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What's up?
Why is it that every time I come here out of boredom the room is dead?
TIL reading upside-down is not a common skill.
why would it be?
how often do you have to read upside down?
I just assumed it was a normal thing anyone could do.
I can read perfectly fine upside-down but I never made an effort to do it, so I assumed it came with every brain.
It's like... natural :S
Well you're lucky really, Firmware came out a week before you were born. Prior versions did not support this feature.
What firmware does the robot run on? Do we need to upgrade him?
No, you're the ones that need upgrading.
No argument there
Newer isn't always better. Think Win7 vs. Win8.
I guess teachers pick it up eventually.
I wish there is a real life game where I get ditched on to a island surrounded by the sea that does not have any human, on which I have to survive 15 days ...
@R.MartinhoFernandes Because everyone's already having fun bud.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Whenever I read upside down people sometimes seem to be impressed.
@Rapptz Yeah, that's what happened to me.
Everyone was like "wow, you can do that?", and I was like "what, you can't?"
I just tried it with my Kindle. I can read upside-down OK, but not as fast as rightside-up. Probably, if I practiced a bit, I could get fast at it, but I'm not going to try in case I end up having to turn my display upside-down.
yeah it's definitely not as fast
Oh - problem. I instinctively turn the page the wrong way:(
What would you call something that gets the Nth type of a parameter pack?
i.e. tuple_element except no tuples.
Or nth
as a meta function?
seems short and MPL-ish
better than arg I guess
@telkitty.exe I guess it would be OK if there was robotic pizza/beer delivery.
I am thinking more along the line of lobster & seafood :')
grilled ...
@telkitty.exe OK, but the satellite link for the Lounge would be expensive, especially for someone who, say, uploads a lot of pics:)
Would be fairly easy with a few lighters, if there are trees, a medium sized cave, fresh water stream and no predators ... and Oo, the island has to be in the tropic :p
@MartinJames I think I would be more worried about the food and shelter to even care about the internet :p
@telkitty.exe Yeah, I was not thinking of Rockall:)
Also would be nice to have a large sleeping bag and some steal steel containers
how about salt & pepper ... just just pepper coz there is salt in the sea
@telkitty.exe Hmm.. luxury creep. Don't forget the yacht:)
@DeadMG Doesn't work for private or ambiguous bases.
@MartinJames if there is a yacht, I will surely be trying to get on out the 3rd day if not earlier :p
reminds me to bring a knife and gloves ...
@telkitty.exe I don't have the marine skills to operate a yacht, but as long as it has a minibar in the stateroom, that's fine.
yacht is good for shelter, but then you have to eat ... and you need water
Ooh wait, the fridge has plenty of seafood and drinks to last for 15 days, doesn't it?
@telkitty.exe Desalinator run from the APU - the one that powers the plasma TV and heats the shower water.
Lets forget the island now - it's redundant:)
Oh, no, keep the island for sandy beach and safe anchorage.
I have a strange desire for a coconut. Morrisons may have them, but it's a 30km drive.
They will have the 'milk' in cans. I guess that would do, but I like the white bits.
I'm going for a drive. The roads will be empty this time of night.
cya in an hour :p
Hope you are not drunk, in which the case you shouldn't be driving >_<
Ruby: where requiring a module that ships with the stdlib changes how integer division works everywhere. http://t.co/pa2rgfNytH
/cc @bartek
I like how we have moved all prior questions to meta.SE to make a change, and meta hasn't change a bit. 90% of the new questions are all meta.SE related.
TIL: The Android API has a method named runWithScissors()
OK, how do I open a coconut without a machete?
a heavy knife ...
not that I have any experience
that's the theory ... :x
OK, Google wins:) I drill the eyes, drain off the milk, put nut in a poly bag and smash it with a hammer.
you this sounds like quite a nut job ;)
@Borgleader Heh.. I just got this craving and feeding-frenzy after some idle chat with telkitty about tropical islands.
