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Q: How does work with file?

Kevin Andres Ortiz Merchanguys ,I have a question with respect to file in this lenguaje (lisp), please somebody know how move the focus in a file ?, yes yes is very confuse but the problem is when I write in a file . I want the names , directions are added consecutively but when I write a name , direction this overwriting...

I deciphered it
@Barmar:Right on, i need to this for WHERE col IN ($string). useful code. — T-M 18 mins ago
So bad.
He's asking how to append stuff to a file.
Either that, or how to make butter toast. My mastery of deciphering nonsense is not the best.
@Jefffrey LOL.
> lenguaje
@Jefffrey lol covariant mutable arrays
Use Scala you noob!
Is Object a glorified void*?
No, that's boost::any.
Object is the ultimate base class.
You cannot use dynamic_cast on void*.
Oh god.
Well, I want the address of std::to_string. The overload for double.
How come I never hit this issue before?
Jesus Christ
Use +[] (double x) { return std::to_string(x); }.
That was my last resort. I give up, I'll use it.
@rightføld void* is the ultimate base pointer
No, it's not.
void is the retarded cousin of all other types, not the base class.
Who needs types. Just use void* everywhere
void* integer = malloc(4); // elegance
it used to be 2
Sometimes it's 8.
Or π.
If you're gonna go that path at least use malloc(sizeof(int)).
But he did just say, "who needs types" :P
He said, use void* everywhere.
It's a proven mechanism the prevent the compiler from optimizing your code.
@rightføld I never said void is the base class of any type
Me neither.
I always denied it.
I feel as though someone thought I was serious ;~;
My feelings are hurt
Who needs values.
Sane people.
They're invaluable.
y coliru refuses me? :c
Because she's lesbian.
@Jefffrey you broke it
Apparently the webserver lost its permission to bind to port 80 during the last system update.
@StackedCrooked you should start a company Coliru, Inc.
And sell free compilation.
sounds like a good plan
you'll be subsidised to death
@Jefffrey I could charge money for linking, hehe.
Be sure to vote lots of socialist parties and make your logo green and your compiler free of CO2 emission.
> 10 Sex Facts About Single Men You Won't Believe
inb4 they are happier
I always use re-useable electrons
user image
@Jefffrey surprisingly that video is moronic
I seem to have almost settled on my Vim colorscheme. Lately I've only been toggling between morning and desert.
@MohammadAliBaydoun Post an answer for both possibilities. Fuck lisp, but I would appreciate any toast tips you may give:)
@MartinJames I'm very bad with toast ;~;
I started running Coliru around December 2012. So it's already 2 years now.
Christmas period shows a clear dip.
Apparently people don't do C++ on christmas.
Yep, I was building my computer on Christmas.
I did C++ on Christmas ;~;
> programmers who don't do math smell bad
Finally, my Line graph implementation is done
Now. How do I make it prettier? ;_;
Add more points.
Sounds like an American solution
Antialias the line
@MohammadAliBaydoun With flowers.
I feel sorry for the Android room.
Seriously, antialias the shit out of it
@StackedCrooked C:
Well, it's Anti-aliased now with a level of 8 and it looks much prettier ;~;
Now all I need to do is add flowers
Holy shit, I figured out a cool thing to do with this graph
I can write a plot function that takes a lambda like [](double x) { return x*std::log(x); }
This is the coolest thing ever ;~;
@MohammadAliBaydoun even cooler than a bored cat driving a truck?
Maybe the logarithm of that in coolness ;~;
Boost.Assign is kinda wacko.
using namespace boost::assign;
vector<int> values;
values += 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9; // insert values at the end of the container
I liked that when I saw it
because you are "adding" things to the container
so +
It offers convenience.
But in C++11 we can now use literals like { 1, 2, 3 } or nested ones for map etc.
@StackedCrooked thats pretty neat
Ela allows overloading on return type and is dynamic typed.
Ella ella ella! Wasn't that in some song?
the new humble weekly bundle is full of abstract games nobody really understands and a platformer with animals
@VáclavZeman France Gall has a song named Ella elle l'a
@StackedCrooked Yeah I hate that
I mean, how badly can you want collection initializers in c++03...
@sehe yeah, it's kinda silly
The classic type of code that you want to stop a newbie from writing :)
@StackedCrooked weaklings!
I think it's actually pretty clever.
@StackedCrooked indeed.
as long as you know what you're doing with it, of course.
