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@R.MartinhoFernandes hurm so what the heck
maybe I'm missing something
lua can have variadic arguments
Guys, is it me, or is this tar file broken? Linux professional.
well python can too.
it feels like just bad design on their part
I am just not sure when would the call be done
becaue when partially applying stuff you eventually get to the end
but if you don't know the argument count, you could add that infinitely
and still get a function in return
You don't curry vararg functions, simply
@DeadMG missing out on some neat goodies
@CatPlusPlus There. And all Lua functions are "vararg". (Which I don't think is a good thing)
It's not
Just like in JS it's not
I wonder how moonscript does that
(cue some shit about static analysis making this not broken)
@Rapptz Also, funny how you used the English (Traditional) ending, and I used the English (Simplified) ending.
> function add(a, b) return a + b end
> print(add(10, 11, 12))
Can you do add(4)?
Sounds like that stack thingy.
Actually Egon Schiele (the guy behind monads in pictures) wrote Moon-Curry thingy
@CatPlusPlus nope
So at least they got this much right!
1 message moved to bin
Cue bloo bloo why
@CatPlusPlus when he says "nope" he means "it will be filled with nil and fail on op+"
@BartekBanachewicz Ahaha okay so they didn't
to be fair, you can't do much with nil.
It can delay the error significantly
$ lua
Lua 5.1.5  Copyright (C) 1994-2012 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
> function add(a, b) end
> print(add(4))

eww, lua looks uglier than ruby
stdin:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'b' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        stdin:1: in function <stdin:1>
        (tail call): ?
        [C]: ?
back to writing python for me then :D
JavaScript does the same shit, and it's broken like fuck
@GamesBrainiac yeah right go away
@CatPlusPlus inherent bullshit coming from such loose typing
Oh god I said Lua is bad the world will collapse now
This is not related to typing, also yo momma's loose
you are acting like a fanboy, a little
$ python
Python 3.3.1 (default, Apr 17 2013, 22:30:32)
[GCC 4.7.3] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> def add(a, b):
...  return 0
>>> print(add(4))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: add() missing 1 required positional argument: 'b'
@Jefffrey of what? I just agreed with him
we're all fanboys
I'm not, everything's shit, there's nothing to be a fan of
From my perspective.
Hating on things no matter what is on the same grounds.
@CatPlusPlus you're a fanboy of pessimism
someone could say now that you could do shit like explicitely state signature somehow and wrap the call in it
You can do that in assembly even
but I am not even trying to say it makes sense; I've sorta grown out of it
> Closed as you-can-fix-it-(yourself)
Python's default implementation is CPython, ruby's is CRuby, right?
@DeadMG I am curious. Do you view nationalism on the same grounds as racism?
I believe it goes by the name MRI.
@BartekBanachewicz at least ruby is not broken there
@Jefffrey who the fuck cares? It's broken in million other places
@Pawnguy7 Yep.
> print(string.gsub("hello world", "(%w+)", "%1 %1"))
hello hello world world 2
where did this 2 come from
That's amazing
@Rapptz number of matches? second return value?
@BartekBanachewicz such as?
fundamentally, nationalism and racism are the same thing
@BartekBanachewicz I still stand by my "that's amazing" thing
@Jefffrey I am not going to repeat myself over and over again, go read the transcript if you wish
a pathetic primitive "us vs them" reaction
designed to permit dehumanising the opponent
and avoid having to consider your own actions
It would seem that way, yes.
@Rapptz it kinda is.
I'm actually not sure if that's good or bad.
It seems global unity efforts aren't going so well, though.
@BartekBanachewicz Ahahaha now you're repeating after me
@Rapptz As much as ([(),(),()], 3) (you have one guess on what this is)
@Pawnguy7 That's because it's in people's nature that they don't get along.
and their leaders are just as bad.
Well yes.
@Jefffrey Monkey patching would be the worst offender IMO.
But it also seems to be people's nature to have the potential to be corrupt.
But we try to avoid this.
@CatPlusPlus "repeat after me..." :P
and we also try to avoid nationalism.
Or at least, not give them the power to do something.
the problem is that unlike race, nationalities don't really get mixed in the same way, so it's a lot easier to maintain nationalism.
Do we?
fucking hell, what part of 'cancel' does eclipse not understand?
well we certainly should do.
Hard to say, because that certainly wasn't the case in WWII.
> Take note however that the preferred build tool for Boost.Python is bjam. There are so many ways to set up the build incorrectly. Experience shows that 90% of the "I can't build Boost.Python" problems come from people who had to use a different tool.