Hmm.. actually, you may be right. I'm totally sober, but I'm now getting a craving to attack my DB migration stuff with the debugger. On an Easter Saturday morning. At 04:00. I must be mentally ill after all:)
@telkitty.exe Heh - how cute it that:) I gotta send Anne the link.
hey quick question. Is anyone here familiar with setting up OpenGL on Windows 8?
I'n not familiar with either. I wish to stay that way.
:D ... whether that works with 'friends' substituted into 'wife' :p
oh well, worth a shot
Where is Anne? Is she asleep already? Sneaking out to get a coconut @ 2am in the morning appears to be awfully suspicious >_<
It's 5:30 AM here. 4:30 in UK.
@telkitty.exe Anne is asleep. I'm awake 'cos I went to the bar yesterday lunchtime and slept all through the evening. That's why I'm awake, (and sober), now:)
I suspect I may have some explaining to do tomorrow - she may have heard me drilling out the eyes. 'Some dev. in Australia made me do it' will probably suffice - it's so unbelievable it must be true.
3 hours later…
Oo my ...
1 hour later…
Implemented exporting votes as json and xml, vote tool is now able to also import json.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh my. This guy is working so hard to convince us he's doing useless stuff. I'm not even sure it isn't simply true, anymore :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes You get bored at times that others just sleep...
@Jefffrey It takes practice. You're too young
I wonder how good of a habit it is to make my APIs fail at compile time as much as possible.
Maybe it's annoying for users.
better than failing at runtime.
yeah that's my line of thought too
Is it called edit time when one get errors while typing the code?
I call it "annoying time"
maybe type time
I call it productivity
depends on the tool tbh
some are annoying
like they give me errors while I'm not done typing.
I know only VS and C#
diversify yourself!
why did I delete all my games? :(
@Rapptz I've been failing at starting to learn F# for a while now.
It looks really nice
But just chatting with FP guys in their ivory towers have made me write better C#
Will you NEVER post mutilated code again for a question. I just spent 45 minutes figuring out that you randomly mutated ModelLibrary into base and ModelLibraryG4PCS into Derived. That's just not funny and completely unnecessary (it wastes all of our time). That said, make it selfcontained next time: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/38cfb33d5bf388a6. It can be a lot shorter too. — sehe 12 secs ago
@DeadMG You were wasting too much time with them
Have the drugs affected your coding?
you mean, apart from now being able to code because I'm no longer spending all my time crying?
who knows?
I recently learned of a "delete line" shortcut
wonder how I've lived without it
it's the best
in VS?
no I don't use VS
but it probably exists there too
considering it exists in TeXStudio and Sublime Text 3 it might be one of those common ones
ctrl + shift + K for me
what's the difference between UUID and GUID anyway?
Q: Is there any difference between a GUID and a UUID?

Jon TackaburyI see these 2 acronyms thrown around, and I was wondering if there are any differences between a GUID and a UUID?

tbh I'm surprised that's on SO
I imagine that question would be closed and sent to -10 today
eh I doubt it
it's a pretty useful thing to know if UUIDs and GUIDs are the same thing.
yeah but does it fit SO's guidelines of being a good fit here?
well, it is a specific problem faced by programmers when programming things
I don't see why it wouldn't be a good fit.
iunno, I always imagine "terminology" questions being closed in SO
this isn't a soft opinion-based question, like I dunno, "What is an object?".
it has a specific concrete answer.
er mah gerd it's a tony
do you guys randomly get room invites too?
in Room for Haider and Rapptz, 1 min ago, by Haider
where are you from
@JohanLarsson ^L (or dd for me)
@Rapptz No, which means, it's not random :)
@Rapptz Nah. What the puppy said. Everyone who has seen UIDs in some form has wondered for at least a second or two whether it's the same. And technically, their implementations are frequently not equivalent
@DeadMG ermaghrd it's a puppy.
¹ needs citation
@sehe dd is for R#?
