@MooingDuck Mmm. Good point. Let me think why GCC can be shown to generate a move (causing an extra destructor - this must be the temp of course). Be back
so he told us about his travel to some poor country and was proud that he personally installed some water lifting system for them so they could get water from ground up to surface.
Occasionally I'd like to be able to publish a question from a mobile browser, or otherwise use StackExchange. However, some of the site UI elements do not appear without some kind of hovering, such as the comment upvote and flag buttons. Problem is, 'hover' is awkward on touchscreens.
While this...
(because I wondered why I was shown small on one of @sbi's screenshots earlier xD). I know he has taken me out of his list because I seem to not troll anymore
@Xeo FWIW, I don't see him either. But (a) I think I know what causes the bug (b) I never look there. I just do @R.M and tab-completion /cc @TonyTheLion
@EtiennedeMartel Source control plugin? Failing network link? Modal dialogs popping 'up' (sic) in the background? You know, the regular stuff that makes windows such a joy to use
@TonyTheLion Doesn't need to be. You can simply attach the process. Of course, you might have to (a) run the service under a user account with interactive permissions, or (b) run VS in elevated mode
Here is the extract from the program in question. The matrix img[][] has size SIZExSIZE, and is initialized at:
img[j][i] = 2 * j + i
Then, you make a matrix res[][], and each field in here is made to be the average of the 9 fields around it in the img matrix. The border is left at 0 for simpli...
@StackedCrooked Precisely. Buttttttttt - I prefer to make the CWD the solutiondir. That way, I can use --remote-silent so the files will be opened in the same Vim instance. And I get predictable working directories
Because R# generally goes "hey, see that foreach? I'm pretty sure you can make a LINQ expression out of that". And then all I need is press Alt+Enter and voila! LINQified my loop.