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I miss the Unicode bananas. And this.
No, get a solid SSD drive. They're better. — Lightness Races in Orbit 11 secs ago
@TonyTheLion - just noted your problem with O2! We had a similar problem - when we moved here, we didn't know which water utility we were supposed to pay, since the pipe could have gone either way. I emailed/faxed both utilities, and both insisted that they did not supply our property. Water kept coming out the taps for five years before one utility woke up and sent us a bill for £££. Sent them back their own fax and 'fuck off'. They nixed the mega-bill and opened a new account for us.
a solid state SSD?
a solid state SSD drive
They're fast though. I think my desktop can reboot twice in the time it takes my laptop to turn on once
mine died
@Chemistpp I will never again use a spinner for OS drive.
@DeadMG I hear they tend to do that
yeah, especially the earlier models.
@MartinJames haha me neither
it's still plugged in though I don't know why.
Just in case it autorevives
@DeadMG Give it a good shaking to free off the stuck traps and let the electrons out.
well it would sure be nice if it autorevived, I'm sick of my mechanical drive :P
@DeadMG Hmm.. maybe some way of re-init the controller so that it erases the whole disk and reformats it?
Oh neat they start shipping the book I pre-ordered next week. :3
well, I could start by reformatting the disk.
oh, I remember why I didn't- because Windows can't format it.
argh, I hate this NTFS permissions bullshit.
I'm the administrator so shut the fuck up and do what I say.
Use ext4.
Stupid adt is swap-killing my machine. :< Resorting to my tablet for lounging now.
lol android
ugh, latest FF version on Android is so annoying
it only shows the tab menu when you scroll up
Somehow, it seems needlessly frustrating that the only ad playing on a free spotify account at the moment is one for... spotify.
Not even for "hey, you should give us money to not have to listen to ads", but just for... spotify (or for the amazing new feature of being able to follow people on it)
Or maybe I'm missing something obvious on how to get my tabs to show without scrolling up
@jalf I HATE the ads on Spotify for Natwest Student Accts. It's an awful institution and it's an awful ad and students are awful.
@DeadMG Exactly how I feel.
is it weird that I made my cube pirate-themed?
@jalf This is why I pay for spotify.
@DrewR but at least it's an advertiser, so by being exposed to it, you're actually helping them make a profit on the service they provide. The one I'm getting is for themselves! Listening to it doesn't even benefit them, so why the fuck do i have to do it?
@Crowz No, it's not. Your questions, on the other hand…
@TonyTheLion yeah, my subscription just ran out. I gave it a month initially, then figured I'd decide whether to keep paying
@not-rightfold which questions?
haven't really made up my mind yet, so going free version for a bit
@Crowz The one I replied to? :V
oh right
I pretty much use it all the time
I haven't bought music in years now
@xeo chrome does that too
I have offline versions of my favorite songs on my phone
I can change them when I fancy
Bleh, I feel bad about this answer, even if I sniped it in the comments and it'll get me 20k.
Omg yes, about:config has browser.chrome.dynamictoolbar which controls this stupid behaviour.
What is the default way of uninstalling things on linux distros?
@Ell rm -rf /
yum remove <thing>
depends on the distro, doofus
@jalf Adblock Plus + Youtube can be a viable alternative. Just requires 10% more effort.
Youtube could benefit from more music oriented features. Like I should be able to turn off video to save bandwidth should I just want audio.
Yea that would be useful
I often wonder why spotify isnt browser based
@DrewR you're from the US, I assume?
Installation surely has to form a barrier to use
Nope, UK
Wow... Just wow. Took adt nearly 45mins to package the as3 code up into an IPA :s
@DrewR it is now
Close enough. If you live in approximately EverywhereElseInTheWorld, Youtube aggressively blocks anything that might be IP-protected
"This video is not available in your region"
we get some of that here too, although not as much I think
hot damn, I need to look into PCHs or something for Wide.
that shit is only like, 11k loc or something and it still takes some minutes to build in debug :(
That's the first time I've seen someone try to use || for absolute value in C.
Are you gonna rewrite wide in wide when you can?
@chris :o
would be a nice / weird operator
@Ell Probably. But that's a while off. I need to handle a lot more C++ interoperability, and some Wide stdlib stuff that's gonna be messy like I/O and Unicode.
@DrewR Their web player is pretty good actually
@Xeo They can turn AS3 code into beer?
@DeadMG Oh right - what is your I/O gonna be like?
c++ streams? :P
@EtiennedeMartel I want that plugin!
lol, yeap.
I'mma just port iostreams directly, really.
they are the bestest library in the whole world.
@MartinJames Would surely make Flash development much more enjoyable.
personally, I write my entire program based on iostreams design.
