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Customer a = new Customer(12345, "Hans");
Customer b = a;

 |   id: 12345 |
 | name: Hans  |
    ^       ^
    |       |
  /*|*\   /*|*\
a |   |   |   | b
  \***/   \***/
Now behold the glory of my ASCII art and stop asking the same question over and over again ;)
@BartekBanachewicz That is definitely the best one. The more monads you can stack the better.
Don't limit yourself.
Note how the object itself has no name. Only variables have names in Java.
An easy way to tell between dynamic and static binding is the syntax of the method. I.e., type method (object parameter) would mean dynamic binding and static type method () would mean static binding. True or true?
@Jefffrey you are of course aware that all three are equivalent and trivially convertible between each other, and there's no stacking going on there?
@JerryCoffin 9th edition? Good god, he has been at it for quite some time, and I never realized it!
it's just a matter of the default interface
@FredOverflow neat drawing
Are you saying that Reader userState [DrawRequest] and RWS userState DrawRequest () are "basically the same"?
@Jefffrey there's a subtle difference in that I can use any Monoid to store the DrawRequests, not just a list, in the second idea
But is IO embedded too?
drawFnReader :: Reader a [DrawRequest]
drawFnReader = ask >>= \x -> return $ drawFn x

drawFn :: a -> [DrawRequest]
drawFn x = runReader drawFnReader x
inb4 "I don't know what embed IO means"
@Jefffrey no, where did I say anything about IO?
You usually have everything in IO
Just checking
@Jefffrey and usually I don't expose that IO
main is IO - your code is in IO
well, cool?
Is there some part of the library that is not built to be used in some do monadic notation?
do can be used for any monad, not just IO.
@Jefffrey some of the functions are non-monadic
inb4 "Lists are monad, so you are always using monads"
19 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
fn a = x a ++ y a ++ z a you have to pass the freaking a every time
that's the problem I see right now
no. The list monad is a list monad
Lists are a data structure
that's why I wanted to change to Reader, but... as shown above, they are trivially interchangeable
Why am I here?
Changing to monoidal writer for the output would be useful too probably
@Jefffrey um, uh
that's not a very nice way to leave a conversation
@Jefffrey God help us, Jefffrey has become self-aware!
if only there was a way to accept both a -> b and any monadic variation without a hassle
to sort of abstract away the actual implementation context
@sehe Why is its so blurry? Did someone zoom in on a screenshot?
Silly fuck posted a screenshot :) I didn't notice
I mean, what if I can show isomorphism between those
My eyes aren't so good these days
can I use Iso somehow to take any of them?
@BartekBanachewicz Then you'd be good at maths and not struggling with polar bear sprites
@sehe I mean show as in provide the isomorphism equation in the language
like I did above
Isomorphism (a -> b) (b -> a)
where of course a ~ x -> y and b ~ Reader x y
and then I could, technically, I think, possibly, write the signature so that it would accept anything that's isomorphic to a -> b
@R.MartinhoFernandes reminds me of this book I read in summer
Sep 20 '14 at 22:38, by sehe
My Uncle Oswald is an adult novel written by Roald Dahl. The novel stars Uncle Oswald, a character who previously appeared in "The Visitor" and "Bitch", two short stories also written by Roald Dahl (and which can be both found in the book Switch Bitch). In his 1980 review, Vance Bourjaily said: What can be said is that "My Uncle Oswald" provides four or five hours of effortless reading and some amusing scenes, mostly of the kind film makers have taught us to call soft porn—so soft, indeed, that at times they turn out almost fluffy. The tone is that of a gentleman telling ribald anecdotes to his...
@BartekBanachewicz would you not like to know whether it makes sense first?
Roald Dahl wrote stuff like that??
@sehe making the interface as generic, you mean?
But.. my childhood
Hey, everyone, quick random question.
@Blob I was shocked :) I had brought the ebook to maybe read with my kids. I thought (much) better of it :)
I know in KeePass you can do an auto-type using Ctrl + V and having it invoke the Auto-Type that's default or that you specify for the entry.
But I sure enjoyed it
Is there a way to have different shortcuts in KeePass that perform different default autotypes?