What else :)
Something that looks like it noticed that time passed since 1986?
scanf("%d", a[i]) should work in place of scanf("%d", &a[i]) ?
maybe it would be easier in some ways to generate C++ instead of going straight to LLVM IR
> if you're working with a compiler supporting c++0x (03 or 11) features. vc6 does not even fully implements templates :( POOR GUY
What an idiot.
Well, time to think of how the fuck I am going to implement name resolving in styxc.
With a scope object that has a map of names and a pointer to its surrounding scope maybe?
Good luck doing that in Haskell.
I thought you switched to D?
Then use a scope monad or whatever :)
Well, what I can do is just copying the map for each new scope.
Instead of linking to the parent.
Basically, all I need to link in the map is let definitions.
sounds easy
So I need some way of annotating them in the AST.
I need to add a unique ID to each of them.
oh boy.
> Hey babe, wanna annotate my syntax tree?
I know!
like totally
// instead of this:
data Def
  = UseDef [String]
  | LetDef String [(String, Name)] (Maybe Name) Expr
  deriving (Show)
// I will have this!
data Def a
  = UseDef a [String]
  | LetDef a String [(String, Name a)] (Maybe (Name a)) (Expr a)
  deriving (Show)
But then what would I do to NameExprs (which are expressions like foo)?
This guy is weird.
This guy i adore.
> can you please talk about something other than postscript
That sounds rude :)
@FredOverflow wow
2 minutes into this and it's still talking about something you learn in grade school
Well, as I understand it, Computerphile is a channel for making people become interested in computers.
So I added annotations to my AST and the code didn’t get prettier because of it. :P
Also I should probably split Name and TypeName.
What's the ECMAScript doing in there?
You can insert literal ECMAScript code.
Like this:
let async (f: unit => unit) =
    es f (cont = continue): unit {
        f(function() { });
@rightfold WHY?!?
This parses to:
Right [LetDef () "async" [LetParameter () "f" (Just (FunctionTypeName () (UnitTypeName ()) (UnitTypeName ())))] Nothing (ECMAScriptExpr () [NameECMAScriptCapture () "f" (Name () ["f"]),ContinueECMAScriptCapture () "cont"] (UnitTypeName ()) "\n        f(function() { });\n        cont();\n    ")]
@FredOverflow For interop.
But ECMAScript is like the worst popular language ever.
It’s my target language.
Hey, there is a bug in my implementation of async.
The ES code doesn’t pass an instance of unit. :P
@FredOverflow Wow. I wager it became an even longer night than anticipated
@rightfold The compiler doesn't pass out :P
I’m not going to analyse ES code. :v
Ello everyone, did I infer correctly from the c++ faq that Accelerated C++ is the choice for a person who programs already (Java + Android at the moment). I hate programming books full of prose so something quick would be nice.
> C++
> something quick
by something quick I mean
not a 1000 page book where half of each page is silly prose
@MikulášKlokočka Basically, yes
(<&>) = flip (<$>) :)
Mhm, okay, thanks
I can't make sense of this error.
You can have my copy. I read it out of curiosity, but it's a tad boring for me
I walk through it and it makes perfect sense to me that it should be working yet it doesn't :(
@Rapptz No code, no glory
You sound like OP.
yeah yeah :(. SSCCE is unlikely (sort of) it's three files. Sucks.
@sehe I watched maybe a dozen videos. Most of them are really well produced.
@sehe If that was for me, I hear you. I find reading most programming books pretty boring. But as far as I know C++ is best learned from a good book (besides the obvious writing in it).
@MikulášKlokočka Any particular reason you want to learn C++?
@MikulášKlokočka Yes it was for you
@FredOverflow It is the language for game development. That is what I am aiming for right now. I know there are nice and easy libraries for Python etc., but I would rather learn a language which is used the industry then what is the indie dev choice.
You can edit messages for two minutes.
@MikulášKlokočka writing in it, reading the docs, and especially following (good!) answers on SO and the lounge can all help tremendously.
