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OK, the userscript is finished!
But I still think
that SO should let users use animated images
@CCInc Nooo, that would be a very bad idea :P
They can be distracting
But who would use the userscript if nobody uploaded animated images because they thought it was disabled?
I suppose the people who use the userscript would upload animated images
well.. yea but
Too bad :P
@CCInc You still have an auto-generated avatar!
@ShaquinTrifonoff Still, yes :( Graphics is not my forte
@CCInc Use that :P
@ShaquinTrifonoff That's what I said!
in C#, 2 mins ago, by CC Inc
@ShaquinTrifonoff How?!
shit testing auto-blur of shitty profanity
fucking sweet
@canon I WANT THAT
it's particular to SO chat
you have to do special shit with MutationObservers because of the way this page updates.
Can I try it?
sure, one sec
right-click --> save as... then you can drag it onto your chrome://extensions page
What if I didn't have chrome? :P
I do though
heh, it'd be tough to use otherwise
how's it work?
got it working?
Nope I don't think
I installed it
but no blurring
leave this room and come back
ah ok
refresh, of course
I knew that :P
@canon Could you make a version that just... removes the word completely?
I could, but it's less fun.
plus, you can mouse over the blurred text and read it
But I would never want to
mainly so I can debug and make sure I don't have false-positives in my pattern
I'll make it configurable later
You will have to keep me informed!
I am usually a sandbox regulare
options like: replace with ****, blur, etc
sure, I'll drop in
@ShaquinTrifonoff WOA DUDE
NICE avatar
@canon That'd be cool!
I've been WANTING one of these FOREVER
Just please make sure it works on the stars
3 hours later…
=== ̿̇̽̾͂̑ͥ̋͋̄̂͂͜͏̧̧̦̞̦͙͓͈̿̇̽̾͂̑ͥ̋͋̄̂͂͜ͅ͏̧̧̦̞̦͙͓͈̿̇̽̾͂̑ͥ̋͋̄̂͂͜ͅ͏̧̧̦̞̦͙͓͈̿̇̽̾͂̑ͥ̋͋̄̂ͅ‌​͂͜͏̧̧̦̞̦͙͓͈̿̇̽̾͂̑ͥ̋͋̄̂͂͜ͅ͏̧̧̦̞̦͙͓͈̿̇̽̾͂̑ͥ̋͋̄̂͂͜ͅ͏̧̧̦̞̦͙͓͈̿̇̽̾͂̑ͥͅ#
wait what did you do? :O
It seems that only Unicode characters can be inserted further up
(zero width characters)
What do you mean farther up?
At the top of the 'column'
1 hour later…
@ShaquinTrifonoff Not to mention that it would take a heck of a lot more time to load the page. (Especially if you have a shitty connection like me)
damn it
@canon shitty got blurred... but damn didn't
yeah, I just added it
having seen it
@GeoffDalgas I see you have removed the animation from the Oneboxed user link gif animation by adding ?g=1&s=128 the size specifics and stuff... Well good job :D ... Oh and initially... like immediately after uploading the image it was animated to others... That stopped after sometime. Just letting you know
damn it... okay, we're good
btw, I published it on the webstore chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/…
added more patterns, etc
You should add custon word
I'll probably add something like this: jsfiddle.net/antisanity/aR5WD
to randomize a replacement word
of appropriate length
An error has occurred
Manifest file is invalid.
@canon ...
@canon Later, you shoudl add ability to add custon words
@ShaquinTrifonoff works for me
@ShaquinTrifonoff may have caught it during the update
v0.0.0.9 atm
OK, it works now
whta new features?
bug fix + optimization
configuration comes now
@canon You might also want to enable it for chat.stackexchange.com.
i get error also
same one
@CCInc which error?
ok it works
how do i config it?
I haven't implemented configuration yet. That's what I'm doing now
well, apart from just enabling it for stackexchange. You'll have to allow it to expand its permissions once you update.
@canon new version? .0.0.1?
