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why is programming stuff for web browsers so awesome, short of the wide-compatibility part?
@Crowz you're delusional :D
that's why.
@Crowz because html/js/css just works!
but they do soooo much for you!
@StackedCrooked @ScarletAmaranth well shiiiiiiit about the latest Kill la Kill episode. Crazy shit.
@melak47 cmon it's not the year 2000 it was much more worse than now at the time.
I still kind of find JS a little awkward, it was waaaay worse when I didn't know about MVC though
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix MVC the pattern thats not actually a pattern because no one does it the same way.
@Borgleader exactly
So people that says I made a nice MVC framework is meaningless after some time.
MVVM is nice thought, and all MvVM works the same way as far as I understand
@Xeo yup, the 2 latest ones have been pretty pew pew as a matter of fact
@ThePhD see that's the problem: you think you "don't cast much" :)
@ThePhD You're an archmage dude...
WPF is overhyped
It is nice that gq automatically inserts // when in comments.
@Crowz They're not Wide-compatible!
@Crowz forget MVC... it's just a meaningless term now. People that Calls rails a MVC framework just because they created a class Model, View, and Controller is not enough...
and people seem to think that MVC and all their other variants are the silver bullet of designing GUI code
@Rapptz the golden hammer
@rightfold depending on config/filetype
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix yeah, but js gets really disorganized really quickly unless you consciously make an effort to encapsulate it in my experience
@sehe Default Vintage configuration with C files.
@Rapptz ime, it's still much better than anything else I've worked with =/
Documenting the layout of the call stack in a comment. :v
@Borgleader Honestly it was 90% the same with WinForms
I'm not sure why you think it's so great.
@rightfold yeah I know.
XAML isn't the greatest thing to work with and the only thing it has going for it is Data Binding.
@Crowz spaghetti code can be written easily on almost any non-functional language. You could check for MvVM (Knockoutjs and Angularjs) are two nice frameworks. Yet Angular is fully featured and Knockout is quite simple.
@Rapptz I'm pretty sure there are things you can do with WPF that you just cannot do with Winforms. I'd have to double check.
And dynamically instantiated custom views, IIRC
@Borgleader Not that much stuff, the greatest thing that sticks out is data binding.
@Borgleader Well, you know, if it's just more pleasurable to work with, it's ok to just state that as an advantage!
I kind of find it odd that there's still no built-in support for better drag and drop in the UI controls :s. I mean, you could do it but it feels like it's a bit more troublesome than it should be.
I also think asynchrony was made vastly simpler in WPF
@Borgleader WPF is MvVM ?
Yes (at least typically recommended)
Disclaimer: haven't had the pleasure of using WPF yet
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix yeah. One thing I've been working on lately is my own website using JS MVC-- although I want the biggest portions to be graphics and pretty things.
@Crowz also time will show you that Backbone js is pure crap (if you ever will use it)
I think I will not allow C code to call Styx code.
Having to use threads with message passing is way easier to implement.
@rightfold faschist
@sehe There is that too.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Yes
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix what tools are good for making a very simple, aesthetic, professional website?
@Crowz vim, money (vim doesn't give you a designer)
The right tools
But if you can find yourself a designer girlfriend... vim is pretty much all you need (and a browser obviously)
I'm an art/computer science double major!
You'll still need someone for support
I'm an art/computer science double dropout!
> "a designer girlfriend"
(is that, like, "designer clothes"?)
How should I know... I don't speak english
Does leaving university to study abroad count as a dropout?
> to study a broad /or/
to study abroad
This is important
You know.
in a different country
Tail call optimisation is pretty easy to implement.
@rightfold implement a good tracing lib then, if you have a debugger, debugging tail calls may remove things from your stacktrace.
if (*(ip + 1) == sx_opcode_return) {
    uintptr_t local_count = *(uintptr_t *)[call_stack_back - 1];
    call_stack_back -= local_count - 2;
// initialise stack frame for callee and jump
That's one of the reason why Tailcall optimization isn't implemented in python... because it would be harder to debug...
Make it optional with a flag. vOv
i've got a question about functional programming..
that one suggestion but it got refused...
@Berzerker go ahead.
@Berzerker then ask it on stack overflow

