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Damn, I was about to ask if you took an arrow to the knee.
@DeadMG: Is it a gluten intolerance?
@dreamlax If the doctor had any idea what it was, I wouldn't be bitching about it now :P
oh noes, Dead is bitching again :P
@DeadMG: try gluten free pasta and see if it makes a difference
It's only marginally more expensive than regular pasta
but looking at the list of gluten-involving foods, I highly doubt the problem is gluten
A lot of food has gluten but pasta especially is high in gluten
what I need is just to get another doctor
Yes that would be a good idea... your doctor reminded me of all of the publicly funded doctors in Australia when I was living there. Unmotivated.
@DeadMG i tried a lot of doctors before i got a reasonable (believable) diagnosis and treatment. now it doesn't seem to work, but i'm getting yet another doctor, an expert from iceland. it doesn't hurt to try new doctors i think
but i think your stomach problems, or at least you talking about them, have seemed to be strongly correlated with upcoming tests or the like
I agree with @Alf there
And I managed to convince Eclipse to cooperate. Wee. Now I have 8 hours left to do two apps.
In NZ its pretty much the same story but consultations aren't fully subsidised by the government so you have to pay for an unmotivated doctor here... about $30 NZD, or 1.5kg of cheese
@CatPlusPlus I wish you luck, hope they aren't too complex
that's because my normal food rotation is tolerable and exams push me on to a bad one
maybe stress increases production of stomach acid, i think it's like that
but if I get happy and buy something I shouldn't, I will suffer for it just as much any time of the year
Original Boot CD - MAC OS X - can open firmwire read disk burn off windows do i need to extract the toast file to a CDR ... Mac Quicksliver
@Riley Is there a question in there?
@EtiennedeMartel well i have a quicksliver mac powerdesk with a blank hardrive and i have no boot disc or cd
@Riley: What format is the disk image that you have now?
You should ask that on Super User or Ask Different. I don't think the C++ chatroom is the right place for that.
strange the kind of questions people come and ask in this room
Is it because we just turn up first on the list?
I wouldn't say strange, just "off topic". Strange would be "what is the best way to bury a dismembered body? At different sites? Should I burn the pieces?"
@dreamlax: Even "off topic" doesn't suffice here, since Lounge<C++> can get quite off-topic at times. :-)
@Insilico: Good point...
Perhaps more like "not a free help desk chat room" or something
Yeah, but when it comes to questions, at least it's normally about C (and that's only because there's no longer a C chatroom, it seems) or C++.
@dreamlax I say launch it to space.
@EtiennedeMartel I guess it's just because this room is considerably more active then most others
and we're just cooler :P
off-topic is off topic here
If I want my question answered and I don't give a shit about being on topic or anything, I would probably go with the most active room just to increase my odds of getting an answer.
lulz, I would post on SO proper
Yeah, but what about those times when you need that answer quick?
if it was programming question
@EtiennedeMartel Google.com
but yea, I get the idea
Sometimes on SO you get an answer within minutes...
Eclipse XML editor has trouble with rendering text.
Oh quality Java tools.
I have found though, that in a chat room it isn't always easy to get an answer
Like, for instance, there's a guy on fire in your bedroom. And you really want to know how to ask him to go away without hurting his feelings because you really want to finish that episode of Game of Thrones before you go and pwn some noobs on League of Legends?
