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I don't know what a non-inline definition is
I may understand when I see it thuogh
it's a function definition not enclosed in a class definition or prefixed by inline.
@viper This gives some info on header files and the like, might help you out
@GManNickG Oh.... I knew that :) I think my version made more sense
@sehe woah! Your no longer a brown X, this is just going to mess me up
I will read
awe man, just one more upboat and I can make tags
@thecoshman Now you can
@Viper ooh yeah!
I might go back to my older question and update the tags a bit... but right now cba
Have you ever faced a "know-it-all" coworker who always has an opinion on things, even when he doesn't have a clue ?
How can you deal with those guys ?
A "Besserwisser"? :p
Besserwisser ?! :p Don't know the term : is that german ? ;)
Haha, must be that.
when they say something, just calmly say 'no'
Funny, i live 2 min away from Germany and I could understand that one :p
Well, the guy pissed me off for 2 years.
trick is to say it calm, if you get angry sounding, you loose all power
And I'm leaving the company in 1 month.
I wanted to fight back before I leave.
Not sure it is a good idea. But he deserves a lesson.
if you have a your new job secured, just flip out at him
My new job is secured. That's not a problem ;)
or do it real classy, make an epic production on 101 reasons why he's an idiot
The thing is, this guy is a real limit to innovation in my current company, and I wanted to expose him to "save" the others coworkers of mine.
They probably all know he is an idiot too
@ScottW: That's for sure : he wouldn't even listen. He knows everything already.
And when he doesn't, it's because it's irrelevant or useless.
@thecoshman: 101 reasons why he's an idiot... hum. That should be easy ;)
#1: "You don't need several headers. One big header (5000 lines) is better because you can easily search things in it."
I won't write down the other 100. :)
@ereOn no, you need to refactor
@thecoshman: No. One big header is fine. My coworker said it. It has to be true.
Those guys in the standard and boost are idiots, they have so many headers where one would be enough.
@ScottW: I have to confess, I used this form of question twice.
@ereOn I can see where he is coming from, but searching through more then one file at a time has been around far too long for is argument to be valid :P
@ScottW: And I was honest. Very often, you believe something and a coworker comes with a very plausible counter-fact and then you doubt.
And when it comes to clear doubts, SO is the place to ask :p
@thecoshman: Sure. But should this reason be the main and sole reason for deciding how to split code ?
I would have chosen maintainability first ;)
@ScottW: Yes, surely. I often wonder, when I'm sure about something, if I'm not too confident.
I wouldn't like to become another "besserwisser" :p
@ereOn oh, you should never let tools dictate how to work. If you need to drill a hole, but only have a hammer, you do not start smashing at the wall, you go and get the proper tool for the job
@thecoshman: Good point, indeed.
@thecoshman general rule of authority: don't expose your weakness (emotion), it makes it more attractive to attack
@ScottW I don't
@ScottW: Does it really matter though ?
@ScottW time to get some super glue and stick it back together then
@ScottW: Sure. But one has to consider that on SO, you can be punished by exposing your opinion.
@ScottW Well it is a weak move, but I don't dismiss the question because of it. I mean, /PROPS/ for coming to SO for a second opinion if you think something about the 'given truth' stinks
If one says "I believe that, am I right ?"
He might get downvotes
So i guess people sometimes use the coworker trick not to expose themselves.
@ereOn If one posts a question that consists of several words, regardless of the particular ones used and in what order, 'he might get downvotes'.
Fact of life
@ereOn That is lame, and I don't think it's true. At all.
@ScottW Stop tickling me!
@sehe: I have seen questions get downvoted because the author was too confident in what he tought. (Now I admit that he was really that confident, he wouldn't need to ask a question)
@ereOn link or it didn't happen
@sehe :/ I don't even remember the topic... Next time I see one, I'll try to remember :)
2 days ago, by sbi
user image
2 days ago, by rubenvb
@sbi hey, we don't have a polar bear in here...
2 days ago, by sehe
@rubenvb Fixed that for you. Refresh your browser caches !
@ScottW ^ story board. Short story
How do you like my GIMP skill, anyway :) Complete with enhanced contrast and shadow. Louse gravatar crop requirements, though
@sehe did you make him sit on a yellowish rock?
@gregcons @haacked OTOH: One man's esoteric feature is another man's daily bread. Adapting to coworkers can make your code more error-prone.