Functional Programming

Laughing at mutability!
@rightfold TCO is one of the most difficult optimizations to handle.
@rightfold meet me in that room?
@DeadMG why?
Unless you have a non platonic relation with a functional programming language
it's more than just an optimization
you're destroying a lot of debug information
and enabling (or not) whole different algorithms that depend on TCO to function
I don’t mind that.
However, I can see a problem with finally. Not sure how to encode it in my bytecode anyway though.
choosing whether to enforce TCO or not or when to implement it is not a trivial decision
@DeadMG You can create a a good profiling library that will do the traces for you... you shouldn't need debugging informations in production code
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Who said anything about production?
"I need TCO" is a thousand miles from "I'm in production right now".
you can't have it in production and not have it in dev.. You always need to have it
but there should be a good way to debug it in dev
or not have it, depending on your needs.
which is why TCO is pretty troublesome.
no matter which way you pick, you're breaking some otherwise perfectly valid and helpful behaviour.
well the problem is if your code runs okay without them and the optimized code crash because of TCO you have a much bigger problem
... yes, but that's also totally irrelevant.
I don’t see how this is related to the implementation of TCO, though.
the behaviour should be constant. That's all I'm saying
There is a difference between choosing to implement it or not, and how to implement it.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Well, it's clearly not constant.
@rightfold I merely said it was hard to handle. I didn't say it was terrifically hard to implement.
Scheme always optimize TCO so yes it's constant for Scheme as it is a requirement
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Congratulations for Scheme, but it's clearly not constant with not.
that's why I feel that classing TCO as an optimization is incorrect.
if it's not part of the language then yes
even if it is part of the language, the fact that it's part of the language proves that it's not an optimization.
they usually call it TCE
Tail call elimination
what they call it is irrelevant.
not optimization
@DeadMG well it's pretty relevant when the word "optimization" is replaced by something else... They don't call it optimization.
the word used to describe a concept does not change what that concept is.
> the fact that it's part of the language proves that it's not an optimization.
although I'm glad that the Scheme designers agree that it's not an optimization.
it's a design choice
It can only be seen as optimization if you consider that tail calls allow recursive functions to work in constant space.
that does not make it an optimization.
well your stack won't grow... that sounds more "optimal" than having a stack that grows linearly :)
well, as we've discussed, it's not always more optimal.
I just made the dumbest mistake in while: Returned a reference to a local... ahaha
You cannot do that.
The compiler will give an error.
depends on the exact details of the code in question.
@rightfold The compiler gave me neither error nor warning.
I found out when it crashed.
Buy a new compiler.
proving reference to local would be solving Halting Problem.
@rightfold Are there any compilers newer than VS2013?
obviously the compiler can check simpler cases, or should do.
Oh wait... I'm actually still using VS2012.
@Mysticial Always use clang as the baseline for warnings. It's far more effective.
I wasn't actually returning a reference to a local. I was assigning a pointer to the address of a local. And then using that pointer after leaving the function.
A bit of bad refactoring.
@Mystical msvc nov 2013 ctp
Q: how can make 64 bit exe file with dev c++?

user3314731i want to compile and make a key logger with Dev c++ , my key logger is 32 bit after compile and run but i want make a 64 bit key logger and i don't want that my key logger after run go to wow64

^^ lol, keylogger + DevC++ + 64-bit
Can there be no case directly following a regular label?
Oh, I had two colons. Nevermind.
what is wow64?
... it's what makes 32 bit programs run on 64bit windows
@rightfold ...
How do you format const pointer to pointer to const char? char const * * const or char const** const or char const **const or …?
you ... don't
typedefs, aliases. Or just don't have the cruft in the first place
I think the C style for pointer is the most ugly thing
You can do that right "int j, *k;" ?
@Mysticial So much le fail.

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