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Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight. [Bill Gates]
  |   |

!!/hang hello
@Seth hello is longer than the phrase
Oh yeah.
!!/hang what
  |   |
  |   O
!!/hang site
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
site, what
!!/hang chat
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
chat, site, what
!!/hang dude
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
chat, dude, site, what
!!/hang from
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
chat, dude, from, site, what
!!/hang died
@Seth You people suck. The phrase was pair
@SOChatBot What kind of hangman is this?
!!/ urban hangman
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
Braces should only appear on the left if ()\n{, not on the right
How can I post expanded stack links?
For example, if I have stackoverflow.com/questions/15599521/…... How do I expand this link
Q: What are the reasons for and against wearing a bicycle helmet?

Jay BazuziThis is a tricky question to ask correctly. One attempt has already been closed as subjective and argumentative. There is no one correct answer, for sure. However, there are interesting reasons that I believe are worth recording here. Ideally include supporting documentation/research. I will vo...

oh appeared
@GarouDan If you've changed the directories to the standard, please update your code in the question, it will make it less confusing. Unfortunately I don't have another answer for you at the moment, but updating your code in your question might help others figure out the problem. — John 6 hours ago
@GarouDan If you've changed the directories to the standard, please update your code in the question, it will make it less confusing. Unfortunately I don't have another answer for you at the moment, but updating your code in your question might help others figure out the problem. — John 6 hours ago
why the tags didnt appeared?
@GarouDan If you've changed the directories to the standard, please update your code in the question, it will make it less confusing. Unfortunately I don't have another answer for you at the moment, but updating your code in your question might help others figure out the problem. — John 6 hours ago
Q: What are the reasons for and against wearing a bicycle helmet?

Jay BazuziThis is a tricky question to ask correctly. One attempt has already been closed as subjective and argumentative. There is no one correct answer, for sure. However, there are interesting reasons that I believe are worth recording here. Ideally include supporting documentation/research. I will vo...

Q: What's wrong with the `use` and the `namespace`?

GarouDanI have two files as described below: Path: index.php <?php // Composer autload require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; //The comented code below works: //$loader = new Twig_Loader_String(); //$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader); //echo $twig->render('Hello {{ name }}!', array('name' => ...

