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It does.
I'm trying to think of like, a vector of pointers to arrays?
@angryInsomniac Yes, they don't invalidate iterators on growth and have random access
Beware. Deques still invalidate iterators.
but they can only be used to model a deck of cards. That's the law.
any container will invalidate an iterator to an element after you remove it
Don't make it look like deques won't do so ever.
@DeadMG Something like that, yeah.
but I'm pretty sure that you can't otherwise invalidate an iterator in a deque
oh, robot, I wanted to ask you a(nother) question
> deque: all iterators and references are invalidated, unless the inserted member is at an end (front or back) of the deque (in which case all iterators are invalidated, but references to elements are unaffected) []
Deques are not magic. Just sufficiently advanced technology.
A: Iterator invalidation rules

Tomalak Geret'kalC++03 (Source: Iterator Invalidation Rules (C++03)) Insertion Sequence containers vector: all iterators and references before the point of insertion are unaffected, unless the new container size is greater than the previous capacity (in which case all iterators and references are invalidate...

@DeadMG Sure.
after my fun experience with the UTF8 input
would it be a stupid thing to write my own file streams?
@RMartinhoFernandes Eh? Why would the iterators be invalidated if you insert at the front or the end?
I figured that I'd just take the encoding as a parameter
@Xeo Read again! Those are the ones that will not be invalidated.
@DeadMG Wrapping the existing ones?
@RMartinhoFernandes > unless the inserted member is at an end (front or back) of the deque (in which case all iterators are invalidated [...]
I don't need most of their functionality anyway and they have a shitty interface
@RMartinhoFernandes Lemme see if I understand that correctly , that means , any time an element is inserted somewhere in the middle of my priority_queue (anywhere thats not the end) all iterators and references will be invalidated ?
@DeadMG Won't it be a bit too big a job to do that from scratch?
@JohannesSchaub-litb @TomalakGeretkal "Perhaps I shall present Prasoon an offer to write is_reference for a small price?
like, 5 euros per hour"

I will pay each of you $100 per day [oh I am so poor] if you stop being sick :P

@JohannesSchaub-litb : "he got a new job and wanna get bragging rights. now all he needs is an is_reference demo"

I mean, like with all the buffers and things.
well, the only functionality I actually need right now is "extract whole file into string given encoding"
That sounds simple.
besides, as I'm going to have to write such components anyway... I figure that as long as I could use them now
I really don't get why inserting at the front or back of a deque invalidates iterators but not references to elements
@Xeo I think we had this conversation here before. Now let's see if I remember...
that was about something much more complex
Unicode string support in terms of more than just storing and converting code units
@DeadMG Well, I suppose the ones you want for your stdlib will need to be a lot more generic than this thing.
not really
What are you going to use? WinAPI?
I can get it out of my lexer and into a nice separate IO module
also, it reduces my dependency on the CRT
always a good thing
Well, I don't think it's stupid because this is functionality you need. I would probably implement it on top of the existing streams or streambufs. But that's probably because I'm not familiar with the WinAPI.
it's fairly trivial to use in this case
also the stream interface sucks
sgetc? ewww
You mean the streambuf interface sucks
And I really have no idea why they have such cryptic, assembly like names
Maybe to signify you're stepping into lew-level C++? /shrug
I've decided that encapsulation is a bad thing for facilities which rely on the underlying operating system
What do you mean?
well, ask yourself a simple question
why is that there's a std::locale, a boost::locale, and an ICU::locale?
@RMartinhoFernandes What is your name?
@DeadMG Because locales are fucked up?
if I wanted to, say, perform locale-aware Unicode text translation, I can't take a std::locale, because there's no way for me to get the OS representation
so everyone has to constantly re-invent their own locales
Q: Why does push_back or push_front invalidate a deque's iterators?

rlbondAs the title asks. My understanding of a deque was that it allocated "blocks". I don't see how allocating more space invalidates iterators, and if anything, one would think that a deque's iterators would have more guarantees than a vector's, not less.

I guess this answers why iterators are invalidated but not references
whereas if you had a function that offered the LCID_NAME* or whatever it is, then I could just take a std::locale and use that
> iirc, gcc's implementation of deque keeps an array of pointers to those blocks... If the array needs to be reallocated, then iterators might become invalid. Maybe that's the reason? I'm not sure... That at least explains why insertions to either ends invalidate iterators, but not references/pointers to elements. – Johannes Schaub - litb
as long as you totally encapsulate classes that are wrappers on OS resources, whenever anyone else needs to use those resources, they will have to re-invent their own wrapper
@DeadMG Sure. But not having that encapsulation is not an advantage.