@thecoshman The a, n, and the e, I think.
by "we" I mean "Sane intelligent people".
sounds horrible
If that is done now, it is recent. Or are you saying, should do?
eh this LuaGlue thing has 26 stars already
@Rapptz Ugh, bjam.
stupid people pissing over full class bindings
@Pawnguy7 At least in WWII, the opponents actually were out to kill you.
@Pawnguy7 wars are usually pretty good at causing nationalism, yes
and you actually were fighting an enemy nation
@DeadMG Well yes. But think of it. Nationalism was Hitler's greatest asset.
instead of more recent conflicts, which is Terrorists vs the CIA.
@Pawnguy7 An easy low-hanging example of how it's terrible.
perhaps not the best.
They should form the Terrorist Nation.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Let's Jam!
Give them some piece of land.
Ooooh, I know!
Western Sahara.
Ahahah I have no fucking idea how Solr works
You were saying how it is natural for defenders to do this, and I agree.
It's in permanent civil war anyway.
I was just saying, it causes wars initially as well.
This makes no goddamn sense
it's not natural for defenders
Does it count as a civil war when it's a no-man's land?
it's natural for anyone.
How about a woman’s land?
@Pawnguy7 correlation, causation etc
Yes. I mean to say, it is natural to bond together when somebody is trying to kill you.
Replacing Inheritance with Boost.Variant -- and C++14 Generic Lambdas http://d.hatena.ne.jp/faith_and_brave/20131201/1385824957 #cpp
And arguably correct.
@R.MartinhoFernandes touchè
@BartekBanachewicz Whee,ADT-like
TBH I'd like it better in a language I can read
people employ nationalism whenever it's to their own advantage.
but code speaks for itself
just the same as racism.
it's just easier to justify and easier to get over all those little hurdles when it's something extreme, like a tank division knocking on your front door.
@Pawnguy7 But is it more natural for, say, a Texan to bond together with a New Yorker when one of them is under attack than for a German and a Norwegian, say?
Might depend how you define advantage.
@BartekBanachewicz nothing important there
Is being with people you agree with an advantage in this sense?
in the text I mean
not really.
in the short-term it can be, but in the long term it's not.
It seems to have the same principle, though.
@DeadMG Invite them for tea.
I'll just leave that ^ here
@Pawnguy7 For the most part, nationalism has been created largely artificially. Lots of propaganda to "remind" people in your country of how much they have in common
For example, political parties regularly attempt to dehumanize the other side.
Or tell them you're not interested in buying any more bibles.
@BartekBanachewicz What does it mean?
(Other than "everything's broken in some way")
If you look at WW2, or even better, WW1, nationalism flourished because it was good for the war effort, not because people naturally woke up one morning and realized how they share a common bond with everyone else living inside a set of arbitrarily defined borders
@Pawnguy7 Right, but they're in an environment controlled, at least in principle, by a neutral third party. And their interactions are regularly with the opposition and convincing people with alternative views.
Intel GPUs are as good as Android GPUs
WTF is "Android GPU" ?
you're comparing phone GPUs to a desktop GPU?
@jalf Wasn't nationalism one of the contributing factors for the start of WW1?
Or at least one of the excuses.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not as much as it was a contributing factor in driving recruitment a few years into the war
"The guy that killed the archduke was from your country! Die!"
@R.MartinhoFernandes One of the major ones. But my understanding of that historical period is that most of Europe had basically been looking to scrap with each other for a hundred years.
Leaders all over Europe went propaganda-crazy about how noble it was to die for your country
@Rapptz all of those are mobile gpus. Whether it's a phone or a tablet doesn't really matter in terms of functionality
they just got sick of fighting proxy wars in the colonies and comparatively small-scale wars and decided to finally slug it out.
In fact, it was what brought Italy and Germany together as "nations".
yeah.. and you're comparing it to a desktop GPU.
anyway, neat I guess.
That was another thing that came to mind.
@DeadMG yeah, pretty much. If he hadn't been killed, something else would have triggered it.
To me, people seem to think, we are the best time in history ever.
But we are fighting wars all the time.
@Rapptz HD4000 appears in mobile CPUs too.
we are
but the reality is
compared to the previous wars
they're nothing.
And also what caused friction in places like the Balkans.
@Rapptz wait for valleyview :)
the War on Terror is a horrendous waste of all resources (lives, money, etc) and terrible, don't get me wrong.
but in comparison to WW2 levelling virtually the entire fucking continent
@Pawnguy7 best time in history are the 60' in America.
it's pretty small potatoes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you could also say that much of it was caused by the friction in such places. It's a nice little feedback loop
While this is true.
Look at the Cold War.
We would be saying differently if everybody got nuked.
