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I have acquired food
so... Spotify... how do? 'I have to sign up first?
@rightfold Did you mean: An integer?
¬_¬ I hate this work proxy... I wonder if it would be easier to just learn Sweedish (Swiss?)
@AlexM. I'm making food right now
nom nom soup
@rightfold stop pandering to tutorials
@Xeo I got soup too
@MarcoA. I hate you
I wasted 4 hours last night and I had a 730am final
sour chicken soup
it looks like this
I got some alphabet soup :D
with eggs
@MarcoA. lol
@thecoshman Note Spotify is not free unless you want to be annoyed by stupid worthless ads every 30 seconds
I like alphabet pasta
@DonLarynx "730am" perhaps the most aggregating way to write the time
@CatPlusPlus audio adds?
@DonLarynx but you managed to become a big cell I hope!
No, newspaper ads
@Xeo happy 5th birthday!
what's the flaw with Pandora then?
@thecoshman Hey, it's tasty!
letter vermicelli :(
`static_cast<int>('7' + '3' + '0' + 'a' + 'm') = 360;`

This does not make sense, ignore it.
Like that. Except not tomato-based
@Xeo I can't mock, I brought myself some Star Wars themed chocolate cereal.. it's very tasty
@Xeo you monster!
@DonLarynx I meant agrevating ofc
> agrevating
@DonLarynx what region?
@thecoshman US West IIRC
dead already?
nope, going at it again. brb
¬_¬ Pandora is not available in Ireland. IOW Ireland is a third world country
@DonLarynx If you can exchange your static for a reinterpretand two stars, you might get it to... ehmm.... yeah....
oh wait, it's presuming I am Swiss
did someone just eat "JAVA_IS_BETTER" ?
om nom nom poached eggs
Is anyone here good at 3d modelling?
@Ell I modelled a 3D cube once.
Me too
however, I'm finding modelling a riverbed significantly harder :S
It took me many seconds to figure out that riverb is not a misspelled sound effect there
@thecoshman o.O
@sehe firstly, yes, I do know words. Secondly, follow the chain back a couple more steps. Thirdly, mind your fucking business!
And chill. Dudue
I found what rightfold does with his/her time
@DonLarynx like a Lounge C++ couple with a bunch of Lounge C++ babies?
> The Patriarchy
It's jalf probably
@chmod711telkitty LRiO, sehe at the left and right.
@DonLarynx Titler is really aggressive
wtf mouse u no working properly
Q: Determine length of bitstring

fredoverflowOptimize the following function for number of tokens: int length(int x) { switch (x) { case 1: return 1; case 3: return 2; case 7: return 3; case 15: return 4; case 31: return 5; case 63: return 6; case 127: return 7; case 255: return 8; case 511: retu...

OMG Why was this voted down I'm going to complain on meta and/or ragequit
oh, I was doing real well, then server dropped connection
find it's good, but risky, to split up all you can to move fast and grab 'food' then allow yourself to reform
can't play this game, mouse 2 sucky
use c++'s std::bitset::count. after inlining this compiles to a single __builtin_popcount call. — deft_code Sep 4 '10 at 18:18
holy smokes!
@fredoverflow because code gold sucks
@thecoshman Code gold? Does one get gold instead of rep?
Piet's last program!
looks like a future timeline QR code
I said, it looks like a future timeline QR code
@Jefffrey that
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The Future Is Here
@fredoverflow lol, typo of greatness :D
You may call it in this evening, but you've only lost the night.
joy of joys a co-worker shared a cold with me
@Mgetz Sounds better than sharing code
@Mgetz I don't even know if I believe everything you're trying to say to me
@Jefffrey wat
@R.MartinhoFernandes It even has tape!
@Mgetz This is never gonna go our way if i'm gonna have to guess what's on your mind.
@StackedCrooked Feature request: stlfilt
"When I can I'll" is so weird.
you don't fancy std::basic_string<ASDFSAASDF...>?
Q: I'm trying to nest boost's "map_list_of" in C++03, but apparently construction is ambiguous?

Lightness Races in OrbitConsider this: #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp> using boost::assign::map_list_of; const std::map<int, std::map<int, char> > test = map_list_of (100, map_list_of (1, 'a') (2, 'b') ) (101, map_list_of (1, ...

