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4:00 PM
Well, except for that strip club
@CatPlusPlus One day, I'll find where you live, and facepalm you.
@CatPlusPlus I'll console myself with that the next time I'm feeling like my life is boring.
I found a half float "library"....
I keep hearing half float these days.
I think GLM has halfs.
Oh, C#.
4:01 PM
It's half as good and half more annoying
class HalfFloat { uint16_t mRep; }; and then it does static_assert(std::is_floating_point<HalfFloat>::value, "HalfFloat is not floating point; check type traits"); WTF?
well no shit it's not floating point....
They specialise the trait probably
ew, I don't think you're allowed to specialize that trait
this is so friggin good
@melak47 lolwut
@Xeo You're not.
4:02 PM
@CatPlusPlus yeah, but with too many underscores so it fails and their "validity check" fails
It tests for a fundamental category, not for properties
template<> struct std::__is_floating_point<HalfFloat> : public std::true_type{};
Not allowed.
also doesn't work on MSVC :v
@GamesBrainiac It's also friggin long.
4:03 PM
Are you surprised? I'm not surprised
HalfFloat is a class type, not a floating point type.
@caps yea, but man, I can't stop laughing.... hahahahaha
@CatPlusPlus no, I'm wondering why the fuck specialize is_floating_point just to check if it's floating point afterwards..I mean, wut
It's an assert
To make sure the specialisation is available
Asserts state truths, not checks.
4:05 PM
How come you can specialize numeric_limits but not type traits?
@Rapptz Not those traits.
Those traits are meant to tell the fundamental categories, not if a type behaves like a number.
So you can't do is_floating_point<__float128> or whatever?
but why would you want to HalfFloat to pass is_floating_point
@Rapptz The compiler can. You can't because UDTs are compound types and compound types are mutually exclusive from floating point types.
I thought we were discussing the compiler doing it.
Who else would make HalfFloat?
4:07 PM
5 mins ago, by melak47
class HalfFloat { uint16_t mRep; }; and then it does static_assert(std::is_floating_point<HalfFloat>::value, "HalfFloat is not floating point; check type traits"); WTF?
6 mins ago, by melak47
I found a half float "library"....
oh carry on then
what's a half float?
@Rapptz 16 bit float
oh right
it also has inline operator float() const; I suppose this makes sense since you don't really want to do math on the 16bit represenation...
Half floats are meant for storage.
GCC: __fp16, MSVC: HALF
is what I found from googling though the latter is a typedef in DirectX lol
@EtiennedeMartel yeah, so wouldn't an explicit conversion or pack and unpack functions be better?
@Rapptz yeah DirectX has XMMHalfSomethingOrOther
4:14 PM
@melak47 I don't like implicit conversions.
Just gonna say that.
C# template constraints are awfully limited
Because there are no type classes
What's a type class?
Hmm, I think they're good enough, except for the ctor-y ones.
Someting like in Haskell?
4:20 PM
It's just annoying that interfaces are intrusive.
Aren't type classes essential in Haskell?
Essential isn't the word
And c# doesn't have templates, right?
@Ell Then what is the word :S
using non-static data member initialization makes a class non-trivial? :/
@melak47 It's the same as making a default-ctor.
Considering T = std::vector<int>::iterator, is iterator_traits<T>::iterator_category equal to std::vector<int>?
4:26 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes whelp. I guess a default constructed half will be filled with garbage then, like other types :/
@Jefffrey No, it's std::random_access_iterator_tag.
@melak47 That's what it means to be trivial :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes Then there's no way to get the container type of an iterator, right?
@R.MartinhoFernandes std::is_full_of_garbage<T>
@Jefffrey nope, that's kinda their point.
@Jefffrey The natural std::vector<int>::iterator is int*. The natural std::array<int, N>::iterator is also int*.
4:29 PM
@Rapptz Hmm. But it is useful. If a sorting algorithm that works on iterators needs to make a copy of the container (like merge sort), how is it supposed to copy it?
Well, I could use std::vector.
@Jefffrey std::copy ?
@Jefffrey You don't really need a copy of the container, you only need to copy the elements to some container.
Yes. Got it.
std::stable_sort uses std::get_temporary_buffer. If no suitable temporary buffer is available it falls back to a (slightly) slower implementation.
That seems weird though. There's no extension point to provide your own scratch space.
Argh that fucking CMS conversion that's looming over me for months is in final stages, and OF COURSE everything breaks now
Fucking shit, why me whyyyyy
@CatPlusPlus CMS conversion? What are you converting to?
