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@R.MartinhoFernandes They didn't implement the 'screw' functionality yet. Or is it in the Enterprise and Ultimate Editions?
@Xeo Wow. Old school
@sehe They need old-school signatures on a paper. :(
Oh gawd, I installed vim in German.
das ist gut
I am now in einfügen mode.
> Hiiilfe!
Ah, :language English did it.
oh how boring
you fixed it already
would have been quite a giggle
The menus are still in German, but I am going to remove them anyway.
so I guess you prefer to use Vim for coding in?
@R.MartinhoFernandes If you're on windows, remove the language files. Quick and simple.
I use set guioptions-=m on the gvimrc, so it's not worth the effort.
-= ? Is that the old GNU way or something ?
@sehe Can't find anything, I'm having serious doubts about that 'recollection'.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Befehl-modus auch?
@kbok No idea. It removes a flag from an option that is a flagset. In this case, it gets rid of the menus.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Das Robot, es scheitert nicht so bald!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, I'm relieved.
Oh, hah. And I was going to 'google' for a plugin named ISTR
@sehe Was that jokingly said, or did you really forget the meaning of ISTR?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I use set guioptions=agi
@Xeo I completely missed the boat. And the sea around it, actually :)
I think what happened is that I tried an early clang_complete, was dismayed at its slowness and dismissed it. Then I must have tried a better clang_complete and was much more satisfied with the timings, except that since Clang can't compile my stuff I dismissed it again.
@sehe What's g for without m?
@sehe heh
@LucDanton Well. You have only yourself to blame:)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hehe. No clue anymore :).
Actually I blame both Clang and clang_complete.
@sehe Ah, I know what you mean :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's just I once 'evaluated' go-=m and then remembered the result. So I can haz 'absolute' addressing, independent of the starting config
I'm fine with the defaults except for the toolbar an the menu, so I just take m and T out. I have no idea what most of the other options are.
@Xeo Transpansion: I DidNot Seem To Remember "I Seem To Remember", Fixed That For You
@sehe No, really?
@Xeo Well, don't act so sheepish maybe:
2 mins ago, by Xeo
@sehe heh
Getting me all confused up and stuff
@R.MartinhoFernandes I must see I love to put myself in absolute fullscreen mode: vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2596
map <F11> <Esc>:call libcallnr("gvimfullscreen.dll", "ToggleFullScreen", 0)<CR>
@sehe "heh" is a small laugh
@Xeo kek
Like, a small version of "hehe"
@Xeo Ich sehe :)
^--- minute laugh
@sehe "You sehe"? No shit, Sherlock!
Shit, no Sherlock
Name never sounded that way in my head.
@LucDanton Wut? The level of disintegration here? The minute laugh? Or fullscreen gvim on windows?
@LucDanton Not in my head either. I just thought I'd play a bad pun that has been used 'against' me in the past
I see.
Je vois
@sehe | <- even smaller
@LucDanton I must say it started sounding that way in my head since last week.
I have made some farm plot but nothing seem to come from it. How do I check that ?
Farming usually takes months. Why don't you came back in March?
Oh wait, you are talking about video game, aren't you?
@thecoshman ?!
@R.MartinhoFernandes ofc. I know how to check if a plant grows in meatspace : if it's bigger than before, it grows.
full of women? Oh wait, full of models! — sehe 13 secs ago
> The only people allowed to call the Dwarf Therapist labor assignment screen "simple" operate nuclear power plants or fly passenger jets for a living.
Really? That thing is simple. You may complain that it is way too large and forces you to scroll in some screens, but complex is something it definitely isn't.
Never used it. I'm a one-day-old DF player, remember.
@kbok You will want to use it as soon as you get a two-digit number of dorfs.
I wonder if that shines on a resume. "Successfully managed a 40-dwarf fortress near a goblin camp."