@LightnessRacesinOrbit what would you use this for?
all of our servers are busy right now
please try again in a minute :D
@Xeo Aaah, good, my daily dose of cancer
how come SO chat uploads images to imgur instead of directly displaying them
its so wasteful
@Prismatic very good reason
hotlinked images die all the time
> You can also often find me in the Lounge, where I bless the world with my constructive views on a number of topics.
So true
@Prismatic but stackoverflow has this special deal with imgur
@Prismatic you can directly display pics by pasting the link in the chat
@orlp for questions maybe
if imgur ever goes down, I wouldn't be surprised that SO can request a dump of all images hosted here
you're not forced to upload pics
oh wait
for SO chat
@deW1 What do you think?
I guess the same thought process applies
but not sure if I'd consider it worth it for chat
@LightnessRacesinOrbit top of my head no idea. that's why i ask^^
@MarcoA. "US West, US East, Europe, Asia" dafuq
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yeah, where is africa?!
@Prismatic Why is it "wasteful"? They've gotta be stored somewhere....
@orlp And why does a single country get two entries, but the rest of the world is lumped into two continents and that's it?
Arrogant wankers
@Xeo and eta-reduction :P
@LightnessRacesinOrbit vOv who cares, it fun... for some reason
Q: How to malloc struct and the struct inside it as array and memcpy it

DavidJrI'm trying to make the struct as array but gives me error when memcpy, I want to make Mesh struct as array and make the pTriangle in SMesh as array too. header struct STriangle { float v[3], vn[3], uv[2]; int Total; }; struct SMesh { STriangle* pTriangle; }; struct STexture { ...

@Mgetz Don't post horrible questions here please.
I now realise the oil needs water too :(
also ugh not being distracted is difficult
@Jefffrey excuse me, when did you become lord master of the channel?
Lord Commander Jefffrey of the Lounge's Watch
@LightnessRacesinOrbit is it an apple watch? we might have to send it in on warranty
@Mgetz lol
@Mgetz have you seen his profile picture?
he has the boot of kicking
@Mgetz You got me all wrong
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Time to step outside
Dark as night, let the lightning guide you
Ow, I fucked up
Damnit those sneaky copy and paste JS overridden bullshits
that agar crap is funny
I like it
@Ell looks like red alert or something
@Ell Please don't remind me of Factorio. Not when I have things to do :/
How the fuck do you double yourself
@Jefffrey double yourself;
Okay my oil refineries are fixed! Time to get back to real life work
how would a triple double even look like
template<typename T> struct triple {};
triple<double> yourself;
@Jefffrey space
Let's make a clan
Like Name<C++> where Name is your name
let's make a CS GO team
@Jefffrey what region?
and I think Lounge<Name> is better :D
I'm joining Europe
@MarcoA. awesome game
Also, GG avant-la-lettre
Jun 29 '12 at 3:34, by Etienne de Martel
Fun fact: the engine used for the Prince of Persia trilogy was named Jade. I'll let you guess why.
@AndyProwl problem is, there's more than one server per region :\
@thecoshman Ah :( That's why nobody was there
@thecoshman Europe
Ok, Lounge<Name> guys
ask @AlexM.
He knows all the right shops :/
Too long
@AndyProwl keep trying until you find someone else
@sehe lol
9gag currently leading the one I'm on
well it's true I know all about where to get food that makes you fat :A
@Jefffrey I randomly remembered today about the time when I went to this tiny pizza place, and they gave me a pizza with pre-applied ketchup
I wondered, what would've been like if it was you ordering it lol
Fuck Patate
@Rapptz It was actually OK
I am disappoint
@AlexM. wtf
@sehe lol I can see that happening
killed by Hitler
"Jefffrey's Pizza Reform"
fuck this game already
can I access a variable that is out of a lambda without capturing it?
If it's of any consolation, you're not the first one.
At least transitively
There, bought De Kleine Prins.
@gnzlbg Yeah sure. Just pass it
@R.MartinhoFernandes :D
@AndyProwl what game?
I reckoned you had it. We have the audio-book in Dutch. You could buy it off my daughter if you are near :)
I saw some hitlers
@AndyProwl lol
and URSSs
I use the nickname "ur mam" because I have no notion of things like psychical maturity
I've beat the game brahs. I've been like this for 30 mins
@AlexM. high five, I've used "your mum" before
@DonLarynx Lounge<name>
clang compiles the following:
int main() {
constexpr int a = 0;
auto l = []() { return a; };

