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11:10 AM
@Mr.Toxy help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :p, </pissing>, ?, ^, ^5, abesnacking, abhi, abhishekpornfreak, acronym, adhd, ah, ahah, algosmarts, aliens, am
angryticks, answer_to_everything, apocalypse, appreciated, archerneat, artisticpoop, artisticsilo, asd, as
Sippy is a pleb
11:10 AM
@Mr.Toxy poop2
11:11 AM
@Mr.Toxy You are the man
in JavaScript, Oct 6 '14 at 18:57, by Jhawins
Hmm no wonder my cursor wasn't moving that's a fork not a mouse
@Mr.Toxy That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: mexicanwave
11:16 AM
11:16 AM
!!tell nthol who_is_the_man?
@Mr.Toxy Command whos_is_the_man? does not exist. Did you mean: who_is_the_man? (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@nthol You are the man
@Mr.Toxy You shove what you like to shove
in JavaScript, Mar 13 at 16:54, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@Mosho it doesn't matter who's right at these arguments, you were both playfully being dicks to each other which is normal and he got offended because you licked his toast. I don't see the big problem in going to his room and telling him it was all clean fun.
11:17 AM
@Mr.Toxy it is deadlydragon's 4th ability in which he will cast an ultimate version of Ragnarok
in JavaScript, Feb 27 at 15:24, by Florian Margaine
reminds me that on the night I met my wife, we somehow ended up watching 2g1c.
11:18 AM
@ntohl Please provide a short, self contained, compilable example: sscce.org
11:19 AM
hahahaha rly
@Mr.Toxy The0 is bad and you should feel bad
11:21 AM
I don't get it
@ntohl <
@ntohl 'you-all-are-mad'
@ntohl 'you-all-are-mad'
11:22 AM
in C#, Apr 18 '15 at 20:48, by Caprica Six
@SteveG You are not authorized to delete the command thunderstorm
in JavaScript, Oct 18 '14 at 20:32, by towc
and I start farting like hell as I finish
11:24 AM
that is the sandbox
I will assume that has nothing to do with sex HAHAHHAHAHAHA
>D hope so
in JavaScript, Oct 18 '14 at 20:31, by towc
the weirdest thing that happens to me when I run distances like 300m (at fast speeds) is that my glottis closes as I reach about 100m to the finish, and all of the air goes to my esophagus
nop. He talks about running
tha shit is so damn weird hahahaha
11:26 AM
damn this is one of the best commands
rofl money can't buy is good
11:27 AM
in JavaScript, May 29 '14 at 19:17, by Jhawins
Oh man, this one time I pooped from the top of a 120ft silo into a bunch of water at the bottom. One of my favorite memories from Canada.
well going for lunch
c ya in a bit
11:31 AM
@ntohl says 'shut up @Pheonixblade9'
11:45 AM
Pootis invite you to Pootisland
12:17 PM
@ntohl you cock juggling thundercunt
12:30 PM
sarcastic comment
@ntohl help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :p, </pissing>, ?, ^, ^5, abesnacking, abhi, abhishekpornfreak, acronym, adhd, ah, ahah, algosmarts, aliens, am
angryticks, answer_to_everything, apocalypse, appreciated, archerneat, artisticpoop, artisticsilo, asd, asdf

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