@MikulášKlokočka Tab
Nothing helps as well as working with a senior mentor on actual projects
@MikulášKlokočka Since you have a Java background, you should note that C++ and Java aren’t anything alike.
@rightfold this ^
@sehe Yup.
@rightfold Yeah, know that much myself :)
@MikulášKlokočka C++ is used by professional teams for AAA development. (And that is mostly for historical reasons.) All other games can be programmed in pretty much any language.
AAA (pronounced "triple A") is a classification term used for games in the video game industry. The term is an acronym of several quality characteristics of a game and first emerged in the USA. Origin With the early modernism of the video game industry occurring during the 80's and after the North American video game crash of 1983, gaming companies needed to find a standard term in order to help the audience distinguishing good titles from the poorly developed ones. Nintendo was one of the first companies attempting to create their own system through the use of a Nintendo Seal of Qua...
@FredOverflow Yeah, I know. But I would like to join a studio in the future. If I were to dev an indie title I wouldn't most likely use C++.
@FredOverflow shhh; go back to Eiffel; the reasons are not "mostly historical" :)
@MikulášKlokočka I see. What's the biggest project you have tackled so far in other languages?
@FredOverflow Right now I am writing a pretty big Android application to be used in restaurants for ordering food and drink.
Oh hey new Ubuntu LTS
Finally shit will stop assuming 12.04
@CatPlusPlus Already? It's only been... oh, two years!
Also fucking MetroTwit
I buy it and then like 2 weeks later they announce EOL
And take down downloads
Because Twitter is shit at APIs
Downloading Xubuntu 14.04 now...
@FredOverflow It is my first bigger project to say the truth. I got a job in a small company making apps for clients and this is what I got :)
MetroTwit was free when I used it.
Wow, 957 MB doesn't exactly fit on a CD :-/
I needed support for multiple accounts
DVD, noob.
@CatPlusPlus OIC.
@MikulášKlokočka Just prepare yourself for a lot of pain and weirdness when dating C++ ;)
2014, not blu-ray, plebs
Are there any desktop Twitter clients left
@FredOverflow That sounds reassuring :D
@rightfold I'll just buy a 1GB USB stick ;)
Why do you need a Twatter desktop client?
@FredOverflow lol 1GB
@TonyTheLion In case a bird lands on your keyboard?
Twatter, haha
@FredOverflow Actually, while dating it will still seem awesome. Only, after you ditch C++, it will turn out the UB gave you a rash and all manner of stds
It's for the birds, really
@sehe std s eh? :D
Puns aplenty
@MikulášKlokočka xD
@sehe I bet all C++ committee members were asexuals in 1997. How else could they not have noticed the std pun?
Hint: you don't need to have sex in order to know the meaning of acronyms
Is there a lounge for android dev? Need to join that one at work I guess
@TonyTheLion What's the origin of the "name-so-noun" meme?
No. We're the only Lounge
@FredOverflow lightness
It's dumb like hell


Don't say hi. Don't ask questions. Don't have fun. Don't do an...
@CatPlusPlus what's not dumb to you?
Not me-meys
Lol Nyan cat
@FredOverflow ty
@CatPlusPlus :getout: :frog: vOv "Yeah because X totally is not Y" ("irony")
I didn't say it was dumb :)
oh god I hate my laptop
switchable graphics
who thought of that shizzle
the bug is because of SFINAE
What bug?
@sehe Emoticons
@Rapptz SFLB: Substitution Failure Leads to Bugs
the weird one I have
@CatPlusPlus used as memes
Gotta run, ty for help
> Reddit Ubuntu (@RedditUbuntu) favorited one of your Tweets!
Oh a weird bug in C++, who'd have thought?
