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@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, Your Magnitude.
@jalf Oh I forgot division. I was only considering bignumber*bignumber or smallnumber*smallnumber (absolute values) and reallybignumber+whatever.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, bignumber*bignumber is also more likely to overflow than smallnumber*smallnumber;)
big/small division does seem a lot more easy to find than all the others.
the latter is more likely to end up in fucking denormalized numbers and wreck your performance
Reading through this thread, I feel more and more like we're better off without opaque typedefs.
@Xeo C++ is too troublesome to do changes that mess with fundamental types.
I think there are a smallish number of cases where opaque typedefs would be wonderful, but I'm also convinced there'd be a hellish number of things that would break or become even more complicated
Not only that, but also the traits stuff. In one post, someone says trait<OT>::value == trait<UT>::value, but is_same<OT, UT>::value == false.
I don't see a problem with that.
What determines type identity is not their properties.
Yeah, but how would one automagically make that work?
It would be a shame if trait<OT>::value != trait<UT>::value, but is_same<OT, UT>::value == true. But what you describe isn't.
@Xeo Who do you mean "you"?
(As in, what hat should I put on)
@R.MartinhoFernandes the red one
Committee member :)
@Xeo I honestly don't see the issue, so I have trouble formulating an answer.
If you want to make trait<OT>::value == trait<UT>::value work without the user needing to explicitly specialize all traits again, then you'd effectively treat both types as the same. However, for is_same<OT, UT>::value == false to work, you are not allowed to see them as the same.
@Xeo Oh, you mean for traits that use explicit specialization lists?
@Xeo unless is_same hooks into a bit of compiler magic :)
And you also have this whole trouble with free function interfaces.
@Xeo I see no problem anyway.
The point of a strong typedef is introducing a new type.
If you introduce a new type manually nowadays, how do you handle that trait situation?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Okay, but then why would trait<OT>::value == trait<UT>::value?
@Xeo Some (most?) traits actually test if the type has the trait in question. (say is_pod and friends work fine; any of those has_member_x things one builds with SFINAE also work fine).
Only traits that work by listing all the types that have that trait have that problem.
But that is a problem of the traits.
Any time you introduce a new type regardless of whether it is a strong typedef or a plain old struct foo {}, you have to specialize it.
So, IMO, there is no issue to be solved there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I disagree. In a number of cases, that is the only sensible thing a traits class can do. It is (or can be) effectively a way to tag a type with additional information
@R.MartinhoFernandes Second.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but the entire point was to introduce a new type in a more convenient way, wasn't it? That convenience is lost if you then have to specialize a dozen traits
what if you typedef a built-in type like, say, int? Wouldn't you still expect is_integral to be true?
@LucDanton why not?
Because the type is not listed in 3.9.1.
is_integral is not a concept-like trait.
@LucDanton And yet our type behaves like an integral type, and I would expect to be able to use it anywhere an integral type is expected
Write an Integral concept then.
@LucDanton I think that's a backwards logic. We're talking about extending the language anyway, so 3.9.1 could simply be amended to describe this
@jalf What if I want the new type to only specialize a few of those? Or specialize some of those differently?
@LucDanton doesn't solve the problem for existing code which uses is_integral
@jalf So, one way or another, is_integral is not an issue.
@jalf Preexisting code which uses is_integral is checking for a Standard category. That's what is_integral checks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I disagree
@jalf Why? You said it yourself, you can amend is_integral's definition.
We could discuss changing is_integral to not be about type categories but a) that's a different proposal b) that's a different proposal that could break backwards compatibility
@LucDanton You could make strong typedefs inherit the category of the source type too.
I still don't see the big problem.
@LucDanton but isn't this one of the most obvious use cases for opaque typedefs? Instead of just passing dumb ints around, you would be able to distinguish between them at compile-time: this is an index, and that is a width, and that over there is, well, something else, which has an underlying type of int, but which should still be typechecked as a separate type?
@jalf Yes. To sum up: whether this implies inheriting the category is up to the proposal, but don't assume that 'it should' is the obvious answer. And as pointed out, is_integral is irrelevant.
(And while we are at it, the standard does need a formal arithmetic-like type concept; this is mentioned in chrono, but never formally described)
I'm not super fond of the idea of adding more integral types (in the sense of 3.9.1) because that it accentuates the divide between user-defined types and fundamental types. In a sense, we would have user-defined fundamental types. For what benefit?
Anyway, I guess much of this could be handled by adding a compiler-magic trait, something like underlying_type<T> which would return the type that it is an opaque typedef of. Then other traits can choose whether to use that to "normalize" the type or not
Benefits I can envision is e.g. possibility of getting serialization for free. That could be solved differently with compile-time reflection perhaps?