@DeadMG OK , so what are you really going to use?
I'm not wholly sure, I need to finish work on ranges first.
@DeadMG So I got the gutts of my reflection engine going in CLang.
The problem really was just VS 2013. =/
I'm all for talking about how shitty Clang is, but the fact that a Preview compiler has bugs in really isn't their fault :P
No reason to complain to #llvm about my troubles either, as I don't think "building with the latest visual studio" is ultra-high on their priority list.
Still makes me sad. =[
@ThePhD why don't you try mingw?
@Ell MinGW isn't meant for tooling?
What do you mean? o.O
I can't use MinGW as a tooling suite and build against it.
Or, unless you mean,
stop using VC++ for my projects and just use MinGW.
And I would, if debugging MinGW / GCC code wasn't full of shit.
Really, I would fully jump ship to MinGW 4.8.1+ with all of my code if the development environments for what I was trying to do were actually powerful / fully-featured.
@ThePhD that's what I meant
@ThePhD vc++? :P
or whatever that thing was that you wrote
@ThePhD Have you tried gdb?
@Ell It doesn't matter if GDB is good.
What matters is if there's a good gdb frontend.
One that I can use to step through my code, disassemble shit, etc.
the command line frontend is pretty good :3
I don't need a command line. When I'm debugging code I need visual tools, not command line tools.
I can make my own command line tools: that's what a Logger is for.
well, it's an interactive tool
it's not just printing shiz
and there are frontends available
Also, don't you think learning to use gdb efficiently is worth being able to compile stuff :3
wtf is "tooling"?
@DeadMG that's pretty stupid
I think gdb is nice
I do too
till threads get involved
@ThePhD have you tried using mingw yet?
If you do try, try this wingdb.com/wgHome.htm
Costs money. :v
well, you're on windows ;)
surely you can just try mingw with debugging on the commandl ine >.<
I tried it. And I've used it in other development environments.
It's just not as good as Visual Studio's is. It's not. =/
NetBeans, Eclipse, etc.
Their engines for this nonsense are just exceptionally bad and not nearly as powerful as Visual Studios.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Tools, IDEs, debuggers, etc.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit being a tool
Thank you for your useful answer
I shan't reveal which of them that was
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The ability to take something like a compiler (mingw g++ / ld, cl/link) or a debugger (gdb, cdb) and build tools on top of it. Whether or not it's possible to do with cl.exe and link.exe is a non-issue because Visual Studio does it, and does a damn good job of it.
So "tooling" is a noun describing all tools, a noun describing an ability to build all tools, and a verb describing being a tool. I see...
Other tools which try to create similar or even better frontends for the other compilers/debuggers (g++, ld, etc.) do an exceptionally poor job of it when compared to how Visual Studio handles and how powerful it is.
Somehow I think you're all wrong
For the sake of learning, I turned of compiler optimization, so ptr must be dereferenced each time. — Rene R. 4 hours ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I probably am :3
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's whatever is relevant for the speaker.
As such, it really means "bullshit".
@ThePhD What does visual studio do better than other stuff?
@Ell Everything debugging-related?
Specifics :3
@Ell visual studio debugger is really good
too bad it's C++11 is crap
@EtiennedeMartel gets the point
Step-through debugging works -- as intended. I don't have to double-step-through my code to get it to start showing me values (Most annoying part of gdb with Code::Blocks and Eclipse).
@Ell have you tried it ?
@Ell Haven't you been listening? It's "better".
Ohhh I understand now xD
@ThePhD I've never had that problem. Your computer is broken.
@ThePhD maybe its Code::Blocks but gdb never gives me that problem from the cli
I can mouse-over values and get at them. I can change them on the fly. I can even back-up execution over a statement or statements, after changing any values, and re-run parts of the program with new inputs and ouputs and values, which is great for figuring out the right values necessary to make something work.
Not turning on optimizations should be Undefined Behavior.
@Ell Not really.
a debugging experience that I can use is a lot more useful to me than template aliases.
It's memory window is top-notch, showing me everything from my specific allocated heap space (and where it is in my virtual memory) to where every dynamic library is loaded in my address space.
@ThePhD You find such information useful?
@MartinJames its there so its useful
@MartinJames It's great when you find out you're allocating something which isn't in the same DLL space as another, so it segfaults when you try to bring that address back into the main executable.
er, there is no such thing as DLL space.
you would have to be using more than one process.
I don't care what it's called.
Everybody else does.
The not-main-executable heap space. The area of memory where DLL's are plopped down.
@DeadMG but it's stupid when you trade compiler features for not wanting to learn to use a debugger
@A.H. heh - I don't care where my class instances are, just as long as I can display their member values in a nice window, (and trace into other contained class instances).