I kinda did the equivalent of if(x) { return f(x); } return g(x); and did auto test() -> decltype(f(x))
@TonyTheLion that doesn't make sense
so f(x) fails but g(x) is valid and the decltype didn't account for it
bad mistake
you can have ?: inside decltype right? I forget
@sehe huh?
inb4 need std::remove_reference or needs g(T&) as well as g(T const&)
@TonyTheLion Can't have a bug in c++ really
@Rapptz Yes. But it's tricky to figure out the value category of expression
@sehe oh true
ew. Italics ++ is still oblique in my browser
I wonder if auto without decltype would still bug out on this
@rightfold Wat zit je nou te lachen? Heh?
@Rapptz :mystery.gif:
@sehe lol
@rightfold Well, chrome and ff do the same thing
Not on my machine.
meh ?: didn't fix it
I think it's fubar
I should go to bed, it's 6:35 AM
Creepy @phoronix site spreading #malware? It's downloading 'push?client=ca-pub-7443704194229694' from doubleclick at each page this moment
> Ubuntu is made for refridgerators by spanish leprechauns

(this made about as much sense as your post)
^ src
@sehe takes practice to do what? :/
Hmm. Why isn't this ambiguous?
@Jefffrey because adl
Because C++ is a terrible programming language.
the free function operator is in global scope
adl will pick the one within the enclosing scope of the type
wow, thanks
@ScarletAmaranth, you deserve the answer: here
@BenjaminBannier Yes, that is really the most important part of the answer. — rightfold 12 secs ago
He removed his comment now.
He was complaining that there were no return statements, and he said it in a cryptic way (return type isn’t void).
What an idiot.
are you new to SO?
it's always been like this; you answer a question and someone finds something utterly unrelated to pick on just because
Instead of just editing the fucking answer.
I hope he gets hit by a bus today.
I wonder what happens when a user on SO dies
well, my rules says I can't edit other's code, and the code was wrong
so, I would have done the same
If answers contain irrelevant mistakes, edit them.
There is no reason not to edit them.
except my internal rules
Then you may not complain about such answers.
as a matter of fact, there are some loungers too that find joy in nit-picking on possibly ambiguous words that in some scenarios under some circumstances with some interstellar constellation could be interpreted in a way that would not be 100% sound from the standpoint of semantics
unless the code contains an obvious typo (1-2 chars maximum), I can't edit code, but I'm supposed to comment on it and downvote until it will be fixed
vOv; such is the way of things
@telkitty.exe No, their rep does not become part of their estate:) There is a meta about it.
@Jefffrey go ahead and downvote the answer; the member function is not marked const.
the code is fine the way it is. It doesn't contain undefined behavior the way it previous did.
@Jefffrey btw, what is your avatar supposed to represent ^^?
Oh, was it only about UB?
Better remove the return statement from the free function then.
@ScarletAmaranth a drawing of one of my shoes
with my foot in it
right; but why? just cause?
because when I was on Facebook I had a similar imagine that was taken while I was falling because I was too drunk
aaaah, alright
drinking is for pussies tho
yup, I got it 5 years later
wtf is this
Q: Converting a **double matrix into a cv::mat

doudouI have a ** double matrix of (64 column / M rows), I need to convert it into a cv::mat?

What's more important, why is your avatar different at sizes <=48
Well, that was great timing.
@ScarletAmaranth What it is? Better than most questions on Stack Overflow.
that's a neat word
@DeadMG neat comment
lol found it
has been my profile pic for quite a while on facebook
rofl; requires quite a bit of context to make any sense whatsoever
yeah, you should have a picture of a dog or something as your profile pic, that requires no explanation
I have a fetish for shoes.
requires no explanation either
This guy closed his own question as off-topic.
@Jefffrey btw; that guy in a hoodie that's barely visible in the upper right corner of the picture is kinda scary
Finally I have my C++–Perl hybrid! coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/ee7b9d207dfd1c43
@ScarletAmaranth ha ha
@rightfold now if you'll excuse me I need to stab myself in an eye with a fork
@ScarletAmaranth looks like it might be a question
@sehe it's something closely resembling one because of the trailing question mark, yes
Apparently, he's trying to braid a close-vote mat, and he can use all the pointers he find! — sehe 6 secs ago

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