@Puppy that's often precisely the same thing (what "you want to stop a newbie from writing")
@MohammadAliBaydoun lipstick
personally I'd label it as a "Use, but with caution and understanding only" thing.
@StackedCrooked Yes, that is it! what I remembered. Nice.
@Puppy But it's a convenience library.
@VáclavZeman Cool :)
@StackedCrooked aw my eyes need more darkness (koehler, pablo come closest)
@StackedCrooked Convenience does not directly imply that it should provide convenience for everybody. I'd find it convenient since I'm the Lord of C++.
@Puppy personally, I really don't see why to use it anymore (in c++11)
@Puppy More like the Troll of C++.
I wonder if Boost.Assign supports assigning move-only objects?
because fuck initializer_list<unique_ptr>...
@Puppy I suppose with Boost Move
@Puppy mmm a point was made...
Too much () and you get MVP. Too much {} and you get surprises. C++ programming is such delicate dance.
@StackedCrooked Most Valuable Professional?
Writing C++ is dancing on a 1mm-thick line over a pool of lava
You'll get burned either way, it's just a matter of severity :v
@CatPlusPlus Well, then we should all pat each other's our backs because we are still alive. :)
@CatPlusPlus What is the line made out of?
@CatPlusPlus a pool of java
@rightføld cotton
@rightføld Paper
It can still be safe.
If the line is only a millimeter long and the pool of lava is even shorter.
So short that you cannot fall into it.
@StackedCrooked lekker
@StackedCrooked In Scala {} is the same as ().
scala> () == {}
<console>:8: warning: comparing values of types Unit and Unit using `==' will always yield true
              () == {}
res0: Boolean = true
@rightføld: You are the languages pioneer, do something in F#.
scala> null.asInstanceOf[Unit] == {}
<console>:8: warning: comparing values of types Unit and Unit using `==' will always yield true
              null.asInstanceOf[Unit] == {}
res1: Boolean = false
Epic fail.
Let's file a bug!
@rightføld lol
Aaarghhh! FFS 'actually i am studying java and socket programming for around two months and this project has really pissed me off! is using a debugger that important?' Fucking morons...
Going to watch interstellar for the first time now.
See what the fuss is all about.
@Jefffrey Give us feedback. I wanna know if it's worth the bandwidth.
what did they DVD rip it already?
I think I'll go back to chrome on my desktop too
it feels so much better than firefox :\
nope, still only cam crap for interstellar
@AlexM. OK, I'll wait.
I might buy the blu-ray once it gets released though
I want to use the blu ray drive on my laptop for something
it's been here for 4 years already
never used it
@AlexM. Buy?
yeah I never bought a movie
interstellar looks like a fail safe buy
@AlexM. Oh - I see. You want the new experience. I've tried it. It's boring, lengthy and expensive.
does it have ads
the blu ray I mean
I'm expecting it not to
Blu-ray is dead.
blu-rays don't have ads
but they're so dead.
a file on your harddrive is the new media format.
^^ what @rightføld said.
yeah but if I want to actually buy it, BR is the only format
@AlexM.: Do you have big enough screen to get the benefit of the Blu-ray?
I don't store movies on my SSD. That's what spinners are for.
nobody sells digital format movies in Romania
@rightføld lol
@AlexM. "sell"? I suspect there's your problem right there.
@VáclavZeman what resolution does BR normally have
Trivial oversight. Nobody uses null in Scala so it doesn't really matter too much.
I have a 106cm 720p plasma tv
@AlexM. Yes, up to that, IIRC.
I've never had a blu-ray player. I do have a DVD drive in the rack, but I stole its SATA cable for an extra spinner to store movies.
I have a Blu-ray player. I use it to play PS3 games.
I wonder if consoles like the PS4 get a framerate boost when forcing 720p vs. >720p
probably not
the games are probably coded to run at a fixed resolution and it's just the console doing downsampling
ah well
1000 kFPS
that depends a lot on the console.
xbone and ps4 are quite different in this regard.
the console can be designed to make a higher resolution virtually free or it can be designed to make it very expensive.
I probably won't buy a PS4 if I can play MGSV: TPP with a DualShock 3 on a PC.
If that's the case then I'll buy a decent PC instead.