Success! I'm not hungry and I avoided McToxic. On Tesco cheap shelf were Finest-range beefburgers with chorizo, so I bagged 8. Just had one:) Funny how stuff comes round in here - someone had chorizo on a pizza over the w/e.
but they didn't get nuked.
lol I've just read @R.Martinho 's twitter spree
and they didn't get nuked because WW2 taught everybody a simple lesson: it's really not worth it.
@Pawnguy7 We've always been fighting wars. A much smaller percentage of the earth's population (and other resources, for that matter) is involved now than almost ever before though.
@BartekBanachewicz What I find really funny is how much you care about Intel GPUs looking good
@Pawnguy7 True. We would be saying differently if different things had happened :p
the problem is
without the Soviet Union, the United States seems to have forgotten that lesson.
Did it teach them it wasn't worth it?
@jalf It was a contributing factor in driving recruitment several years before the war.
@CatPlusPlus I like to think my job is actually creating something nice in the long run. Makes feeling like a cog in the machine much easier to take. Is that so weird?
It isn't worth it if they can get you back.
@DeadMG did you guys see the article about how the US's nuclear code was 000000000, btw? :)
@Pawnguy7 It's not worth it anyway.
But if your destruction isn't assured.
@jalf LOL
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, but it got cranked up dramatically once everyone were committed to the war, and running low on troops
Europe had been building up for it since the turn of the century.
@DeadMG WW1 didn't work, so why would WW2?
@DeadMG In this case, it's important to differentiate between the US (the actual people) and the US government. The US hasn't forgotten, but the US government chooses to ignore.
@MartinJames Because it's not the war that mattered.
at least, not in the specific aspect with which I am concerned.
after WW1, the Allies basically crippled their opponents instead of co-operating with the survivors.
after WW2, they helped rebuild Western Germany.
@jalf Only in the silos. Still, a bit lax, yes:)
team city keeps giving me a pop up about "name must not be empty"
sleepy ._.
Keynes helped a lot with his economic theory focusing on co-operation.
something we could really use more of right now.
@DeadMG The (or at least A) funny thing is that at the time, what was done to to the opponents was seen as quite lenient. In many previous wars, it was pretty typical for the winner to (quite literally) rape and pillage the entire country.
@DeadMG Yeah, and now I get emails from my German customers, demanding that I do stuff. Sometimes, MAD-style annihilation sounds like a good option:)
@jalf At least it's not 123456...
@JerryCoffin No wonder they never got anything done :P
What is interesting.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but not to that extent. No one anticipated what a drawn-out and bloody stalemate it would end up being. So after a while, they needed a lot more troops than they'd originally planned on (and the ones who came back told some pretty gruesome stories, so crank up the propaganda to remind everyone of how noble it really is to fight for one's country, even if you're just sitting in a ditch being shelled by artillery)
@jalf Yeah, the military leaders of the time didn't properly understand how the machinegun would change warfare.
@jalf Not denying that. Just saying that nationalism had been a major driving force long before the keg finally exploded.
Is that denunciation against these concepts (such as feminism) use the concept themselves.
@Pawnguy7 I think you gotta fix this sentence.
I've seen quite a lot of stuff from the British military leaders, and it's clear that they had no idea that the machinegun had changed things so much since muskets on cavalry
Oh. Your right.
@Pawnguy7 s/Your/You're/
Hmm, ok. I guess it's me, then. I still don't understand it.
@Pawnguy7 wat
Ok, not me.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh. Well, from what I have seen (this might just be the radicals), many feminists, more or less, say men are evil (in other words, not human).
Partners in incomprehension
Ah, that.
That's just dumb people.
Seems to be a majority of people, really.
It's really not
Nah. Just very vocal.
Sampling bias.
@Pawnguy7 Funnily enough, I quite often hear people make that accusation. I don't often hear the same claim made by actual feminists. I wonder why....
Could be.
By majority of people, I mean people arguing against some form of this concept, where that group themselves uses it.
oh an email
Not specifically on this topic.
@Pawnguy7 It's a few vocal nutjobs, nothing more.
> Now that your career with us is well underway, we want to know how you’re feeling about your first full year with Intel.
@JerryCoffin I should probably stop now and minimize losses.
> People keep mocking me when I say your GPUs are good
@BartekBanachewicz Careful.... it's a trap!
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol :D
@MartinJames is it?
@BartekBanachewicz Be sure to send 'Our GPU's are crap' from someone else's account:)
btw help me choose
@DeadMG I have learned it is difficult to tell, as indeed a minority can make more noise than supporters. Still, you seemed rather militant regarding racism.
@BartekBanachewicz Blue.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol how do you know?