Why should they need the wrapped resource? Why shouldn't they just use your resource wrapper?
@Xeo The Windows API will not take a std::locale.
Ah, I get it.
You mean something like the <thread> API that lets you get at the native ID?
Hm, so you propose a get_native() function that returns the underlying resource?
like now
Well, I blame it on the same short-sightedness that is a bit obvious throughout the stdlib.
if I want to do locale-aware Unicode conversion
I will have to invent my own locale class
because there's no way to go from std::locale to the LCID_NAME or whatever it is that Windows will accept
so in the WideC Standard library, I will be offering deliberately just-a-little-leaky abstractions
@PrasoonSaurav Yes.
so that they can be extended correctly
I don't understand that whole IO stuff, it's way to blurry and bloated. :s
@Xeo Yes, it doesn't support any error handling.
Yeah, once you get out of the STL, the stdlib is a bit sucky (thinking C++03 only here).
IO is still as sucky in C++11
well, I would say that the streams have a bad design
Nothing changed there.
and once you get past streams and STL, there's not actually much left
and even in the STL, there are some dumb things
strings, which are a mix of both
@Xeo Right, but there are non-sucky non-STL things in C++11.
@Xeo reallocation of deque does not touch elements
not just (iterator, iterator) as range
but also things like how they don't use expression templates to concatenate strings
std::string is not from the STL.
It was hacked into it.
@RMartinhoFernandes Concurrency, memory management, and... I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
although arguably, the same could be said of map::operator[]
@Xeo iostream has terrible design
@Xeo I really like <chrono> and <random> :)
and vector's iterators are way too invalidation-happy
@RMartinhoFernandes Ah, right
also, I think it's dumb that they never shipped any Standard allocators (except new/delete)
MSVC shipped some extra allocators but I'm pretty sure they're just an extension
if you want like, a memory arena or an object pool, you have to have your own, and I think they should have been provided out-of-the-box
@DeadMG How would you get them less invalidation-happy?
well, instead of T*, you could have (vector<T>*, index)
@Xeo Force them to be pointer to vector + index.
But it gives slightly different semantics.
still random access, but no resizing or growing invalidations
Yeah, but an iterator points to an element, not a specific index
imho, anyways
indexed_iterator might be a nice idea though
so does (vector<T>*, index)
the difference is just how you define "point to"
@Xeo Exactly, the semantics are different.
@DeadMG No, not if the vector grows, or the element at index is erased and there are elements behind it
the same as how a list iterator isn't T*, it's Node<T>*
@Xeo "Invalid" can also mean "Still points to an element, just not the original one."
But if you insert into a list, that iterator *it doesn't change.
it doesn't have to mean "Crashes"
If you insert into one of your vectors, *it can change.
no more than it would do now
@DeadMG Well, yeah, but really, I'd rather have a consistent meaning of "invalidated" across the STL
@DeadMG Now it is invalidated.
@Xeo It does have a consistent meaning. "Don't use this iterator and expect it to work."
@DeadMG +1
@RMartinhoFernandes It was before anyway.
we need upboating in here too
How does that help then?
If you insert and the iterator is not usable, what's the gain?
well, it helps because you no longer invalidate all iterators by inserting somewhere
you only invalidate iterators after the point of insertion
Is that how it works now?
You don't do today too, except for reallocation (if that's what you mean)
@RMartinhoFernandes No, because if you have to reallocate, the whole lot is gone.
So for any given push_back(), the Standard has to mandate that it might invalidate everything.
@RMartinhoFernandes all iterators to elements after the point of insertion are invalidated
whereas I would guarantee that you would never invalidate any existing iterators.
Ah, so yours plugs the leaky abstraction that is the reallocation.
at the cost of slightly more RAM. It's a tradeoff
@Xeo invalidated has a consistent meaning, it's : the behaviour of using the iterator value is not defined.