@CatPlusPlus I thought rendering text was a prerequisite for editing text.
@CatPlusPlus lol, the problems one faces....
That's the kind of shit I would ask on the chat.
@EtiennedeMartel lol, I don't play games
Who cares about his feelings? He's in your bedroom on fire
@TonyTheLion I wasn't talking about you specifically.
if I'm going RGB, then orange is 1,0,1, right
That's magenta
@dreamlax Hey, he might get angry and set you on fire with a deadly embrace.
@Insilico It's absolutely pathetic.
orange would be 1, 0.5, 0
@EtiennedeMartel Why is a burning man in your bedroom?
@dreamlax: Depends on if it's RGB or BGR
oh love the endianness
@Insilico RGB
trying to create a kind of rainbow colour continuum from a factor of 0-1
@RMartinhoFernandes I was refering to an hypothetical situation. There's not really a burning man in my bedroom. Or a flying shark, for that matter.
@TonyTheLion: I haven't even started with alpha channels yet. :-)
@DeadMG: I think that's easier to do with HSV
@DeadMG Do it in HSV, and convert to RGB when you need to render the color.
HSL works too.
HSL and HSV are the two most common cylindrical-coordinate representations of points in an RGB color model, which rearrange the geometry of RGB in an attempt to be more intuitive and perceptually relevant than the cartesian (cube) representation. They were developed in the 1970s for computer graphics applications, and are used for color pickers, in color-modification tools in image editing software, and less commonly for image analysis and computer vision. HSL stands for hue, saturation, and lightness, and is often also called HLS. HSV stands for hue, saturation, and value, and is also o...
@EtiennedeMartel Yes, but what I asked would probably be the first comment if you posted that on the appropriate SE site.
@RMartinhoFernandes Ooh, meta.
I don't know how to deal with that in HLSL :P
@DeadMG: That's your problem. :-P
But, you know, it's like those people who call for help by posting on Facebook instead of alerting the emergency services.
Also, don't forget, RGB is a device colourspace (i.e. the same RGB values will look different on different devices)
Look at me, I'm using an IDE and have to use an external text editor to edit text files.
hue: The attribute of a color by virtue of which it is discernible as red, green, etc., and which is dependent on its dominant wavelength
HSV looks good
I don't even know what's happening in that stupid WYSIWYG.
I'm setting gravity of something, but it doesn't actually do anything.
@EtiennedeMartel that's really bad, you wouldn't think people would be that stupid, but it has been proven otherwise, it seems
That's production quality software? Lol.
@CatPlusPlus So it's more like a WYSINWYG
@CatPlusPlus sounds like you're having the time of your life :/
No, no, you get what you see. But what you see doesn't change when you do stuff.
@CatPlusPlus: Okay, so it's a WYSDCWYDS
What you see is a lie.
And you apparently have to click in a widget in a layout to change the... layout properties?
How does that make any sense.
> Using Android's XML vocabulary, you can quickly design UI layouts and the screen elements they contain, in the same way you create web pages in HTML — with a series of nested elements.
Quickly my ass.
time to see how hilarously bad this gest
damn, it's all red :(
yay, fixed it
now I have awesome height indication by colour
Also: -1, I disapprove of what you ate for lunch. — Jacques Cousteau 38 secs ago
PHP doesn't let you put function calls in ternary operators. WTF.
PHP is a WTF. There's nothing you can say about PHP that will surprise me anymore, it's all WTF.
@Maxpm Wut?
Q: PHP Ternary Syntax Issue (been coding too long)

