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A: Git - Completely remove a file from whole git repository

Paul DixonGithub provide a useful help page on removing files like this. There are also other questions on StackOverflow which cover this Completely remove unwanted file from Git repository history How can I completely remove a file from a git repository? See also this section of the Pro Git book, an e...

God speed.
Either have only value types (like C++) or have only reference types (like Python).
> You can say Nullable<T> for any value type -- no, wait, that's a lie. You can't say Nullable<Nullable<T>>.
@FredOverflow I disallow it too :v
std::optional allows it though
@Rapptz Gonna be fun with generic code.
@Rapptz Why? So you can implement None with null?
what would you even do with optional<optional<T>>?
@FredOverflow Makes no sense in C++.
Oh, we're talking about C++? Nevermind then.
@Rapptz It can be there because some generic data structure uses optional<T> internally, and someone wants to store optional<U>s in that data structure.
@JohanLarsson the "changes every commit" thing is easily fixed (just untrack it). Removing from history (for repo size) is going to require rewriting history. Send some internet points my way: stackoverflow.com/questions/8740187/…
@JohanLarsson Especially the point about tag-name rewriting is oft overlooked in other sources!
For the same reason std::vector<std::vector<T>> is allowed.
I don’t see why you would restrict it.
optional<optional<T>> x = nullopt; what happens here?
@Rapptz to introduce more flavours of nothingness! Haven't you spoken to DBAs? Or Javascript devs? It's all the rage!
Aaahhah implicit conversions LOL.
@sehe ah, nice you will have your points in ~ 3 hours when I'm done or have wiped the entire repo :)
@Rapptz ty ty
@JohanLarsson I like that I get points if you wiped it too :)
Make the constructor explicit, dummy. (Do that anyway.)
@sehe I think it is fair but then I can just give the points now, so here goes :)
trololol. I was joking. But hey, the answer is okay (it addresses most of the pitfalls people encounter)
I'm thinking about buying a PS2 just to play Contra: Shattered Soldier. Is that insane?
Download an emulator.
all PlayStation emulators suck
Although PS2s are probably not very expensive these days.
Is the PS2 so easy to emulate?
PCSX2 sucks
Does it have multiple cores?
I have two PS2s.
@sehe I just voted, dunno why I sound so cheap with votes. I vote all the time, just have this rule I never vote for friends unless I understand and think it is good.
So I have multiple cores. :)
Simulating memory models of multicore consoles correctly must be a major pain in the lower end.
@FredOverflow pcsx2.net if you want to try
I haven't tried it in a year but it looks like it's improved since then apparently.
it's really easy to emulate
you can even render at high res and anti-alias
@JohanLarsson Makes sense. I very liberally vote. When I'm researching things, I simply upvote everything that was helpful in my search. So, the last period, many people have gotten votes for arcane Java Swing ideas. Many times, they had the first upvote from me, after years
@ScarletAmaranth that's not exactly revolutionary :v
> In Europa und Australien kommt die PlayStation 2 zusammen mit einem YaBasic-Interpreter auf der beigefügten Demo-CD.
PS2 comes with a Basic interpreter? lol
YaBasic, even :)
@Rapptz did I make it sound so?
Everything comes with a Basic interpreter.
@ScarletAmaranth Yes.
k, 6:15 AM.
I should hit the sac.
gute Nacht
what is the equivalent of cd in git?
using this bash thing
trying to open the repo on //NAS/...
or maybe rm in local repo and pushing to NAS is enough?
> When I first started using Java, it felt like an old friend: like finally I was back using a real object system, before the blights of C (the PDP-11 assembler that thinks it's a language) and C++ (the PDP-11 assembler that thinks it's an object system) took over the world.
@JohanLarsson That makes no sense.
Just change to the appropriate directory and invoke Git from there.
@rightfold read it better then! :)
> Java is far, far more pleasant to work with than C or C++ or Perl or Tcl/Tk or even Emacs-Lisp.
Yeah, but you’re pretty much listing a set of horrible languages there, lol.
> I think Java is the best language going today
Should I stop reading? :)
Yes. It’s worthless.
Oh wait, the article is from 2000.
Better read about abstract mathematics or go cure cancer.
@ScottW Hallo, wereld.
@rightfold The Cure in concert with death metal band Cancer?