Also, smaller iterators = greater performance. Adding just another pointer or iterator would double the cost to copy the iterator. Admit, iterators are copied quite frequently in the STL (which may or may not be a good thing)
that's not necessarily so extreme when ranges are involved
when you have a range, it can be (vector<T>*, index, index), for example
@Xeo It just adds a pointer to copies, that's pretty miniscule. And the pointer doesn't change on iteration, so that's the same speed. I think I'd pay that cost most of the time.
@MooingDuck Double indirection
but also, regular linear copies of data are rarely a big deal, they're almost free
@Xeo There's no double indirection.
@Xeo Didn't think of that, true
@DeadMG you would need range to be a first class concept
@RMartinhoFernandes There is a double indirection.
@RMartinhoFernandes With (vector<T>*, index) there would be
@curiousguy Yeah, I already got that far.
@MooingDuck Also, I was only talking about copying at that point
@DeadMG Yeah, it's still a 100% modifier
That should be highly cacheable.
I know I want Java's enumeration as a first class concept.
I think a double indirection is not that bad
the first indirection will pretty much always be in cache
Damn, why do you guys have to start interesting topics when I have to go eat dinner?!
it would virtually never lead to an additional cache miss
it's not like iterating through a list, where you'd be indirecting unknown pointers in unknown places repeatedly
@curiousguy I think that's the only Java feature I ever miss.
you'd be indirecting the same specific pointer repeatedly
Sure enough
Which type of usage do you want to support with never invalidated iterators?
Anyways, can I press the Pause button on this conversation and we get back to it when I finished dinner please?
Cool, it worked.
@Xeo Yes, you can. But the button is broken.
@curiousguy They're not "never invalidated", they're just "not invalidated at the drop of a hat"
@DeadMG when are they invalidated?
@curiousguy same as deque effectively
@curiousguy If you insert an element before it or erase the pointed-to element or an element before it
@MooingDuck No. Deque iterators are invalidated if you insert anywhere in the middle
@MooingDuck No. Stop spreading this myth that deque never invalidates anything.
> Effects: An insertion in the middle of the deque invalidates all the iterators and references to elements of the deque. An insertion at either end of the deque invalidates all the iterators to the deque, but has no effect on the validity of references to elements of the deque.
@RMartinhoFernandes I never meant to imply that a deque never invalidates.
Yeah, but the rules are still not the same
@MooingDuck Well, it still invalidates at the drop of a hat.
@RMartinhoFernandes I forgot that a deque could invalidate the elements before the inserted element.
You can happily insert into the middle of a vector with enough capacity and only the iterators and references to elements after the insert are invalidated
With a deque, everything is invalidated
@MooingDuck If deque iterator were not invalidated, they would have to refer to the same element they used to before the insert (unless otherwise specified)
Given std::deque<int> d; running d.push_back(0); invalidates all the iterators. Same with any other insertion operation.
@MooingDuck a deque is bidirectional so it is symmetric
@RMartinhoFernandes No, not at the end
@curiousguy Guys: I got it
@Xeo Dammit, didn't we learn this just a few minutes ago?
Only references remain valid.
@Xeo with a deque, you cannot measure the capacity so you don't know "with enough capacity"
@curiousguy Gosh, that "with enough capacity" was obviously directed at the vector to keep it from reallocating
If deque add capacity and reserve, you would have vector-like guaranties.
Anyways, dinner.
@Xeo Gosh, that's what I am saying.
Good dinner then.
You can measure a deque's capacity easily, no? It's "number of used pointers in the array of pointers" x "size of each array of elements".
@RMartinhoFernandes Yes, just not from the outside.
@RMartinhoFernandes wait, is queue implimented as a vector of pointers? I always thought of it as an unrolled linked list? In which case you couldn't measure capacity
Doesn't it provide a capacity function?
And it's more complicated.
@MooingDuck deque is a bit like vector<vector<T>>
@MooingDuck You can't provide O(1) insertion with that, because you'd have to O(n) traverse the list looking for a spot
@DeadMG sure you can, std::list does it
@RMartinhoFernandes capacity is more complicated because of the bidirectional part
@MooingDuck That inserts a node in O(1). A deque has to insert a value in O(1)
@MooingDuck list doesn't do random access
@DeadMG at the ends, not in the middle
Just like vector (except vector inserts in O(1) at one end only)
@curiousguy yeah, it's closer to vector<vector<T>> like curious guy said. But I saw a comparison to an unrolled list once and that stuck in my head.