(in response to:)
Expressivity rules! RT @haacked Code's target audience is other developers, not compiler. Focus on clarity, not demo of syntax esoterica
@thecoshman No? He went there voluntarily. He's my pet polar
Really, I just cut the dark foreground/background and replaced it with a rather random-ish gradient. Dropshadow on the bear, done.
@sehe ¬_¬ did he sit on a grey rock and then you change it to yellow whilst he was sat on it
ah, maybe it is the gradient that makes it look yello
@thecoshman He didn't see it happen, though
@thecoshman Huh. Yeah, the gradient starts with light brown and ends in blue. Not a miracle. I said 'random-ish'
So yes.
Maybe it is the color that makes the background appear to have particular colours :)
@sehe are you trying to replace rss?
@thecoshman Feed is a verb there
@sehe huh?
@Mysticial MenuetOS is an OS written in assembly. It has builtin syscalls form (i)FFT too:
I wonder what audience that targets
@sehe Probably more to @GManNickG than me. I'm not much of an assembly person.
I wouldn't expect any high performance implementation in syscalls either (the context switch should prove enough to kill performance). However, it does tickle my curiosity
@KonradRudolph I'd prefer you to post things in chronological order, rather than TOFU.
@sbi I posted the original tweet as an afterthought to clarify your tweet
since that was the one I was really interested in …
@KonradRudolph Yeah, I thought so. Afterthoughts aren't always the best ones, though. :D
@sbi TOFU? I assume that is not a typo for tofu
as in the food
cue obligatory link to wiki abbreviation list
@sehe It’s actually missing in there … (hint, hint!)
actually, the lounge wiki doesn't have it listed
@thecoshman It's a contemptuous German Usenet term which I assumed @Konrad to know. :)
I checked for once :P
@KonradRudolph I am not surprised. Isn't that German only?
cue obligatory search on Google
@sbi Eh, to be honest I understood it so I didn’t bother looking it up but I had forgotten what the acronym actually stood for.
> Text Oben Fullquote Unten (German)
The French Wikipedia lists it as an English abbreviation. fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/TOFU_%28Usenet_et_Internet%29 I still believe it to be of German Usenet origin, though.
> Totally and Obviously Fouled Up
> Full Text top rate down
it still makes no sense
@sbi Well, the French may think of Text Over, Fullquote Under
Hah. Copy/paste after network failure. That looked funny (An unknown error has occurred)
@KonradRudolph Indeed. Took you a while to dig it out, though.
@sehe In fact, that's what the article says it is meaning.
@sbi I’d only started looking after you posted the French link ;)
(full disclosure: I just followed the hyperlink to the English version of the article)
@KonradRudolph Still needed twice as long as I did. :)
@KonradRudolph Ah! You cheated!
@sbi is "full text top rate down" a good translation? it seems like a rather literal and thus rather broken translation
@sbi I’m writing an email fully of complicated biological concepts simultaneously … ;-)
@thecoshman No, Text Over, Fullquote Under is the literal translation.
@KonradRudolph Why would you do that?
@sbi Because the email doesn’t write itself ;-) And it should have been sent three days ago …
@sbi then wtf is Google smoking? I thought it would normally go for literal translations
according to google, "text over full quote under" is "Text über den gesamten Angebot unter", which translate backs to "Text across the entire range under"
@thecoshman Google uses natural language processing for translations and the corpus is simply not suited to understand such queries (= domain-specific, mix of languages, sentence fragments in uncommon combination)
@thecoshman Apply some common sense, man! The German term, as quoted (ha!) by @sehe is "Text oben, Fullquote unten." Did you really need a a translation service to (mis)translate "fullquote"?
Is it possible to get the iterator of a object in a list without looping through the whole list?
@coolbartek No.
@coolbartek You only need to iterate through the whole list of the object is at the very end.
oh, oben => above
how about keeping an iterator to an element in the elements itself?
@coolbartek What exactly are you data structures? What exactly do you already know about the object? Why exactly do you still need an iterator to it? What exactly do you want to do?
@coolbartek Why do that? Just store the iterator rather than the object itself, then
it also doesn't help that "fullquote" is neither proper English (requires a space) or German (though perhaps used non the less)
I got a task for uni, where i am to implement LexBFS in linear n+m time
@thecoshman Don't be so daft! "thecoshman" even requires two spaces, and still we can figure it out.
