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@James What's "Brown Bear Brown Bear"
@sbi It's a classic book for children in English. It starts off as "Brown Bear Brown Bear what do you see?" "I see a [insert animal] looking at me." Then it repeats with that animal saying what it sees.
The book should repeat infinitely since obviously the second animal must see the bear looking at it.
But it doesn't, which is good, because it would be a very heavy book if it went on forever.
@JamesMcNellis it would technically never get to book stage, cause it still would be in the making, hahah
Well, it would be a book-in-progress
@Tony You could just cut it off at some point; that would make the sequels really easy to write.
@JamesMcNellis true that :)
@James well, you could make a lot of money off of that
@JamesMcNellis Ah, thanks.
The current XKCD is about something I have thought about for a while... xkcd.com
@SamBloomberg XKCD is auto-embed-enabled; if you post the link on its own line, the comic will get inserted in the chat.
@james oh lol
Unfortunately, due to the nature of our government.... I have little control over which third world countries I'm offending, because I usually find out after our government pummeled their face in.

I'm not against enforcing our own interest, but mainly on our own turf. Meaning.... I don't want other countries to drill for oil only a few miles from our coast, simply because we won't. I don't want our country to let someone walk over us.

That said. I understand that there are groups of people out there who have reasons to not like America. However at the same time, the media usually attribut
2 hours later…
Oops. careers has gone googlemail. Apparently, you need an invitation from someone who's already a user. Or mail Jeff, which is probably a waste of time, considering my current standing with him. :) So is there anyone of you already on careers and would invite me?
@sbi I think I am. Not sure how to invite people though
FAQ says "Careers 2.0 profiles are by invitation only. You may be invited based on your participation on Stack Overflow, or by another programmer who admires your work."
So... do I have to admire at you or something?
@sbi I am on careers
@sbi if I can invite, I'll invite you
/me admires at sbi
@sbi looks like from my invitation email I would need to email them telling them why I'd want to invite you
hmm, I was able to sign in to careers, so I guess I'm a registered user
@jalf I can sign in, too, but when I click on "My Profile", it says I need an invitation, so I suppose I can't create a profile unless I'm invited. ICBWT.
@Eugene No, you don't. I'm perfectly fine without being admired. :)
@sbi Im writing them an email :)
@Tony Ah, Ok.
@Tony Thank you!
@sbi yes let's hope it works
@sbi Done!
I don't even know why I got invited, it's not like I answer as many questions as some of you guys do
@sbi @tony I requested access to it when they started the googlemail approach (note that gmail is now open to anyone), and interestingly I have not been granted access --I guess that 20k rep is not sufficient to tickle the appropriate people
@DavidRodríguezdribeas I'm not even sure rep has much to do with it, I got invited and I only have 5k rep
I got invited with 1.6k (and several month of downtime)
It was probably just random limited selection from people who meet some minimum criteria
Well, I thought that rep was probably the most valuable metric they use --for basically everything... I have been in the site for a long time, I have edited and commented (actually I comment more than answer, to improve on existing answers rather than spending time in rewriting what is there just to correct/add a bit), I am (according to their stats in the 0.54% top (rep-wise) and flag weight 95) I don't think I have ever been flagged as offensive maybe some incident with a particular user...
When I got the notification that it was by invitation and that they would grant invites to those that requested it and met some criteria...
@DavidRodríguezdribeas it would seem the most logical metric, however some things might not be as logical as we consider them to be
I dunno... I guess from the criteria that is currently shown in the page:
"Participate more, ask good questions, and give good answers. You never know what might appear in your inbox."
my problem must be that I don't ask questions...
@DavidRodríguezdribeas I definitely ask questions...
prob way too many :P
My participation is more than I want it to be, so that shouldn't be an issue, no questions, well, only three but good if you use rep as a metric (ranges from 10 to 14 upvotes in the three questions, with 9 stars), fair amount of answers 845 of no such quality (average of 0.3 upvotes/answer), among the top 20 in a broad tag as c++, among top 250 global rep... So I wonder how is that criteria implemented
I guess that my stats are better in Programers... single answer 10 upvotes, you cannot really beat that ratio --unless you write a rant in meta, but then you get that deleted and Jeff not too happy with it...
ask the gorila....
:576776 ?
Dang, I missed it. :)
@GMan you missed a lot of interesting conversations and rants
@GMan Remember our discussion the other day about focus-grabbing? Focus was grabbed.
@JamesMcNellis Haha, too bad. :) @Tony Aw, I like those.
@GMan twas major fun fun :P
I'm up for another rant/convo, just bring up an interesting subject
How do they make green jello?
@GMan It's made of broccoli.
That's disgusting.
@JamesMcNellis ewwwwww
I wouldn't even touch that stuff, it looks manky
@JamesMcNellis so what's working at MS like?
@Tony I sit at a desk all day and stare at glowing rectangles.
@JamesMcNellis Sounds exciting :P what's that good for anyways?
@GMan interesting blog!
@Tony What, where?
@GMan the blog that's got a link on your SO profile
it has some interesting articles on it :)
Oh, thanks. :)
@GMan Did you see that your picture made the official Stack Overflow blog?
@JamesMcNellis Yea, pretty cool. :)

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