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my compiler right now is a bit weird
what timezone?
I have exception objects for stuff like EncodingError and SyntaxError, etc
if an error is fatal, I throw it
if it's not I stash it inside a vector and return the whole vector after the parse has completed, so the parser can continue after first error
@StackedCrooked I think you can also do it natively.
have you guys seen that before? using exception classes without always immediately throw'ing them?
> The compiler will assign a unique global ID to each thread-local variable (this ID is the same for each thread), and maintains a Thread Local Storage (TLS) lookup table for each thread. The global ID then used to find the address of any thread local variable. So the cost of using a thread-local variable includes the cost of a function call and a lookup in the indexed table.
@StackedCrooked That seems... needlessly inefficient?
Threads have their own stack. It's much faster to use local stack variables.
If you can.
but i mean. couldnt TLS be more efficiently implemented?
I suppose the problem is that the number of threads can be very high.
So there must be some sharing somewhere..
Q: How would you get a timer.interval to change,?

BetoFlyzcxI am making a ping pong game and in the coding I , implemented the speed of the ball to increase by 2 after you get to the score 4 , for every hit. However after a while the ball will start to disappear because the speed is essentially how much distance the ball moves at a time . For example it's...

This fucking guy
@Prismatic the gritty details; I actually haven’t read this though, I know I read something interesting about PLTs and linkers and such but this isn’t it
> When the address-of operator is applied to a thread-local variable, it is evaluated at run-time and returns the address of the current thread's instance of that variable. An address so obtained may be used by any thread. When a thread terminates, any pointers to thread-local variables in that thread become invalid.
^ GCC docs.
Makes perfect sense
skim it really, it gives an idea on which pieces of the puzzle there are but you don’t have to know everything in detail
The fastest way to fill a document is by writing all '\t'.
@StackedCrooked What about using \n?
That would be cheating.
@TonyTheLion Man being chased by bear /cc @jaggedSpire
The variables captured inside a lambda are read-only by default. I think this should enable more opportunity for optimization.
I'm kinda sad that using can't be used on functions
e.g. using share_str = std::make_shared<std::string>;
> This paper is written in rebuttal of three propositions widely held among compiler writers, to wit: (1) syntax directed compilers suffer practical disadvantages over other types of compilers, chiefly in speed; (2) compilers should be written with compilers; (3) COBOL compilers must be complicated. The form of the rebuttal is to describe a high-speed, one-pass, syntax-directed COBOL compiler which can be built by two people with art assembler in less than a year.
So much win.
@StackedCrooked o.o
But then, cobol is kinda simple no?
(disclaimer, i know nothing especially not about COBOL)
Back then the machines had very limited memory. So they worked in multiple passes using printouts as storage.
^ I learned it here.
It's a cool story.
@StackedCrooked But is it useful?
Coroutines provide a clean mechanism for async stuff and they are faster than any currently existing solution. (According to Gor Nishanov.)
idk, i feel like async/await like what C# has is a better solution to this problem (again full disclosure, my knowledge of coroutines is very limited)
coroutines use a more powerful assumption than threading though
it requires some sort of select
(inb4 theyre the same thing)
they are
Well shit :P I look like an idiot now dont i?
if the blocking API you're trying to support in async style doesn't have select, options run out pretty quick
while threading can work with any blocking API
(I'm not saying that this is a reason to use threading)
(just using it as an argument that it's no big surprise that coroutines are more powerful, because they have a stronger primitive assumption)
Bleedin Nora its snowin
On the other hand a async protocol stack can handle thousands of concurrent connections. Whlie a thread per connection would not go so well.
Threads are a scarce resource.
@StackedCrooked wow 1963 paper
@StackedCrooked depends on OS impl
or even programming language runtime
although I'm not sure whether the latter works with blocking APIs
it's surprisingly interesting
probably not actually
yeah, no, scrap the last part
but it definitely depends on the OS
Kernel-level scheduling means context switching. Or you have a very fancy os.
oh, and it depends on the hardware
although admittedly still vaporware, but theoretically a context switch is going to be blazing fast on the Mill CPU
(sub ~50 cycles)