MerrickSo there is a problem with this, but i'm blind to it. Even after reading the documentation twice (PHP Comparison Operators) isset($items['blog']) ? unset($items['blog']) : NULL; Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_UNSET

Correction: You can't use language constructs in ternary operators, which doesn't change much: a lot of things that should be functions are "language constructs" in PHP, and vice versa.
unset is not a function.
It can't be a function.
Not in PHP, at least.
unset looks like a function, it should be a function, but it isn't
It's a statement hidden behind function syntax.
It's silly, but don't expect design from PHP.
hey guys, does anyone know anything about a git-receive-pack not permitted error when pushing to github from EGit?
@DeadMG I wanted to retort with sizeof, decltype and typeof, but then remembered you can use them without the parens
You can use decltype without parens?
@Xeo More relevantly, they are all expressions and can be used in any place where you would use a function call.
@CatPlusPlus I should code more often, haven't coded real C++ in weeks now...
And decltype doesn't belong in that group anyways, since it doesn't return an object
sizeof is a unary operator though, it's a bit different than unset
@CatPlusPlus No.
Eclipse y u no work properly.
@CatPlusPlus Because Eclipse hates you.
@CatPlusPlus: What did Eclipse do to you this time?
It doesn't want to build properly.
No error messages to help you out?
No, just application from an hour ago suddenly running on the VM.
Okay, situation under control.
I'm just...
Android, why do I have to explicitly put activities into XML, if they're not reachable by other apps anyway? :.
Because XML is cool.
Why is there this huge reliance on XML these days. I was configuring IIS the other day and felt that the use of XML for IIS configuration was pointless. What benefit does it provide?
.ini files make more sense in a lot of places
key = value

