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Function prototypes "came from C++"?
I would argue that int x = 0; is not any more clear or precise than x := 0;.
if you know the type of 0 then you already know that x is int.
Looks like the inverse to me (stackoverflow.com/q/20916171/560648)
@DeadMG Only because that's the most simple example you could ever possibly give
@LightnessRacesinOrbit In C++ they are called function declarations.
@StackedCrooked Follow the link, sweetheart.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, it's true in the general case that if you know the type of the initializing expression, you already know the type of the variable.
@StackedCrooked I know what they are called. I think the etymology of the terms used in the C++ standard clearly shows that C introduced them.
Unless you're claiming that C stole them in the very early pre-standard days, but I'd ask you to support that with evidence.
unless you've done something like int i = something_thats_not_int_but_implicitly_converts;.
@DeadMG Of course, but it quickly gets a lot harder to guarantee that you know the type of the initializing expression and that you're getting it right (see: function overloads, lookup rules across namespaces)
My argument basically hinges on initialisation-from-function-call, I guess
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I've heard that. Don't remember where from, but I definitely recall hearing that C++ introduced them first and then C copied them because it was apparent that not doing it was insanity.
@DeadMG your 'not' is preventing me from understanding what you are saying... I'll just carry on waiting for this to blow over though.
> C89 adopted function prototypes in a form very similar to what C with Classes...
might have been TD&E or something.
Oo just realised that puppy & Tomalak live in the same city, hahaha
Didn't know there were no function prototypes until C89. That follows, then
pattern type signature
> A pattern type signature can introduce a scoped type variable. For example
the more i learn about haskell the more awesome it is
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I think I read it in Design and evolution of C++, but I don't have a copy at work.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I guess I'd argue that if you called the wrong function, you have bigger problems than just the return value not being the type you expect.
also, in my experience, most overloads could be adequately described by saying that all the overloads do the same job, just with different inputs, and the output is usually the same.
@DeadMG makes sense, you can't have the language baby sit people.
I guess I would also argue that if you have an overload set but one of them randomly does a completely different job, you've probably abused overloading badly.
or if your return type so drastically changes its implementation without affecting the interface...
IIRC in old-style C f(){...} defined a function which returns int and accepts a number of parameters which are declared in the function body. f(void){...} defined a function which accepts no parameters.
Bjarne thought this was silly and introduced function declarations.
f(void) is still legal C++ I think.
At first many people thought Bjarne was silly.
But eventually function declarations were added to C.
@DeadMG I think so too.
C also had f(a,b,c) int, int, int or something like that
hm this paper appears to be from 2014
Design and evolution of C++ is full of little stories like that. I like it :)
old-style function declaration
i might be very lucky to find it
or K&R: short foo(bar, baz) int bar; short baz; { }
right, that I meant
@StackedCrooked the one thing that always amazed me is that C++ was inspired by C and Simula, and that Bjarne had a lot of experience with coroutines from Simula. But yet, these never made it to C++
double old_style();           /* Obsolete function declaration */

double alt_style( a , real )  /* Obsolete function definition */
    double *real;
    int a;
    return ( *real + a ) ;
@TemplateRex probably because at first, "C++" was just a code generator that generated C
The first one doesn't look old style to me.
@StackedCrooked It's not old style- it has a different meaning in old and new styles, the raw syntax is unchanged.
Why didn't we adopt the second one's style for auto declarations in c++?
@ThePhD hm, good question
auto alt_style( double* real, int a )
decltype( *real + a ); {

