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@Rapptz Trillions of options? More like 5 if youre reasonable... who the hell wrote that?
Q: what c++ compiler should I use?

Lukas SchmitRecently, I have delved into the world of C++ from Java. With Java, things were so much more simple, because there was pretty much the one official compiler that everyone used. With C++ though, it seems like there are trillions of options. The most obvious selection seemed to be Microsoft compil...

While you're at it, vtc please ;P
Why do you think I asked you who wrote that? :P
shit, I suddenly feel so much sicker
Lounged is not a thing.
A good portion of the active C++ users are here, it stands to reason that close votes will too
@MarkGarcia :(
Other C++ questions have been closed by non-Lounge active users though.
The nuwen distro is now mingw64
I wonder if it has std::thread support yet.
@MarkGarcia oh snap
i should get 3k rep so i can join in
but too lazy :[
also python doesn't get that many posts
@EiyrioüvonKauyf no one upvotes my answers
so I know how you feel
Does STL use MinGW for his toy programs?
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Maybe your just lurking at the wrong time. Though that meta post had data that disproves that there is saturation of questions in a specific time, there should be some time where it'll rain questions.
On a specific tag, that is.
i don't bother
like 3 hours of lurkingish
on the python thread gets me 100 - 120 rep i think
:[ too much work
nuwen is back?
thought it was taken down
yeah I know
could've sworn it was down some time ago
<thread> not working was bugging me.
@chris I always wanted to email him about it.
@Rapptz I'll bet he's known for a long time :p
I wonder why he never does it.
MinGWBuilds just took some extra work to set up.
I like how portable and easy his distro is (I put it on a flash drive)
Mainly two compiler options to eliminate executables needing those stupid DLLs.
It enables std::thread which uses pthread underneath.
@nightcracker Yeah me too.
not sure how portable it is
does Intel Thread Building Blocks use pthreads?
haven't done a thing "portable" since I could take laptops to school
@nightcracker It can be used in a flash drive. I've tried once.
The nuwen distro's directory structure is a lot better and organised.
Don't know if it changed since he switched to mingw64
I also use clang
but that's mostly for crypto development - I basically only use it with -s
haven't bothered trying to get the linking or anything working on windows
@nightcracker can you elaborate
I keep going to the bathroom :(
that can't be good.
@nightcracker what does -s do? I can't find it in the clang or gcc docs :[
@EiyrioüvonKauyf while implementing a cipher I'm trying to write the most optimized (SIMD) code, and clang sometimes generates significantly better code than GCC
I meant -S
@Rapptz uhm ..... depends ?
oh my success for the month .. last month.. was making clang segfault lol
meaning to generate assembly output
(-s is a flag too - it strips the final executable from symbols)
-S generates assembly code?
what happens if your include path for SSE intrinsics is off?
so how easy are glassdoors to break???
My success for the month was learning about the details of font file formats, kerning and the importance of reading the fucking manual~
movaps -8848(%rbp), %xmm0
movaps %xmm0, (%rbx)
movl $2, 128(%rsp)
movl $3, 120(%rsp)
movl $0, 112(%rsp)
movl $1, 104(%rsp)
movl $6, 96(%rsp)
movl $7, 88(%rsp)
movl $4, 80(%rsp)
movl $5, 72(%rsp)
movl $10, 64(%rsp)
movl $11, 56(%rsp)
movl $8, 48(%rsp)
movl $9, 40(%rsp)
movl $14, 32(%rsp)
leaq -8896(%rbp), %rsi
movq %rsi, %rcx
movl $13, %edx
movl $12, %r8d
movl $15, %r9d
callq _mm_set_epi8
@MohammadAliBaydoun RTFM