@sehe it's not even the full letter h, it's just part of it
"Led a group of brave dorfs into an unglorious death by starvation in the middle of nowhere"
Dwarf Fortress sounds like it could be a lot of fun
if only it was actually playable
@thecoshman aha. that way. how very enlightening
@DeadMG You loss for being squeemish :P
My major gripes are the inconsistent keyboard shortcuts and job assignment (and TheRapist does a good job of fixing that one)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, sometimes it's up/down, sometimes +/-. The box sizing methods changes, too.
@DeadMG I actually like the "text adventure" aspect. It really feels like a book.
Stockpiles used to be annoying too, but it seems to be much better since the minecart update.
It's not like DF is any more complex than C++
s/\n\n/\n/ <-- I love regex
@Pubby Less user-friendly, though.
and "Less user-friendly than C++" is certainly a damning indictment
But more fun!
@DeadMG No, that's just your impressions without playing it enough
C++ is fun
Didn't say otherwise.
DF is more.
C++ is easier to lose in
@Pubby Doesn't matter if people who play it for a long time have a different opinion.
@DeadMG decltype((V)) always returns T&, even if V is defined as"T V;"
Well, I learned how to play the game in a weekend while it took months for C++
@BartekBanachewicz Which is what it's supposed to, if I recall.
what else would decltype((V)) return?
@DeadMG I just love how many statements about C++ go from "no" to "oh wait", and then "(removed)"
robot's fail, as usual :P
Whatever. You suck.
you're just jealous
sitting there playing your DF whilst I have PA
@DeadMG I am at work.
Also, you suck at PA.
PA = prison game?
I do not suck at PA
the game's just slightly bugged, that's all.
and it is in alpha, so that's fine.
I almost broke out laughing.
@DeadMG Sounds like DF (the difference being that DF will still be in alpha for a long time)
I almost went up and robbed the local bank. Almost.
what stopped you?
now that I have a mostly functioning edit box class, I'll obviously need to be writing some networking code
@DeadMG what are you making, exactly?
a game, duh
@DeadMG did you lick the font problem
it was a dumb variable shadowing issue where I passed the D3D representation of the font instead of the HFONT
oh, nothing special about the api then
Nah, just good old puppy suckage.
Oh you can use C++ to develop window's phone app now, sweet
I thought I was stuck with C# for good (for window phones app)
so anyway, I'll need to code up the world's shittiest master server, and I can host it on my Amazon EC2 instance
It's C++/CX, right?
@DeadMG lol
ooh, so in DF you have one persistent game world, that you can use over and over to play many games, each on following on from the last
@thecoshman Yes.
I need to investigate into the CX part :'(
You can even send expeditions to the previous failed fortresses and try to reclaim them from whatever led to failure.
that is a rather smart feature
it would be cool if MC had a feature like that... some sort of filter you can apply to a map, all the forests would regrow, rivers might move around. Blocks that can only be man made have a chance of having been eroded by time, chests are emptied of all but one or two items.
by the way, did anyone of you got a email message from Prezi.com?
I am going to assume spam
No, what is it ?
They contacted me on Careers 2.0
And it's kind of close community, right?
+ Loads of you have much better stats than me
well, the guy wanted to schedule a phone call with me and talk about jobs
You know, I was contacted by Facebook some time ago, and not the others. There isn't any logic behind this.
Ah. Did you write back?
Unless it looks flat out generic, I wouldn't ignore it. At worst I'd reply mentioning I am not interested (AFAIK you just started a new job, right?)
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, technically I am starting 03.12, but yes.
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, had technical interviews on skype and stuff. Finally got kicked.
Turns out I suck.
I wouldn't like working in facebook anyway. My dream job is Epic right now
They say Facebook is the new Google. I talked to the guys and what they said to me looked very cool.
Valve > Epic by a long way
Gamedev sucks anyway.
@kbok how about no?
Long hours, no money, terrible practices, bitch management.
@DeadMG valve is more start-up-ish. Epic is... well, epic.