We can get library-based char8_t (with an extra rule to allow cheating and aliasing char* with char8_t*)!
I guess the big hurdle is in having to draw a line in the sand, and decide exactly how much it should act like the underlying type, and how much it should be a new, unique type. Lots of politics, and lots of having to figure out how best to handle all possible use cases. But technically, fairly simple
Hi peeps
My bare minimum is for it to be completely different, because that's the most type-safe, and it's possible to tack on the desired functionality afterwards 'manually' and verbosely (and when it isn't, that's a flaw). I don't mind the possibility of expressing "I want more", and it may even be a reasonable default, but I must be able to express 'I get the same representation, but it's its own type starting from scratch'.
I have an app which depends on boost and fip
I'd like to make a "push button" dependency-fetch system to distribute with the source code. Any pointers ?
You are screwed. Does that count as a pointer?
Q: Maven-like dependency management for C++?

webersteSay I have a C++ project that is split in several subprojects. The subproject all produce a DLL and different teams of developers work on each of the subproject. Now if I want to build the main project, is there a way to avoid having to build all the subprojects by myself? In short, I'm looking ...

They suggest CMake..........
Btw, you can say whatever you want about how much Java sucks, but Maven is awesome (except for the XML, that is).
It does, but I think you're wrong. The Cat did something nice for Kyrostat but wasn't around lately
@R.MartinhoFernandes What rule?
Well, still, cmake > autoconf > make > custom shell scripts
@LucDanton One that makes char8_t const* u8 = u8"foo"; work fine?
using class pixel_count = explicit int deriving Integral;
ohhhh, especially interesting for Haskell fanboys.
@LucDanton Sounds like Haskell...
@R.MartinhoFernandes Totally original idea (c) me, do not steal.
@TonyTheLion What does Facebook want from a Haskell dev ?
@kbok The guy works with compilers.
And they have that HipHop thing, don't they?
So they're going to send him to work on the PHP thing ? How cruel.
@jalf got embarassed by admitting that?
@kbok someone who's good with programming languages and compilers, possibly? Or just someone who's good with functional programming, which is nice for scalability/parallelism purposes
@kbok It's written in C++.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It parses PHP.
@R.MartinhoFernandes hehe nah, I think it's (sadly) true, just wasn't sure I understood the linked question correctly (if it was about build systems at all), so rather than read through it properly, I just deleted my comment ;)
@kbok Yes, but unlike Perl, parsing PHP is a solved problem. I think.
@R.MartinhoFernandes and putting a haskell person to work on a PHP parser written in C++ strikes you as less cruel? ;)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Still, I'm not sure how to express in the language 'I want this new type based on this type, but with only those behaviours available'.
Require of using class<Integral> pixel_count = explicit int; that int models Integral? And generate whatever is relevant in the concept by doing unwrap, do operation on underlying, wrap?
That depends on the concepts proposal, no?
I don't think you can spec that without a formal notion of concept.
Is it me or do the automatic updates on SO not work correctly anymore?
I think it is you.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes. I want to convey how my position (only do the bare thing) is reasonable and doesn't paint us in a corner.
And I am not sure if you can spec a formal notion of concept that plays nice with the existing informal notion and at the same time, plays nice with this thing.
(The example is stupid though because multiplying pixel_counts shouldn't yield a pixel_count if it were to be allowed.)
@LucDanton That only means we need finer grained concepts.
Of course. Hence it is a parenthetical.
(AbelianGroups and Rings and shit FTW; I don't like Haskell's kitchen sink-style Num)
Boost.Operators supports that btw.
Hm... automatic updates just don't work on this specific tag set.
Just [or] or simply and'd tags work.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Where the topic is undetectable. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
@R.MartinhoFernandes It is a bit unusual, yes. In this instance it pushes in the other direction: instead of trying to fit a type to a concept, we fit a concept to the type. But another way to see we require that there is a concept 'instance' (concept map?) for Integral<AdmitsAsUnderlyingRepresentation<Integral>>, where any type of the style pixel_count is a model of AdmitsAsUnderlyingRepresentation<Integral>. (The name is super bogus btw.)
Ain't that neat?
Why, I'm going to pat myself on the back some more on the way to the kitchen to get more tea.
I hate that at my workplace, if you send an e-mail to too few people, nobody who receives it accepts responsibility for doing something that needs to be done, and if you send to too many people, everyone assumes it has already been handled by someone else on the list
@Neil don't you have a department lead or someone who should be making sure things get done?
