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@MomotapaLimpopo this got flagged, did you ninja edit?
What? No
TIL The word "Indian" is offensive
apparently =/
Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian
Don't be a twat. Comparing someone to "some Indian guy" in a derogative tone is offensive.
u racist
Your trolling has evolved from mildly amusing, to boring, to dull and moronic.
no offence
Are you trying to debase my comment with a lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?
And why are you pretending to be a "Ugandan"?
Pretending to be a Valyrian is far more believable.
Who says I'm pretending?
I am from Uganda
My mom is from Mali
Sure. Just like last month you were from Korea. And the month before that from somewhere else.
You must have like ten parents.
That's right, are you closed minded or what
I am anti-ten-parent-people, yes.
I will probably be from Greece in a month
At least then, thankfully, you won't be able to afford an internet connection.
Behold Giorgio Fagoupoulos
It's common practice to #include implementation like that
I don't think it's particularly nasty, although it is unusual.
lexically mixing standard includes with your own wtf
Not unusual at all
I'd like to be able to put the includes in the relevant files, though.
boost boost mine c mine mine c++ mine c++ mine c++
get a grip
I sort them alphabetically.
That's terrible
No, I have CDO.
mine a grouped but sorted alphabetically, standard then 3rd party then mine
std boost mine
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream> // more std stuff

#include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h>
#include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT.h> // moar llvm

#include "Parser.hpp"
Introducing the new library Boost.Mine. Because everything should be Yours™
my includes are <> not ""
I burn in you
mine boost 3rd-party std c-std
internally sorted by directory, mostly, then by relationship, then alphabetically (but it never gets that far)
I have no set order for includes.
Come at me.
It's a "first thought first include" basis
cocodamol has no such logic
(cocodamol is Cicada)
@Rapptz shouldn't includes be set in a logical order?
I don't give a shit
I include my stuff first though.
Hmmm nice
you must do once in a while
or you'll end up like Pippa
I guess that's my only order
OTOH Cacadi also sounds nice
with "crippling stomach pain" (alleged)
@Rapptz I mean IWYAN
me first, everyone else later
ok Cacadi isn't bad
@Rapptz I can imagine that being problematic when you work in a team
Nice dadjoke m8
I'll frame it for ya
or it would be if you all followed that pattern
dad joke?
@LightningRacisinObrit congrats btw
@MomotapaLimpopo thx
no wanker pinned my celebration but never mind
should I get chips or ice cream
I'm hungry for snacks
I could make my interpreter backtrack. :P
chip flavoured ice cream
Because tapes and operand stacks are copyable. :P
the chips would be either cheetos or fritos
In fact, the interpreter is copyable.
@Rapptz um those are not chips bub
yeah yeah you're british I get it
@Rapptz Ice cream
as in the language
@Rapptz Aren't you?
@Cinch Indeterminate.
@Rapptz Huh.
Well aloha
@MomotapaLimpopo a fett
that's bob
oh man is depressing tonight
@Cinch Aloha Akbar
Fun fact: I don't say bub in real life
@Rapptz fun fact: not fun
21 secs ago, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
inb4 > tonight
I had fun typing it
@LightningRacisinObrit crap~ u gat me
@Borgleader Is that a GTX 980
No wait I'm confusing models
that image is all over the net with varying colours of rims
Looks shopped
inb4 perspective is slightly different
perspective is slightly different
@MomotapaLimpopo lol so awful
i can tell from the pixies
doe rim doe
@Rapptz what is
that joke m8
gave me a form of ass cancer
i see no joke
@MomotapaLimpopo Looks like a GTX-1080 Ti to me.
@MomotapaLimpopo look in the mirror bub
4 mins ago, by Lightning Racis in Obrit
@MomotapaLimpopo http://chat.stackoverflow.com/search?q=bub&user=1381108&room=10
look in the mirror friend
You can't call me friend, bub.
@Rapptz watch your words there ripptz
Have you ever been to Koala Lumpur?
@LightningRacisinObrit I say buddy or pal instead depending on my tone of sarcasm.
@LightningRacisinObrit Yes.
inb4 Old Man Rapptz #supermeta
Home of the land and free of the brave.
did you calyptus there?
I calyptus everywhere.
inb3 Rapptz is wolverine today
inb2 just today?
inb5 hail lord zalthor
Eucalyptus oil can cure cancer.
inb1 baby cries
inb0 Multivac wrote his last line of code, and began to execute it
don't know what to do now really
Turn into a koala.
Want to solve my homework?
It's electrical circuits
you'll hate it
@chris it's been re-edited in a simple fashion that still reproduces the final product. — Episha 21 mins ago
OP delivered!
A: Asker can delete question as soon as an answer is received, which also deletes answer. Design/flaw?

George StockerNot a design flaw, but not considered 'good' behavior, either. Best way to counteract this is to vote on good answers you see, even they're on bad questions. I've gone ahead an undeleted and upvoted your answer; but if the community elects to downvote, close, and delete the question it's out of...

George Fucker strikes again
@Cinch When in doubt, x = 3.
@Nooble "In an electric circuit, the dual of resistance is"
aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I misread it
fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I think maybe it's bedtime
A: Where does the idea of replacing "Sir" with "Ser" in "A Song of Ice and Fire" come from?

