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Look at their "campaign".
There isn't one.
They already had the publishing, manufacturing, and everything else already set up.
They could have sold everything without the middle man.
Even their "campaign" of why it's on kickstarter is essentially "We just wanted to sell it to you".
I think they wanted $10k to "kickstart" the printing - I don't think they expected such success.
@Rapptz yes, but to commit to a print run is costly, and risky.
They're not handling the printing.
By the way, I just made your computer display text that you didn't explicitly ask for. Are comments terrorism now? — Blorgbeard 6 mins ago
Did you even read the kickstarter?
@Rapptz They don't, no. But it still costs them.
The guys over at Cards Against Humanity are doing that part.
@Xeo but as the backers go up, the cost per person goes down, economies of scale and all.
@Xeo Part of the cost of the product BTW.
@рытфолд Are pre/post conditions checked statically or something?
@Rapptz Yes. So?
1 min ago, by thecoshman
@Rapptz yes, but to commit to a print run is costly, and risky.
basically that ^
Not a point for putting it on Kickstarter.
You can never have enough money
@Rapptz yes, but they are not going to just do a print run on a whim, they want a commitment.
@sehe or if they knew a version of it that did, the weird thing is I can't find a list of supported CPUs
@Rapptz what? it costs X to commit to a print run... they are not sure if they will get a return for doing that... so they get people to commit to buying it, thus allowing them to do a print run only if it would be profitable
@Mikhail I know it's there because I've seen it back then.
Sadly, I'm grumpy so I'll refrain from using my awesome google-fu for you today
I wonder if we will still google stuff when google is gone
> This prize is considered the most prestigious in object-oriented computer science.
Wait there's an object-oriented computer science?
@Mikhail Sure. Google will bing when we're gone
oh my, $15 to ship to Ireland, BALLS to that
Do they objectify women all day?
@Jefffrey Yeah, it focuses on female students objectifying them
@Jefffrey Shit. You made it sooner
@thecoshman ye, I wish they'd do something about that
@Mikhail no other search engine has become a verb, I think it will stick around for some time. Lots of people 'hover' with all sorts of brands of vacuum cleaners.
@Jefffrey You had prior knowledge. I'm taking this to court!
@Xeo grumble grumble stretch goal grumble grumble
any way, time for bed with Judge Dredd :D
@chmod711telkitty lolwut. Even Putin looks exceptionally bored
@thecoshman And no other search engine will get verbed, because Google already has been verbed for that meaning.
what the fuck is this guy on about
Blah blah you can do IO by other means therefore blah blah
Not really?
He's just saying to not mention the "monad" part
> You could take away monads and even the entire monadic interface from Haskell and Haskell could still do IO with the same IO type.
Mentioning monads considered harmful
That monads are not required to do I/O is true
@Jefffrey He's saying that the implementation doesn't need the generic abstraction
Mentioning that monads are something special and dangerous, considered harmful.
Well. Duh
That's like saying you can implement containers and iterators, without actually having concepts in the language.
@CatPlusPlus But that wouldn't be nearly as contained as it is now.
What's "contained"
IO gets everywhere and you can't get rid of it
It's the opposite of "contained"
That's the point yes.
Dat point.
Point blank
What I meant is that the idea of an IO monad is of a "trapped" value that can't get out. If you really remove the monad interface then you can simply pattern match on the IO data constructor and use it just like any other non-opaque type.
> the idea of an IO monad is of a "trapped" value that can't get out.
Which is kinda against the point of keeping side effects trapped.
I'm gonna keep this one.
The important thing about I/O is sequencing
You can just keep the constructor private
Uniqueness typing does that just as well as monads
@Xeo Then how would you use this type?
lol IO is a catch-all
Lemme guess, with a monadic-like interface?
And to my kids I'll say "If you don't do as your told right now, I'll make you a monad for 10 minutes"
There's no "keeping side-effects trapped" when you have to touch IO
Because then you have everything in IO or bust
How so?
@Jefffrey No
@CatPlusPlus It's still trapped.
@CatPlusPlus Then how?
It's trapped inside your program yes
Just like everything else
IO is a side-effect to everything
I want limonad now.
@Jefffrey My side effects are also trapped in C++. Because, the whole program is in a monad (a PE monad, on my architecture). And the side effects only happen when the program is run
@CatPlusPlus No, it's trapped in the sense that you can't get (easily let's say, you probably can with some unsafe functions) the value out of an IO action.
@StackedCrooked Ba dum tss!
@Jefffrey And that doesn't matter
You can't* take an impure value out in a pure context.
Because you just make everything an IO action except for tiny parts that can be pure
@CatPlusPlus How doesn't it matter? It's the base of the distinction between pure and unpure code.
