333 messages found

Oct 11 07:24
Yep, reading more about it now. It sounds less like a company and more like a one of those supposedly shady cabals of rich people who try to control the world. Just a really shitty version where they mostly tried profiting.
Mar 9, 2023 08:10
I need to keep the pyhton3.8 installation for old shitty stuff that is dependent on it
Jan 24, 2023 21:59
At no point did I say that the HDD or the network are shitty, but that due to this constant access on another machine, this could be influencing.
Jan 24, 2023 21:54
Right. And this HPC has shitty network and HDD?
May 17, 2022 18:25
Better to have a shiny and shitty way of doing things than just a shitty way.
Nov 6, 2019 09:59
And till now I was using this shitty print
Jul 31, 2019 13:50
Damn I wasted like 1 hour for this shitty thing you know. đŸ˜‚
Jul 19, 2019 20:17
@wim type checkers are really shitty at deducing the type of complicated lookups
May 27, 2019 19:27
Yeah im too not very good with windows, with the shitty file paths and stuff, but my school obligates i install some applications that are only available for windows
Sep 26, 2018 04:46
the shitty blurry output is what my network outputs for now
May 11, 2018 06:42
With really shitty C bindings to interpolate errors and objects b/w python and node
Jan 17, 2018 15:13
@DSM sorry, forgot about it. but fwiw, you might want to poke all these people as well :) (even though i'm not a big fan of this kind of language policing, but that's just my personal opinion)
Sep 26, 2017 14:14
Wow! My eyes are shitty
Sep 4, 2017 07:01
Welcome to Stack Overflow where everybody gets an attempt to answer a shitty question…! >_<
Jun 23, 2017 23:27
> After 21 days: if stupid write crappy replaceable code. If mediocre shitty servicable code. If clever write truly horrible impenetrable code
Jun 17, 2017 13:29
Deploying live is a lot easier than deploying on your shitty computer
May 12, 2017 15:25
@Kevin but with a little boilerplate, you can create maintainable, readable and less magical solution.. I still don't see the reason of not wrapping a shitty API..
Apr 27, 2017 12:59
with shitty grades
Mar 21, 2017 22:59
The most common reason to pick a language usually is basically "Some dudes wrote some shit in language X that I wanna use. So I'm gonna use X so I can use that shit to make my own shit." It's almost never language features or "Expressiveness" or something like that. Second most common reason is tools. "Some dudes wrote some shitty IDE that works well with language X, so I'm gonna use language X so I can use that IDE to its fullest, even though it is actually shit."
Mar 21, 2017 17:28
eghh, what a shitty website that is
Mar 18, 2017 17:13
with a shitty question, and for me: yes
Mar 13, 2017 12:11
"shitty html from 2009"
Mar 13, 2017 12:10
shitty HTML
Mar 13, 2017 10:30
We're getting there. I'm getting to expand the team, for one. It seems the throwaway comment I made when told how much we were paying supplier X for shitty service Y about "..or for half that amount you could hire two developers and we could just build it in house and have control over it." found some traction. :D
Mar 8, 2017 22:15
why onebox a shitty question?
Feb 28, 2017 08:16
if you ship your program without testing it first, the program will come back with all the shitty code you've build multiply by the number of site you have all over the world
Feb 23, 2017 22:39
^ I can't believe this shitty approach is in the official docs
Feb 13, 2017 17:39
Yeah it's a shitty rough draft. I'll look at it in a minute, I will probably have a lot of questions. Was my attempt at least okay?
Feb 9, 2017 01:12
shitty questions everywhere
Feb 1, 2017 11:36
and thus a shitty culture because everyone just keeps trudging forward in shit and not doing the simplest of fixes to avoid total disasters.
Jan 19, 2017 18:47
ony if you post them on shitty questions that need deletion by roomba:P
Jan 17, 2017 19:24
I call him Oy-ler, with the traditional shitty Hungerman accent
Jan 13, 2017 10:10
of course they were shitty ones only
Jan 13, 2017 07:16
@MYGz it is really shitty :D drops connections all the time with everything :D
Jan 9, 2017 15:36
might or might not be related to the fact that it's been <-10 degrees celsius for days, and our apartment has shitty heating and virtually no thermal insulation
Jan 6, 2017 21:36
damnit, Counter is a shitty bag
Dec 29, 2016 14:55
instead of some shitty blog, one should read the accepted answer on stackoverflow, along with comments
Dec 22, 2016 00:17
I think that's a pretty shitty regex btw
Dec 20, 2016 18:09
than writing the shitty ansible playbooks
Dec 19, 2016 15:17
15 hours ago, by Andras Deak
My issue is not the hats; it's the shitty behaviour the masses show during winter bash:P Does the button solve that too?
Dec 19, 2016 00:46
My issue is not the hats; it's the shitty behaviour the masses show during winter bash:P Does the button solve that too?
Dec 19, 2016 00:23
also, shitty edits to SOD
Dec 19, 2016 00:23
also, shitty answers to shitty questions
Dec 19, 2016 00:23
brace yourselves for shitty self-answered Q&As
Dec 11, 2016 20:59
yaaaayyyy, my shitty MapReduce program werks
Dec 11, 2016 20:08
the only complication is that tuples make for shitty vectors... :D
Dec 11, 2016 16:47
and that is shitty too
Dec 10, 2016 06:05
how shitty these instructions really are
Dec 9, 2016 14:34
not just some shitty port filtering
Dec 7, 2016 16:17
people recruit folks for shitty mcjobs all the time.

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