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@R.MartinhoFernandes how do you know they don't like it? Just because it is bad for them doesn't mean they don't like it.
@thecoshman I merely assume that not all of them like it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well then, stop presuming things :P
presuming is not assuming
@BartekBanachewicz you spelt 'lacks' wrong
@dolan that's mildly amusing
@R.MartinhoFernandes He still hasn't noticed
@R.MartinhoFernandes wait... deleted, then edited?
so... now we are waiting on Mr Of Haan
@dolan noticed what
how could you edit after deletion
@BartekBanachewicz this victory is forever mine
I hope you're raging like a thousand suns
@dolan __FILE__
I'm going to use macros instead of insults now
and C functions
@thecosh meh, it's a benign bug.
Joke's on you
@CatPlusPlus you're a printf
@R.MartinhoFernandes it is yes, still stupid
@CatPlusPlus you're such a puts
You're a qsort
proposal: Use of C for the purpose of insults grants you a kicking.
all opposed?
motion passed
<hammers table>
@thecosh is a strtok.
Oh yeah that's probably worse one
vOv that comes up with a C++ link first...
@CatPlusPlus Torn between that and gets.
@R.MartinhoFernandes big guns I see
I read strtok as suck
I bet he didn't think it would happen
did you kick him
@thecoshman <hammers vtable>
@BartekBanachewicz vOv it uses char*
Awful C++ jokes (all C++ jokes) are a bannable offence
oh man, I was just about to change the topic :P
I refuse to believe you didn't rofl though
@CatPlusPlus I C, sorry for that.
also, that turns out to be a very effective way to annoy someone :P
@thecoshman you're as unfunny as _Bool
I forgot it makes their chat refresh
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Use of C for the purpose of insults grants you a kicking. (Robot can confirm) [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
@thecoshman yeah let's goto the normal topic instead
we've all voted :D
@BartekBanachewicz 'insults'
@BartekBanachewicz I think we can continue the good work.
@thecoshman can I use the borland C++ compiler for insults... or is that banned too?
coffee is so good
My months-old login cookie expired.
Wonder if it was related to the kicking.
@Mgetz ಠ_ಠ
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd be tempted to kick you again just to find out :P but sadly only once per day can I have fun
@thecoshman I'll take that as a yes
Oh wait, forget that.
Wrong window.
Of course I wasn't logged in in porn mode.
So, playing system-call charades - what's the position on that?


@CatPlusPlus you're up :D
Bannable engrish.
Also, what other use is there
so the only choice is going to be to re-analyze each function for the new target if necessary.
@sehe phft, what ever
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Use of C for the purpose of insults is a bananable offense, [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Use of C for the purpose of insults is a bananable offense. [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
and then I may as well implement generalized multi-targetting I figure.
@R.MartinhoFernandes is that retro-active? :P
yeah :P
@aclarke Yes. You get bananed.
why no boxing most of my attachments ;-((
banned from boxing
I saw this thing in one of the cppcon slides
@CatPlusPlus are you pleased to see me?
leaving aside the wrong results that it outputs for A and Z, erm, why did it choose to return a result if it already changes the original character passed as ref?
I mean is there a special reason for this?
oh yeahhhhhhh
suckage I would say
i mean, side effects and that. but yeah
it was on slides about writing beautiful C++ code so I'm guessing they had something in mind
char should be taken by value and that function should be constexpr
@AlexM. Because the macro does "return" a value as well. Though I suspect the returned value of the macro is lvalue while of the function is rvalue.
the macro's value would be available, so it's equivalent that way.
@VáclavZeman so the pass by ref thing was added for convenience?
Hi guys
@VáclavZeman passing by reference can't be right though
@AlexM. to also change c as the macro did
Could someone look over my answer here and tell me what might be wrong with it: stackoverflow.com/a/25847295/256138
I'm not 100% sure I did it right
@aclarke indeed, the macro does change it
except the fact that I can't just increase the number of threads...
macro screwed if c was side-effecty or not assignable. Very old-school. I looked at it and first thought: perfect
how times have changed &^)
yeah, forgot it's just code replacement taking effect there
it makes sense now
I still think that function makes no sense
so the inline would give a better error message (in the ideal world) - Heresy!
@AndyProwl it makes sense to me from a backwards compatibility with the macro POV
otherwise yes, I'd just pass by value and return the result
@AlexM. I understand that, but isn't it about "beautiful code"?
point taken :D
@AlexM. yeah that's the game - ignoring compatibility you'd probably do one of two different ... differences.
That was the talk by James McNellis right?
And Kate Gregory
@AndyProwl if it was, the bracing would be different! HARUMMPH
I think it went hand in hand with the port legacy code to C++ talk
or so it seemed
ok fixed it.
@AlexM. You attended that?
nope, I'm looking through the slides
and I saw the legacy code slides referencing these
@AlexM. Being terrible at programming
but you got the slides because you went there, right?
Wait that's not special
@AndyProwl nope, they're on github
I'm bored just looking at the link
@AlexM. cool, thanks!
so erm... @R.MartinhoFernandes I've made up a google form thing for doing voting... I think it will be easier to track than fourm, and people should be able to just make a copy of this common template, change the number and use it.
so far it's just 'name' 'yes/no' and 'check phrase', the idea of the check phrase is that I enter a message there, like "twat master", and then post the same in the forum, thus we know it really was me. Or we could just trust people to not cheat the system...
That's why I'm ok with just posting.