@Ell Compiler features I really don't care about, compared to a debugger where even if I invested a whole bunch of my time, I think there's a really good chance I'd end up with a vastly substandard experience, and I really do care about my debugging experience.
It's not just that, though.
@DeadMG well in thephd's case, he can't even compile his clang thing, right?
so he's trading ability to compile at all
@Ell No. That was just a "Using pre-release compiler" thing.
(is the impression I'm under)
There's tools for graphics debugging in Visual Studio that don't even fucking exist in the Linux world.
PiX, VS 2012+ Graphics IDE, NVidia Shader Pipelines ?
what does gdb have to do with compiling ?
TIL @ThePhD is a brainwashed Windows fanboy
I'm not a brainwashed Windows fanboy. =/
I looked for these tools, albeit a year ago.
Your obsession with GUI tools shows your Microsoft-instilled laziness.
Either I wasn't looking hard enough or I didn't find them.
Don't blame a lack of tools — do your own software development!
Well, better that than a 1960's cli-using throwback.
I don't think we had GCC on Linux in the 1960s.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I can use and do excessively use the command line. I am building a command line reflection tool right now. But I can't do that for everything under the sun.
wtf I can't find my database
@ThePhD Go indoors then
some tools are OK on CLI, but some really are so much better with a graphical interface.
Fuck the command line.
Well if you all know such great tools that can match up to the Visual Studio experience, even on teh CLI, I'd like to know.
@ThePhD There probably aren't any, and you're entirely missing the point.
@ThePhD trace it on paper, like a real man
@DeadMG I vastly prefer talking to you tools with a text-only interface.
I guess I am missing the point...
thanks for the random insult that has no bearing on the conversation.
@DeadMG You're welcome!
Casual Lounge-bashing has a bearing on every conversation.
I don't understand why some of you guys have huge monitors - you could do the same work on a VT-100 :)
Do all your dev on a Blackberry
Now I'm just being trolled.
@ThePhD I'm trying to help fight them off!
Oh well. I guess I'll do another search and see how to work properly with DirectX, MinGW, Visual Studio, and see if I can afford myself some kind of debugging...
@ThePhD I think so.
I need to find the PDB spec so I can export PDB files from GCC's dwarf-whatever debugging format.
there almost certainly is no such thing.
at least, not public.
Not publicly.
Guess where I'm working. :3c
isn't that cross ABI stuff?
Today's C-dev laugh: 'I am trying to read an empty file with fread.'
oh yeah.
:< why is there no std::shared_ptr(Args...) constructor
make_shared, you weenie
doesn't VS have a header dependency visualizer thingy?
It... does, I think.
@ThePhD where are you working? o.O
Nowhere. :D
I'm going to spend the next 15 days looking into how to make GCC play nice with a good ide or something...
Michaelsoft? o.O
Michaelmanagement skills.
@ThePhD no wonder you like VS !
I would like other IDEs if they weren't made of shitbagels and craptastica.
A: Free C/C++ IDE for Windows 7 that works with GCC

sbiTurbo C++ is very old, and the concepts and philosophies of IDE design as (well as the language C++ compilers are compiling) have developed much further since. You might try Code::Blocks or Eclipse, but I wouldn't expect a transition as smooth as going to the next version of Turbo C++. (Which w...

Geany :3
apparently, you only get the header dependency visualizer thing if you are running Ultimate?
Well then, go get Ultimate.
I am enjoying qtcreator (not)
I'm enjoying reading in circles about sockets :)
no way am I paying for Ultimate
I'm enjoying writing http stuff in android
hell, at this rate, I won't be able to buy VS2013
I got my 7 ultimate for like 10 bucks
Are you a pirate DeadMG?
@DeadMG Then obtain it without paying. :3c
You can probably find a student version on ebay
@Chemistpp Er, that would be Windows.
@DeadMG pretend you are a student
@A.H. Been there, done that. They only give out Ultimate if you are a member of a fee-paying institution, and the one I used to be part of caught wise and stopped.
hey, wait.
I got 2012 Ultimate whilst I was there.
I jus tassumed that's what we were talking about
looks like I just downloaded a Professional ISO
@DeadMG By accident? You can always delete it.
There is no such thing as delete
Is ultimate > professional?
I've never had anything but professional
I have a utility that pipes my compilations through to the target MinGW version.
@Chemistpp nonsense I write my best code with delete
@Chemistpp Yes.
exact that 3 months I used express before I found out I could get it free
@MartinJames I'm going to. No point having Pro when I have a legal Ultimate key.
D&D games are on sale again on GOG.
So I could use that in conjunction with Visual Studio.
The only problem left is then, of course, Debugging.