No weird-ass arrows, looks pretty clean
@ThePhD what
it has two return types now
@ThePhD you must have meant auto where the first "double" is
@ThePhD I thought you meant: double alt_style(a, real) { return *real + a; }
@StackedCrooked Oh, arguments without a typename could automatically be templates
@ThePhD you still haven't seen weird-ass arrows
Which would be pretty cool.
That's a good idea for my language, actually.
Auto-template parameters
screw that, why not decltype(*real + a) alt_style(double *real, int a) - it's not like it is any more nightmarish to parse than anything else in C++ :)
@BartekBanachewicz hehe
@ThePhD reading the paper I've linked, I think that actually separating rigid type parameters from inferred type parameters is sensible
let foo ( a, b, c ) // all templates
typeof( a + b - c ) {
     return a + b - c;
@doug65536 The decltype(*real + a) must be at the right hand side.
I know
@StackedCrooked You could just require the C++ code parser to backtrack when it comes to function definitions.
So you don't have to put it on the right side and everything stays on the left.
@ThePhD probably easier said than done
Yeah. =[
you guys really hate compiler devs, eh
I don't care how hard it is, I want features.
Features by the boatloads.
@ThePhD meh. separating signature from definition is cleaner because you can have a as a type variable in first and a as a value variable in second
@DeadMG well, that's great for your university, I guess. Meanwhile in the rest of the country.
however, if you will need type of either inside the body...
@BartekBanachewicz right idea, wrong argument
It's bad to call
virtual functions in a constructor, yeah?
@Xeo It already does.
@TemplateRex are those links to movies?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I checked a pretty large number of them.
@StackedCrooked upcoming accu 2014 program
@R.MartinhoFernandes ?
@TemplateRex Ah, was confused for a sec.
@Xeo We already have a different syntax for initialisation.
@ThePhD in a constructor, subclass constructors haven't been run yet, so ya
I don't get why people get so worked up about it.
in fact I applied to several top universities in this country and none of them made any clear distinction between CS and SE, and most of the CS programs advertised the software their students had created.
and only the middle-lower rungs of universities offer SE- the top ones only offer CS.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you mean parens?
No, I mean auto x = ...
maybe that changed recently, IDK
@TemplateRex Do you think it's worth the $?
time to deploy my home server
It's different from x = ..., which is assignment
@R.MartinhoFernandes sure. but the idea floating around was to drop the auto in a style similar to stl's for-range proposal
which I didn't like with current syntax
because of unintended implicit declarations
In general I find syntax cosmetics (I need a different term; this isn't quite what I'd call sugar) quite silly, especially this late in the game.
salt? :p
I wonder if i could route the cable trough my window
and to the attic
it's cold there
perfect for stashing servers
"Your resume says that you have a lot of experience with multithreading" "Yes, I'm a serial killer"
@LucDanton That does sound more like it.
where as it will probably be "I am better when concentrate on one thing at a time" for me - always single threaded ...
Had those same thoughts when settling on non-member functions for the range concepts. ‘I’ll paint that one later’.
lol, they forgot tuple_element_t when they added the trait aliases. open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2014/n3887.pdf
hm lm-sensors
Is the committee able to add an entire feature in one go?
i could write a flask app to display those
define "entire feature".
It's like those "Forgot to add the file" commits.
well, yes.
they can do whatever they want.
I noticed a template<typename T> whatevs foo(T&& t)… with ‘Requires: T is Movable’. I think most proposals in their early stages are handwavy, ‘do what I mean’. I don’t know how to feel about that.
@AndyProwl how much is it? and how many days? I guess it will come to eur 1000 pretty quickly
@Xeo btw, what do you think of STL's proposal?
@TemplateRex ~650 pounds, 4 days
@DeadMG Yeah but if you don't have type deduction then at least you have a good chance of finding out with a hefty compiler error in that place
@LucDanton For stuff like that, LWG will handle it. They prefer to handle the Standardese, and that happens last. All the proposals which aren't aiming to be voted into the paper at the current meeting don't need Standard-quality wording.
@AndyProwl I guess I would rather spend such money on one-on-one code review/mentoring sessions with a guru of my choice
@TemplateRex I'm free most of next week.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit the problem still being that your code sucks horrendously :p
@DeadMG lol, the audacity
@DeadMG Can’t help but think that a lot of the minor imperfections that do make it in the Standard are due to some kind of absent-mindedness that could be helped with guidelines. I’ve expressed as much before though.
@LucDanton The real problem is that the Committee hardly has any time and too much work to do. LWG would spend more time reviewing papers and fixing the bugs if they could.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I often mix up min and max when "clamping".
Write guidelines once, benefit many times!
@LucDanton Only if paper authors actually follow them.
you'd still have to have LWG go over the wording later.
@StackedCrooked re your reddit Q: proxy iterators are objects that behave almost but not quite like iterators, the canonical example being std::vector<bool>::iterator
@StackedCrooked Write a clamp function.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I probably should.
Yeah. More like ‘toolbox of reusable placeholders’ than anything else — I don’t expect all proposals to attempt to provide standard wording, nor do I think there would be a benefit if they did. But I think things like INVOKE are great hooks. Speaking of, that same paper used f() as well.
But I also want to train myself to get it right using min and max.
@Xeo ?
A: how to use c++11 move semantics to explicitly avoid copying