I know everything.
It is basically the modern equivalent of accusing somebody of being a communist.
std::tuple<> == std::tuple<void> ?
@BartekBanachewicz (What do I know, btw?)
@ThePhD NO!
the difference is that communism is simply an economic theory.
I'm sorry. :c
@R.MartinhoFernandes that I need to pick between gray and blue corporate christmas gift
whether you agree, don't agree, does it really matter?
there are no known competitive implementations of communism but that's not to say that none could be built.
Not the point. What I am trying to get across is, it was a way to dehumanize people.
racists are still human.
it's just that they showcase one of the less desirable less useful aspects.
Not if they're aliens, or other animals.
@BartekBanachewicz They always cut the blue wire first, so make sure that the gift detonates upon that.
@DeadMG How speciesist of you.
that we should put in all effort to eradicate.
Sounds like a war effort to me.
While we are at it, we can eliminate everything else we dislike. We are better, after all.
Eliminate, exterminate.
Or is that not the same thing?
I never said anything about better.
If you are trying to eliminate a group, I am pretty sure you think you/your group is better.
if some person out there can effectively demonstrate that there is some other large-scale mental problem that affects me, then I'd be happy for them to put in whatever effort they can to solve it.
an easy example is obesity.
Obesity is a mental problem?
I certainly used to be a member of the "Way obese" group and I completely support eliminating it.
and I did when I was way overweight too.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Obesity is a symptom of a mental problem.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, it's really... Obesity is an "everything" problem, really.
Well, it depends how we are solving it.
Doesn't it depend on the case?
like any other human behaviour, overeating is symptomatic of many, many underlying causes.
You could solve racism by basically pointing out to them what it is like to be the minority.
I know some people that are obese due to hormone imbalances or whatnot.
@R.MartinhoFernandes There are lots of other causes too.
But the way you reacted to the joke, you seemed like you would literally go to war, more or less, to wipe them out.
fuck I wonder if my package arrived already
Blah. Now I have to write std::tuple_size_or<T, 1>
@Pawnguy7 I wouldn't go to war to wipe out racists.
@BartekBanachewicz $ apt-get t-shirt
@ThePhD Ew, what for.
I fucking hate remote desktop bullshit
but I would go to war to wipe out racism (and it's derivatives like nationalism).
Was there no dehumanizing involved there, though?
@thecoshman Remote desktop is great. Remote desktop bullshit is horrible.
I don’t see how nationalism is a derivative of racism.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Lua needs to know if a function returns multiple types (e.g., the function returns a std::tuple to interface with lua's multi-return-type dealio).
it's easier to convince people to fight when they dehumanise their enemies.
I want to get to #1.
that doesn't mean you can't convince them to fight even if their enemies aren't dehumanised.
but I won't do that on the crappy controller i have now
@BartekBanachewicz I wanna be, the very best. Like no one ever was!
@R.MartinhoFernandes there is nothing good about being stuck working behind a tiny little remote desktop screen with crap tools
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have to return the count of arguments that my function is returning to lua on its stack, so.
@thecoshman tiny?
@rightfold You're right, it's not a derivative- it's really the exact same thing.
tuple_size_or<MyTuple_t, 1>
Isn't this fighting fire with fire, though?
@BartekBanachewicz yes, one window, and a locked low resolution ¬_¬
@Pawnguy7 How so?
@thecoshman that's bullshit robot was talking about
@ThePhD I don't think you can, btw.
@DeadMG except one applies to nations and the other one to races.
We have agreed that the same concept is at play, and has various manifests, as with racism or nationalism.
Unless you mean to support exclusively std::tuple and no other tuple-like, like pair.
@rightfold f(5) and f(6) are the same function, even though you pass them different arguments.
The way I see this, though, your approach to this is like a feminists.
I used to be chilled out and relaxed about everything. At work though, I can't seem to find ten mintes without something pissing me off.
All racists are evil, and you can never trust them. They cannot change.
Everything is shit
@Pawnguy7 I never said any of those things.
As if you don't consider, they are humans like yourself.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I figured it out a different way. :D
you're inferring something that isn't there (not that you can be blamed because racism/nationalism/etc is everywhere).
Oct 29 at 1:24, by DeadMG
you're one of those "KILL ALL THE NIGGERS" morons.
@Pawnguy7 no, some are just scared/stupid/misguide/mislead/blinded/angry
Might not be what you meant, but it certainly seemed like it to me.
it's true that I am quite capable of treating racists as sub-human.
the thing is
racists can be just as subhuman as non-racists.
just because I don't assume that all racists are morons does not imply that no racists are morons or that any given racist is or is not a moron.
moronicity theory
@R.MartinhoFernandes See? Ezpz. :D
This concept is much like using Hitler in examples.