The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn't is a book by Stanford professor Robert I. Sutton, based on a popular essay he wrote for the Harvard Business Review. It sold over 115,000 copies and won the Quill Award for best business book in 2007. The theme of this book is that bullying behaviour in the workplace worsens morale and productivity. A rule is suggested to screen out the toxic staff—the no asshole rule. The author insists upon use of the word asshole since other words such as bully or jerk do not have the same impact. Two tests are specif...
@kbok but... HOW cool is that?
@Cheersandhth.-Alf no kindle edition. Meh.
@BartekBanachewicz Which is way better, because Valve have way looser management and Epic are YOU MUST DO CONSTANT OVERTIME idiots
@DeadMG but hell, their work is now in shitload of stuff that's being made. They're shaping up newest GPUs and consoles, much like Carmack did back then.
Epic overtime, epic failure, epic sadness
but do you want to be doing that 80 hours a week for six continuous months?
epic royalties :3
@DeadMG I do it anyway at home :P
not to mention that they haven't actually put out any interesting games since, say, Unreal Tournament 2004.
No, you don't.
It is not the same thing at all.
I think everyone's on phone games nowadays
@R.MartinhoFernandes I dunno, I mean, I enjoyed my projects in Adva. I took them home.
And they were telecom, not gamedev!
But indeed, if someone forced technology or design upon me, that would probably suck.
of course they would
micro managers, they are everywhere
@Telkitty that's untrue.
@BartekBanachewicz Unless you mean that you don't do anything else at home but that and sleeping. In that case, you should apply, because that's exactly the kind of sucker they want to employ exploit.
They often force the lack of technology or design upon you.
Bah, anyways, it's future, who knows what I'll do in five years
I'll probably dump coding and start a career as a professional piano player.
probably still what you are doing now ... in a different company >_<
with a new better title
@Telkitty You mean chatting on Lounge? Yea, that's unlikely to change :P
I don't have a backup career.
@BartekBanachewicz you will probably not change but I think this lounge will :p
@R.MartinhoFernandes don't worry, most of the people don't have even the main one.
It's not a matter of putting all the eggs in the same basket. It's more a matter of only having one egg.
I want to be a brothel madam - not a whore but the madam. Make love not war! Then spread AIDS
@R.MartinhoFernandes hobo?
@R.MartinhoFernandes You don't need a backup career if you're a programmer in 2012.
because the world's gonna end?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I could see myself doing other things, like physics, but I would have to go back to university to start it as a career.
No, because anybody who can spell "PHP" can land a programming job these days
@kbok I think it's the statement that's already been used numerously in history, unfortunately.
@DeadMG So, you don't have a backup career. Only a backup plan.
@melak47 no, the new beginning. I am trying to coincide the debut of my new app with 21th Dec 2012 >_<
@Telkitty First change these goddamn "free" buttons on your webpage... please?
@BartekBanachewicz Give me examples.
@Telkitty 90s called.
I made that site in 2 hours
@DeadMG that's you fucked then
geocities called and they want their buttons back.
I guess I could do something as a car mechanic, but it's not like 80s/90s cars are increasing in numbers anyway. And I don't like cars.
free buttons? I love free stuff!
and that's all HTML table alignment stuff :'(
@Telkitty but it's on your profile currently, so no mercy.
I thought Geocities stopped doing something, but what was it called again? Oh yeah, "existing".
@thecoshman Only if my primary career plan fails
Will improve the site eventually
Did I hear HTML table alignment?
@DeadMG which is?
@R.MartinhoFernandes sadly so
obviously, working in software
@DeadMG ah, and how's that going?
not that bad, actually
@DeadMG oh rly?
if I can't land something in the next month or so I can just call up Oracle and e-work for them for a year or so
I wonder if you can get a job working as software
not much money but a reference and experience
Geocities got bought?
@DeadMG definitely better than nothing
@kbok Unfortunately, I'm not able to pull them out of my hat, but I'm sure they were plenty. From cleaners of knights' armors to VisualFoxPro coders.
On another node, my girlfriend, afraid of the low employment prospectives of her literature degree, is attempting a reconversion into sociopsychology.
@DeadMG is that so?