@Neil What happens if you send it to a single person? Perhaps with a CC to preempt deniability?
BCC the thing to the whole company. Everyone will think they're the only target, and they will all get working on it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes +1 good idea
Or maybe get a job with less idiots in it.
If that doesn't work, whip them.
@CatPlusPlus good luck finding one of those
@emartel Hah, that's a good one
@thecoshman I am sure there are jobs with less idiots.
@thecoshman And I'm the cynical one here eh.
int x = 25;
if(sqrt(x) <= 5) {
    // ...
@sehe Depends who I send it to, but this company I work in has bosses that are completely incompetant, and some of them are directly above me
@CatPlusPlus you're lazy, not cynical
^ how do you make that non-ugly ?
@CatPlusPlus ohai
Yet these are the people I should send it to and the people who should get things done.. though more often than not, I have to send them an e-mail, then visit them and make sure they have read it and know what I want
@kbok By removing the always true if?
@R.MartinhoFernandes everyone's an idiot
@CatPlusPlus What did you mean by "plain openid" ?
@CatPlusPlus I mean "How do you make a non-ugly sqrt() of an integer ?"
ie, not Google, or Twitter, or SO etc.
@kbok The big difference between C++ and Java here is that Java forces a relationship between what you see inside the program (e.g., the class name) and how things like to the outside world (e.g., the file name). For C++, the mapping from class name to file name is entirely arbitrary. OTOH, with the right convention, you may not care about that: if you just ensure that each header has a source file with a matching name and content, it's pretty easy to find the #includes.
@emartel there isn't much that C++11 adds that helps. You can fake this by making it look like X<opt2<true>> (boost uses this technique in places) instead, and variadic templates simplify that implementation, but that's it. If no one writes an answer with this before I get home, I will do so. — R. Martinho Fernandes 6 mins ago
You know, where you get a field where you put your OpenID, instead of hardcoded list of providers.
@thecoshman And? I am sure there are jobs with less people. Therefore, less idiots. QED.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was about too, but now I won't bother. :)
@kbok What's ugly?
@Xeo Hey, I wrote that to tease you into writing it!
From there, you just assume that if a file includes <whatever> that it depends on whatever.cpp.
@CatPlusPlus The static_cast inside sqrt()
I prefer Java's source to content forced relationship
@R.MartinhoFernandes depends if we are talking absolute or relative
There's no room for doing things you think are a good idea at the time but only serve to confuse you when you look back on it in 2 years time
@thecoshman "less people" is not ambiguous.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just for the record, idiots are countable, so the correct wording is "fewer idiots", not "less idiots".
@kbok That's redundant.
@R.MartinhoFernandes never said it was
@CatPlusPlus Ok.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nah, although I just got a good idea on how to do the match-making.
@JerryCoffin I am not sure idiots are countable: who would count them? Other idiots?
@JerryCoffin But "less idiocy" would've been ok, right?
@R.MartinhoFernandes How come ?
I'll let you write your answer, and if it sucks, write my own.
@jalf Yes.
@kbok Just sqrt(my_int) maybe?
@kbok int can be promoted/converted/whatever the right thing is to double, can it not?
You say fewer people, not less people anyway
@JerryCoffin Anyway, I was quoting.
@R.MartinhoFernandes At least if we stick to idiots on earth, yes they are. The fact that nobody counts them all doesn't count (SCNR).
@R.MartinhoFernandes But VC complains about the overloads
Stop using VC.
> double sqrt( Integral arg ); (since C++11)
error C2668: 'sqrt' : ambiguous call to overloaded function
Hint: it's not a good compiler.
@CatPlusPlus Viet Cong
But it's a good debugger
Vegetarian cats
@CatPlusPlus Only if you include <cmath> not <math.h>, IIRC.
@kbok hahahaa.
You are so funny.
@Xeo Then don't include math.h whatever
Yeah, <cmath> has the Intergal one
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd gladly use something better
@CatPlusPlus Don't tell that to me, tell it @kbok
Stop writing buggy code and you won't need a debugger
@R.MartinhoFernandes The debugger that ships with VC++ is probably the best C++ debugger on the market.
So, do you guys have a better solution than the "you toolset suck, you suck, stop using it and kill yourself" kind ?
@kbok As I said, #include <cmath>
@EtiennedeMartel The one that can't watch expressions with overloaded operator->?
And use std::sqrt
I would be wary of calling it "the best".
@R.MartinhoFernandes I mean the one that doesn't suck as much as GDB.