@rightfold Category theory eh
A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors. What’s the problem?
A walk in the park.
> Generally, I'm dissatisfied with the overhead added by Unicode support in those cases where I'm sure that there are no non-ASCII characters. There ought to be two subclasses of an abstract String class, one that holds Unicode, and one that holds 8-bit quantities. They should offer identical APIs and be indistinguishable, except for the fact that if a string has only 8-bit characters, it takes up half as much memory!
With UTF-8 encoding, this would be a non-issue, right?
> All told, a monad in X is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of X, with product × replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor.
truth or troll?
> The take-away is that static functions are useless, so don't use them. Use Singletons instead.
elitest troll will always embed some truth in an apparent troll - it is almost like sugar coating a bitter medicine
You need singletons for that in Java because you cannot pass static functions as arguments.
Yes. But saying that you don't need them anyway because singletons are better, doesn't seem right.
But then again, maybe he meant "better in Java".
Singletons are fine if they’re stateless and the language is so unexpressive that it lacks HOFs.
lolwat, Java does not have public members and does not allow shortcuts for it? (like Ruby and (C#?))
> Stay tuned, I'm sure I'll have found something new to hate by tomorrow. (Well, that's how this document originally ended. But it's not true, because I'm back to hacking in C, since it's still the only way to ship portable programs.)
@Jefffrey Of course Java has public members. What are you talking about?
@FredOverflow Then I don't understand the "No control on member access" chapter here.
You can have public fields in Java just fine.
class C {
    public int x;
Maybe you “can’t” for reasons of working with fucking idiots who will kill you if you ever dare to do this.
Meh. What's so bad about Java? I can't find a good reason to hate it.
@rightfold we need to add extra bloat in the form of accessors / mutators that do literally nothing
Except maybe the Java culture.
@Jefffrey Use C++, C# and Haskell for a while, then try to write anything in Java.
@Jefffrey Java is optimized for nullptr exceptions; ranges in Java ARE A JOKE (the end iterator is the last element), checked exceptions - I mean wtf
more boilerplate than god
really stupid non-uniform handling of arrays and other collections
retarded generics
Object has equals and hashCode functions.
(all they really do is cast stuff for you)
And clone.
and support for functional style is non-existant
== does reference comparison.
(well, Java 8 helps)
It’s more of a mess than C# is.
these are just off the top of my head : - /
@ScarletAmaranth Ranges: I don't see the problem in it.hasNext() vs it != vector.end().
how many interesting positions are there in a range of n elements?
(hint to Java: it's not n)
All you need is car and cdr.
@ScarletAmaranth Not following.
well, suppose you have a sequence of N elements
Oh wait.
{0, 1, ... N-1}
I wish Haskell had more support for not writing duplicate code.
Got it.
@ScarletAmaranth What the problem, then?
@ScarletAmaranth With a trivial hasNext() the loop would stop at N-2.
well, how many interesting positions are in that range; @R.MartinhoFernandes
How is that a problem?
it's a problem if you're Java and your answer is N
because there are N+1 interesting positions
Wait what.
{0, 1, 2}
^ ^ ^ ^
---------^ <- one past N
Yes. Explain how Java cannot... something.
@ScarletAmaranth How's the past the end element an interesting position if you can stop before reaching it?
it's not about "being unable to", it's about: "this doesn't make much sense"
it's a hack if you have to check "am I finished yet"
In C++ it's interesting just because it's guaranteed to be there, and to compare the current iterator with it.
@ScarletAmaranth Why is it a hack?
> I picked up Java without any formal training in it. I just read the manual and went at it. I was finding features that people who had been programming Java for years at the time weren't even aware existed. Because of my background, I quickly found many of the limiting features of Java.
He probably means limiting factors, right? No language designer in his right mind would knowingly put limiting features into a language. At least I hope so. "This language is too powerful, I must put limiting features in there!"
@ScarletAmaranth Hint: you do it in C++ too.
I consder it a hack because it's much cleaner to delimit such position with an "iterator" that's one past the range
Meh, fuck off.
it's a horrible thing to do
Can you show one situation that is problematic?
If ArrayList had a method "insert at this iterator", it would be a problem :)
@FredOverflow Eww, mutation.
@rightfold Do I need to link the Haskell XKCD again? ;)
Gotta love LiveScript’s <<< operator.