Sergey KoklyuevIf I understand the question, you can use pointer or reference

@StackedCrooked Same. Wish they returned objects of different types ;P
@StackedCrooked Why?
As soon as you get it right once in that function, you're done.
You don't need to make yourself a robot.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Vlad == Sergey?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Some sort of self-improvement urge I guess. I think it's embarrasing that I can't get it right.
@TemplateRex heh
answer's too shit. interesting timing, though, I admit
I kinda miss Vlad today. Has he spent it spamming std-discussion/proposals, perchance?
@StackedCrooked s/right/up/
@StackedCrooked I can't either, but I don't care.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit btw what's up with Alf? he was rather rude to the other day
Jan 5 at 20:13, by Lightness Races in Orbit
@Rapptz I try not to bother applying logic to dealings with Cheers & hth. — Alf.
Btw, is there any proposal to make min and max return a common_type? (And maybe variadic as well.)
@TemplateRex Got an URL?
@TemplateRex: Yes, C++111 template aliases are used in both mine and Kerrek's answers, but no, the VC 12.0 support is not complete, nor entirely bug-free. Regarding upcoming C++14 "variable templates", the code above does not compile with Visual C++ 12.0 (2013). Nor does it compile with g++ 4.8.2. So I think it is consistent with my view of SO (a site of roughly 50% Herb Schildt-like disinformation, perhaps the greatest such on the net) that your comment was upvoted by two readers. — Cheers and hth. - Alf Jan 6 at 13:34
Oh, there's a T max( std::initializer_list<T>); now.
it was in response to a (now deleted) comment of mine where I mentioned that VC 2013 supports template aliases. Two users upvoted that comment, but apparently template aliases have some corner case bug in VC 2013, so Alfie accused me of spreading BullSchildt info
@TemplateRex Oh, that one.
You’re wrong. Well, unless you’re personally the whole of SO.
why isn't there ambiguity between template<typename InputIt> vector(InputIt st, InputIt en, const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type()) and vector(size_type, const value_type &init) when compiling std::vector<int>
@doug65536 value_type is T, oh wait, as Xeo says -v
non-template > template
@LucDanton he further insulted me in another now deleted comment when I tried to explain to him that I made that comment in good faith
it isn't working in my container
ah, bad example...
anyway, fuck him and his auto main() -> int bullschildt
std::vector<int> foo(3, 10)
@TemplateRex He's old and disillusioned and sick.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I wish he wasn't.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but he has a "pretty good sense of quality" according to his profile, lol
Because he was nice at times.
I get "no matching function for call to distance(int&, int&) in my inputit constructor
show us teh codez
code or gtfo but no mountain or gtfo
@doug65536 int& is not an iterator in any case
@StackedCrooked that's his dilemma
herr Prowl, you must improve your Englisch
constructor template doesn't allow explicit template arguments, right?
how could it possibly be deduced as int&
@TemplateRex yeah knew that one ;)
that kind of qualifies as "mountain"
also, it's not showing how you're constructing the vector
Why do you bother marking two-arg ctors as explicit?
and btw where is vector<int> there?
@R.MartinhoFernandes typo...
noticed that too
@R.MartinhoFernandes It prevents construction from {a, b}
PagedVector<int> foo(3, 10) should call PagedVector(size_t count, const_reference init) right?
@doug65536 is that something like PagedVector<T> something like deque<T>?
@AndyProwl Yeah, and my question would still stand.
I don't even understand why it prevents that.
@AndyProwl I sense a new proposal coming: default explicit on all constructors and a new implicit keyword
(Well, I do, but it's not the reason one of you will soon point out)
deque with configurable page size, iterators never invalidated, random addressable
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why he wants to prevent that you mean?
so it's somewhere between deque and vector
oh and no push front
@doug65536 10 becomes int&& which is not an exact match to const_reference. I think this is why the other constructor is called. (Not sure though.)
@R.MartinhoFernandes now I'm curious what you're expecting
@AndyProwl No, why explicit prevents that.
@Xeo "It's not explicit!"
@R.MartinhoFernandes "Because the standard says so" is what you're expecting?
I know explicit only makes sense with one parameter
Keyword should be renamed verbose.
that's a typo
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
removing those dumb explicits doesn't change anything
too bad list-init comes in two flavours
@StackedCrooked you saying I should add a constructor PagedVector(size_type n, value_type &&init) ??
and just move the last one
@doug65536 Not sure. Maybe just steal borrow the code from std::vector? :)
Perhaps the issue is with size_t being a worse match than int?
Ugh, size_t :(
I think standard mandates the iterstor one to sfinae or something
that should be size_type
doesn't fix it though
yes, I mean, signed -> unsigned requires a conversion
while the template turns out to be a perfect match
Whoah, I haven’t been subscribed to a periodical for some time now — no name given. And I received an e-mail from them with subject ‘Come back to us’. Creepy.