2 hours later…
@canon `` right now. censoring... appears in the console.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getAttribute' of null was also got right now... I presume its from your extension... though I'm not sure... line number - (program):118 ... _uid = messages.getAttribute("data-uid"); <- this your code by any chance?
yup... its yours :) (function censor() {
@ShyamK are you iOS developer,can help me with inAppPurchase...!?!
@Deer Sorry not an iOS developer... had studied a lil... but stopped... haven't done inAppPurchase...
why don't you ask it in the ios chat room?
@ShyamK fine, anyway thanks
@ShyamK updated
should fix that bug iirc... also, it now adds a profanity filter-mode dropdown
@ShyamK try there from last 2 days but nobody can solve my issue
so, you can select from blur, replace, remove, or ignore
@CCInc if you update you'll get config
@Deer oh... sorry to hear that... wish I could help
@canon Manifest file is invalid
it does that if you try to download while google is still processing it
may take a little... I just uploaded
k... then I wait :)
so, blur will continue blurring like it does now
replace will replace profanity with #$!@#@! type strings
remove will snip it out entirely
and ignore will... well, ignore it.
latest is where are the options? I don't see them.
should be down by send/upload chat input buttons
I should fix that entry
hahaha... got censored
nope... it ain't there for me...
oh and the two console things I mentioned about are still there
which console things *looks*
censoring... (program):131
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getAttribute' of null (program):118
rofl, I'd fixed that... but lost it in a reversion
one sec
alright, v0.0.1.8 should take care of the null reference issue.
might take a sec to become properly available
let me install this on regular chrome
see if theres a problem with the dropdown
@canon regular Chrome? you using Canary or something?
@ShyamK yes
wow, that manifest file issue is taking forever
hmmm... drop down onchange page refresh...
mainly it does that to clean up all the mutationobservers and injected nodes and all the other crap that happened to the page
and not remembering what a particular obscenity was before changing it to "#@!#%"
I'll rework it so it doesn't need the refresh
I just wanted to put something out before going to sleep
it's like 3:48am
it would preferable to avoid the page refresh if possible... but ask around... see the general opinion...
no, I'm going to
it's a stop gap
I just need sleep
I'll deal with it properly tomorrow
tomorrow then :)
probably store orginal value in a data-property
hover doesn't work for replace...
it should for blur
it doesn't for replace
works for blur
I didn't provide any functionality for a hover on the replaced content
something to consider, though
agenda for tomorrow: #1 french bakery for brunch, #2 get rid of the refresh hack, #3 hover for replaced words
nighty night :) thanks for the help, fucker
nighty nite :)
11 hours later…
11 hours later...
test message
@CCInc Again... You should've copy-pasted it :) your 'ellipsis' is 3 dots :P
OMG it is people
@ShyamK Sorry umm
and also sorry for triple-ping
Are you shaq or someone else?
nope... Not shaq... shaq is shaq... I am Shyam K...
Indian dude with a mugshot as his disp pic... :P
oh look its shyam!
I ahve to go now people
see ya laterz
shaq, shyam and all
awwwhh... I came in cos you were alone...
Well, I was :)
well, night then :)
Would it make you not-lonely to play with bot?
Here I am bot
cc/tell ShyamK listcommands
haha... @HangBot is here
@ShyamK Available commands: help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, beautify, convert, get, google, hang, hangs, image, learn, nudge, regexexplain, s, ss, spec, stat, todo, undo, wiki
I'll play with it for a while...
If @canon ever shows up... I like the config, but you really need to allow it to censor starred messasges also. And also add other words you want to censor
Hmmf dang bot
cc/tell ShyamK norris
Grr :)
come on dang bot
starred messages? you mean the old messages? the ones on the side?
He made a chat censorer but it doesn't work for starred messages
OK really have to go :(
I know... I played with it for a while...
Bye bye
Oh, thats right I saw you
Bye bye (like really)
you may take hangbot too... I'll leave in a short while
He can stay until somebody turns my computer off
Bot needs updating
or it maybe on FF... I hear FF is not so friendly with the bot... Chrome works better
I am using chrome
Hey!!! Go to sleep...
I'm leaving... see you in tmrw :)

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