I wonder whether it works with arrays.
well, I can't seem to think of anything reasonable to support my claims, @R.MartinhoFernandes, vOv - I just hate the way they've set it up; I be hatin' (and Fred has a point, I guess)
@Xeo Tatsyua didn't do anything OP in yesterday's epi :(
@Jefffrey Read it til the end:
> Because, if, down the road, you decide you want to do something even remotely interesting with 'memberName', you're going to have to call a method to do it. So might as well write it now.
He will, don't worry
Contrast that with Scala, where you can always change fields from public to private and provide a manual getter without breaking client code.
@FredOverflow The Robot usually has a nice answer to this: You want to break client code.
OH look - I finally managed to piss someone off: '-2 6 mins ago downvote' on a long-dead question from two years ago. I wonder which of the malicious, deadbeat, entitled bastards that I close-voted yesterday has gone for revenge-downvotes?
Probably sucks.
For the same reason function_traits sucks.
@MartinJames it's adorable that you care :)
@ScarletAmaranth I want them all to die, slowly and painfully, and their souls cast into hell, or the PHP room, whichever's easier.
@MartinJames I need to visit that fabled PHP room at some point
@Xeo Imagine Java replaced that public .length field on arrays with a public .length() method. What benefit would there be to breaking client code?
@ScarletAmaranth Take wooden stakes and vials of holy water.
@FredOverflow Well, presumably some pre-/post-condition would change, otherwise there'd be no need to change it. Though .length is a bad example, as it's already a property, not just a plain member.
Java has properties?
@Xeo What do you mean by "property" as opposed to "plain member"?
@DeadMG no
what's wrong with count = two - one? (the runtime complexity of your "algorithm" is through the roof) — sehe 1 min ago
okay then.
Trolol. He shouldn't steel my comment and post it as an answer :/
@DeadMG Well, it has properties that are not properties, and some default get/set behaviour, but it's shit, as you might expect.
I should use functools.partial instead of classes for DI.
@MartinJames Java has two kinds of members: fields and methods. Java does not have properties.
Ugh. Drank Hardys & Hansons Olde Trip last night. It's only 4.3%, but I feel like an army of Frenchmen is trying to destroy my brain with power tools.
@FredOverflow It has properties pages, or summat. I can't remember the details, (much like last night in the club).
@FredOverflow How about static block?
Or is that not a member?
What about inner classes?
@MartinJames Are you talking about Javadoc? :)
@rightfold oh right
@FredOverflow Is static a member? :v
And constructors? Or are constructors methods?
@rightfold That's an interesting question. From a language perspective, constructors are not methods, but from a VM perspective, they are. At least that's my take on it.
@FredOverflow Could be. I'm a little hazy about Java ATM. To be more accurate, I'm a little hazy about everything ATM.
@rightfold (pssst - it's the same thing implicitly)
@sehe I know, but classes are ugly and verbose.
I prefer route with two parameters over Router with a single-parameter __init__ and a single-parameter __call__ method.
agreeing. but closures/partial applications can be pretty confusing
@FredOverflow static is also a method in the VM.
@sehe I’m extremely familiar with them, so I don’t worry about it.
You're hiding stuff, GoodThing(TM)
But hiding too much is -- Confusing(TM)
@rightfold :D
route = functools.partial(routing.route, [
    ({'GET'}, re.compile(r'^/echo/(?P<name>[^/]+)/$'), handler),
Such beautiful. I also love how functools.partial works with keyword arguments.
@FredOverflow I’d say class file, not VM. VM is implementation-defined.
Why do I always know these random trivia about technologies I never use.
We also use partial application extensively in our code base at work, and my colleague doesn’t have problems with it either.
Speaking of which, I should port functools.partial to PHP so we can use it on the server-side too.
@rightfold Dunno. It's the same class of question as 'why does Martin James have a bronze Java badge?' I didn't ask for it, I don't want it, but there it is:(
Flag any of your posts for moderator attention and ask them to remove your badge.
inb4 "we don't need no stinkin"
@rightfold we don't need no stinkin' badge
@sehe I showed how to get the acceptable range of numbers for long long int. So whether it si long enough or not you can decide yourself. — Vlad from Moscow 40 secs ago
Long enough or not, be careful that it doesn’t become too long for GCC. — rightfold 6 secs ago
So funny. He just didn't read the question, I think. Which is ironic, because he posted his "answer" very late
sehe from Moscow.