Nate WellsSer is a commonly used polite form of address in Fantasy & Science Fiction. It is generally used when the polite form of address for the individual is unknown, particularly when the sex of the individual is unknown or the society is general neutral. I think however, the term is undergoing a mea...

@Cinch Three ohms.
@Nooble WRONG
@LightningRacisinObrit You lack caffeine.
ser i have a doubt can u hirself help me to get the concept clear ???
@Cinch I'm 110% sure I'm right.
@Cinch Siemens ;)
@chris Yup
@LightningRacisinObrit what did you interpret George's answer as?
Oh god
they're dubbing BBAM
That series was terrible
@Blob "Best way to counteract this is to upvote answers you see, even if they're bad answers"
which is quite the misread I admit
I don't quite get why he's got -10, now
how many sockpuppets do you have? =o
@sehe You may simply donate to the World Wildlife Fund.
@LightningRacisinObrit How many donations have you actually received?
@Nooble Only 3,450 or so
I'm hoping to do another drive soon
To bump it up
what do you use it for?
and how do you motivate people to donate? :|
@LightningRacisinObrit How the hell...?
@Nooble what can I say
@LightningRacisinObrit Puppy donated?!
@Nooble Puppy never donated anything but abject pain
Anybody watch anime here?
@LightningRacisinObrit i disobeyed the "don't vote to correct downvotes" thing you have on your profile
@LightningRacisinObrit Oh. Well, at least you'll never run out of that. Better start monetizing abject pain.
plis dun hurt me
@Nooble who says that's not already in my business model? ;)
huh mummy needs some more gold badges
Nice flagging, @MomotapaLimpopo
Doesn't matter; I'm going to bed anyway.
You all enjoy your little party.
rest well
in peace
no rage pls
only dreams
@MomotapaLimpopo How Can Dreams Exist If Jet Beams Can't Melt Steel Fuel?
Is that some Jaden Smith
Maybe so.
He has such a way with words.
> (note that you may run into PHP's memory limits if your app has a memory leak; you may need to recycle the sending process periodically, or even better, decouple the "creating e-mails" and "sending e-mails" altogether)
the advice isn't to "fix the memory leak", it's to "restart"
oh well, what do i expect of php
One of you needs to write a c++ lib/tk with reactive variables. Stuff that automatically updates is so dope
Rules must be read, or blood will be shed.
I have no idea how we managed to let them go out of starboard btw
mainly cause it's in the topic now
It would help to put "Read the rules" in it then
it's not very explicit as it is now
what do those rules say, anyways?
i bet it hasn't been touched in years
skimmed through. they're definitely "hints" and not "rules"
Rules of proper conduct if you prefer
> Do not link to not-work-safe materials without appropriate warning. You might get kicked despite the warning though, depending on the nature of the link.
who was that again? telkitty?
@Cinch Conductance, of course.
conductance is a great name for a reactive lib
ya know
fuck it
I'm going to test implementation details
it's complicated implementation details and it needs to be tested :v
lol i opened a file in ST for 2 seconds just to be able to use multiple cursors to align bitfields
ctrl + k and ctrl + alt + right arrow does align for me
might be a plugin
> world-class talent
> category-winning company
I (honestly) wonder why these terms come up near exclusively on English articles
I have never seen an ad recruiting a "programmeur de classe internationale"
Is it just buzzword or are they really looking for extremely talented people
My ankles want to kill me.
Why are you even awake
Because I'm still walking home.
You guys can unpin the pawnguy jam now :)
Not from mobile, sorry.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Where are you?
What did you guys do for Easter?
BBQ on the beach, you?
Nothing. But BBQ sounds fun.
GMed Paranoia, then pub quiz, then late night geocaching.
@Jefffrey Sit in the back of an airplane.
Poetry slam
Now early morning lounging.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have no idea what two of those are :/
@Jefffrey there are three =/
@Borgleader Even I can guess what a pub quiz is.
Totalled 75km of walking since Friday.
@Jefffrey you could be massively stupid :P
Paranoia is an RPG.
anyone know a thing where i can paste raw hex data an see it as int/short/float big/small endian?
This is going to be my excuse for when I fail at programming competitions :P
@Jefffrey do you have one about online judge crap? (and other programming challenge websites) i hate those questions on SO and I want ammo against them :P
"i wrote shit code for this online thing and it doesnt work plz debug kthx"
1 hour later…
@Jefffrey Wat
1 hour later…
@Rapptz After sleeping on it I found what was bugging me: I’m much more likely to name the top-level namespace after the lib/application/package-thing it’s supposed to be a part of than just the purpose or context of the entities in it.
yeah me too
I'd put it under gears::math but it feels wrong to take CC0 code and make it MIT
on the one hand it means I have a lot of annex stuff, but OTOH I don’t want clashes.
Mind linking to gears?
@Rapptz dunno man it’s CC0.
I don’t understand how this is related to namespace names, too?
cause it'd solve my namespace issue :)
Wouldn’t you have the issue regardless of the namespace?
oh the moral dilemma? Yeah
@LucDanton I have morals!
@Rapptz I think you’re confused.
am I
If it comes to it make a combined derived work keeping the base CC0 part CC0 then :|
sorry boss battle
@LucDanton The problem is really just an internal feeling. Not really something logical or really illegal.
FWIW I don't mind numeric::
@Rapptz The exact symptoms of confusion!

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