The language you're using sucks too, btw. hth
@Xeo I'm on VS2010.
@CatPlusPlus Also, how did you do the "download vendor libraries" thing for kyrostat ?
By running hg clone.
No rocket science involved.
Then building them ?
@EtiennedeMartel The thing is, pretty much no one ever explains what's so good about VS's debugger, except for the fact that it is integrated.
@kbok Unfortunately, your options are limited. gcc and clang currently are better compilers -- but if you're accustomed to VC/VS, using either on Windows is going to feel like going from a car with automatic transmission, power windows, power brakes, power steering and air conditioning, to a donkey-drawn open-air cart with no suspension -- but wheels that are perfectly round.
What if the guys use git or svn ?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Probably because it's the only one with a decent GUI.
Then run git clone or svn checkout?
@EtiennedeMartel Then say that it is the only one with a decent GUI.
It's probably doable better than I did it, but really it's not very complicated.
I want a debugger that can debug things with smart pointers.
Do you also require an install of the build system the dependency builds on ?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Good point. I'll remember that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I want a debugger that debugs a language that doesn't have pointers. Oh, wait, C#. Hihi.
No, I wrote my own buildscripts
Not being able to see through operator-> has been causing me lots of pain.
If you want different build systems to work together, you really are better off killing yourself
Anyway, gotta go.
Hell, don't do build systems at all if you can help it.
Do drugs or something
@CatPlusPlus Which just happens to be an instance of "finding the right person, and shooting them".
Not rocket science indeed, but that must be the single most ineffective method of approaching the problem
Do catnip.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Vegan catnip.
What is it with you and shooting people, are you secretly an American.
@CatPlusPlus I'm not sure whether to star that or feel angry/insulted. FTR, I want it known that I haven't shot anybody in at least a six weeks!
@CatPlusPlus I'm not sure whether to star that or feel angry/insulted.
Look at that, I'm the only non-owner here.
I haven't shot anybody ever.
Only rabbits.
Rabbits are people too, you monster
I settled for sqrt(double(x));
@kbok We should kick you out.
My boss is supposed to send me a spec today, but I haven't seen a thing yet...
I need a boss that is less busy.
Wait, maybe not.
But then you'd be more busy
@R.MartinhoFernandes You should join PETA.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's a bad thing?
billy is sexually frustrated
Well, the deadline to implement the specs won't move.
Sure it will.
Not your fault, after all.
@LucDanton He hasn't settled on a deadline yet either.
And you can't be expected to implement something without even knowing what the hell it is
(I'll never learn to spell tomorrow properly)
@CatPlusPlus Haven't much experience in real jobs yet, I see!
I got one-sentence description of an app from a client and had to make a spec myself based on that
@CatPlusPlus Hmm...at least you're better off than when you deal with attorneys, whose usual line is: "Of course I want it done today. If I'd wanted it done tomorrow, I'd have told you about it tomorrow!"
This industry is fucking ridiculous
No, scratch that, the entire world
Oh noes, here we go again.
Nah, gotta go to stupid class, won't be boring you today.
@CatPlusPlus This would appear to imply that you think there are (or at least might me) worlds that aren't ridiculous.
We need more angsty twenty-somethings in this room.
Are there any C++ APIs for managing Windows Server 2012; or should I go ask in the C# room?
I'm not angsty, I'm depressed. And fuck you, it's therapeutic.
@IDWMaster Why would you ask in the C# whether there are C++ APIs for managing Windows Server 2012?
An API for managing what
@IDWMaster What sort of managing did you have in mind?
@JerryCoffin Active Directory
the same kind of managing that manager classes do, duh!
You should ask in Java room, they like managers
@CatPlusPlus ?
@IDWMaster ADSI.
@JerryCoffin Thanks
@IDWMaster Sure, I guess.
@CatPlusPlus wut?! You're finding being depressed therapeutic?
Are you saying we can try this at home?
@kbok That's awesome
Why would you waste oranges for that?
@LucDanton Yes, but you need a very very very long exposure. This one had 14 hours :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes You can eat it after it lights your way home
@Neil ...but probably don't want to. The electricity results from corroding the zinc, so where the nails were, you'd basically be eating zinc oxide (which is the main ingredient of the white paste life guards and such put on their noses as kind of the ultimate sunscreen). Probably fairly unappetizing (though probably not at all dangerous -- I believe ZnO is how you usually get Zinc in vitamin capsules and such).
@JerryCoffin I've recently noticed that thing (clear patch on the nose) in some (animated) media, had no idea what it was supposed to represent. Thanks for the pointer!
Why the nose though?