you should SFINAE the template as @Xeo said
GCC's std::vector uses an extra dispatch. I think that resolves the ambiguity.
SSCCE demonstrating the problem
> Ambiguity in the "do the right thing" clause
@StackedCrooked I'll try that. thanks
So it seems like a bug in the spec for T = integral.
Or maybe that's documented.
@doug65536 It was reported in 2003 already wg21.cmeerw.net/lwg/issue438
@AndyProwl lol, didn't see your reply
@LucDanton there is no op-out with NSA crypto montly magazine
@StackedCrooked Fixed in C++11 I think. Or should have been.
aand another painful semester finished successfully
are you pregnant?
error is no matching function for call to 'PagedVector<int>::construct(PagedVector<int>::size_type&, const int&, std::false_type)'
isn't this the same issue?
The size_t is a worse match than int
oh I see what you mean. before it was trying to call std::distance(int, int)
32 mins ago, by Andy Prowl
SSCCE demonstrating the problem
@AndyProwl yeah I know, I use type trait and overloads to make it call the right one. why does't it find void construct(size_type count, const_reference init, std::true_type &&) on line 28
@doug65536 PagedVector<int>::size_type& can never be deduced from another type (because that would basically be a reinterpret_cast.) (And also it won't work with rvalue.)
@doug65536 The call comes from line 25. It shouldn't have gotten there in the furst place
You need to use const PagedVector<int>::size_type& or PagedVector<int>::size_type instead.
TIL std::remove(char const* filename) is a thing
@AndyProwl does it do what I think it does?
> In POSIX the behavior for file types other than regular files is unspecified.
@ScarletAmaranth If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, then yes
@ScarletAmaranth If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, then no.
I see
now I'm wondering what you're thinking he's thinking
my brains...
no matching function for call to 'PagedVector<int>::construct(PagedVector<int>::size_type&, const int&, std::false_type) isn't that exactly what line 28 is
@StackedCrooked hehe
well, I'd say it deletes a file but I wonder what robot was thinking I was thinking
(now it's revealed)
Then you were thinking what I thought you were thinking
robot is suspiciously silent
He admits nothing, denies everything and launches a counter-attack.
Oh gosh, you're going to make me actually come up with something to answer that.
I thought I could just drop the joke and leave.
think I need to get some fresh air
but -1 shit
Yeah, winter, finally.
Apr 26 '12 at 17:47, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I admit nothing, deny everything, and launch counterattack.
(I don't know why I remember that)
the only thing winter is good for is skiing and warm booze
and I can't get any of those things
so fuck winter
You're all weirdos that can't enjoy it :(
winter is great
the best season actually
yeah it's great at making me sick
If you have const int& a = 1; int&& b = 2; then what do &a and &b point to?
the addresses of the temporaries bound to a and b
To a and b, respectively.
I'm slightly confused about this.
when you do const int& a = 1 you're actually doing const int& a = int(1)
same for &&
that might help clearing up
@R.MartinhoFernandes Enjoy the cold?
thanks but I prefer warmth.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you've been 'goshing' a lot recently, I suggest you get a service to check for leaks.
@AndyProwl Ok, but does that mean that &a is the address of an rvalue? (I guess not, because rvalues don't have addresses. But, then what does it point to?)
@StackedCrooked rvalues can have addresses.
@StackedCrooked It's the address of the temporary bound to a. a is an lvalue
&a is the address of a.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's misleading I think, cause a does not need to be a thing in memory
It points to a.
but a is a reference
References are just aliases for objects.
it's the address of the thing a refers to
I feel like shit.
Doesn't address-of a reference return a pointer to the referred object?
You can be roundabout in the way you describe that object, or you can be succint and say 'a'.
@DeadMG oh my, it's not good to eat
everything you do on the reference, you do it on the bound object
@StackedCrooked There are no references.
const int& a is a reference, not?
references only exist in the type system.
59 secs ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
References are just aliases for objects.
they don't really exist.
int x = 0; int& y = x; has one object with two names. That's all.
The address of y and the address of x are the same thing, because they are the same object.
@R.MartinhoFernandes erm, do you mend saying where abouts in Berlin you live, and thus where abouts in Berlin I will be staying. Want to have look to see what the local area is like
Q: What is the memory overhead of opening a file on Windows?

Martin BaTL;DR How much memory does opening a file take up on a modern Windows system? Prelude For sequential processing of large-ish datasets (100s MB ~ few GB) inside a 32bit process we need to come up with a buffer that stores its contents on disk instead of in memory. We have fleshed out a little ...

@R.MartinhoFernandes So are variables
Yes, but &y == &x , but you can't really say &a == &1.
Maybe I'm missing something obvious..
@thecoshman Close to this: maps.google.com/…

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