@ThePhD Not in my keepass (which is KeepassX)
shit Control.Category is in base
but Isomorphic isn't
Because I'm fundamentally between {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD} and just a {PASSWORD} variant, and it'd be nice to have a specific shortcut for either type rather than having to just pick one or the other for each entry.
I mean why wouldn't you put the relation of isomorphism into a language standard library?
You know, it's all about that base, 'bout that base...
No treble!
Maybe I should message the KeePass people and ask them for that kind of feature.... wonder if they would listen.
@sehe I'm using KeePass 2.xx
@ThePhD Sure. It's open source though!
@BartekBanachewicz foldwhatever (++) ([x, y, z] `zip` (repeat a))
@ThePhD I think they might
@райтфолд so readable
@sehe It's from Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance). A great movie.
x a ++ y a ++ z a is perfectly fine.
@райтфолд well the very point is to make it cleaner and simpler
@райтфолд do { x; y; z; } also is
It's as clean and simple and readable as it can be.
let's try writing that isomorphic thing
@FredOverflow I decided to make the loops return lists anyway.
Since you have to specify return types, so returning a list from a function with return type Unit would be a type error.
@BartekBanachewicz you sound like the ThePhD of Haskell now
@sehe I have a real-life usability issue that I want to solve. This might be a way of doing that cleanly and in a reusable way. Besides, no one was able to provide any arguments or reasoning contra it (that I'd have to ignore). So, no, not really.
@FredOverflow shallow copy is the same as deep copy if there are no fields.
And primitives in Java happen to have no fields.
@Ell it's better to call it a pointer since that's what it really is.
@райтфолд I didn't wanna confuse the fella any more, but I agree
What simple language feature is essential?
As an optimisation I can detect simple infinite loops like while true { (* no breaks or gotos *) } and optimise them to not create a list when in tail position.
@Blob What do you mean?
not the "need" essential, but the "want" essential
what do you wish any language had?
imperative language*
@Blob Numbers.
i have them. yay
@ThePhD I don't think so. But I don't use auto type so I don't know.
And means of abstraction.
mine looks like assembly; abstraction doesn't make sense
@BartekBanachewicz lol. Reinventing language essentials, complaining "why is that not a feature in base", making "a better X"... It sure sounds similar
@Blob o.O
@sehe you can hardly reinvent something that's not there, can you?
wait i'm confused
@BartekBanachewicz It's there. You just don't like it
that was the series finale, but a voiceover said "stay tuned for scenes from our next episode" at the end
editing fail
@sehe what are you talking about in particular?
Everything I mentioned. Go on. Ignore me
@Blob If it looks like assembly and it has the abstractional features of assembly, then it's hardly relevant to inventorize most desirable features...
@Blob expressions like a + b
@FredOverflow i have those c:
Does a + b * c + d parse correctly?
@FredOverflow You should feel ashamed. Wait, no--he's the one who should feel ashamed.
@FredOverflow yes
uh for some reason
@Blob An RPM instruction.
the generic is applied twice
@JerryCoffin what's that?
@Blob Read Programmer's Mind.
hastebin.com/tivucahege.hs prints numbers 1 through 5. << writes to stdout
@JerryCoffin uh... i'll skip that for now
I can't subtract -.-
@Blob But it makes parsing so much simpler. In fact, that's the only instruction the language needs (though, admittedly, it is polymorphic).
@JerryCoffin unfortunately, i'm not smart enough
@Blob It's more about imagination than intelligence.
now as long as I add instances of Iso Callback for any monad or context I wish, I can provide that thing and use it
as long as it is able to produce b from a, it's fine by me.
I don't think the idea is that bad actually
> > rpm
> 42
the only thing I had a problem with was instance (Iso a b) => Iso b a
because it got into circular thing, because of the default implementations most probably
@Blob I think you have a higher opinion of programmers than I do.
I am pretty sure it's possible to somehow break the cycle though
@JerryCoffin what? 69?
