Conversation started Feb 5, 2013 at 14:06.
Feb 5, 2013 14:06
Unicorns choose their owner themselves.
well that may be true
but if I pay for one and haul it off in a unicorn trailer, it may as well be mine.
possession is 9/10 of the law, and the other 1/10 is the uni-horn.
No False , I've made it, I have it's patented and planning to start a production line of First class unicorns !
@FoamyGuy If it doesn't like you it will just stab you with his corn.
You'll die a slow and painful death.
@OctavianDamiean Our unicorns are safe and stab free :D
HAH!, I am no amateur, I would not step foot near a unicorn without proper armor in place.
Feb 5, 2013 14:14
@FoamyGuy We currently sell unicorns in exchange for human souls, if you're still interested let's meetup somewhere and discuss the deal
@Mr.Me You kinda turn into the Saddam Hussein of unicorns and I'm the U.S. of unicorns. Don't wanna piss me off and make me invade your country, do you?
I'll make up a bullshit reason and be all over your country in no-time.
@OctavianDamiean boy that escalated quickly !
'nuff, we're Oscar Mike into your country now.
Feb 5, 2013 14:21
jokes on you its already invaded :/
I'll kick the invaders nuts, don't care.
What is wrong with someone trying to make decent soul gathering from unicorns industry ! there is no regulations for that anyway !
It's gonna be an invadeception.
Holy fuck! I didn't know you were from Palestine! haha
That makes the entire conversation kinda creepy.
Feb 5, 2013 14:24
nah , you're cool
@Ocatavian why? haha
Octavian Damiean, ladies and gentlemen. Making a douche of himself like a BAUCE.
oh read the comments before hahaha
Conversation ended Feb 5, 2013 at 14:26.