Also, not here?
@R.MartinhoFernandes which is fine until (if) someone proposes secret votes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, in theory we are using the forum to not pollute here with our game :P
haha 0xBADCODE presentation @Xeo
ah, no video yet?
in about a month
@AndyProwl k
@thecoshman I'm not accepting any such proposal that doesn't regulate the process.
all talks have been recorded
yeah, some of the slides are mostly pointless w/o video
@AndyProwl Not by Jens, I hope.
see for example the talk held by the vittorio guy (also a SO user)
gonna be interesting to know what he said on that slide
@AlexM. non-unicode
without the live programming thing it's worthless
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol, no they outsourced it I think
@BartekBanachewicz wut?
@R.MartinhoFernandes what do you mean? That if the proposal was just 'blind votes' you'd reject, but if it came with a mechanism for it, you'd be more likely to accept?
@BartekBanachewicz Non-everything.
@AlexM. works for ascii only
So. Apparently a CSV standard doesn't exist.
@BartekBanachewicz It doesn't.
I should buy more tshirts like the watch_dogs one I have, the material used is awesome and it gets dry ultra-quickly :O
well if it would it wouldn't
@Jefffrey ... well... no
actually if I didn't have it, I would have had to go to work with a semi-wet tshirt today
because it's the only one that got dry in a night
@AlexM. Purchase some Ultra Ever Dry.
So Windows uses carriage-return-linefeed for separating tuples, while unix systems use linefeed.
And other fun stuff, like what to do if a newline/escape characters/comma is in the payload, etc..
and mac LF-CR just for shits-n-giggles. Does mac still do that?
@Jefffrey that's just line ending conventions... not sure how you are mixing tuples and CSV into this...
@aclarke It never did.
@thecoshman CSVs files hold lists of tuples.
No standard means anarchy, and anarchy means Windows is going to be the black sheep about everything.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, I guess if you want to look at it that.
there is actually a widely acknowledged defacto standard for CSV, and i was reading it a few months ago. /thinks - where was it .....
@aclarke wat
@Jefffrey It's not about Windows.
It's worse.
Every generator does it a different way.
@aclarke You mean the RFC?
most differences are whether they emit quotes on EVERYTHING
i'm still trying to see if i kept a file
It's a widely violated not-really-de-facto standard.
Isn't CSV just comma's and <implementation-defined> newlines?
be liberal with the line endings
@rubenvb What if your data contains commas?
quoute it
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol euhm, that's why CSV sucks :-p
Some use double quotes and then double double quotes to escape the quotes.
I've never had much pain from CSV
@R.MartinhoFernandes you have to swap out use something like ^ separated values :P
yeah - not backslashing
it's a simple format that works just fine for simple things.
Never write a CSV parser.
but like most things, it breaks easily
@Jefffrey That's what the RFC does.
yup - and it's not tricky to scan it.
backslash is a nice escape character
and - you CAN use regex!
unless it's a directory path separator ;-(
vOv \\look\\at\\my\\folder\\with\\escaped\\path\\separators
be liberal with what you read, strict with what you write.
sure it's not that nice to look at, but you don't look at the raw CSV file
but at least you can
@thecoshman which is a perfectly good *nix filename. try creating a file called -rf
oh wait, gui people won't get that
@aclarke wtf you on about? CSV is for storing data
your folder name with backslashes?
And then I have this nice file, which is created by a program whose programmers say it's a CSV; but it doesn't contain commas and "fields" are apparently separated by spaces or a bunch of invisible characters, I guess.
wtf you on aboit?
@Jefffrey sample?
I'll have it next week.
@Jefffrey TSV?
T for tab.
@aclarke ¬_¬ I think you missed something
@thecoshman oh again?
It contains privacy protected stuff, and since I'm terrible at security I think I'll take it via an USB or something physical and bring it home and then see what characters are those in between.
If you need to put that into a comment you should find a different boss. — rubenvb 14 secs ago
It's tabs
@Jefffrey dude, use a half decent editor that can show you white space
@aclarke could it be more conflicted. If it's one-boxed, it isn't an attachment. Attachments are, by definition, out-of-band
@R.MartinhoFernandes yup - some people assume that's still CSV because things like Excel allow you to choose the separator
@CatPlusPlus But the distance between a value and the next is not always the same, it might be like from 1 to 4 tabs apparently at random.
@thecoshman Yes, that's the plan.
You really don't know how tabs work do you
@CatPlusPlus pixie dust
@R.MartinhoFernandes binary data in CSV/TSV is still a nono...
aww man
@R.Martinho Fernandes poor pickles.
Tab is a character which can be rendered however you want (with 2, 4 or 8 spaces or whatever).
@Jefffrey negative space!
@Puppy metalocalypse?
I think it's \t or something.
Yeah it's not replaced by tabwidth
I know.
It stretches out to the tabwidth
@Jefffrey not really...
But in the same file the distance between the fields of a tuple is not constant.
@Jefffrey traditionally modulo 8. but Excel and a few others will let you choose it to separate text fields.
Sounds just like tabs.
That's why using it for indenting stuff after the line ends is a terrible idea and fuck everyone who uses tabs
Like: A B C D E
Use a real text editor with visible whitespace
Tabs align to multiples of N, so their actual length depends on which column they start on.
@Jefffrey yeah... tabstops... probably with some extra whitespace
And also at the beginning of each tuple there's a "ò" or a "à" and so on.

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