@Blob 42 may be the answer to life the universe and everything, but yes, I still prefer 69.
and the funniest thing is, I could change the name from Iso a b to use infix type operators I think
a :<|> b for example :D
registerCallback :: Callback :<|> a => a
nvm, I did that I'm dumb
But the idea of taking "a or anything that can replace a" sounds cool
of course I coulds write another type class just for the type of callback
but that sounds like it's as much work and would be less generic than proving equivalence of Reader and a normal function
besides, I don't think the user has to know the exact signature
I can just say "give me anything that's able to act as a callback in the documentation"
in Haskell, yesterday, by Bartek Banachewicz
can latex make tables like the one in en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/operator_precedence ?
Wood is a better material for tables.
I might buy a beagleboard.org/black and make a scientific calc out of it
@Blob Sure
@Blob You're looking for multirow - take a look at this.
@Jeremy thanks
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, I wrote an SO question
considering that those 10 lines take as much as one picture of a cat, I don't think they're really that harmful
haskell looks weird
@Blob it's much different from the most of the mainstream languages of today
@BartekBanachewicz Would you consider Haskell to be mainstream?
@FredOverflow not yet, I think
it's not really obscure, but it's not something a lot of people would just take and use
order food, yes / no
@StackedCrooked I wondered what he was doing then
So I can write functional programs.
@Xeo double yes
@StackedCrooked No, you can't. Writing involves mutation, which isn't allowed. If it didn't spring into existence, complete and perfect in its first incarnation, then what you were doing wasn't really proper functional programming.
I can do that.
I just don't feel like it.
@StackedCrooked Ah, in that case I take it back and apologize for failing to recognize your greatness.
It's ok.
@FredOverflow help with Mill
@FredOverflow God damnit
Ok, what shall I implement first? if/then/else or goto/labels?
how about this!
@FredOverflow jesus chist 80 hours a week
    let x = goto l;
    io.writeln(x); (* prints the result of f() *)

    let y = f();
    goto back y;
:D :D :D
@Ell 80 hours a week is doable with pair programming. I work 40 hours, my mate works 40 hours, bingo.
@FredOverflow especially nice if you both get paid for 80 hours.
@райтфолд You have goto in your language? Now it's finally usable!
@FredOverflow I do, but not goto back. :P
brb dinner
What's for dinner? I'm having Rice Pudding.
@райтфолд In such a case, I recommend quad programming.
@MartinJames I'm going home. I'm quite certain my team has already put in well over 80 hours this week...
Rice pudding is a dish made from rice mixed with water or milk and other ingredients such as cinnamon and raisins. Different variants are used for either desserts or dinners. When used as a dessert, it is commonly combined with a sweetener such as sugar. Such desserts are found on many continents, especially Asia where rice is a staple. == Rice pudding around the world == Rice puddings are found in nearly every area of the world. Recipes can greatly vary even within a single country. The dessert can be boiled or baked. Different types of pudding vary depending on preparation methods and ...
@JerryCoffin lol, get your invoice paid first:)
@MartinJames Damn! Well, maybe I need to stay a little longer...
@FredOverflow I could almost eat that. I no longer seem to need huge doses of paracetamol and Andrex.
@MartinJames flu?
@FredOverflow Nah - Beer and curry last night.
"Curry" is one of those words that can mean anything, isn't it? :)
The ultimate generic meal would probably be Curry Pudding.
@FredOverflow Thermonuclear phall, bombay aloo, caulifower bhaji and garlic pilau, (plus Cobras).
I presume he means indian curry
idk how you can deal with a phall
@Ell Well, sure, it takes two days to deal with it.
Thermonuclear phallout?
is phall hot then ;p
@FredOverflow Indeed.
Q: Why Preprocessor 's role is diminishing in C++?

meetIn his book "C++ From The Ground Up" Herbert Schildt wrote that "However, the role of the preprocessor in C++ is much smaller than it is in C. One reason for this is that many of the chores that are performed by the preprocessor in C are performed by language elements in C++. Stroustrup has state...

@LightnessRacesinOrbit The one last night seemed particularly fiery. After, we went back to the club and I won £36 on the bingo. There was then more beer and doubles. It was a good night:)
Weird question, he basically answers it himself.
