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8:36 AM
this editor does not work, i have to click here for every chARacter. this message took me two minutes to create
Now after leaving the page and returning I can enter all characters without clicking. This message took me 20 sec.
  |   |

!!/hang e
  |   |
//hang o
!!/hang o
  |   |
e, o
8:42 AM
!!/hang i
  |   |
e, i, o
!!/hang t
  |   |
e, i, o, t
!!/hang u
  |   |
e, i, o, t, u
8:43 AM
!!/hang r
  |   |
  |   O
e, i, o, r, t, u
!!/hang s
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
e, i, o, r, s, t, u
!!/hang m
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
e, i, m, o, r, s, t, u
8:44 AM
!!/hang n
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
e, i, m, n, o, r, s, t, u
!!/hang c
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, t, u
!!/hang d
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
c, d, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, t, u
8:44 AM
!!/hang a
@Woomla Correct! The phrase is documentation.
@Woomla Command list-commands does not exist. Did you mean: listcommands
8:45 AM
@Woomla 420, 5318008, help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, learn, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, happynewyear, tell2, 3point14, camel, echo, ihatelanadelrey, fa, vk1, vk2, rlhd, convert, nudge, undo, timer, stat, beautify, hang, todo, google, spec
!!shake hands
@Woomla Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand shake hands
!!/listen shake hands
@Woomla I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Woomla
8:48 AM
!!/forgot hang
@Woomla Command forgot does not exist. Did you mean: forget, format
!!/forget hang
@Woomla You are not authorized to delete the command hang
8:49 AM
@Woomla I awoke on Sat, 05 Jan 2013 14:58:30 GMT (that's about 2 days ago), got invoked 78 times, learned 17 commands
!!/info hang
@Woomla Command hang, created by God, invoked 13 times
!!/info 420
@Woomla Command commands does not exist.
@Woomla Command 420, created by rlemon on Wed, 02 Jan 2013 20:28:04 GMT but hasn't been used yet
8:50 AM
@Woomla hehe hehe hehe hehe..... hehe hehe ... hehe
!!/beautify 1 js
All feedback welcome!
!!/google Woomla
8:54 AM
!!/google stackoverflow
@Woomla Command image does not exist.
!!/help 50
@Woomla Command 50 does not exist.
8:57 AM
/help 50
!!help 50
@Woomla Command 50 does not exist.
!!help help
@Woomla help: Fetches documentation for given command, or general help article. /help [cmdName]
nice delay between enters
how to see the message numbers?
!!/help msg
@Woomla Command msg does not exist.
2 hours later…
10:58 AM
11:09 AM
Shaq Attack
how are ya?
I'm good, how are you?
I'm fine :D
@ShaquinTrifonoff will this call the command if its not in the transcript when CC comes in?
10 hours later…
9:24 PM
function echoLast() {
   newMsg = $('.monologue .content').last();
   if(!newMsg.is(lastMsg) && !newMsg.parents('.user-561731').length) {
       lastMsg = newMsg;
   setTimeout(echoLast, 100);
echo bot script ^

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