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lol I got a 9/10 for the assignments, even though each grade was decreased due to me never attending the labs
considering this, I have no idea why one would try so hard to attend to each lab to get 10/10
I got a 6/10 for my SQL test. I didn’t hand in any homework, whilst homework counted for 4/10 towards the final grade, so I actually got a 10/10 for the test itself. :P
this was a single project so the final grade was also 9
You get the same amount of points for a 6/10 as for a 10/10 so nobody puts any effort into stuff.
which is a bit unfair to those who tried harder than me
You need 60 points to graduate.
because I did it all on less than a day lol
yeah credits are a thing here too
It’s a retarded system.
no it's not
for most, including me, it only matters whether or not they pass
Higher grades should yield more credits.
for those who want free housing and stuff, the higher grades come into play
Otherwise there is absolutely no point into grades at all, and insufficient/sufficient would suffice.
there is a point, I just told you about one
@rightfold Grades are for grading; credits are for tracking progress.
You misunderstand the whole point.
And then having more correct answers would still not be rewarded even though it should be.
@rightfold Grades are for your own self-esteem.
students are sorted by grades, descending, and the first N get free housing and some extra cash from the state
Not here. Because that would probably be racist or something.
@AlexM. Uh, excuse me, who cares?
credits are there to tell you how much progress you've done
If you did less and got the same, you have already learned more than them.
Credits are there to tell the school how much progress you've done
that too
Ah well, what’d you expect from a communistic education system anyway. vOv
there weren't any credit based systems in communist Romania
students weren't even allowed to retake exams
they'd repeat the whole year for a single failed exam
also because not going to a college meant going to swing a pickaxe at a rock, the competition was fierce at every university
ironic really as I imagine swinging a pickaxe at a rock requires a certain fierceness
it's interesting how many businesses you were able to open during communist Romania
buying a video tape player and making neighbors pay for watching movies at your place was one of them
normal communist TV was essentially a one hour or so broadcast each day, where you'd watch propaganda
VCRs and stuff weren't officially sold
selling "tickets" for movies at your place always worked, with anyone
because back then everyone had money but no products to spend them on
you'd go in a store and only see jars of jam, if lucky, and low quality food
one of Ceausescu's goals was to make Romania get rid of its international debts
and he succeeded, Romania being the only country in the world at the time w/o debts towards others
but the population paid all of the price
everything good was being exported
as opposed to... whom?
everything bad was given to the population
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what do you mean?
who apart from the population can ever pay a nation's debts
yeah, that's true
The European Union.
maybe I should have formulated like...
it wasn't exactly a necessary goal and the population suffered too much because of it
it was all in vain anyway, after the revolution we managed to get ourselves buried in debts again
ITT Alex explains modern history of Romania
Okay, time to implement this fucking map.
@sehe ITT "ITT"s are literal
@sehe lol I really like discussing my country's history
@Griwes not really
The guy whose question was closed wrote to me on twitter
I could use canvas or a bunch of <img> tags.
The latter is probably easier to implement.
Or a bunch of canvases!
Um for whay
You said text game
Yeah mostly text.
But the map is graphical.
like this!
Then imgs could work
All I need to draw is some circles with tooltips.
So I guess I will use SVG with Bootstrap tooltips if that works at all.
SVG circles are sharp unlike canvas arcs.
Should be ok
I'd like to write a game :F
But uni shit
At least I don't have to endure the pain alone
your unis always sound so hardcore
even when it's the exam session, I can still take a day off to do w/e, since it's easy to make up for it the next day
maybe mine is too easy
it's possible
all I have to do is type "i" in my address bar and firefox immediately goes to itanium ABI
well Jeffrey that is the code I'm using. You ran on Linux. I'm on Windows and I'm using the old C++ standard. A lot of differences between your environment and mine. So rather than saying I lied you should've probably paid attention to those details and started a discussion on that. — Dula 9 mins ago
I like this guy.
omg it works
@EtiennedeMartel Y'all need to stop referring me as "that" guy
Except the tooltip is not centred. :<
Is there a way to reproduce the behavior of MVSC++ on Coliru?
Can someone try this code for me and tell me what the output is?
clang++ -std=c++11 -O2 -Wall -pedantic -pthread main.cpp && ./a.out
After removing edge

Remove u

Remove v

!Everything removed
@DemCodeLines Why?
@rightfold s/misbehavior/misbehaviour/
omg seriously? why are you being such a d***. The compiler comes with the IDE as a package. why can't you be a normal person and talk normal?? — Dula 35 secs ago
Well, you kinda are.
Why am I trying to help this guy again?
You are being a dick.
It's quite usual for program output to change between platforms, especially when you take VS bugs into account.
Can we not talk about VS bugs?
I'm ready to bet that's not the output MVSC++ 2010 super delux gives.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Okay; we'll put that discussion on ICE for now.
So, what's up?
Entertain me.
> fatal error C1001: INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR
@BartekBanachewicz Wanna work on a NES game?
@R.MartinhoFernandes boo
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Because I'm not "that" guy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Get drunk and entertain us.
@DemCodeLines Well, yes, actually, you are.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Come on now, don't be a dick. — Jefffrey 57 secs ago
I asked a simple question about a girl.
no, not again pls
Don't some religions says something along the lines of, "help your brothers in need or something?"
I asked for help and many did. That was all.
@Jefffrey What the ƒuck did you just ƒucking say about me, you little ßitch?
:lol: x3
I will wipe you the ƒuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this site, mark my ƒucking words. You think you can get away with saying that sћit to me over the Internet? Think again, ƒucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of community managers across the network and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, unestablished user.
Not only am I extensively trained in button-clicking, but I have access to the entire arsenal of all pointing devices ever invented and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable account off the face of the site, you little sћit.
If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your ƒucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you godd@mn id|ot. I will sћit diamonds all over you and you will drown in them.
You're ƒucking destroyed, kiddo.
@DemCodeLines That was a gutsy move, my friend :)
You can repeat this action in 6 seconds
@DemCodeLines What are you going on about now?
I'm too tired to go get drunk.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Me too :(
@DemCodeLines Coincidentally religions are dumb
@StackedCrooked Correct me if I misunderstood, but you're saying it's gutsy for me to come here and ask for help?

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