maybe if I read the manual I wouldn't have gone through all this content I'm never going to use
Unless I'm trying to impress someone with the intricacies of font rendering at a fancy dinner party~
@nightcracker how do you see the assembly o_O
@MohammadAliBaydoun that's how i pick up girls ;)
@EiyrioüvonKauyf compile with -S and read the output file?
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Oh you beast you
this band must be insanely indie if I can't find their shit on youtube.
@nightcracker i just did -s instead of -S orz
also clang didn't find my C++ include dir by default
@nightcracker plz dont onebox long snippets of code, use coliru/ideone/pastebin instead
no no pastebin only pastie :c
pastebin is blocked many places
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Anywhere other than here...
@nightcracker Or that, as long as its a link instead of half a page of code
but for example clang generated better code than gcc: 3.0 cpb instead of 3.5 cpb
or llamapaste.com
Im still waiting for better windows support from clang.
read: any
lol yeah basically
i dont even know if its in their plans for the foreseeable future
I'm watching Dexter, and holy shit, he actually looks kinda old.
his hair's starting to turn grey, I think
@DeadMG holy fuck
i'm watching it O_O
you know that's not Dexter, right?
that's the guy he's about to kill
dude, spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it?
that's dexter
@DeadMG mehhhh it's obvious from the synopsis alone
yeah, four seasons ago.
"I'm watching Dexter" -> "The episode that aired last night".
oh mehhhhh
i watch things old
that way i can watch them fast
aka a season or more a day
wait how does that work
I thought a season was like months
are you a time traveler?
no but 4x speed
and watching multiple eps at one time
i'm just a bored person
The wife wants to see the meteor shower tonight. I offered to show her an arseteroid but she refused.
dat pun
time to see if my stomach will permit sleeping
has anyone here written async dsp code?
@DeadMG G'night.
darn it takes an hour or so to update the profile i think
*profile picture
chat doesn't update
press f5
@DeadMG 'night
oh that doesn't update either
click your profile picture and then press f5
@nightcracker ... obviously
wait o_o
that worked... i'm so confused
35 minutes since the last question.
:[ would i go to hell if i made a reddit_repost_bot
@chris Then a question just popped up!
welp, sleep fail.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf You wouldn't got to hell for making it but if you ever ran it, then yes -- straight to hell. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
... hmmm
i want to do it as proof that reposters unfortunately get votes
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Already been done 50 times over.
@DeadMG No, not really.
int seed = 0;
@chris A work of art and a joy forever!
A myObj = *( new A() );
Why am I noticing this so much lately?
@Rapptz I don't know, but I am, too.
I almost opened the question and left a rage comment until I realized it was supposed to be there :p
Almost two comments full of succinct mistakes is what I left in the This code... link.
then what?
delete &myObj; ?
sounds risky - any copy down the line might spoil stuff
if it's not already spoiled - I'm not sure
@nightcracker Don't forget that's a copy/move, so deleting the address is still undefined.
guessed so
@MarkGarcia OP can't format question => OP is a total moron.
And that.
I don't understand how people fail at it even with the fucking preview.
I hate how many formatting problems come up when it's all clearly explained while writing and it's WYSIWYG.
Q: hi every body when i run any of itpp library in ubuntu ihave this error (.text 0x18) undefined reference to 'main'