@sbi But Google can’t …
@coolbartek Great.
@KonradRudolph That's why I appealed to "common sense".
@sbi actually, as "thecoshman" is (close enough) a name, it is fine as it is
> 'Common Sense' is a contradiction in terms. They should rename that to 'Uncommon Sense' or 'Scarce Sense'. — Alex Hempel
See also: why “common sense” arguments aren’t acceptable currency on Skeptics.StackExchange.com
@KonradRudolph Surprisingly, this keeps getting retweeted.
@thecoshman Troll science?
@KonradRudolph I suspect that is what it will all be
@KonradRudolph He's not a skeptic. He considers skepticism trolling.
@sbi Oh my …
@KonradRudolph Yeah, yours, too. Why would your skepticism be any different?
huh? don't put words in my mouth
I suspect that most of that site will be akin to answers.com
@sbi where you trying to witty?
@thecoshman It isn’t
(btw that’s an easily testable claim …)
@KonradRudolph He'll be skeptical. (Doh!)
Anyway, I should be working...
@KonradRudolph are you suggesting we question a site suspected of troll science answers if the answers are liable to be troll science?
@thecoshman I don’t understand that sentence.
It might help if you used a more understandable term than “troll science”
troll science is the sort of thing like saying if toast all ways land butter side down and cat's all ways land on their feet, strap on t'other and you can get perpetual motion
in fact, more or less anything involving perpetual motion is liable to be troll science
in that case, I don’t see any connection between troll science and skeptics.se
@KonradRudolph I suspect the latter of the former
@thecoshman Yes, so you have said repeatedly
but you have so far failed to offer even the slightest sliver of evidence
or even cause for suspicion
making you, ironically, a troll
do I need empirical evidence to put forth that I suspect something?
@thecoshman Well, you need a reason, no?
what makes you come to this far-fetched conclusion?
past experience
@thecoshman You have no past experience with Skeptics.se
And your comments show that your extrapolations are clearly inapplicable
but I have experience with the internet ಠ_ಠ
@thecoshman Is that this net, where users accuse others of being trolls without being able to provide any evidence?
@thecoshman NIce try
Internet / internet, let's not get ped... oh wait, lounge<C++>
So, I had given up understanding this problem on Friday night. It is rather complicated, as several collaborating processes are involved, but it boils down to this: I set a private variable in the ctor to a specific value, and when I later access it, that value is wiped out. I suspected some interprocess fuckup, .NET voodoo, caching issues, singletons (not my code!) being misused as multicons...
And this morning, when I asked a cow-worker of mine to look at it, it took him 2mins to see that, in my ctor, I had written int _variable = value, rather than variable = value.
I could now quote @Moshe and be all over the starboard in no time.
Damn. So much time wasted on such trivialities.
@sbi .NET voodoo? Are you … <gasp!> … dabbling in C#?
@KonradRudolph You must be the very last user in this chatroom who hasn't heard that I have to earn my money in C#. Really, and haven't you even looked at my Twitter account? It says: "...lover of C++, forced (at gunpoint) to dabble in C#."
oh la la
Incidentally, today I sent an application for a C++ job. (I am sick of that gun.)
no, I had completely ignored that until now
@KonradRudolph Just look at the questions I have asked on SO, and the answers I have given.
Oh, lunch break. afk.
guten Hunger
Does anyone know what to do if you want to launch pro tools in win 7 and you do not have a ilok dongle ?
what are pro tools and what is ilok?
@KonradRudolph ? 'Good hunger'?
@Riley Is that the DAW? Buy it :)
@sehe roughly “enjoy your meal”
@Riley: What is ilok ?
@sbi how the hell is this message a reply to a message posted after this message? you're a genius.
@IntermediateHacker Like this.
I see.
let me try.
@CatPlusPlus lol. does this qualify as a bug, or just a really cool feature?
What would be the bug ? Being able to modify a message in the 2 minutes after it was posted ?
It's a really useless feature.
And most likely not intentional.
Useless features are still features
@classdaknokt name.insert(0,"class "); ?
@Pubby Subjective C is a blog actually. :P
@IntermediateHacker no, "class " + name.
To make clear that I dislike C.
Default public > default private.
@CatPlusPlus use a struct?
Yes, that's what I'm saying.

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