What the fuck is a scrutinee?
is TP-Link the thing to go for when buying routers
the name seems familiar and hardcore
I don't want to buy another asus after the last one broke 3 days after purchase
bad luck and stuff
I have a 5 year old Belkin here still kicking
but I can't find any more being sold
Linksys also sounds familiar
TP-Link? Twisted Pair cabling? I think that is the norm these days even for >1Gbit networks.
speaking of gigabit
> LAN/WAN: 10/100/1000 Mbps
this means it's gigabit right?
like, I can get the gigabit plan and use it with this
so complicated
too many numbers, I just want a good router :(
woah, I had never thought before of how dangerous skating can be
@VáclavZeman these guys en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TP-Link
these ultra-precise physics engines amaze me
@AlexM. Ah, I have no idea about their quality.
there are routers that look like trash cans the new Mac Pro
@AlexM. Ugh. I would be trying to pour coffee from it.
@MarcoA. Surreal!
only a weekend away from no hat
speaking of coffee, does anyone here have a coffee making thing?
they're like so ridiculously expensive
my parents made some efforts to buy a new one for $1500 after the last one broke
it can make a bunch of types of coffee
but it seems so basic
wtf $1500
$1500. Right.
@AlexM. I'm Italian but I don't have one.. I wish I had it :(
they say making your own coffee isn't as good
I just pay $0.10 every day for a coffee at work from the vending machine
@MarcoA. At those prices, buy a new Lambo instead.
also the damn machine needs maintenance
for $1500 it might as well go to the sink and fill itself up
I also had to clean the tray
for $1500 it should take all that mess and output bags of it by itself
press button -> get bag of mess -> throw bag away
that's a good idea actually
and doable
at least more doable than the machine walking towards the sink to fill up
@Puppy Done.
saw a pic on imgur or something about us spotting a galaxy so big that according to our physics laws should not exist but no matter where I search there's nothing about big galaxies invalidating our physics laws
@AlexM. 'cos there's no evidence either way?
also TIL
The Andromeda–Milky Way collision is a galactic collision predicted to occur in about 4 billion years between the two largest galaxies in the Local Group—the Milky Way (which contains our Solar System and Earth) and the Andromeda Galaxy although the stars involved are sufficiently far apart that it is improbable that any of them will individually collide. == Stellar collisions == While the Andromeda Galaxy contains about 1 trillion (1012) stars and the Milky Way contains about 300 billion (3×1011), the chance of even two stars colliding is negligible because of the huge distances between the stars...
@MartinJames :( I guess
I got excited because this
Oct 8 '14 at 11:30, by Alex M.
it's more exciting if you find out there's something out there that basically requires you to discover (or learn) at least as much as you have discovered about your own world
was like "holy shit a galaxy where our science doesn't apply!"
@AlexM. I've read a sci-fi short of something like that, where it analogizes the planets-solar system/stars-galaxy for something much bigger where galaxies are revolving around a much bigger body.
@AlexM. Astrophysics is revised all the time to account for new observed extrasolar phenomena. It would not be exceptionally exciting to find a galaxy that causes a revision.
@AlexM. imgur is really good source of science facts
Meh - we've eaten/drunk too much stuff. I need to grocery shop. I want a cauliflower.
Marvel asks for $99/year for unlimited access to their database of comics
$99 is not... a lot
it's actually very good price
@Puppy of course it's exciting
I want to see humans 1k years from now
and how much more about the universe they know
well you can't, because if you could, then that would be what we know now.
how will our brains develop over time to accommodate to the requirements I wonder
with artificial help
that's a scenario I can agree with
we discover too much too fast and we can't keep up
so we develop implants and devices to help us manage everything
so exciting
Alternatively, we're all long dead.
well now pessimism never got anyone anywhere
@AlexM. We don't, I think. But they'd have a very large body of knowledge to scour through.
@AlexM. Optimism won't get us off what's left of this planet before we commit suicide.
what suicide
The Kerbals are hopelessly optimistic, and they're dying by the thousand on failed space missions.
I only killed like 12 kerbals since Beta Than Ever
@AlexM. Fighting to the death over dwindling resources.
@Puppy Oh 'parachute guy' has popped up:)
@Puppy All died of explosion/crashes?
I think we'll manage to be able to at least get resources from other objects in our near space before we run out of them here
Fusion torch!
@MartinJames There's enough deuterium in the seas to last us millions of years.
or maybe it was billions.
@AlexM. We'll just have to disagree. Our children will find out which of us was right. Our grandchildren can judge us on our. ..... oh wait, no they won't 'cos they'll be dead.
@Puppy Make it sure. Millions and billions of years are pretty significant for humanity!
I sometimes get the urge to "accidentally" leave a kerbal on the mun just to have him rescued.