Wordpress to Django-cms or something or is this some other kind of cms?
@rubenvb Beware, though, the typical embedded environment is much weaker than what we have. Ours is almost in the Industrial PC range.
@FredOverflow I suppose you saw my reply?
@GamesBrainiac Liferay to Drupal
Isn't Drupal in PHP?
It is.
4:48 PM
Poor cat.
I deal only with database
He has a computer so he must be pretty rich.
how can I distinguish between float unpack(uint16_t packed) and float unpack(half packed) when applying them with std::transform? :/
4:50 PM
@melak47 []unpack :D
(aka lambda or cast it)
@Xeo oh you
Gotta wave it in peoples faces whereever I can!
Cannot you use ADL?
I admit defeat with this shit, I don't know what to do, I'm over my head, I hate my life, I want to be drunk right now
Go drunk; it’s past five.
4:54 PM
like so? (float(*)(const half))(&unpack)
So, are most of you guys in Europe?
@melak47 static_cast nub
@melak47 Wait, why? Do you have implicit conversions?
@rightfold no :/
It's ambiguous either way
4:55 PM
why is it ambiguous
Because C++
What is half?
class half { uint16_t packed;};
Even stupider float implementation
Why is it am-- oh, you're passing to std::transform.
4:56 PM
@CatPlusPlus than what?
Than hardware floats
All the bad things with none of the good things!
it's for storage :E
Q: Unicode underline does not completely underline some characters

SaggioI have a string in a C# application that needs to be underlined. This needs to be done in unicode as the string is exported and displayed in a word file. To do this I preceded every character with the underline unicode \u0332which works, but it does not completely underline the 'm' character as...

> You've earned the "Reversal" badge
4:58 PM
Guy is using a combining underline to make underlined text in Word, instead of... you know... formatting the text as underlined.
static_cast<float(*)(half)>(&unpack)? :/
@CatPlusPlus Oh dear!
@JerryCoffin Hey man! Long time no talk. How are you and your family?
Still alive.
5:08 PM
@rightfold Coin grats, you Lashun!
@GamesBrainiac Not bad, thanks. How 'bout you?
@JerryCoffin Doing all right. Learning a lot. But I learned one thing today, and that is rep is easy to get. I mean getting 200 rep in a day isn't even hard. But its when you start answering different variants of the same question over and over again that you need to realise that its about time you learnt something new :P
So yea, thats where I'm at now.
What about you? Finally found an anime you want to watch?
Also, do my eyes deceive me? Where's Dead?
@melak47 Basically.
this is longer than a lambda :E
Is it?
[](half h){ return unpack(h); }
marginally, I guess.
@GamesBrainiac Sleepin
5:18 PM
My dad just asked me what PHP was.
Personal Ho Puller
identifier = lexeme $ do
    ident <- (:) <$> identifierFirst <*> many identifierRest
    when (ident `elem` keywords) (unexpected $ "keyword '" ++ ident ++ "'")
    return ident
I wonder if I can write this purely using applicative style.
@rightfold Send him to Bartek
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hey, howv you been, man?
5:23 PM
Anyone here use code blocks?
Q: Where does Code::Blocks' "Command Line Macro" window live?

MosheI'm using Code::Blocks 10.05 on Ubuntu. I'm trying to add a command line macro, but I can't find the appropriate window to do so. Would someone be so kind as to direct me to said window?

@Moshe No.
@Moshe Hey man! Long time no see. And no, no one does.
Well no one is a bit much, but yea, rare users.
What's "no"?
@rightfold s/when/unless/?
@Xeo No. When the parsed identifier is a keyword, fail. :P
5:27 PM
Hey @GamesBraniac!
@rightfold Ah, right
@GamesBrainiac um great thanks
@EtiennedeMartel :(
what a douche
"I can't commit to marry you unless my sport team wins a championship."
@caps yea, I agree.
5:31 PM
"Also, I don't know how to spell 'leaf' in its plural form."
Well, neither does the author of the article.
Maybe it's one of those intentional misspellings that everyone uses.
@EtiennedeMartel Ah...
That said, the leafs are renowned for... not winning the cup.
Last time they won was in 1967.
@rightfold Might aswell go full monadic.
Not as bad as the Chicago Cubs.
> The Cubs have not won the World Series in 105 years, the longest championship drought of any major North American professional sports team,[1][2]
identifier = lexeme $ do
    ident <- liftM2 (:) identifierFirst (many identifierRest)
    when (ident `elem` keywords) $ unexpected $ "keyword '" ++ ident ++ "'"
    return ident
So we have another C++ -> JS compiler
@BartekBanachewicz Cool.
