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1:01 AM
say something @Patrick
tell me a joke @Patrick
tell me a good joke @Patrick
tell me a good joke
@Patrick tell me a joke
@mr5 tElL Me a jOkE
1:15 AM
@Patrick jackshit
@mr5 jAcKsHiT
6 hours later…
7:02 AM
@nyconing Could not process input. Error: timeout is not defined
@nyconing Malformed output from web-worker. If you weren't just fooling around trying to break me, raise an issue or contact Zirak
@nyconing 10
!~>string.Format("Hey {0} did it worked now? {1}","hey","YES!!")
@nyconing Hey hey did it worked now? YES!!
is that C-harp eval?
!~>()=>{return null}
; expected
'await' cannot be used as an identifier within an async method or lambda expression
!~>()=>{return null;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@Wietlol yes...
@Wietlol aRe yOu iGnOrInG Me?
!~>()=>{return "test";}
yes patrick
7:13 AM
@nyconing test
!~>"but it might unsafe, while it runs on my machine"
@nyconing but it might unsafe, while it runs on my machine
@nyconing C:\Users\Nyconing\source\repos\CodeWorker\CodeWorker\bin\Debug
!~>new List<string>(){"123","asd","qwe"}.First(x=>x.StartsWith("a"))
@nyconing asd
!~>()=>{var repeat = Enumerable.Repeat("A",10); return string.Join(",",repeat);}
@nyconing A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A
!~>()=>{var c8tester = new int[]{0,1,2,3,4,5};return c8tester[^0]; }
Invalid expression term '^'
Syntax error, ']' expected
; expected
Invalid expression term ']'
'await' cannot be used as an identifier within an async method or lambda expression
!~>()=>{var c8tester = new int[]{0,1,2,3,4,5};return c8tester[^1]; }
Invalid expression term '^'
Syntax error, ']' expected
; expected
Invalid expression term ']'
'await' cannot be used as an identifier within an async method or lambda expression
!~>throw new Exception()
Invalid expression term 'throw'
'await' cannot be used as an identifier within an async method or lambda expression
; expected
Invalid expression term ')'
; expected
Invalid expression term ')'
; expected
Invalid expression term ')'
!~>()=>{throw new Exception();}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
!~>()=>{throw new Exception();}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Division by constant zero
2 hours later…
9:42 AM
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
9:59 AM
@mr5 Maximum execution time exceeded
!~>new ProcessStartInfo("cmd", "/c " + "shutdown -s -t 5 -c 'hue hue'").Start();
@mr5 Maximum execution time exceeded
!~>new System.ProcessStartInfo("cmd", "/c " + "shutdown -s -t 5 -c 'hue hue'").Start();
@mr5 Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing 1
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
10:15 AM
) expected
'await' cannot be used as an identifier within an async method or lambda expression
Invalid expression term ')'
; expected
Invalid expression term ')'
; expected
Invalid expression term ')'
) expected
'await' cannot be used as an identifier within an async method or lambda expression
Invalid expression term ')'
; expected
Invalid expression term ')'
; expected
Invalid expression term ')'
!~>()=>{System.Environment.Exit(1);return 1;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@mr5 Maximum execution time exceeded
!~>()=>{System.Environment.Exit(1);return 1;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
!~>()=>{System.Environment.Exit(1);return 1;}
@nyconing Error:InvalidOperation
@mr5 @nyconing
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+="a";} return 0;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Division by constant zero
@nyconing Division by constant zero
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+="a";} return 0;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Division by constant zero
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+="a";} return 0;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Timed Out
10:45 AM
@nyconing 1
@mr5 tElL Me a jOkE
@nyconing 10
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+="a";} return 0;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Timed Out
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+="a";} return 0;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Timed Out
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+="a";} return 0;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Timed Out
The type or namespace name 'Thread' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread.
@nyconing 10
The operand of an increment or decrement operator must be a variable, property or indexer
This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread.
@nyconing 11
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+="a";} return 0;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Timed Out
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+="a";} return 0;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Timed Out
@nyconing i think you broke it
No, its fine
just the double error masg
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+="a";} return 0;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing CodeRunner: Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing CodeRunner: Maximum execution time exceeded
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+=(a+long.MaxValue.ToString())";} return 0;}
Newline in constant
} expected
} expected
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+=(a+long.MaxValue.ToString());} return 0;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing CodeRunner: Maximum execution time exceeded
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+=(a+long.MaxValue.ToString());} return 0;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing CodeRunner: Maximum execution time exceeded
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+=(a+long.MaxValue.ToString());} return 0;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing CodeRunner: Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing 10
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+=(a+long.MaxValue.ToString());} return 0;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
!~>()=>{var a = "";while(true){a+=(a+long.MaxValue.ToString());} return 0;}
@nyconing Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing CodeRunner: Maximum execution time exceeded
Division by constant zero
This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread.
@nyconing CodeRunner: Maximum execution time exceeded
11:10 AM
@Squirrelintraining Test
@Squirrelintraining stop
@Squirrel in training hammer time!
@nyconing Adapter: Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing Adapter: Maximum execution time exceeded
@nyconing 12
@nyconing 18
Non-invocable member 'System.DateTime.Now' cannot be used like a method.
This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread.
@nyconing 10/24/2019 11:25:08 AM
@nyconing ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨
11:51 AM
!~>new ProcessStartInfo()
@nyconing Error:InvalidOperation
6 hours later…
5:58 PM
@CaptainSquirrel test
@JackSparrow test
4 hours later…
9:54 PM
@JackSparrow learn testing tester123
@JackSparrow learn testing tester123
@JackSparrow learn testing tester123
@JackSparrow testing
10:23 PM
@JackSparrow tell CaptainSquirrel shutup
@shutup SHHH!
@JackSparrow tell CaptainSquirrel shutup
@JackSparrow tell CaptainSquirrel shutup
@JackSparrow tell CaptainSquirrel shutup

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