@Puppy Lots of extra power is very useful. Still can't make a plastic coffee cup from it. Ditto cauliflower.
@MartinJames You can make a plastic coffee cup from it if you simply apply enough energy to carbon dioxide and regular hydrogen.
I'm getting vegetable dreams.
@Puppy Synthesizing coffee cups from simple elements/compounds doesn't sound very efficient.
that's how Nature produced it
You make it sound like the publication.
it just put in a shitbunch of solar energy and pressure and there ya go.
@Puppy It took a while. Also, some large-scale nuclear reactions.
what, like, fusion power in the Sun?
@MarkGarcia people need to feel special, in reality, they are not ... or as special as 7 billion other people
@MartinJames Woops, I meant "Inglorious Basterds". I've already watched Interstellar. And it's worth it.
... how do you mix the two
@Puppy Yes. I'm not convinced that locally-generated fusion power could be quickly and efficiently used to synthesize coffee-cups etc.
The rate of technological expansion to solve resource shortages is not quick enough, and is too late, to overcome the god-given right of humans to reproduce faster than current resources can maintain. So, we'll fight over the resources left.
For instance, eventually, technologically-advanced and resource-hungry nations will start wars over stuff, eg. fuels and chemical feedstocks like oil and gas. Oh wait...
Fallout 4 confirmed!
if only Fallout 3 had been a good game
@Puppy I like NV.
made by a totally different developer
Fallout 3 was good if you ignored the Fallout name
@Jefffrey OK! I'll ignore the cams and wait for rip.
I mean it was a good first person RPG
New Vegas was good
F3 is totally ignorable
I also don't get what people mean when they say "New Vegas is a true Fallout!"
it's not
it's a better Fallout 3
Wasteland 2 is a true Fallout
~~~real fallout~~~
series establish tradition
so a game not following it immediately stands out
"real" fallout = a game following the tradition set by the first 3 games in the series
well, the first 2
Tactics was a bit different in focus
here's another Fallout-inspired game afterreset.com
@AlexM. What tradition
Gameplay mechanics don't define a game
of course they do
technical aspects also define a game
as well as the setting
Fallout 3 only kept the setting, mostly
it had a shift in everything else
the switch to first person real time triggered a switch in mechanics too
That doesn't mean it's not ~~~~~real fallout~~~~
if it's only the name that matters, then you're right
NV is perfectly fine Fallout game
I'd call them spin-offs at best
In some ways it's better than F1/F2, like the damn combat
i.e. games set in the same universe w/o any sort of gameplay resemblance to the originals
like that Metal Gear hack & slash
that's a good example of a Fallout 3 for Metal Gear
It's still an open-world RPG
I'd say the fact that it's not a hex turn based RPG is more important than "open-world" but w/e
omg Civ5 changed tile shape not a real Civ
Fallout 3 didn't change the tile shape, it doesn't have tiles anymore
Going on technical aspects I'd probably recommend NV over F1/F2 really
I'd recommend Wasteland 2 to anyone asking atm
the first half of it
the developers tried so hard to make an amazing experience that in the 2nd half it felt like they ran out of fuel
the first half is indeed amazing though
I didn't like that Divinity Original Sin ended up being the best kickstarter fueled CRPG :( I hoped it would be Wasteland 2
they had a bigger budget (only did kickstarter to get even more money)
but I guess Larian deserved to make their dream RPG the most, in the end
they wrote about the experiences they had with the first two games and the publisher who insisted on cutting everything they wanted to add and more
Original Sin was essentially their original idea (what Divinity 1 should have been)
oh look a Romanian author
I think I'll comment with "Prea lung; nu am citit"
he's probably in the US and probably doesn't speak Romanian
> Lucian Constantin — Romania Correspondent
he's a correspondent
I stand corrected
I typically sit when chatting
@Mgetz Wow, that dude is an idiot.
true for me too, unless I am using my mobile in which the case sometimes I stand when chatting
I saw a person today.
Mirrors do incredible stuff don't they
I'm fixing the first bug in my game, yay!
@AlexM. They both start with the letters "In"?
I want to go back in time when Wolfenstein was made
and show everyone a video from Crysis 3
She had a nice butt.
and say "oh hi this is how FPS games will look like several years from now"
> Among the reasons why these bugs end up in finished products is a belief by developers that the third-party code they choose to integrate is secure because it has already been used by many others.
@Jefffrey because writing our own from scratch would be so much less buggy... of course
@AlexM. good idea, might motivate them to invent the time machine
code is not "secure", more at 11

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