It can be used to justify anything.
On this grounds, should we not throw it out with the other fallacies?
what concept?
that racists might or might not be morons?
@ThePhD Uhm... that 1 overload looks redundant.
this is hardly news really.
Thinking of people as subhuman, or whatever you wish to call it.
@Xeo It does?
that all depends on how you choose to define subhuman.
also, fx( std::forward<Tn>( stack::pop<Tn>( L ) )... ); has a big problem
Do I have to use swallow on that too? :c
@ThePhD Well, if TRn... = {T}, then sizeof...(TRn) == 1
@Pawnguy7 what is wrong with 'I think there view is terrible, and thus would treat them less because of it'
Ah. True.
@ThePhD No, swallow won't cut it
ewwww order of operations
@thecoshman what is wrong with WWII?
Robot, remember the invoker template I made? :D
for example, you might choose to define that certain people with infertility problems aren't human, because in the relatively strict definition of a species, you have to be reproductively compatible with other members to be a member.
@Xeo Guess I'll just pop and then not bother forwarding...
@ThePhD That also doesn't help
I personally think that that's a primitive definition though that doesn't carry a lot of use.
the problem is unspecified order for popping
@DeadMG I would define it as what you think of as the base cause of these isms. Basically what you think of as an opposing group. I am sure we all know what it is.
@Xeo What do you mean? :c
@Pawnguy7 your point?
I thought it always unpacks in the order the arguments are specified?
Would you treat the Jews like they did?
it should
@Pawnguy7 The root cause is our human evolution, which caused us to evolve this way.
@ThePhD Sure, but the calls to pop are in an unspecified order
Parking Enforcement Officers are human?
@Xeo Oh. I see.
I'm not sure how I'd go about solving that problem, to be honest.
that doesn't make sense
@DeadMG it allows for defective individuals. It's a genetic compatibility, not physiological
@DeadMG you know what the feeling is, correct? For example, you probably think of Java programmers in this fashion.
@ThePhD It's pretty easy, actually
@Pawnguy7 I think of them as moronic, not subhuman.
supposing function f<int, double, float>() why would it call pop<float>(), pop<int>() pop<double>()?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh of course--but the vast majority of cases are from poor eating (too much, and the wrong things) and lack of exercise.
It isn't that you are stating they are not human - they obviously are.
I think of it as a way of identifying this concept.
@Rapptz Because the order of invocation is unspecified, and order matters for the stack popping
@Rapptz More usefully, if you assume f<int, float, int>, the compiler can re-use hot instruction cache by calling pop<int>(), pop<int>(), pop<float>().
From your perspective, it is the concept of being a moron.
@Rapptz f( make1(), make2(), make3() ); C++ does not define the order in which those functions will do the popping. =/
It's the same problem I had for my stream_function when reading from the input stream
Now, should this concept not be thrown out?
@ThePhD I know that much.
Hm, I can't find it in the chat.Damn.
why would I throw out the concept of other people being morons?
@Rapptz So an implementation could very well do pop<int>() first.
I have the right to be a moron.
And it'd be wrong, because int isn't what needs to be popped first.
if that's true then that's another moronic thing about variadic arguments
It's not variadic arguments
It's any standard function call.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It requires (at best) extreme care to include defective individuals, but also rule out species that can interbreed (e.g., lions and tigers) but are still pretty clearly separate species.
Anyone that says otherwise owes me the 40 bucks I left at the ATM
statistically, I know that I'm pretty near the top of the intelligence food chain, so arguably, calling other people morons compared to myself is simply stating a statistical fact (in a very unpleasant manner, admittedly).
@DeadMG if you don't, you are no better than those who start nationalistic wars, are you not?
I'm asking why the order of popping arguments isn't sequential.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oops!
f( g<Pack>()... ) expands to f( g<T1>(), g<T2>(), ..., g<TN>() )
And after that, it's just evaluation order at play
@Pawnguy7 Only if I start a war based on some other guy being a moron.
It expands the expression, but doesn't perform evaluation until after the expression has been expanded.
the reality is, humans evolved to denigrate and discriminate against each other.
Is that valid justification?
@Xeo A quick std::tie might do the trick?
And fuck, too
no, it's a reality.
Very important
@ThePhD Gimme a sec to find the link
people should try to look past their own preconceptions/etc.
just do recursion
Nov 13 at 12:55, by Xeo
Hmm... Robot, do you have something like this in wheels?
the reality is, I think of Java programmers as morons, but if some guy was accused of murder, I wouldn't send him to jail just because he programs Java.

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