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@Ell G'night Ell.
@FredOverflow there goes what was your only shot at ever winning a beauty pageant
So GD frustrating.
graphics driver frustrating
That's the penultimate degree
that's a stretch
My employer is so damn reluctant to upgrade to a decent, recent C++ compiler and now I may be forced to write FUCKING shitty code that could be much more beautiful with smart pointers.
@JimNorton Tell your employer to choose between a new C++ compiler, or your "FUCKING shitty codeā„¢".
I feel kind of silly saying that though since I'm so new to C++.
@Mysticial Heh.
I can understand why upgrading a compiler can be a big deal. Often it will break a lot of the shitty code that "works" with the old compiler.
True dat
But I really want to learn to write C++ using recent C++ additions... not with the old crud. :-(
@Mysticial: that's why you should test your code on multiple compilers
Both for fun and profit.
if you could somehow compile your stuff and then link to the old stuff compiled with old compilers...
@Mechanicalsnail Yep, I compile on both VC++ and ICC on a regular basis. Every once in a while I re-port the thing to Linux/GCC and patch up whatever I broke since the last version.
@keith.layne This is a stretch:
@JimNorton did you ever figure out the C++03 move thing?
Also, ugly as hell
It kinda reminds me of money, which is pimpalicious in context
@JerryCoffin, I see a &&= in there.
@MooingDuck Not really. If I can't have the build server updated to a recent compiler I will simply hide the copy and assignment constructor and force the user to use the SetContext and SetSurface methods.
Slightly embettered it
It seems the only FN+Fx combination that isn't working on this laptop is the one to turn the mousepad back on. Fail.
That's probably an OS feature. As in: software glitch
@keith.layne Anyways, I thought you weren't into rodents
holding down FN used to popup an obnoxious overlay, but at least I knew what was going on then
au contraire, my friend...I'm way into rodents, chipmunks in particular.
I'm so sad, I have no way to programmatically invoke the functions for turning up/down my backlit keyboard light :/
@MooingDuck I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I really need some time to dig into Accelerated C++
the vk code and scancode come out to 255 and the one for h respectively, and ive tried existing software to have them say they can't, or break them.
@chris What OS?
@Mechanicalsnail, Windows 7.
@JimNorton it's a pain in the butt to fake rvalues, easiest to just do copies everywhere, or use getters/setters and forbid copies.
the mousepad does not respond to voice command. Crap.
@MooingDuck Yep that's what I'm doing... setters/getters and forbid copy and assignment
I still like const and non-const accessors returning references vs. getter/setter.
well, you're using pointers probably, never mind.
@keith.layne Yeah the problem is I'm wrapping a C library that has functions that return raw C pointers.
The ultimate solution is really to use Cairomm but I don't have time for that right now.
@JimNorton so give those functions pointers, the rest of what you do doesn't have to use pointers
@MooingDuck Right. The issue is storing the returned C raw pointers as class members... remember that's why you and others showed me unique_ptr
so will a g++-4.7-compiled object link (and actually work) with g++-4.4-compiled objects? I don't see why not. That way you could get the features you want in a subset without "breaking" old broken code.
@JimNorton oooh, right. Yeah, just make them noncopiable, and provide a swap function
Ah, nice Microsoft monstrosity: DWORD_PTR. An integer type that's large enough to store a pointer, and that is of the general type DWORD.
@JimNorton unless the api provides a duplicate/copy/clone function?
good evening fellas
damn, my neck hurts from all the headbanging last night
never experienced before, lol
@ScottW yeah, there were three covers
oh man, haven't been headbanging for a long time
last good gig I went to was Arch Enemy in London
one from The Doors, one from AC/DC, and the other one I don't know
few years ago
I think the third one wasn't even a cover
@MooingDuck swap function?

Are you referring to something like this?