@BartekBanachewicz Looks neat.
5:40 PM
Except I'd really like to get rid of JS middle layer
Also Emscripten compiles to asm.js. This shit will be slow as fuck
> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF ./keywords.rb #-}
@Xeo Meh.
Because mapping C++ objects to JS objects "to utilize gc" is extremely dumb
@rightfold You have to carry ident across a computation (actually, splitting it), and that's what Monad allows you
5:44 PM
I mean it's a whole point of NOT using JS objects
Why would someone, ever, want to use JS objects is beyond my imagination
Why would boost depend on libpng =/
just dont use GIL
f <$> action <*> action shares an action.
As well as f <$> action <*> (g <$> action) and so on.
5:48 PM
blargh, this stupid "fast" half library has a bunch of lookup tables for the mantissa and exponent and offsets and whatnot....but they forgot to carry over the sign bit from the packed to the unpacked number.
oho, purrformance
@BartekBanachewicz I was looking for the quickest way to load a png
gosh stop optimizing if it's native it's fast enough
and boost is already setup in my solution
use libpng
also if you want fast loading don't use PNG
RLE-encoded TGA will be much faster
5:51 PM
@Borgleader because GIL isn't an image loading library
it's an image manipulation library
@BartekBanachewicz I dont care about fast, I'm loading one texture for one cube
@BartekBanachewicz he means fast as in convenience I think
now you're contradicting yourself
@Ell oh uh
Then use SOIL or FreeImage
Yeah, quick as in quickest to code/make work, not quick as in performance
see above.
5:52 PM
Guys, would I be considered a regular in this room?
Just askin'
how do you split the conversion up neatly into uint32_t result = MantissaTable[offset] + ExponentTable[offset]; and forget the sign? :E
if you have to ask, the answer is no.
@BartekBanachewicz And you are ?
@melak stop doing that yourself.
5:53 PM
@BartekBanachewicz ??
@GamesBrainiac well, yes?
@melak47 First did the technique for a symmetric function? :p
@BartekBanachewicz If you are, then so am I :P
@melak use a ready made library already
@GamesBrainiac check my message count here
@BartekBanachewicz I did, and this is what it did
5:54 PM
35% of Russia's Wealth is owned by 11 people.
@melak i meant like highn level
@BartekBanachewicz I don't need a glorious high level managed library for reading/writing a single kind of type
@melak that's fucked up reasoning
Well I'm happy because Lua has "Im" and that's nuff for everything
@GamesBrainiac wut
5:59 PM
Fuck it, libwebp
@Ell No joke man!
How about China?
Well, fuck me.. I've got no bananas, and my test harness multi-client has exploded into screenfulls of 'Access violation' message boxes. Still, the app under test still appears to be up, just gotta restart the clients :(
@GamesBrainiac its 110
@Ell Oops forgot the 0.
6:04 PM
even still
talk about 1%
@LucDanton Meh, don't think his identifier gets much cleaner by trying to shoehorn it into Applicative (at least in the current form)
@Xeo On an unrelated note, yesterday's bug was fixed.
     warning: missing terminating ' character [-Winvalid-pp-token]
-- Copyright   : (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Bryan O'Sullivan,
6:17 PM
And now I need for that change in my snapshot ;_;
@LucDanton Oh, cool
that was quick
@rightfold lol
I fucking hate Haskell ecosystem.
It’s so horrible.
6:18 PM
Oh hey, Team 17 weekly bundle
@Xeo The breaking change was introduced recently so presumably it was fresh in the maintainer's mind. A good thing.
@CatPlusPlus Does it include Worms, More Worms and Guess What, Worms?
And also Alien Breed
And Superfrog HD
Alright, let’s reinstall GHC again.
saskell hucks?
@rightfold Isn't that kinda recursive?
6:22 PM
@rightfold Wut
It’s a complete inconsistent mess.
@rightfold Don't you have to re-uninstall GHC again first?
$ cabal update
Note: there is a new version of cabal-install available.
To upgrade, run: cabal install cabal-install
$ cabal install cabal-install
Resolving dependencies...
In order, the following would be installed:
cabal: The following packages are likely to be broken by the reinstalls:
Use --force-reinstalls if you want to install anyway.
Congrats, Cabal.
6:30 PM
You're doing something wrong, I feel.
he's doing Haskell
> Цмдя Гдяооф - omg wtf what's with that name?