mohsenI installed it++,mkl,gcc to run a c++ project in communication.when i run (.cpp) file i see a warning and an error .warning in /home/user/itpp-4.3.0/itpp/base/vec.h on line 1408:vec<>::set_subvector(int,int,const vec <> &): This function is deprecated and might be removed from future IT++ r...

This guy is hopeless, just downvote and move on.
@not-rightfold I don't know if that close reason is the correct one though.
What close reason?
It's not closed.
That first close vote: "Questions about general computing hardware and software..."
It has a close vote.
Oh. You're not using your original account.
The correct closing reason is: OP is a faggot.
The new one's a dupe, but I really don't feel like looking.
All of the dupes have titles like Why does this work?
Tbh, haven't seen this for a while.
Q: Losing accuracy with double plus

user420193I have a simple code here, however it has not any division or complicated multiplying. for ( double i=.1; i<=1; i+=.1) { System.out.println(i); } But in some cases value of "i" is not accurate, e.g. .79999999 or .600000001. Why did this happen? How can I change this code that becomes ac...

@chris There should really be a question before posting: "Does your question have anything to do with unexpected values while using float/double?"
@FlorisVelleman Too many FAQs that apply tbh.
@chris Seeing atleast 3 of these questions per day despite the faq
Now watch the votes go for those who answer anyway.
Attaching a computer to a network is unsafe. — cdhowie 1 min ago
^ This made me think of some Jon Skeet/Chuck Norris fact.
@MarkGarcia if you're on Battlestar Galactica, maybe
Q: C++11 range-based for loop on temp object

DarioPIs it legal to write something like the following? In case of positive answer would you do that? vector<int> create_vector() { vector<int> v; ... return v;} for ( auto i : create_vector() ) { ... }

@Tony nonononono
That doesn't work, right?
I mean your comment
hmmm, apparently I don't know what I'm talking about
@TonyTheLion I did that yesterday.
But I needed it to stay around a little longer so I actually copied it a few lines above, but this thing with a temp container works as well.
@TonyTheLion range-for is pretty well thought-through.
vote-to-close that question btw
How much rep do you need to be able to vote?
@Xeo Yea it seems so. TIL.
@Rapptz ;_;
It'd be pretty noob-y if it evaluated the expression constantly :(
@JoachimPileborg it throws a bunch of error for me ? Is it even a valid syntax ? vector<int> create_vector() { vector<int> v; return v;}; ? — P0W 3 mins ago
^ to who did he reply to?
I was just looking at that.
5 mins ago, by Xeo
@TonyTheLion range-for is pretty well thought-through.
Would it not be more correct using A::B ? — user2672165 14 secs ago
Sometimes when I see other people's templates I forget if I put a space between the brackets, i.e. template < vs template<. (I do the latter)
I always put a space. Looks cleaner and more readable to me.
looks awkward
I only do it with the template keyword.
For everything else I don't put a space there, e.g. vector<int>.
Hmm now that I look at it, maybe I should stop inserting the space because it's not really consistent with the rest of the code. :/
TonyTheLion: I am not better until you are here next to me scotty babe <3
Q: want to know AST of C+ACSL or only C

ArpitI wanna create a compiler supporting C+ACSL language in cpp. But I am stuck in writing AST file. Can any body help me by providing the AST of C+ACSL or only C. Thanks in advance

I don't know what OP is asking
@TonyTheLion OP doesn't know what OP is asking.
Probably because it cannot store a complex type in that data_segement. — Tony The Lion 1 min ago
Mornin Andy
"If you are working on big projects with multiple files (header and source) you have to avoid templates" - I must've missed something.
@FlorisVelleman You missed the fact that whoever wrote that is insane, ignorant, or perhaps just dumber than a box of rocks.
whoever wrote that, never used STL ... or doesn't remember (s)he used STL
what are you talking about?
Morning everyone
@ScottW oh
Q: haskell - optimizing AVL tree

jajdooas a part of learning haskell i decided to implement an AVL tree. as of now, i only implemented insertion. the implementation works, but it performs 3-4 times slower than a random java implementation i found for a random list 9999999 random numbers. it performs almost as well when given an inpu...

For those Haskell nerds ^ (@Xeo)
I hope my phone becomes use able after factory reset :3
I decided to brush up on some algorithms I've learned a while ago and just remembered how complicated self-balancing binary tree algorithms are. :-/
I'm curious about something: can the root node also serve as the dummy "null" node in red-black trees? Or will that lead to horrible corruption of the tree or whatever?
@Insilico B+ trees FTW!
@ScottW <3
I've always seen such trees implemented using explicit dummy nodes (like a static node nil; somewhere) or using actual NULLs and use a bunch of helper functions to deal with that
C C+ B B+ A A+ ... so C++ = B?
C# = D♭
I travel time all the times ... in a straight forward fashion
never stay idle or backwards
@Telkitty猫咪咪 There's a quantum mechanics joke in there somewhere, I just can't see it.
Q: How to write code to be executed before main() gets control?

user246408I am porting a class to C++ and need to execute some initialization code before the first instance of my class is created; executing the code before main() gets control suits me. How to do it in C++?

I doubt you can do that
Apparently I'm wrong
Yeah constructors for static objects are run before main(), although the static initialization order fiasco is going to be problem if static object A needs static object B.

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