Person &Person::operator= (Person other) {
    std::swap (name, other.name);
    return *this;
@Mysticial hey, is there a trick to get the number of leading ones in a byte?
I think with the swap idiom, you're supposed to create a friend swap function taking the type you're swapping as arguments and then use that, it will use ADL to find the right swap
@R.MartinhoFernandes There's an instruction that'll do it. But nothing standard.
@JimNorton yeah, that works I guess. Sometimes works better if you use a custom swap function instead of std::swap
@keith.layne S-A-NumLock and happy cursoring :)
@Mysticial Ah, ok. Nevermind then. I can just special case the only three scenarios I have.
rented a blu ray, and my fucking bluray player doesn't fucking work
@R.MartinhoFernandes All the major compilers have intrinsics to access it though.
@TonyTheLion Karma?
@Mysticial Would that be dependant on a particular CPU supporting a set of extensions like SSE?
@TonyTheLion you know, you can just download the same, without feeling bad about it now :)
@sehe no. anger.
@TonyTheLion You broke it out of anger?
WTF are you talking about?
@JimNorton It's called leading zero count. I'm not sure if it's actually in x86, or one of the SSE extensions... need to check
@sehe wrong reply?
@Mysticial I'll make a note of it for when I profile this.
@Mysticial Fixed
2 mins ago, by sehe
@TonyTheLion Karma?
        int bytes = (u0 & 0xF0) == 0xC0? 2
                    : (u0 & 0xF0) == 0xE0? 3
                    : 4;
This seems fine for now.
^ implied question: why didn't the BD player work
@R.MartinhoFernandes Most likely anything else will be slower, unless you need varying bitcounts of 64bit registers
@sehe if I knew that, I'd have fixed it, and it would work and I would have never mentioned it on here
there's no update for the driver or firmware
@R.MartinhoFernandes that works?
so fuck knows why it doesn't work
@TonyTheLion you're implying anything that's broken can be fixed :P
@Mysticial Hmm, passes the tests :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes what about 00000001?
@TonyTheLion Well, my suggested answer was 'Karma'. Then you said:"No, anger". Seems logical for me to wonder why you broke your BD player out of anger :)
I don't see that it can ever return 7.
@n2liquid Yea, if you take replacing something to fixing it too
There are assumptions made by the surrounding code, though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh
@Mysticial That's an early exit scenario.
@sehe dude. you're just confusing the crap out of me
At that point, I'm sure there's more than one leading one, and I only care about 4.
---Karma--- patience.
Also, region code?
it's the right region, cause I can play DVD's
patience, I don't have any
thought you knew that
@TonyTheLion What region code are the DVDs? Otherwise it proves nuttin'
when my code doesn't compile and work, I normally throw my computer out the window
Can you play any region DVD on your computer with the right software?
@TonyTheLion So you don't compile your code. I like the strategy.
@sehe Europe ( don't know the region, too lazy to look)
By "right" software, I'm implying that it also includes cracks.
@Mysticial I think I can
@TonyTheLion Sad... Get a new BD player? They are cheap now...
@sehe yea, I generally throw computers out of windows all day long
Well I guess cheap is relative
@JimNorton for a laptop?
@TonyTheLion If it is broken, I'd very much bother to check
@TonyTheLion Oh god, I'd be soooo broke.
@TonyTheLion Oh I assumed a standalone Blu-Ray player
My dad picked up an all-region DVD player while we were in Hong Kong... lol
current region is set to 2
@JimNorton Well, he's used to tossing computers all day. I guess a BD player or two won't be noticed
@Mysticial Interesting choice of words. I never considered a DVD player like a pick-up
@sehe ............................................
@TonyTheLion Just buy one for every region
I don't think it's the region thing, I think it's just my Sony shitty Vaio
the Wifi card already broke on it, the fan makes funny noises, now the bluray doesn't work
My friend's Vaio fan also made lots of noises.
You might want to dust it off on the inside as much as possible... maybe it's a heat problem?
@TonyTheLion Do you have a way to monitor MB health (temperature + fan speed)?
it's been blown out with compressed air not so long ago
hey guys, does alignas() accept any constant expression as parameter?
Blown out
opening it is a pain though, I tried and broke something
@sehe no, not that I know of
@sehe I didn't imply anything sexual with that, if you're thinking that
oh yea, hadn't mentioned sex in a while... there you go. Sex.
let's move on
@TonyTheLion Oh, yeah, my friend took hours to get the fan out for replacement.
@TonyTheLion Nope. Just thought in Vulcanological / Engineering terms: a blow out usually implies damage
can I e.g. do:

extern const int the_const;
struct alignas(the_const) Blah {};

@R.MartinhoFernandes laptops are generally a pain for things like that
@R.MartinhoFernandes the CPU will die if you take the fan out for hours
@TonyTheLion My old one was quite easy.
@sehe You shut it down, silly.
There are a bunch of closely related questions about delete this; which should be considered duplicates? See stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/self-destruction
@R.MartinhoFernandes why not? can you point me to some resource?
yea, my Dell, I seem to remember, was rather easy too
but this piece of shit, is hard
I once unscrewed my acer One down to the parts, just for fun. Well, I think I did want to upgrade something, but I don't remember (a) what (b) whether I did
@R.MartinhoFernandes Talking about a gf or a laptop?
I understand that it would be tricky to implement such a thing on the compiler because compilation would depend on a link-time symbol, but...
@Mysticial yea that's for when you have a question about self-destruction.
or suicide, as it's commonly called
tricky or impossible
not sure how that relates to programming, but I guess if you do C long enough, you be contemplating that maybe?
@TonyTheLion Self destruction is much broader than that, as some of us are well aware
@sehe what are you implying?
@TonyTheLion Good thing, C doesn't support delete this. Or, this, for that matter
We should propose as a tag synonym for .
@n2liquid Hmm, it's bound to be somewhere in the standard. Clause 5 somewhere, look for integral constant expression.
@TonyTheLion One can be selfdestructive without dieing prematurely
the_const isn't one.
@sehe sure
I'm kinda busy right now.
busy chatting?
@sehe Or delete, for that matter.
oh we have a snail
mind if I squish you with my paws? :P
Yeah, and he was suitably slow
Salt will do it. Not sure whether that relies on corrosion for mechanical specimens
@R.MartinhoFernandes The final standard isn't free, right? Should I look for some draft?
@n2liquid Check my profile page.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, awesome, thanks
for whatever reason questions with delete this have the
I find that lol
@TonyTheLion what was the original intent of that tag?
@TonyTheLion The snail is editing:
@n2liquid no idea, I'm not much into self-destruction
@TonyTheLion I don't even get your jokes on the matter, lol

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