key = value
key = value

etc. etc.
Yuck, pseudohierarchical INI.
@dreamlax: I once had someone ask me how to store binary files in XML files using Base 64 encoding or something
If you need hierarchy, use YAML or JSON.
It was an interesting conversation
@Insilico: I'm worried for that person...
And the binary file said person was talking about was like a movie file or something. -__-
@CatPlusPlus: It's easier to read and parse than an XML file
It's not easier to read.
Hierarchy is not immediately visible.
@CatPlusPlus: What program really needs a hierarchical configuration?
A complex one?
<section name="section1">
<option name="key" value="value" />
<section name="subsection1">
<option name="key" value="value" />
<option name="key" value="value" />
If it's needed, then it's better to use a hierarchical format rather than flat one.
Of course XML is ugly with all these tags and explicit endings.
So more like:
    - foo1: bar
    - subsection2:
        - foo2: bar
        - foo3: bar
I like JSON. Perhaps a bit too much. I fear it's starting to become my golden hammer when it comes to text formats.
I think I like YAML better for things I actually need to write.
JSON is good for interchange.
JSON is also good when you're using JS.
But, hmm, I might take a look at YAML.
Does anyone know php that can help ME?
i can not ask anymore questions for today
and i really need help
Oh man... we just received our stationery order (pens/paper etc) and it arrived in a box labelled "Halal Corned Mutton" and underneath in smaller writing "With Natural Juices"
@EliteGamer: N.B. Lounge< C++ >
@EliteGamer: Have you read any books or tutorials or are you learning PHP by trial and error and just asking StackOverflow whenever you get stuck?
@Insilico opps
Also, we hate PHP.
i am actually trying to learn
Not that there's anything wrong with trial and error
well, me too at this point
@EliteGamer: Do you have a book to study from?
I've learned many things by trial and error, but didn't really ask anyone about anything.
well, online tutorials, but they are too complex form me
No, nothing wrong with trial and error, it's usually just very inefficient
ummm, i was wanting to upload a file then send it through email with php, but everything online is way too complex!
4+2i is too complex.
ha ha
@EliteGamer: Uploading files then emailing said file is definitely not a trivial process in the first place
well, there are short ones then long ones
@Insilico what do you mean by trivial?
What OS are you develping on, Elite Gamer?
1. Learn Python. 2. Learn Django. 3. Both handling uploads and sending emails is suddenly easy.
@EliteGamer: It's not that easy to upload files then emailing them
at least in PHP
(Notice how I cleverly didn't include PHP in the process.)
You're better off learning a system that will deal with file uploading for you
yeah...i kind of relized that
@Insilico like what?
If you've heard PHP is easy, it's a lie.
@EliteGamer: What CatPlusPlus suggested
learn Python + Django
When you have a form in HTML, uploaded files are stored in a temporary location the filenames are stored in the $_FILES[]global.
@Cat it's easy... to mess up.
well, i can edit it good, just not write it from scratch
you got that right
Python >>>>>>> PHP in every single way
Python is much easier than PHP.
It doesn't come with a tonne of quirks.
well, it is for a website
a file upload
@EliteGamer: Any hosting service that lets you do PHP will also let you do Python
You might be able to cobble this together with PHP, but I guarantee you that it won't be secure.
I don't know any web hosting service where that's not the case
Then you can have a look at this page where someone has demonstrated how difficult it is to send emails with attachments in PHP: php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php
i have got the emailing of input values, but not the file part :(
Using mail is fail.
If anything, Python was designed by someone who is competent in language design
Python was designed. PHP happened.
PHP was "designed" by someone who honestly doesn't give a damn
I still can't get over the backslash namespace resolution operator
well, it is good when you get it! ha ha
well, got to go
Exactly what @Cat said. PHP is a ridiculously patched language (just look at all the stuff they're going to deprecate in PHP 6)
It's basically what would happen if Dr. Frankenstein was a language designer.
I'm not kidding about the "doesn't give a damn part" en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Rasmus_Lerdorf
"I was really, really bad at writing parsers. I still am really bad at writing parsers."
Which probably explains phpsadness.com/?page=sad/1
"I don't know how to stop it, there was never any intent to write a programming language [...] I have absolutely no idea how to write a programming language, I just kept adding the next logical step on the way."
> I'm not a real programmer. I throw together things until it works then I move on. The real programmers will say "Yeah it works but you're leaking memory everywhere. Perhaps we should fix that." I’ll just restart Apache every 10 requests.
I hope the guy is just quoted out of context.
@EtiennedeMartel: I hope so too
it's funny, my rep is going up all on its own now, I don't have to whore myself as hard
hello all
@stdOrgnlDave Hello
@Mysticial the world has come to Intellisense kicking butt
@sbi running a project with tens of ks of code is quite fine with intellisense, you just have to delete its DB every now and then and wait while it rebuilds. it doesn't seem to keep things in order on its own
Oh, that's just bullshit: phpsadness.com/sad/11
@stdOrgnlDave Although I wish people listened to the compiler and not to Intellisense
@Insilico hello, haven't seen you around much
@stdOrgnlDave Midterms. :-/
@Insilico you have a point there...I had this one annoying time when I had a perfectly fine (really complicated) template, and intellisense couldn't make any sense of it
of course any use of it was underlined, which was annyoing ,but the real annoying thing
@EtiennedeMartel That made me WTF for 5 minutes
Hi guys ... How is everyone here ?
the real annoying thing was that Intellisense threw up compiler warnings about the template, even though it compiled and worked fine
@Atif: We're doing just fine
@EtiennedeMartel: Oh man... I can't believe it...
I wonder how much bandwidth is wasted delivering that image
@EtiennedeMartel: They may as well leave in "register globals"
There isn't even a way to turn off the PHP logo thing, unlike register globals
they were literraly like this in the warnings area: "Intellisense: I suck"
I am having an issue and followed advice someone gave on this site ... However after doing what I was advised, I am still having an issue .. Can somebody here help me with it please ?
@Atif if your issue is that your compiler isn't dumping core, I'm your man!
seriously, tell me what's wrong, I'll make your compiler dump core and then you can just blame it on the compiler when your teacher/boss comes calling
on an actual note, I could try helping
@std''Orgnl ... I am not at that advanced level yet :) .. its a basic design problem ...
@stdOrgnlDave I've had two different compilers ICE on some gnarly template metaprogramming code once
Then again they were rather old compilers by now
let me paste the link here to my original question so that You can see the advice and my work regarding it ...
@Insilico I have one that ICES VC10&11, old+new Clang, GCC4.5 + 4.7
Q: calling constructor of different class based on the input