I'm not sure why this does not work:cout << "Blah Blah" << flag ? " true " : " false " << "\n"
@Nils missing end " after Blahs
@Nils priority
but it does when I add brackets around the conditional
@curiousguy could you be a bit more specific
?: has the minimum priority, except assignment
ah didn't know that
thought it would be higher
@RMartinhoFernandes huh, I always thought std::deque::push_back didn't invalidate iterators. I can't think of why it does. I checked the standard though, you're right.
So you can write x = a ? b << c : d << e;
means x = (a ? (b << c) : (d << e));
@MooingDuck because the outer vector grows
@curiousguy ah right, I was thinking about the inner, forgot the outer
and if it reaches it's capacity, it might be rellocated
@MooingDuck Tbh, I also believed so, until a few minutes before you joined the discussion :)
BTW, deque is not vector<vector<>>, it's bidivector<bidivector<>>
bidivector is a symmetric vector
it provides O(1) push/pop at both ends
Except this container isn't explicitly provided of course.
@curiousguy Now that I think on that, I can't think of how to do that.
But bidivector has lower overhead than deque.
So it could be useful.
@curiousguy I understand the concept, how how could it reallocate/resize in O(1)?
@curiousguy nevermind, the inner bidivector takes care of it
@MooingDuck Unlike vector which has capacity-size unused entries after end(), bidivector has unused entries after end() and before begin()
It grows in both directions.
Like vector, it sometimes need to reallocate.
@curiousguy right, I understand the concept, but it cant reallocate/resize in O(1)
Like vector, it must use a growth factor.
@MooingDuck That cost is amortized.
newcapacity= capacity*factor
@RMartinhoFernandes just like vector
If the inner is always ~20 (arbitrary) then that's O(1). But reallocating the outter requires it to move O(n/20), which is not O(1).
@RMartinhoFernandes bah, I always forget the amortized part
That's why I call it bidivector
@MooingDuck just like vector::push_back
@curiousguy is that also amortized O(1)? I always think of things in the worst case. Except quicksort.
Wow ... that's a long debate , fortunately I found a way to circumvent some of my requirements , trying to make do with a vector now !
@curiousguy I wonder if any std::vectors are actually bidivectors internally? No wait, iterator invalidation rules forbid that.
@MooingDuck standard says that vector has capacity-size space after end()
@MooingDuck There's no vector::push_front.
While there is space after end(), you can push_back without reallocation.
@curiousguy Amonst other things yes
What if vector had free space before begin()?
Well, it should not be reported by capacity.
I wonder if C++ standard libraries provide a bidivector or tree implementation for use, like they do with allocators
@curiousguy it could theoretically, except for the rules concerning a call to reserve(). If one has a list of 4 elements, reserves 10, removes the first, they should be able to insert 7 elements with no reallocation. So the vector cannot keep that extra space at the front. "It is guaranteed that no reallocation takes place during insertions that happen after a call to reserve() until the time when an insertion would make the size of the vector greater than the value of capacity()."
@MooingDuck Yes.
It can keep that space. But its main purpose would be wasting space.
@curiousguy Besides, it's only use would be for inserting at the first position. For inserting at the second, you cannot move the first element, so you can't use that free space
@MooingDuck exactly.
@FreakEnum I love how you fixed the Markdown but left the typo :P
You could add insert_front
@RMartinhoFernandes oops , fixed :)
insert_front(pos,val) : insert val at pos, invalidating iterators after pos
That still has potential to invalidate everything if reallocation is needed.
@curiousguy why not push_front
@MooingDuck for a bidi interface
vector::insert : invalidates everything after pos
@curiousguy all other containers with a fast insert front call it push_front
bidivector ::insert_front : invalidates everything before pos
@curiousguy oooh, gotcha. Different name because it has different invalidation rules
@MooingDuck push_front doesn't insert everywhere
insert_before? No, not quite.
The name insert_front is poorly choosen.
It's not easy to pick a name for that.
@RMartinhoFernandes why push_back in deque invalidates all iterators? reallocation?
@FreakEnum Because it may need to reallocate the array of pointers.
@FreakEnum Because it might cause reallocation.
@curiousguy and if it doesn't?
It's like vector, except with vector you can predict when reallocation will occur.
@FreakEnum you don't know if it will happen
and you have no public interface to determine when it happen
@curiousguy I know I use reserve()
so you have to assume it happened.
@FreakEnum there is no reserve for deque
And it would have a more complicated interface than vector::reserve.
