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I wish I had a 3D printer.
Wait ufck.
It's the wrong way around.
Now it's good.
@Nooble what would be first thing to came out of it?
I know you know.
A Koala of course!
Backup parts?
FFS they're all $800+
I think I would make neat controller for my Commodore 128D :)
I'd probably 3D print a watercooling loop for my soon-to-be-arriving Rapsberry Pi
It is not overheating that badly, aint it?
I wouldn't know.
It's not here yet :C
I'll be overclocking it.
you brute
To about twice it's normal frequency.
anyone try out Swift and like it? is it just coder lock in, or is it worth dabbling in?
@PTwr No. the iRobot (roomba) stuff didn't really convince me. There's no real good consumer test recensions for the robo cleaners. That's why I'm asking here. I know you're all nerds and may be need such stuff as I do :-P ...
@πάνταῥεῖ thats probably best Roomba usecase: youtube.com/watch?v=SajTWY9a0e0 , I have one somewhere in a corner, even manual broom does its job better
@Nooble Fi...fff.f.f..f..fff..fire!
@MartinJames I'll be using unconventional and probably dangerous NoobleCooling™ techniques.
It involves wrapping an ice cube with aluminum foil and having this come into contact with a slightly damp piece of paper directly on top of the SoC.
It's only a temporary thing, to try and see what the highest clock I can achieve with it.
@Nooble OK, thus saving on liquid helium.
I think you should order backup Pi right now
I was goona suggest backup Halon.
I've been checking for some concise info, I already menioned I consider Roomba won't fit my needs. My current fav is this one: http://www.amazon.de/Sichler-Reinigungs-Staubsauger-Roboter-PCR2550L-auto-ladend/dp/B00HDAO0GU/ref=pd_sim_sbs_k_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=1AN24N26K43ADNPD6SHF

But I'm not so sure :-P

And yes, I'll still use the regular vacuum cleaner frequently, but don't really want to do it daily.
Worst case scenario is that the water leaks out. Which should be slow enough so that I can react (It's melting ice)
@MartinJames I do not thing that any gas with name as ugly as Bromotrifluoromethane would be safe to use at home (even without "methane" part)
I mean I do have some liquid diflourethane.
But I don't want to waste that.
Ice cube is so much cheaper.
What Hz are you aiming for?
I've devised some weird wrapping technique on the foil so that the water shouldn't leak.
@PTwr 1500MHz
@CatPlusPlus Done
Ohho, google says people got to 1000 (turbo mode) with water cooling with tiny pump
I should sleep
but I wanna play around with this more
@MartinJames do you have a Pi?
I need vacation
@Xeo You need more caffeine.
'Reason for requesting RMA: Tsunami'
@Nooble No?
@Nooble No.
I have no trouble staying awake for a while longer
@Xeo Good.
I will have trouble getting up in about 8 hours though, if I stay up for much longer
I usually feel the same no matter what time I wake up.
@Nooble Have a look at my avatar ;-) ...
(Also, I don't drink coffee and coke only about ... thrice a year or something)
Except if it's saturday. In which case I wake up extremely early.
I don't drink coffee either.
In fact I only drink water.
I need togoto sleep. goto airport EMA by 05:00 :(
@Nooble I found cool project for Pi cooling mindplusplus.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/…
@MartinJames oh noes you wrote goto
@Xeo East Midlands. My local.
@MartinJames Sleeping is a comatose condition that stems from a caffeine defficiency.
wait, 5am?
That's in 6 hours!
5.5 even!
@Xeo Yeah - I'm shagged.
@PTwr Neat.
@MartinJames You should probably sleep then.
@Nooble Nite all..
Good night :)
Or eat cheese and watch TV shows
@MartinJames Good reason. But doesn't always help, you still may writhe the rest of the night sleepless ...
@Nican wut. I think you're in the wrong main stream :)
@πάνταῥεῖ Meh - sleep when you're dea.. sober.
@рытфолд Poor skis!
@MartinJames Usually works better the other way
@Xeo That's the side-effe… oh wait.
@sehe ja die is leuk
maar die van gisteren was leuker
Tomorrow will be the day...
well, good luck with catching all the water droplets
Sober, that's rare :-P ...
But I'm suffering of, what's called as 'Senile Bettflucht' in german meanwhile. Awkward epiphenomenon when you're getting older.
@πάνταῥεῖ I have no idea what that's supposed to be. Is it that you just want to go to bed often? :P
anyway, good whatever-your-time-zone says
@PTwr But but.. my timezone doesn't talk to me :(
@PTwr Night.
@Xeo Not the talking type huh?
@Xeo Time to change your dealer then
PT off
What does his name mean anyway?
@Xeo No just the opposite. You're going to bed often enough, but wake up too early, just rolling from one side to the other, and at least decide to get up (much too early) because getting annoyed of this.
@πάνταῥεῖ ah
I have a problem where even if I go to bed early, I'm tossing around for what feels like hours because I just can't seem to sleep. Got my head full of thoughts about all kinds of things
Anyone something constructive about the robot vacuum cleaners? Or should I really pose a question on an appropriate SE site for this?
Thinking, the bane of my existence
@Xeo Yeah, that also doesn't feel foreign for me ...
Q: Halp why I cant I do this