AtifI have a class called Masterdocument which contains different Processes. Each Process contains a different number of Questions and possible answers options for each question. The weightage for each answer option is also mentioned in the document. Based on the answer user provides, the master docu...

@Insilico speaking of which, I have a variation of that one that everu compiler but MSVC rejects...MSVC just warns about it, and creates a function that it is impossible to deduce the type of, then does its infinite template recursion at runtime somehow
@Insilico I cannot for the life of me figure out why VC would compile it :-\
@stdOrgnlDave What's the warning that VC++ produces?
A lot of warnings produced by VC++ should really be errors IMO
But that's what the /W4 /WX switches are for. :-)
@atif I'm also looking at your question
@Insilico struct A { int a; bool operator>(const int& inty) { return a > inty; } }; template <class A, class B> auto operator<(const A& a, const B& b) -> decltype(a>b) { return a < b; } int main(void) { A a; a.a = 1; int b = 2; if (a < b) std::cout << "hi"; return 0; }
WHY would MSVC compile that? how? and why run infinite recursion at run-time!?
@Atif: When you start numbering variables like question1, question2, etc. consider instead using an array or std::vector
@stdOrgnlDave I don't have a VC++11 compiler on hand right now to try that out
VC10 does it,
haven't tried it on VC11
What's the warning number VC10 produces?
@Atif the first thing that sticks out at me about your design is that you're hard-coding a lot of your logic. C++11 at least allows for uniform initialization like questions = { { 1, 1, 4 }, { 2, 1, 1 } }; or whatever
@Insilico Warning 1 warning C4717: 'operator<<A,int>' : recursive on all control paths, function will cause runtime stack overflow c:\dev\btest3\btest3\main.cpp 3
it isn't recursive, the type deduction is :-\
GCC and Clang are happy to tell you that
but MSVC recurses it at runtime?
@dreamlax question1 is different for Process1 and different for process2 .. every Process has a given number of questions. I can possibly create a vector<Question> but each question1 for Process1 has 2 answers and question1 for Process2 has 3 possible answers .. i did not know how to code this using vector
@Atif well, we'll get to that
@Atif: In that case, your processes should be in a vector and each process should have its own vector of questions
@Atif is this a multi-threaded environment? because the fix I'm about to suggest won't jive too well with threads
@stdOrgnlDave You are right. This Master Document is actually a document that will not be changed. Only required to create once and only used to compare the user input and generate the result ... I was advised to use init() and initialize the questions this way ... surely its ugly and would like to make it elegant
@Atif multi-threaded or not?
@stdOrgnlDave No threads for now ...
if you make an abstract master class that everything inherits from, and give it a static private variable, any class that inherits from it can call base functions that access that variable
to get data out of, or put data into it
no need for keeping track of ID's, etc.
but I would design the app totally different, personally
@stdOrgnlDave MasterDocument should be the master class then
@Atif just put this in there and blame your problems on the compiler: struct A { int a; bool operator<(const int& inty) { return a < inty; } }; template <class A, class B> auto operator<(const A& a, const B& b) -> decltype(a<b) { return a < b; } int main(void) { A a; a.a = 1; int b = 2; if (a < b) std::cout << "hi"; return 0; }
sorry, I cannot resist
back to seriousness
@Atif what compiler are you working with? Depending on which one/version you may be able to use slightly more advanced features that will make your life easier
...GCC 4.6.1?
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<process id="10" numQuestions = "3" minThresholdScore="0.7" totalScore="1.0" totalValue="0.1">

<question weight="0.3" answerOptions="2">1</question>
<answer score="0.3">1</answer>
<answer score="0.0">2</answer>

<question weight="0.3" answerOptions="2">2</question>
<answer score="0.3">1</answer>
<answer score="0.0">2</answer>

<question weight="0.4" answerOptions="2">3</question>
<answer score="0.4">1</answer>
<answer score="0.0">2</answer>


<process id="11" numQuestions = "4" minThresholdScore="0.75" totalScore="1.0" totalValue="0.1">
basically i want to store this information in a data structure so that i can take the user response, calculate the score and return a result
oh boy it's actual XML?
sort of?
you know you can use an XML parser to actually parse that into a data tree right?
Oh man... XML lol...
I mean <laugh type="out loud" />
@dreamlax I thought of creating a vector of processes having a vector of questions, but wouldn't i have to hard code the question/answers for every process ???
@Atif: No, you read them in from a data file. The program should deal only with the logic and structure of your data, but the data should be separate from your program.
@Atif: In your case, you have all of the data in an XML file already, so you could create processes and questions based on the data in your XML file
nooo my friend @Insilico to crash compilers with for the night (and figure out why) is leaving me....
@dreamlax I can create this kind of structure
vector <Process>

but a question can have multiple possible answers ... how would I capture this behaviour ... and how would i initialize the questions/answers
@Atif: Do you mean that a question can have multiple answers chosen (as in "choose 2 of the following")?
nopes ... user can choose only one at a given time .... e.g. 10.1.1,10.1.2 .... 10 is the processID ... 1 is the questionID ... answer 1 is first option user can choose .. answer 2 is 2nd option
but anyway, say yuou have vector<process>
basically yusing pointers
process = new std::shared_ptr<process>;
umm that's confusing
pointers confuse me alot :)
no I mean my code wasn't clean
here I'll show you better
ok what the f*ck
why is my compiler complaing about damn class qualified names at the moment
it's revenge for the torture I put it through
ummmm this kind of makes sence ... lets come to this after you have told what's in your mind

vector <Process>
map<int answer, int score>;
stupid formatting
sorry for bad indentation and slow response
I just wanted to show the concept
and also sorry for the malicious code
I don't know what's wrong with me, maybe the fact that C++11 is out and I can abuse compilers like I have felt abused for so long is driving me over the edge...
@Atif do you understand the concept?
Haha, now official emulator doesn't even want to connect to adb.
someone needs tow rite an unofficial emulator
that doesn't suck

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