return l();
@gnzlbg the constexpr implicitly has static lifetime; globals/namespace scope variables need not be captured
I see
I can see how language-lawyering could be in order, but I personally don't sweat it
i thought I had to write static before it for that
god I'm laughing so hard right now
user image
this thing tried to chase me
What the hell are you playing
Feminism is not a game
@sehe dude, starboard!
Dude! Jokes!
What's going on with the pirate these days. He's surprisingly short tempered even for a pirate
knock knock
who's there?
vOv it's getting to summer time, and so I go from being too cold, to too hot
@sehe home time for
wow. I remember you used to say that daily. In 2011
Hey, I'm there
Good. I'm off
@sehe I say it ever year :(
Laters. (@R.MartinhoFernandes plink me or PM on twitter for contact)
I orbited around the biggest guy for like 5 mins
so fun
Alex Races in Orbit
@Jefffrey loool
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I upvoted your question
because for once you didn't steal the answer from that guy's comment
you're on your way to become a human being with qualities like fairness and empathy
Fairness Races in Lightness Races in Orbit
.oO( Lightness Races in a Fair Orbit )
.oO( Lightness is fairly racing in Orbit )
That was fairly bad.
I'm sad, but I still see what you did there.
> Salaries for are dependent on experience and in the circa of £28K - £32K for the more experienced developer and £18K - £25K for the Junior position
I'm never going to get out of this job am I
is this low?
Senior developer (ok it doesn't say that) caps out at £32k? fuck that
I'm on more than that now and I want more
Equivalent job in the States would be more like £60k AIUI
not that I want to be a PHP developer
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That's not a lot.
in fact that junior starting salary is kinda pathetic too. I'd expect no lower than £21k for a newb fresh out of Uni
@LightnessRacesinOrbit maybe in the valley
but not in the rest of the country
Nottingham city centre, that one
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What kind of job is this and where?
PHP developer. In Nottingham city centre.
I've got no specific details; it's just recruiter spam found in my inbox
A starting programmer salary in Silicon Valley is like 100k USD.
Don't :(
I'll cry
The UK is in general very crap-paying for software
For everything, actually
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Then come to the US! :P:P:P
I'd rather sit on a cock
lol just kidding
Granted, you'll spend all your salary on rent. :)
I considered it a while back - I had an in through a customer
but in the end I was too busy with our fucked up project to even make it to a coffee meet he'd tried to set up with me
never really thought about it again
At this job I'm starting in Chicago, I'm looking at about $30k USD each year in rent.
it also involves living in US and eating US food
That's almost exactly 3x my mortgage payments.
@Nisk and the people! oh god the people
funny language, too
I don't want to have to learn a whole new language just to get by in daily life
@LightnessRacesinOrbit simplified english...can you handle it?
He doesn't speak English. He speaks British. :P
@Nisk I'm sorry there weren't enough letters in those words; I couldn't understand it. Please speak proper English.
@orlp They have their own instance, presumably bound by SLA
I have nothing against US people, my usual distaste for stupid people applies
Like this word "can"; is that, in some variant of English, the word "caunasdifuyhasdf"
@CatPlusPlus SLA?
Stupid Lethargic Americans
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I hate the way it's color and not colour, that kind of thing
@Nisk Yeah strange how they invented a new language and that was the change they went for.
Sgoogle Lnew Acronyms
Might as well have just carried on using English. shrug
@CatPlusPlus Weak even for you
@sehe lol, haven't started the job yet.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit well they also revolted against English taxes and European banks...then got stuck with something the same if not worse
Technically, I'm still unemployed. Which made applying for an apartment interesting.
@Mysticial I say that every day
Mutex members are a good example of something that could be mutable, yes?
I mean, per the opinion of you idiots

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