@TonyTheLion Good Old Games
10 games for: $26.40
you save: $79.50
gog.com, the site looks greenish I think
Who needs a debugger anyways?
@ThePhD Also the Intellisense won't work properly.
d&d makes me sad
printf all the way
I need a game. Why are most players fucking odd or groups full of drama
@DeadMG Like I care about Intellisense. :v
@TonyTheLion :)
Intellisense saves lives.
printf is poor man logging.
at least some of my keyboard's lives probably.
No, Visual Assist X saves lives.
@CatPlusPlus I was being sarcastic.
Ha, fuck your VAX, R# all the way.
@CatPlusPlus R# doesn't deal in C++ atm?
I keep thinking R# is MS's version of R.
That's not a bug, that's a feature.
@CatPlusPlus lawls.
@TonyTheLion Oh lawdy lawd. That'd be something interesting.
Visual Assist X takes care of refactoring. VisualGCC pipes all my command line arguments to g++ and formats lines to be double-clickable by Visual Studio..
OH! VAX='Visual Assist X'. Please don't mention VAX again :(
I just need something to make the debugger work.
@MartinJames Did you have a heart attack?
oh, no
I only got VS2010 Ultimate.
@TonyTheLion Nah - just a flashback/nightmare :)
@MartinJames :)
@ThePhD You could write an extension to let the debugger load DWARF debugging information.
@TonyTheLion The only good VAX was that vacuum cleaner.
@DeadMG That's... something that VS can do?
Can you show me how to get started?
> The name is a medieval fantasy complement to "ELF" that has no official meaning, although the backronym 'Debugging With Attributed Record Formats' was later proposed.
@ThePhD Supposedly. The documentation makes reference to such an extension, but I never looked into it too deeply.
Oh, gawd.
Is catching signals a good idea?
that's pretty much every VS extension, ever, except some of the simpler text editor extensions.
Well, @LightnessRacesinOrbit did say to get my hands dirty in my own software development...
Java, y u no lambdas!
Can C structs hold functions?
@Pawnguy7 not in C
function pointers
What's up with you today, Prawnguy? You seem to be emitting unconnected, short questions at random intervals. Have you become radioactive?
@Xeo I think that is what it is. I don't see the syntax often, and didn't notice somehow.
@DeadMG The thing advices that if you can generate a PDB file, you don't have to create your own Debugging Engine.
@MartinJames I am told this is not uncommon for me.
And creating a Debugging Engine is pretty... diesel. =/
@Pawnguy7 R (*f)(A1, A2, A3) is a pointer named f to a function of type R(A1, A2, A3).
I think I'd be better off sniping the PDB format or deconstructing it from the inside out.
Driver's seat.
Ahah. I got screwed over by a typo again.
I thought it warned you when you assigned something to itself.
@ThePhD I've never taken either route so I can't really speak as to the hassle.
Oh, the horrors.
What would happen if you were to leak some business secret?
Would you get sued?
Or just fired?
Perhaps both
Aaaand GitHub is down once again.
depending on what you leaked.
What a surprise.
ITT Github sucks
quite possibly both.
almost all employee agreements include NDAs
@ScottW You came it at the right time. Now I know what you've been up to.
@Ell I suspect it also depends on whether you profitted form such a disclosure.
At least in terms of a lawsuit
@DeadMG LLVM's string type is
UTF8, right?
@ScottW oh I miss you already <3
How does one link to a question on here?
Bye scott nice chatting with you, sorry we couldnt get married.
Post URL
@DrewR He's married to me already.
I don't think LLVM gives two shits about Unicode.
Marry whoever you want @TonyTheLion, we've already been type-punned together in a sacred union. <3
I don't think they interpret the strings.
@DeadMG Oh, so they just blob data in there?
That's pretty nice, I guess.
@ThePhD Are you talking about me and you?
Q: How To Open C++ In Windows7 Operating systems

Sunil Kumar BisoiI am trying a lot to Find C++ programming in my Computer. But can't able to open if someone able to tell me the right procedure for open the programming i will be ever grate full to Him.

bad questions are bad
I suspect this wont be pretty
ooo not so bad.
Is allocating/deallocating memory blocking?
I would say it is
unlikely it would be done asynch
depends entirely on the allocator.
But memory is extremely global, and heap allocations are usually serialised for sanity anyway.
I would hope it is. I was contemplating if I can... accurately measure how big the stack is, by continually allocating somewhat bigger. If it doesn't overflow, deallocate, increment, and repeat. Would this be an accurate test, you think? Besides potentially taking a while.
but the most common simply takes a lock
plus, of course, there's kernel mode transition for some allocations
@Pawnguy7 Just check the linker settings.
@Pawnguy7 default stack size on Windows is 1MB

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