@LucDanton Tends to get sunburnt really badly.
It's the most vulnerable part of the face regarding sunburns.
hey guys. anyone good at networking and C?
@Crowz Why not use C++?
@Crowz I've heard some people are (but I'm not sure I believe it).
How doe that work? Reflection from your own face? Or is the skin different there?
@Crowz I don't know about good, but I've done it before
@LucDanton The skin is thinner and more fragile
@LucDanton Mostly that it's closer to horizontal, so the light hits it closer to a right angle.
@Crowz why put yourself through that torture?
I'm amazed I didn't know that until today. Thanks.
It mustn't be very sunny where you live then
What's the sun?
That yellow thing that used to be in the sky when I was in Portugal?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Something that existed before Oracle came along and bought it.
@kbok I sure have seen some sunny summers.
@TonyTheLion School, unfortunately
@LucDanton I got an object lesson in it years ago -- was taking pictures of the prolog of the Tour de France in London. It being London, I didn't even consider taking sun-screen, but it turned out to be a bright sunny day. My nose was burnt so badly I cringe just remembering it.
Wait, Tour de what? In what city?
@JerryCoffin why didn't you just hold your camera in front of your face? :p
Is there a London, France?
@Crowz Not sure if I can help. I'm good at networking, but haven't used C in a long time. All of our networking APIs are object-oriented now.
@Crowz oh
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nope -- that year the prolog and first couple of stages were in England.
On the bright side, once I finish this... never looking at C ever again!
@JerryCoffin That's... weird.
@Crowz you wish
it'll come back to haunt you
@Crowz unlikely
@melak47 One year of school left and I did all the C classes. Easymode java until I graduate
if you're going into C++ development, chances are, you'll be stuck with C again someday
even if it's just to interface with it
ironically, visual c++ warns that many c standard library functions are deprecated (they're not), but fails to warn about the earlier deprecated and now removed conversion from literal to char*
I'm not going into programming hah
@Crowz Why not? Was Java too much for you?
then you're in the wrong room :P
Java's way too bulky these days...
@IDWMaster I just don't think I'm scientific enough to do this and I feel no reward for doing it, if that makes sense
Feels more like a task than an achievement
@Crowz School is supposed to feel that way
Sorry to tell you.
Once you get into industry it will feel more of an "achievement".
@IDWMaster I dunno man, I love art class and I love film classes
@R.MartinhoFernandes A little, yeah. Was pretty cool for me though. Got to watch some of the Wimbledon and the Tour a couple of days apart, with essentially no traveling from one to the other.
hey @CatPlusPlus, on a scale of 1 to C, how ugly is storing pointers to all instances of a class in a static member of that class?
@Crowz lol, scientific. I see what you mean, but here's a secret: a lot of the time, we are just winging and playing by instinct. There isn't that much science in it.
I just don't feel like I'll feel any achievement even for making the coolest programs ever. I could make a full video game myself and it'd feel like "meh. Whatever."
In fact I have made games and I fucking hated doing that
@Crowz Even if it wasn't an assignment?
@IDWMaster I wouldn't concentrate on it for more than 10 minutes if it wasn't an assignment
The only things I've made in my spare time were applications for my other hobbies... like for example an edge finder, seam carver, grid creator
@Crowz Some advice: Learn C++ and see the light!
@IDWMaster But C++ is super hard to do
@Crowz No it's not. It's a lot nicer than C.
@IDWMaster But not easier than python and java
@Crowz Why do you say that?
What makes it harder?
@IDWMaster Cause ya gotta deal with memory, I hatehatehate pointers
@Crowz News for you: C++ has smart pointers. A lot nicer to deal with, and they free themselves when the time comes.
@Crowz Compared to Java, C++ is harder to learn, but much easier to use once you know it. Python is enough different that it's much more difficult to compare meaningfully.
@Crowz Also; why do you hate pointers?
@Crowz it's really not that bad in modern C++
"Modern" as in, not from the last millenium, right?
Im thankful for all of you guys. Sometimes I feel like you’re the only 31,083 people that understand me.
I just don't like pointers, they seem annoying. Like, why not just refer to the thing itself?
@Crowz Me, I hatehatehate things like Whatever x = new Whatever(); where all I want is a simple Whatever x;. What a bunch of shit!
@Crowz Like references?
@BharathAN Hi.
@Crowz unless you have a pointer to a pointer, the pointer does indeed refer to the thing itself :p
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah like why not blah x = new blah();
@Crowz why not blah x;?
i need one part of the code in c++
I dunno I have no idea what I am doing
pls any one is there?

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