but vaporware yadayada
@StackedCrooked context switching is only expensive on a register machine :)
To maximize the utilization you'd need to bind one thread to each core and use efficient task-based scheduling.
And share nothing :D
as a side note, I really hope that the Mill CPU doesn't turn out to be vaporware
That stuff is too abstract for me.
@StackedCrooked hardware?
Only briefly looked into it. There's a belt iirc.
Ok. A belt.
I don't understand :P
one of the coolest features of the mill IMO is that it's not a trap to divide by zero, or access unauthorized memory
instead, those operations give some sort of NaR value (not a result)
if you try to store those values, you get a trap
it might seem an arbitrary distinction, but it allows for a lot of optimization
e.g. you can parallelize checking for 0 divisor and the division itself
or your memcpy can load entire chunks, mask out based on the memory range, and then do the store
without going 'out of bounds'
or without needing a duff's device
@orlp That kinda assumes that bog-standard x86 out-of-order execution and ILP can't already do that.
@Puppy it can't
the check for 0 has to happen in advance
otherwise you get a trap (or fault, don't remember which word was correct) on the division
the really cool part is that the NaR contains a hash of the address of the instruction that generated it
so when the trap does come, the debugger can figure out where it originated
speculatively execute the division, and cancel it if it was a branch not taken
@Puppy can x86 speculate on traps?
seems pretty complex
it's a lot cheaper than rebuilding your entire architecture.
or trying to go up to 9999GHz
frankly compared to some of the other crazy shit they get up to, speculatively executing a trap doesn't seem that big of a deal.
Wouldn't the cost of actually triggering the trap be the more significant cost?
but it's the far less common case really.
@Puppy that's even over 9000!
@orlp wouldn't that depend on the relative cost of this NaR mechanism?
@sehe they claim it doesn't cost anything
(obviously it costs CPU power)
seems to me like if you divided by zero, the most important thing to do is trap right away.
@Puppy why?
you're probably not giving too much of a shit about the efficiency of dividing by zero
@orlp and cycles. Maybe not more, by design, but really then it's still apples and pears
@sehe no, it happens within the usual cycle
If the architecture is radically different, only one type of comparison makes sense: highlevel (IYAM)
@orlp To ensure that you don't execute some other logic that depended on that outcome not being zero.
Seems like the optional vs exceptions debate.
> the usual cycle
The question is, what is the relative cost, usually :)
@Puppy the outcome isn't zero
@Lalaland Close enough.
it's NaR
I mean, not a result
NaR's also propagate
NaR + 1 == NaR
if oyu have a 32bit int, then you can't have a 32bit register, since it needs to handle 32bits of valid integers and then also NaR.
I suppose Mill promises that the time taken doesn't radically change on DBZ
and every op in your ALU has to check for NaRs
@orlp that's cool, if the ALU natively supports it
@sehe it does
and yes, even if a value on the belt is 32-bits, it has metadata associated with it, making the total size larger than 32 bits
@Lalaland There's little debate to be had. Exceptions are overwhelmingly more efficient in the majority of cases. Optionals are only useful when null is not a failure.
consider this
x = cond ? *p : *q;
the Mill can parallelize both loads
even if they're in unauthorized memory
yes, but who gives a shit?
one of them will be a NaR, but since that will never get stored into x, it doesn't trap
if they're in unauthorized memory you've got much bigger problems than losing one cycle.
like the fact that your program is busted.
absolutely not true
x86 can definitely issue speculative loads.
and it can issue more than one load per cycle.
if I recall correctly, it's something like 4 loads regardless of their width, or something like that.
x = it != end() ? *it : *some_other_loc;
@Puppy speculation is vastly more expensive than NaR though
also, NaR is a 1-bit flag, if it's true then the actual metadata associated with a NaR is stored inside the data of the value itself
a 1-bit flag check in an ALU unit together with a mux to select the result or the NaR is effectively free
right, but I really don't care because if I were to ever produce any op that produces NaR, then I have bigger concerns.
@Puppy not you, the compiler
the compiler's gonna produce ops that make NaR if I tell it to.
the NaR never leaves the CPU
it's not responsible for proving the validity of every pointer de-ref
if you try to store a NaR it traps
the program you write is oblivious to it
which is a problem, because I don't want my program to be oblivious to failures
it's not
the failure gets triggered when you store the NaR

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