Why does this tag even exist
which one?
Take a guess
6:34 PM
Well, could go any of five ways:)
TBH, an empty set would be better.
Why does it have so many questions tagged with it
6:40 PM
Sell me your credit cards.
I really feel like I'm not cool enough for Google's product.
And which product?
@StackedCrooked Because I don’t use it.
Can you create a program with interactive ghc?
@StackedCrooked let foo = putStrLn "Hello." there created a program in GHCi.
6:44 PM
Can you save it to a file?
@StackedCrooked Nexus 5.
Look at the ad. The people in there are so hip and cool.
@StackedCrooked Unlikely, since Haskell doesn’t allow top-level expressions.
Not completely sure though.
Hm, damn. I started reading about comonads.
Idiots don’t understand that spaces separate tags.
6:54 PM
In what ways is Haskell "better" than ML?
@StackedCrooked It’s pure. :D
@Xeo You're going commando?
Ah, didn't know ML wasn't.
I thought the main difference was laziness.
@CatPlusPlus zing
@ScottW That's fun - my sister-in-law did that last week.
@ScottW Their names are Moxie and Millie :)
@ScottW Yup. They're both about 3 years old and love a bath.
7:00 PM
@MartinJames lol
tig bime
or conkey dock
I have @ sigil as short-hand for this..
Should I lex @foo as two lexemes @ and foo, or as a single lexeme @foo?
What about bar(@)?
That would pass this to the function bar.
7:04 PM
So, two lexemes would make more sense, no?
@bar() would be like C++ this->bar().
@Xeo I guess so.
That would allow @ bar(), though.
Oh well.
fuck it. I still don't understand universal references and perfect forwarding =\
7:11 PM
what about it, specifically?
I don't understand what should I write for template<class T> void f(T t) { a(t); b(t); }. should I use T&& t here?
I guess I definitely shouldn't use forward<T>. because a can move away t and b will get a fucked value
but T t looks like there will be a copy/move construction
and I don't want it.
well it seems I should use T&& here
yeah. if I pass a T const&, it will go as T const&. if I pass T& or T&& it will decay to T&. and no copy/move will happen.
actually I'm writing template<class F> void foreach(F&& f) { for (auto&& x : c) f(x); } which unrolls to f(x[0]); f(x[1]); ...
hm... what isn't actually a(t); b(t);
but still, I want to take f by a reference.
is it possible to implement C++14 std::shared_mutex in C++11 (without using OS API)?
7:30 PM
Guys, does any of you happen to know how to find any of the articles on the credit card bug that was triggered by a very specific charge? I remember it had something to do with broken reinterpretation of data, but I have no idea how to find it.
ah, there is boost::shared_mutex
with all that cool C++11 stuff I almost forgot how to use boost
@ScottW Thanks!
Hm, tomorrow's a national holiday. Meaning shops won't be open.
I should probably go buy something to eat / drink while I can
@ScottW :D
@Xeo that sounds so weird to me :)
7:34 PM
ahahahaah @Etienne
protected internal int Read7BitEncodedInt()
  int num1 = 0;
  int num2 = 0;
  while (num2 != 35)
    byte num3 = this.ReadByte();
    num1 |= ((int) num3 & (int) sbyte.MaxValue) << num2;
    num2 += 7;
    if (((int) num3 & 128) == 0)
      return num1;
  throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_Bad7BitInt32"));
why the hell would you use this for encoding/decoding crap in a file on disk
I feel sad now :(
@rightfold why are you pinging me
Aw yeah, another JonTron
@Xeo uhm wait Halloween is a national holiday?
7:45 PM
> Allerheiligen
good. then world is not that fucked up yet
All Hallows' Day, translated
hmm weird
so yeah, the thing that Halloween is related to :P
oh, All Saints. well the world is fucked up then.
7:46 PM
Solarized in ZeroBrane has too dark background :/ /cc @CatPlusPlus
Also, it's not actually a national holiday. Just a few states in Germany
@Abyx How so?
having all that religious stuff in XXI century is just weird.
@Abyx Why is that?
It's Middle Ages 2.0
7:50 PM
Meh, not complaining, it's a free free day
@CatPlusPlus yep.
Anybody know how to do shorthand polynomial division?
@Pawnguy7 That was my favorite thing in Middle School. If I think about it I can probably figure it out. Why?
Middle School, you say?
@Pawnguy7 I was 11 or 12, so yeah.
7:54 PM
I need to stop forgetting things.

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