Chad MadcoderHi guys please explan the gives a lot of errors but it looks correct to me: #include <iostream.h> void main() { vector<string> = ["a", "b", "c"]; for (elem : vector) cout << elem << endl; if elem == "b": elem = "bb"; cout << vector; return 0; }

@CatPlusPlus You're a cat. You should love riding those things.
@Columbo Damn, you beat me to linking it here.
lol vector<string> = ["a", "b", "c"]
"It looks correct to me"
That one ranks up there among the worst titles. But it still isn't as good as this: stackoverflow.com/questions/27852608/…
You evil sucker ;-P ...
But it didn't hit the -20 yet!
@Mysticial lol
Sorry I don't have enough rep to vote down.
@Columbo It is actually surprising how much of that code is wrong.
clearly a troll
@Nican At least he's got return 0 right.
@Nican Think I've seen worse samples today :-P ...
@Nooble the function is void.
are you, are you, coming to the tree?
@Nican I didn't even notice. Haha!
@πάνταῥεῖ It's getting there, I also participated (I rarely do) :P
@AndyProwl Well, could trolls be considered as big, lame and quite stubborn personalities?
@Columbo Downvoted as well of course.
@πάνταῥεῖ C'mon guys, we can make this happen!
burger or pizza?
Who on earth upvoted this!? — Columbo 12 secs ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit imagine "why not both?" meme here
@Nooble Someone's upvoted it
@Columbo Why should we. We've been already downvoting this question and user to destruction. Just closing it is just fairly enough. Others may keep their downvote powers fo reven worse stuff.
@πάνταῥεῖ I don't know, I just ignore them
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Who the hell?
@πάνταῥεῖ What could be worse than this? Hardly much?
@AndyProwl Another good strategy. Other's will certainly take care ...
ah fuck
@πάνταῥεῖ This isn't a good troll. We have some really good ones in our forum.
I think I may have accidentally closed my parent's water company account.
@Puppy You're a dog, silly
Stop imagining shit
can you vote to reopen?
I doubt they'd offer me a credit of £250 for nothing.
I love how my "inb4 20 downvotes" comment was flagged and removed
@Columbo I wonder if the word "downvote" is one of the magic words that enable insta-deletion from a single flag.
Next time, try adding a zero-width space in the word and see what happens.
@Columbo Well who's being a troll, help vampire or just stubborn slowly learning person is all quite arguable and subtle IMHO.
it seems that every water company on the face of this planet can't deal with people who don't have existing water company accounts.
Guys stop replying to me, I'm fucking raiding
That question has 4 favorites. Good stuff.
@Columbo Whats your item level?
@Columbo How much DPS?
@Borgleader I just started a week ago, so 607 (I'm not really raiding, just an ini)
@Borgleader ~18k on a doll
@Columbo That more looked like a suicide mission than raiding for me ;-) ...
@πάνταῥεῖ I died, yes
@Columbo really?
@Puppy No, see above
@Borgleader lol, tank
lol Puppy signs up for water supply and fills in a "previous address" form? then is surprised when the account is moved? lol
@Mysticial just cast the final delete vote on that abomination :P
@Puppy except mine, which had no problem whatsoever
@AndyProwl Nah. Let it die slowly. :)
does anyone know any cheap backup solutions which do not require a credit card? My Dedicated Server hasn't been backed up in two months...
They get auto-deleted anyway.
@Columbo I find DPS to be boring. I prefer to tank or heal (but I haven't healed since BC)

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