for a tree?
@BartekBanachewicz honestly. Code is a means. "They" might not need to care about code. as long as you do
Hi, GObject has reference to containers: container = create_container (); is that the same as C++ containers: cplusplus.com/reference/stl ?
@Mr.kbok (Should account for commutativity, too, but yeah)
@Jefffrey Google interview questions are completely uncorrelated with programming or engineering skill
@Mr.kbok Can mean anything else. This is not the only meaning of inverse, not even if you stick to mathematics.
I keep confusing Robert C. Martin and Pat Condell.
They look alike in some way.
So I still have no idea what would inverting a tree means.
It was a trick question.
You have to be creative.
@Mr.kbok (a) that's a bit of a stretch (b) what do you propose
Such as asking "what does inverting a binary tree mean?"
@Mr.kbok In fact, -X would be a better answer, because it would still be in the domain of integers.
@Mr.kbok X^-1 = 1/X yup
That way you show curiosity and courage.
@sehe if the company doesn't understand or value good code it will typically mean my caring for it will conflict with their "pragmatism"
maybe swap left-right nodes?
for each node?
@sehe What I propose is what 1) companies that don't consider themselves super-elite, 2) basically all of the recruitement and sourcing professionals do
ie actually having a discussion with the candidate
@Mr.kbok Well, not completely uncorrelated. You know that philosophy that coding is only a small part of computer science?
@mxcl if I were you, I would have flipped the whiteboard upside down and said, "here, I inverted this one for you".
oh well
look who's there
@Mr.kbok There's no statement that that wasn't the case.
plottwist H2CO3 is Andrew Barber
@Jefffrey My philosophy is that computer science if only a tiny part of coding
5 mins ago, by sehe
@mxcl if I were you, I would have flipped the whiteboard upside down and said, "here, I inverted this one for you".
@Mr.kbok Eh
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've read a few articles on the Google interview process and the general idea is that it's much more like an exam than like a discussion
Do you like believe that as long as someone writes readable code, then he/she shouldn't know what time complexity of an algorithm means?
Given what he said later, I'm pretty sure it was just meant to swap left and right nodes.
Or what a graph is?
@Jefffrey You should not only write readable code.
And an implication that it was a search tree.
You should write maintainable and correct code as well.
I agree
bunch of stalkers
@Jefffrey Do you actually manipulate graphs at work? Did you ever? Honest question.
I never worked in this industry.
The web?
For over 99% of jobs you don't need to implement binary trees.
Or programming in general
@Jefffrey wut how did I miss that
@Mr.kbok But I would expect some particular fields, like AI, neural networks, search engines and stuff like that to revisit graphs on a monthly basis.
The web is a graph!
@rightfold That is all irrelevant if this is the 1% job.
@Jefffrey Sure, but did you consider how many people actually work on the search engine code at Google
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes.
@Mr.kbok No I did not. I have no idea what's the percentage of anything there really.
@Mr.kbok 1.
@BartekBanachewicz If you can't handle that, it typically means you should not be coding.
One person works on the search engine code at Google.
@Mr.kbok And did you consider that that is irrelevant if this is the one position that really needs a strong understanding of trees and graphs?
Probably a huge part is only server/web related stuff. Like maintaining google apps, user interface, database administration and server administration.
@Mr.kbok TBF the companies didn't start this. Reputation is a thing attributed
But I also think there's a fairly decent amount of people working as researcher in that field.
Gee. You might be on to something
@Jefffrey There's 60k employees at Google. Assuming 40k are programmers.
There's probably 20 people on the crawler team.
Still, these percentages are irrelevant, in my opinion.
I honest think this attitude of yours is stupid.
"Here's a problem. I want to see you solve it."
@sehe maybe I shouldn't be then
If you can't handle that, I can't feel sympathy for you failing the interview.
.@mxcl so true, I got dinged from Facebook because I couldn’t solve the 8 queens problem.
Like this.
maybe I should become a car mechanic instead
or a barista
Add a clause to your software's license saying that said company isn't allowed to use it.
I am pretty sure I'd enjoy my life more that way
I feel there's almost always more to it than simple failure to produce a solution
Then they can't update!
Then sue them.
OTOH a median car mechanic pay is less than a third of what I make right now
for whatever reason

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