It can't provide the same guarantees as vector::reserve without a lot of wastage.
@RMartinhoFernandes it could if it only reserved room at the end. I can't tell you how many times I wished I had that functionality
well I don't use deque frequently , so I don't care for now..
@MooingDuck And then you push_front and what?
@RMartinhoFernandes You could expose the notion that free space exists at both ends, and how much.
@curiousguy Ah, right, I was considering the same interface as vector.
@RMartinhoFernandes "reallocate the array of pointers" < ??
@RMartinhoFernandes std::deque::reserve should give no guarantees about insertion anywhere except the end.
@MooingDuck Then use a vector!
@curiousguy what about free space in the middle
@RMartinhoFernandes vector has capacity-size unused elements at end
@RMartinhoFernandes I was replacing a vector with a queue at the time. That's where the issue came up.
@MooingDuck what?
deque has two four free spaces
@curiousguy a deque can have reserved space all over, not just the ends. It can (is?) implimented as a bidivector<bidivector>>. The inner bidis can have free space as well
@curiousguy he is thinking of heap fragmentation there?
@FreakEnum It's part of a common implementation of a deque.
a) space for elements at begin(), at end()
@RMartinhoFernandes aah, Thanks
b) space for pointers at beginning, at end
@MooingDuck And how would that provide O(1) random access?
@RMartinhoFernandes right, nevermind. Only free space at the ends.
The middle vectors need to be full, otherwise you need to traverse the outer vector.
@RMartinhoFernandes I made a class with a deque interface once where that wasn't the case, had O(sqrt(N)) lookup, and O(sqrt(N)) insert anywhere. I keep mixing deque with my thingy.
Though in hindsight, a std::map<index,type> would be faster than the class I made for pretty much all operations.
@MooingDuck Hash maps are likely faster.
@StackedCrooked probably
@StackedCrooked wait, no, map isn't faster than my faildeque for random insertion/removal at in index. I'm dumb
faildeque, lol
@RMartinhoFernandes It fails to meet the requirements for lookup time. It was faster for random insertion/removal though. I think I called it linkedvector or something
Hey guys I wanna see what your responses are to this
@AscensionSystems 14.
The lead developer at a couple-billion dollar company makes the statement "It's not that goto is bad, it's actually just too powerful for us we can't handle it."
lol @ sudo make me a sandwich btw
should've said "sudo comment on my statement"
@AscensionSystems goto is bad because it's too difficult for most people to use and not ruin everything. There's nothing inherently good or bad about a programming keyword.
@AscensionSystems goto is just easy to abuse.
goto is just mostly useless.
@RMartinhoFernandes unless you're writing C
Agreed with all, but he made the statement as if to say it's this uber powerful and all-awesome feature yet we mere mortals just can't handle it.
@RMartinhoFernandes I wouldn't say useless, just almost never the best option.
@RMartinhoFernandes goto is used a lot in linux for error cases
Oh, I know it's useful in C.
I thought the context was C++.
I wouldn't want to read the equivalent C code without goto!
@AscensionSystems goto is less useful in C++ since we have exception handling/stack unwinding/destructors built into the language
In C++, destructor can do the cleanup.
Oh well it was just some random nonsense he said out of the blue
If you use destructors for all the cleanup code, goto error_something; is not needed.
ok, out of curiosity, from a performance perspective, which is better ... try - catch or goto cleanup_something; and return error code?
There is programming philosophy where the code must to be visible (not hidden in some object's dtor).
@Praetorian which compiler?
@Praetorian They're probably about equivalent, I would expect the compiler to use a JMP instruction for the catch -- but that's just a guess
@curiousguy I don't know, just in general I guess
@robjb The catch can be in another function.
Imagine you are writing a C++ to C compiler
How would you implement exceptions?
@robjb right, the catch will most likely be in the caller while a goto and returning error code is in the callee
@RMartinhoFernandes I guess there's some unwinding of the call stack then?
You can use error code, and check them everywhere.
@Praetorian But you need gotos+error codes+error code checks in all the calls between the error source and the error handler.
You certainly do, it is a very tedious way of writing code
With this method, there is a cost everywhere an exception is possible.
@Praetorian I read that MSVC and GCC both add overhead to the callstack to make exception handling easy. It can be done without callstack overhead, but takes a LOT of global memory.

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