Anyone understand this:
'I issue asynchronous calls but want them executed chronologically'. Is it just me?
Dat code.
Why does he not use async/await.
@MartinJames Perfectly possible.
You want async call A to finish before invoking async call B.
IOW you invoke B in the callback of A.
@rightfold Yes - that is what I thought.
Fuck callbacks.
Use async/await and write sequential code.
@rightfold That too.
Fuck async/await. Have green threads and have the VM handle that for you.
Erlang and Go. :>
IntelliJ y u no recognise nonlocal. :<
@rightfold umm ... like ... system hangs in that case?
In order to write less code, I have compressed 3 function calls into one
3 lines into 1 line ~_~
Fuck green threads.
Green threads or bust.
'i am new here can u please do it for me?' - no, fuck off. I'm going for beer, even though I'm hungover already. SO bad questions and bad behaviour is killing me.
Thx… got it…
Hmm, there still seems to be no way to download it for those of us whose connections don't stay fast for an entire half hour :(
TIL that the Deep Space Network has serious retarded potential.
In electrodynamics, the retarded potentials are the electromagnetic potentials for the electromagnetic field generated by time-varying electric current or charge distributions in the past. The fields propagate at the speed of light c, so the delay of the fields connecting cause and effect at earlier and later times is an important factor: the signal takes a finite time to propagate from a point in the charge or current distribution (the point of cause) to another point in space (where the effect is measured), see figure below. Potentials in the Lorenz gauge The starting point is Maxwel...
@Potatoswatter similar to Stack Overflow
The starting point is Maxwell's equations in the potential formulation using the Lorenz gauge:
so much terrible terrible memories ...
Did you already study relativistic electromagnetism at some point?
Stack Overflow—the smart—attracts idiots—the dumb.
Attract the opposite!
I've been spending more time on Physics lately… you can forgive folks for being dumb there :)
@Potatoswatter yes, a bit in the university - special relativity
@telkitty.exe yikes… and good night!
Did try to read the general relativity. Apparently just some formulas put together, could be solved using some advanced maths learnt in the university. But knowing what formulas to use is different from knowing what exactly it's talking about ...
BTW, it is not relativity that brought up all the horrible terrible memories, it is the Maxwell's equations :'(
yikes ~shudders~
I agree with the OCD part.
But I don't answer many questions, so I don't really know much.
I remember a question on how to crash Windows. It was for testing purposes. The question was closed as not constructive even though there was a good answer (implementing a faulty device driver).
How to crash Windows? Copy a file.
+1 good answer (ironically, the use case from the OP isn't exactly covered by the exceptions, really, but hey, we can't expect an exhaustive list of broken features in the MSVC compiler! (Save trees) — sehe 4 secs ago
@rightfold How?
G'day o/
@StackedCrooked You don't? What's surprising?
@needaname We don't have them.
@sehe haha, who?
@StackedCrooked It clearly demonstrates that Perl is superior over Java.
And that's not even counting derived ones, such as our own stackoverflow.com/users/1322972/whozcraig
lol, that's a lot of dups.
Well I want to change my name but I have to wait for the 20 of this month
There only 22 users named "Name".
There are 68 users named "Null"
@sehe and? :)
Anyway I need feedback for the editor I'm building.. jsfiddle.net/NUveL/5
Thoughts? especially the tab functionality?
I like editor on the left. Maybe on the top right too (but seems readonly)
@sehe You mean the live preview?
Quoting doesn’t work when selecting a word in the middle of a sentence.
Are you looking at the styling already? In that case, I think that i.imgur.com/jLKkmD8.png is feedback
@needaname I mean the obvious
Is char32_t guaranteed to be signed?
I'd say "no" (but it's a gut guess)
Ah, it’s guaranteed to be unsigned.
> If you code anything like you google, or, anything like you type for that matter, nothing is going to work for you. Boost Lockfree works on 64bit, spefically. So, maybe you shouldn't look for answers "on stack", but look at the relevant documentation.