@kbok What employment perspectives does a literature degree give anyway?
Besides working as a lecturer for literature graduates.
@R.MartinhoFernandes want fries with that?
@thecoshman Yep.
@kbok so... she's gone from degree with no hopes of a job, to defgree with no hopes of a job?
and it's prospectives, not perspectives.
@thecoshman well, he just said it
@DeadMG well, good luck with that
@TonyTheLion gospel then
robot got corrected
lecturers are good professions - you can have your startup and have the brightest students do stuff for you for free in the name of thesis (if you are in computer science or engineering). Speaking from freaking experience.
@DeadMG spellcheck fail :( That's what I wrote initially
@TonyTheLion What? Where?
@R.MartinhoFernandes euphemism
1 min ago, by DeadMG
and it's prospectives, not perspectives.
@TonyTheLion That was for kbok.
@R.MartinhoFernandes And you.
I was quoting!
no quote marks = no dice
yesterday, by Tony The Lion
therefore your argument is invalid and I'm a fish.
Oh, I just read about an IT guy who hired a chick to slap him in the face everythime he stops coding. His productivity grown from 38% to 98% (whatever that means, just citing)
slap him with what? :x
@BartekBanachewicz This is the most bullshit article I ever read (and it was last month).
@Telkitty a fish if I had to guess
productivity != time_not_spent_on_facebook
@kbok the photo is funny
@kbok productivity = time_not_spent_on_facebook for entrepreneurs
This is so incredibly stupid it made my brain bleed at the time.
look at all the fucks I don't give... they're falling out of the sky
silly lion, that's rain
@Telkitty Still wrong. Look, I'm not on facebook. Productive yet ?
@BartekBanachewicz link
If you have your own apps or web services, then you need publicity. Which means facebook, twitter, linkedIn G++ etc etc
@DeadMG You want to read that?
I want to point and laugh
@DeadMG In polish, ask kbok if he has the original source.
@Telkitty G++? the compiler? :p
Oh gawd, please don't put ads on g++!
:x what's that google thing called >_< ... google+?
@thecoshman no, it's the fucks I don't give
people talk a lot of shit about my phone camera, but it's really not that bad if there's lots of light
@R.MartinhoFernandes "I see you're compiling library xyz, you might like library UVW Professional Plus for only $9999! CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW"
@DeadMG it's not the quality of the photo that is shit, but the subject matter
don't make me get out the flag!
OMG, my screen is full of puppies.
I know (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
3 messages moved to bin
Please throttle it a bit, puppy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes damn. I wanted to respond with this:
couldn't you have left, like, just one?
@DeadMG Oh, I must have messed up. I actually was planning to leave one.
@DeadMG you have put enough photos of that thing on here, if you must, just link to them, don't onebox them
@DeadMG and that's the time I'm going to upvote sbi's metarage about "retry" -.-
@R.MartinhoFernandes 'accidentally'
@thecoshman Really, I thought I had unselected the last one.
I am telling the truth! Robots don't lie! QED.
@R.MartinhoFernandes bah, of course they can, if programmed to be able and willing to do so
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's not in the three laws of robotics
@melak47 again, there is no reason for a robot to abide by those, unless programmed to do so
@thecoshman But these are new! I took them like, 2 minutes before posting them.
@thecoshman but they are the laws of robotics, there is no reason a robot shouldn't be programmed to abide by them!
@DeadMG what has the got to do with anything?
Here's something new
@DeadMG here's my hat on my green desk, your argument is invalid. I'm going for food a hunt.
go hunt some ramen
what, a man's not allowed to share new things with his fellow chatters?
Photo by me, thank you very much
@DeadMG of course, but you not allowed to do so by via hourly pictures
half-hourly, actually
More of my awesome photos:
@DeadMG bi-hourly? bi-rly? burly?
Is this some kind of shameless self promotion thing? :p If so ...
@kbok "Ne faites pas de copies illégales", no shit.
@EtiennedeMartel That was pretty much all the piracy protection system at that time :)

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