@legends2k: can you please give me any single example from schildt's book which contains error? all his books' newer addition uses int main(). If his book are really bad then how it is possible that his books more than 3 millions copy sold worldwide & translated into many foreign languages? — meet Sep 21 '14 at 16:55
@FredOverflow apparently I've already seen that
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, 'lotto'. You may laugh, but £36 is a lot of beer:)
@FredOverflow Oh I've apparantly VTC that ...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Because you can't downvote? :)
@MartinJames ten pints innit
@FredOverflow Because I commented on it six months ago
I just noticed the familiar names in the closure banner, too ;p
@LightnessRacesinOrbit hottest
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What pittance is left over will get spent on Auntie Wainwright's later, (only 4.1%, but tasty:).
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Seems I'm really a notorious badass ;) ...
@πάνταῥεῖ ?? That was me, this morning.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Twelve here:)
I wonder whether depilatories work well or whether they're a gimmick.
@MartinJames Roles change based on local daytime :) ...
@FredOverflow rice, beans and chicken with some sauce.
@райтфолд They do remove the hair. What does it mean "work well" for you?
@MartinJames I'm definitely staying in tonight. Though I do have a couple bottles of Newcie Brown and some Doom Bar in the fridge. Could make my own party. Hair meet dog etc
@MartinJames pfft
It works well if it removes the hair.
Preferably permanently but that's probably not the case.
And preferably they remove all the hair and not like 50% of it.
@райтфолд How far away from Amsterdam do you live?
@FredOverflow in a straight line?
@райтфолд Nothing removes hairs permanently, short of acid burn.
Let's say travel hours by train.
@wilx laser removal techniques tend to work well but they're extremely expensive.
Is that what those clinics are all about? Removing hair from your eyes? Does it also work on teeth?
@райтфолд Are they really permanent or only long term?
@FredOverflow 1h33m
@wilx permanent AFAIK.
@райтфолд Too much for a spontaneous visit :(
@FredOverflow I wanna go to Amsterdam for a Perl meeting soon anyway.
well this is annoying. the other day I was at a mate's house and he played a YouTube video of some dancy-like track and the video was amazing, like lots of people chilling on a sunkissed beach. and I have no idea what it was.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Ask him?
@Xeo he doesn't know
Have him check his history?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Bacardi Rum advertisement?
YT keeps a play history
ok I'm lying I want to find out myself rather than make him go through his browser history and figure out which of the 40 songs we played that night was the one
@Xeo only if you're logged in
@wilx And health insurance only pays for it if it's on your face and you're a woman with too much facial hair.
They pay for that? lol
I should try depilatories.
It's not like women are gonna die with hair on their faces.
They most likely do, but most likely for a different reason. :P
@FredOverflow NEEDS MOAR FREE HAND ARROWS (Robot style)
I prefer ASCII art.
Hair is terrible. The only hair that should exist is eyebrows, eyelashes and head hair.
Have you seen naked dogs?
No, but I am talking in the context of humans.
Body hair is useless when you have clothes.
Let's google "naked dog."
@FredOverflow ....?
ahahah the dude with the glans piercing in doggystyle position
@райтфолд thanks
Hmm, and a beheaded person.
@райтфолд thanks a lot more now
@BartekBanachewicz I'm not qualified to judge (read: too lazy to think about it) but it seems to me you might have created something analogous to an implicit conversion of LessThanComparable to StrictWeakOrdering concept (imagine concepts are tangible language things)
And a woman having sex with a dog.
I agree with Fred when it comes to googling for "naked dog."
Hmm.. if my dog was naked, there would not be so much chocolate hair infesting our house.
@райтфолд Ouch! Prince Albert is a baaad thing, isn't it?
I heard it's rather nice. Not gonna take one though.
@MartinJames Yuck! I hate animal hair everywhere...
If I want piercings then they'll be tongue, nose and bellybutton piercings.
@райтфолд tongue? ew. nose? ew. bellybutton? ew
They're ganz geil.
just imagining it is painful
@wilx ikr. There seems to be no way of escaping it here. Bailey sheds heavily all the time:
JButton belly;
@райтфолд Certainly less sensitive body parts :P ...
belly jelly porn
I bet it exists

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