foreach (var name in from i1 in Enumerable.Range((int)'a', (int)('z') - (int)'a')
from i2 in Enumerable.Range((int)'a', (int)('z') - (int)'a')
from i3 in Enumerable.Range((int)'a', (int)('z') - (int)'a')
select new char[] { (char)i1, (char)i2, (char)i3 })
@StephenCanon Oh well, almost everything depends on contiguous letters. Kids wouldn't know how to enumerate the alphabet in school if letters weren't contiguous...
@StephenCanon I wouldn't dream of it. When one company I worked for bought a Sun blade server to port their stuff to Solaris, they needed to pay for noise-insulating their server room.
Standing in there, you could tell by the noise when someone waggled the mouse on a terminal three rooms away. Sounded like a jet fighter firing its boosters? Mouse. Sounded like the Enterprise nose diving into Jupiter's atmosphere? Compiler.
Those fans were wickedly vicious. Like one inch in diameters, had to make up for it in rpm's. And there were half a dozen of them.
Really, when that thing arrived, they thought they could start porting, but nobody could stand it. Then they put it into its own room, but it was too loud in the neighboring rooms even. So they put it into the server room. Got the admin really hasty in ordering some company to noise-insulate the server room. :)
@FreadO Everyone has moved on already. You're pathetic.
I strongly recommend haskell. No side effects when calling functions, purely functional programming experience and a helpful community (irc channel #haskell on You will need to rethink a lot of things you learned in C++.
@JohannesSchaublitb Oh now, now you took me somewhere where they triggered one of my pet peeves reactions... See my comment at…. Warning. Contains uncensored obscenity.