Optimization is king
16 hours later…
@Zirak help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, beautify, convert, get, google, hang, karma, learn, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, timer, todo, undo (page 0/0)
@Zirak Could not process input. Error: usr is not defined
phew, it works
2 hours later…
@Shmiddty "global,whitey,onmessage,Float64Array,Float32Array,Uint32Array,Int32Array,Uint1‌​6Array,Int16Array,Uint8ClampedArray,Uint8Array,Int8Array,ArrayBuffer,Blob,Message‌​Event,self,postMessage,webkitPostMessage,close,importScripts,setTimeout,clearTime‌​out,setInterval,clearInterval,addEventListener,removeEventListener,dispatchEvent,‌​openDatabase,openDatabaseSync,webkitRequestFileSystem,webkitRequestFileSystemS (snip)
@Shmiddty "global,whitey,onmessage,Float64Array,Float32Array,Uint32Array,Int32Array,Uint1‌​6Array,Int16Array,Uint8ClampedArray,Uint8Array,Int8Array,ArrayBuffer,Blob,Message‌​Event,self,postMessage,webkitPostMessage,close,importScripts,setTimeout,clearTime‌​out,setInterval,clearInterval,addEventListener,removeEventListener,dispatchEvent,‌​openDatabase,openDatabaseSync,webkitRequestFileSystem,webkitRequestFileSystemS (snip)
@Shmiddty "Array,Boolean,Date,Error,EvalError,Function,Infinity,JSON,Math,NaN,Number,Obje‌​ct,RangeError,ReferenceError,RegExp,String,SyntaxError,TypeError,URIError,atob,bt‌​oa,decodeURI,decodeURIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,eval,global,isFinite‌​,isNaN,onmessage,parseFloat,parseInt,postMessage,self,undefined,whitey,ArrayBuffe‌​r,Blob,Float32Array,Float64Array,Int8Array,Int16Array,Int32Array,Uint8Array,Ui (snip)
@Shmiddty "[object Object]"
@Shmiddty "[object Object]"
@Shmiddty 1588447
!!>whitey.postMessage('@Zirak fancy pants')
@Shmiddty Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand clearInterval(1588447)
@Shmiddty "undefined"
@Shmiddty "TypeError: Property 'postMessage' of object #<Object> is not a function"
@Shmiddty 1
!!>var a=[];for(var p in global)a.push(p); a.reverse();
@Shmiddty []
@Shmiddty "MessageEvent,Event,DOMException,Uint8ClampedArray,Uint32Array,Uint16Array,Uint‌​8Array,Int32Array,Int16Array,Int8Array,Float64Array,Float32Array,Blob,ArrayBuffer‌​,whitey,undefined,self,postMessage,parseInt,parseFloat,onmessage,isNaN,isFinite,g‌​lobal,eval,encodeURIComponent,encodeURI,decodeURIComponent,decodeURI,btoa,atob,UR‌​IError,TypeError,SyntaxError,String,RegExp,ReferenceError,RangeError,Object,Nu (snip)
@Shmiddty "PERSISTENT,TEMPORARY,webkitResolveLocalFileSystemSyncURL,webkitResolveLocalFil‌​eSystemURL,webkitRequestFileSystemSync,webkitRequestFileSystem,openDatabaseSync,o‌​penDatabase,dispatchEvent,removeEventListener,addEventListener,clearInterval,setI‌​nterval,clearTimeout,setTimeout,importScripts,close,webkitPostMessage,postMessage‌​,self,MessageEvent,Blob,ArrayBuffer,Int8Array,Uint8Array,Uint8ClampedArray,Int (snip)
!!>global.openDatabase('user', true)
@Shmiddty "TypeError: Not enough arguments"
!!>global.openDatabase('user', true)
@Shmiddty "TypeError: Not enough arguments"
!!>global.openDatabase('user', 1, 2, 3)
@Shmiddty "TypeError: Not enough arguments"
@Shmiddty Maximum execution time exceeded
@Shmiddty "ReferenceError: ding is not defined"
@Shmiddty "function webkitPostMessage() { [native code] }"
@Shmiddty "function postMessage() { [native code] }"
!!>postMessage('cool', '2')
@Shmiddty "undefined"
@Shmiddty "TypeError: Type error"
@Shmiddty "SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL"
@Shmiddty "TypeError: Type error"
!!>postMessage('cool', true)
@Shmiddty "TypeError: Type error"
@Shmiddty "undefined"
!!>eval=function(a){return a};
@Shmiddty "SyntaxError: Assignment to eval or arguments is not allowed in strict mode"
!!/eval 'a=3'
@Shmiddty "a=3"
!!/postMessage 'cool'
@Shmiddty Command postmessage does not exist.
Premature optimization, that’s like a fart. Premature abstraction is like taking a dump on another developer’s desk. Chris Eric
1 hour later…
bot/quickref strlen
@PeeHaa [object Object]
bot/quickref strlen
bot/quickref str_len
bot/quickref test
@PeeHaa No match found
2 hours later…
man strlen
man strlen
@cv-pls nice avatar
oh you are daverandom
neh I'm PeeHaa abusing Dave's sockpuppet account
well hey peehaa
hey :)
man strlen
man datetime
man dskfhskjfhjsdkhfjksdhfksdf
@PeeHaa No match found
@PeeHaa listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, urban, parse, tell, mdn, beautify, convert, get, google, learn, nudge, quickref, spec, stat, undo (page 0/0)
nice prefix :D
@PeeHaa GTFO
@CCInc We needed something easy
A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "Why the long face?" The horse, incapable of understanding English, shits on the floor and leaves

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