C++ y u no Unicode.
because that would be genuinely useful
@DeadMG I sense sarcasm.
then your sarcasm detector is broken.
as the guy who presented the Unicode paper in Bristol then I think I've got a pretty good view on why there's no Unicode in C++ :P
@rightfold Fixed jsfiddle.net/NUveL/6
jsfiddle is slow to update this week
@sehe Got it. What's your browser if I may ask?
and what has that quote you made to do with me?
I've read many people tell they wanted TAB functionality in a editor. Is that what you wanted?
@needaname I exercise my legal right to remain silent.
I don't know. You tell me?
(Hint, why do you ask?)
I put a bounty on an old question of mine.
@needaname It's Opera Version 12.16 Build1860 Platform Linux System x86_64, 3.11.0-20-generic
Not sure if anything good will come out of it. But hey.
I’d start with defining what is and what is not an error.
I have no idea how to define that.
(Isn't it obvious?)
Do you consider invalid user input an error (as opposed to merely one of two possible kinds of input)? Do you want to treat it the same as a hardware failure?
Or is that part of the question?
user input validation is fairly high level and not really problematic in my experience
it's rather about the errors that occur in deep code
how to affect the high level behavior of the program
For stuff like database errors we log them and then display 500 to the user.
If inserting user feedback into YouTrack fails, we just log it and tell the user it succeeded. xD
Nothing is more frustrating than writing an essay, submitting it and then getting a message that submission failed.
@rightfold lol
We’d still have access to the feedback, though, because it’s somewhere in the log file.
ok, so it's only semi-unacceptable :P
jk, maybe it's the most sensible thing to do
It would be nice to have some system that keeps a table of (exception type, count) pairs, and sends an SMS when one kind of exception causes a 500 very often in a short period of time.
I think systems like this exist.
There is Sentry but I’m not sure about its feature set.
And whether it hooks on throw or only deals with uncaught exceptions.
one of the answers I got is this paper (pdf).
I’m thinking of using the ilk keyword for defining data types, because I already have def, fun and use and they are all three characters long. :P
Fuck it.
anyone knows what is the logic behind this formula to allocate the space for an int inside a char?? the part about adding and dividing looks a little bit mysterious to me
#define ENOUGH ((CHAR_BIT * sizeof(int) - 1) / 3 + 2)
> allocate the space for an int inside a char
Makes no sense. Be more specific.
ok sorry, my question is related to a comment in this question
That is an array of chars, not a char.
yes you're right, i was going to fast and I didn't wrote it down properly
@ @ tumbleweeds... @ @
do you guys think this could be considered a "high level abstraction of a event-vector table" for hardware interrupts?
Except IOError as e:
  return handle_error(1)

Def handle_error(code):
  # all of these are methods.
  return {
    1: handle_io_error,  # couldn’t read
    2: handle_divide_error # divided by zero
  }.get(code, invalid)()
Is @Scott still alive?
am I an idiot because I prefer vanilla JS to JQuery ?
Never used jQuery.
are we both idiots?
I've created a SSCCE for you, simplifying to just a list of areas, and a single GameObject. If it doesn't already answer, then at least it will help you get to a SSCCE :) — sehe 7 secs ago
Maybe this was overkill. But, hey, I want to know these things.
@StackedCrooked +1
@A.H. +1
@StackedCrooked +1
@StackedCrooked maybe if you call him @ScottW
today is a good day
this is how you get slapped by a dog (gif): 3.bp.blogspot.com/-aE5euS4CmvA/T5B7iihSTvI/AAAAAAAAA_U/…
@StackedCrooked internaat.
da's toevallig mijn vriend woont in Ternat.
@rightfold Average turnout at Stoke matches: 26,068.
How do you do a raw U"…" literal?
rU"()" and Ur"()" don’t work. :v
How, capital R, lol.
@sehe It's ok, I'm democratic. I don't know what to tell you. The reason I'm asking is because I'm building a website made for people, not for me or just programmers and the editor is part of that. I'm not asking about code but functionality, more exactly what people WANT, not what the creator (me) wants. tl;dr Not selfishly building a website.
@Borgleader she was expecting the blow and bracing for the impact by tensing up her mouth
I'm going to test it on Opera and other browsers to reproduce this issue and fix it.
@Borgleader dayum that dog is crazy
I think I’m gonna write a compiler for a change.
@rightfold I think I'd demand real money, not just change, to write a compiler.

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