It quickly devolves to being useless for containing anything
And it doesn't sandbox either
Which is one of the key strength about Haskell.
@sehe the gif!
If I were to redirect a programs stdout to its stdin then I could keep state outside. Is that how a monad works?
In the end it's just annoying
Monads are burritos. Just eat 'em
I want some monads
@CatPlusPlus It really depends on the type of application and it's irrelevant anyway. Yes, applications that are naturally I/O bounded use a lot of IO.
@CatPlusPlus Sandbox in what sense?
@AndyProwl nah, doctor says: gotta vary the diet
@Jefffrey PAUSE doesn't use a lot of io.
You can't limit what any particular IO action does
It can do literally anything
Except not returning another IO action as a product of that action.
@StackedCrooked no that's how a lunatic thinks
Please write a function abc :: IO Int -> Int
IO (IO a) is doable
inb4 abc = undefined
unsafePerformIO . launchTheFuckingMissiles . read :: Int
abc = unsafePerformIO :>
> unsafePerform
@Xeo I spy a potential source of inspiration:
> Now, while not giving a fuck may seem simple on the surface, it’s a whole new bag of burritos under the hood. I don’t even know what that sentence means, but I don’t give a fuck. A bag of burritos sounds awesome, so let’s just go with it.
> (easily let's say, you probably can with some unsafe functions)
@CatPlusPlus Many people are doable (but it would be unsafe to perform certain acts with)
Not me
You think.
Yeah Cat's a party pooper, not even going to the UK
Why would I go to UK ever
You know. You guys should compromise and do the meetup in Ghent.
Some people have been trying really hard to make sure I didn't accidentally reconsider
Might as well organise it in North Korea
UK is monadic. You're trapped there and can't get out
@CatPlusPlus Closer to the nukes
Cat is just a pussy.
ba dum...
Beside the point
@AndyProwl Another country where Vlad The Self-unemployed will soon not be allowed to drive
/cue @chmod711telkitty accusing me of stalking The Daily Telegraph
speaking of which, how many days before Vlad is back in the game?
Not many enough
@sehe The hell?
ah, two weeks
@Rapptz Yeah. It's the UK. I think they're trolling the rest of the world to see when their former mandates overseas will send an intervention force to the motherland to sort out the malgovernment :)
Could someone here verify that 27997^(10^7) mod 10^5 is 1? :V
Get a goddamn calculator?
It's polymorphism 101
Like, 320 V on a 0.01 Ω resistance is going to overload a 1A fuse?
I guess that's possible.
I agree with thoses guidelines, though.
std::move(T&&) vs. std::move(first, last, out) is a bit silly.
Not nearly as silly as his nervy laugh though
@StackedCrooked And that's surprising because...?
It sounded funny in my head.
@sehe There's a real moving std::move??
@Blob No. It has one that applies rvalue casts to the targets of the iterators passed. This means that things might move, but they might just copy
@sehe (first, last, out) implied actual moving :C
@Blob yes!
It's the sibling of std::copy
@sehe lol, that dumb idea will not go ahead in the near future because 1) it's discriminatory - only benefits claimants would be banned. What about those wealthy people who don't have to work? Second, it's not practical, because there would be plenty of firthy dirty self employed people (i.e. builders) who pocket all the cash & claiming to not be working ...
You know what would be extremely funny
If Exploding Kittens beats Star Citizen
@Xeo Yeah, and it's a bit silly. There's no std::move_if or std::move_transform. I think std::make_move_iterator is far more viable (although there we could have used concepts to overload std::move for iterators, so we could std::transform(std::move(beginit), std::move(endit), ...)
@CatPlusPlus lol
isn't that shit getting millions per month?
For some reason, every time C++ is mentioned in a reddit thread somebody replies by talking about rust.
@chmod711telkitty Gee. Thanks for teaching me common sense :)
@StackedCrooked Lemme think. What reason could that be
SC is at 65M
ba dum?
It's human SEO! Outsourced to Mechanical Turk
@sehe It's a bot?
I was close.
Kittens are at 3M after 2 days
@StackedCrooked Someone(s) want(s) everyone to think Rust is as popular as C++.
They have a shot if the rate stays the same throughout :v
Don't think that will happen
Still, I hope it does
Just because it's likely to make SC fanboys really mad
(sorry to leave that dangling)
@sehe Pretty much the definition of a fanatic: somebody who won't change the subject, and can't change his mind.
@StackedCrooked Here's a tip: don't read reddit
Don't reddit
@JohanLarsson no
Ok. I won't do it anymore.
md2 : active raid1 sda3[0] sdb3[1]
      2921220352 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU]
      [>....................]  resync =  1.9% (57694400/2921220352) finish=2967.5min speed=16082K/sec
@StackedCrooked good call.
Oh look it's a RAID with actual two disks inside now!

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