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^^ well...
> This user has been automatically suspended for posting inappropriate content and cannot chat for 4 hours 25 minutes.
Lol. It seems the troll that revenge undownvoted me thought better of it:
@Johann mmm? What were you referring to?
@Mysticial Which user(s)?
@Mysticial Dem tags!
Well, it does have cmd as well. goto isn't nearly as bad in batch files... Or should I say batch files are equally bad anyways.
Latest victim of DMCA: webcache.googleusercontent.com/…
Of what?
I heard this from one of the Anime mods who heard it from one of the Gaming mods - who answered it.
Didn't see this till now:
@Mysticial Okay, why the fuck was that taken down?
@Xeo I have no fucking clue. The image?
beats me
Hm... I'm wondering why std::unique_ptr::operator* isn't noexcepted on the inner pointer type.. noexcept(noexcept(*declval<pointer&>())).
Also, I'll have to pick Richard's brain later today about GCC and Clang disagreeing with an example in the standard...
Maybe there's a DR I'm not aware of
Anyways, off to work for now.
@Mysticial I gave your SO profile details to a computer programmer friend of mine and he really liked your work (numberworld.org) and really liked some of your SO answers.
oh neat
how are peeps this morning?
nothing eventful
same here, yesterday was a sunny day here, so I took the time to get outside for a bit, seeing I had a day off anyways
Now I have to go back to debugging something, and I have to get a clue how to really approach this
Hi Internet
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
flipping tables this early already
may as well get it out the way
I'm joining the left side
Is that like the dark side?
¬_¬ it does not come with it's required dll
there's your table flipping action
huh... it copies out the dll on first run... interesting
but it breaks shit like nothing else
@Xeo What are you working on that you take an interest in these arcane corners?
Is moving the border icons even useful for anything, even for left-handed mouse users? They are not used that often anyway.
@sehe He's Xeo, he's always had an interest in arcane corners of C++
@thecoshman man that's weird
@thecoshman No no no no
@MartinJames I prefer it, having got used to it now on Linux
sadly though, that left-sider breaks programs like chrome and outlook that put things in the window header bit
How to check cpu usage of windows via snmp?
Windows has an SNMP client?
Firefox sucks
windows 8?
it is a service
win7 and xp both has snmp
Oh, didn't know that. Guess what - I cannot help :)
Clean up in isle 10 re 'remyabel'
I have a feeling both compilers are wrong (note that GCC can be coerced into treating (4) as ambiguous by transforming the packs into single template parameters, and removing the unnecessary arguments). I'll have to check back with the standard later and will give an update then (if nobody has answered correctly yet). — Xeo 1 hour ago
wait, wtf
aaaah, I misread the example in the standard.
In other words, you messed up. :)
And no, I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.
@jalf Yea, well I recently switched from Chrome to FF, because Chrome kept crashing on me.
@TonyTheLion Oh, I like Firefox a lot as a user. It's my primary browser, and I don't see that changing
I got upboats over night, my inner repwhore is satisified
But as a developer, it's being a pain in the butt
Q: Publier une annonce gratuite en Belgique

user2357432Bonjour, J'essaye de vendre ma voiture Opel Astra modèle 2010 en Belgique. Seulement, je trouve aucun moyen de le faire sur le web. Pouvez-vous me conseillez un bon site web d'annonces belge de confiance à fin de vendre ma voiture rapidement. Merci d'avance.

^^ wut
@jalf oh right, totally different perspective
Their keyboard input handling is completely fubar
man, there's meta again.
At least this one isn't so bad
Nom nom, cake at work~
Showing examples of good/bad questions
@TonyTheLion holy crap biscuits!
Good Question: Why is A faster than B? (+300)
Bad Question: Is A faster than B? (-10 closed as "not constructive")
@Mysticial you have to challenge the people. A simple yes/no question is boring, but why, why is the question that burns into peoples heads... that and thermite
Thermite only burns into robot's head.
if it's all the same to you, I will not don the termite hat any time soon
and to be fair, Robot could be made of some alloy that is able to cope with the extreme heat
or he could be a quaint ceramic pot head :P
Where is Robot?
maybe he got confused by our three day weekend?
Or maybe he's just busy at work
@thecoshman it may have invoked UB
@TonyTheLion that was my implication
@Xeo come on now, don't be silly
New UHC Season
> Think of the President of the United States: a messy, inconvenient bag of blood and bones. But to talk about him, or to represent him in a computer program... - perl tut
ULTRA HARD CORE! (not porn)
and @xeo, you can stop talking about it right now!
I didn't watch it yet
And I'm at work
No can watch :(
¬_¬ so, it's come to this
sooo, did I miss anything exciting over the weekend?
that includes yesturday BTW
you missed the fact that Telkitty left SO
which was a very epic event
her account has been deleted!
didn't see that comming
@TonyTheLion When did that happen?
was there an epic song and dance number? or did she just disappear?
18 hours ago, by Mysticial
2 hours ago, by Tony The Lion
On the bright side I am delete my account too, bye. — Telkitty 30 secs ago
that's from the meta thread that spawned this
Fuck. Soon, there will be nobody left here.
no, actually 98 percent of people that come here are fine
@TonyTheLion :(page not found
also, I'm not one to not get along with people, but Telkitty was one of a few that really annoyed me.
or was it just her SO account she got rid of?
@thecoshman seems here meta account wasn't deleted
@thecoshman apparently
@TonyTheLion yeah, seems like I was the only person to not be annoyed be her
18 hours ago, by rightfold
inb4 next troll
@thecoshman Nope - there were at least two of us.
@thecoshman perhaps you didn't talk to her enough
@TonyTheLion perhaps you talk too much? :O
I plonked/unplonked her several times, giving her more than enough chances
@thecoshman me?! hahaha its always been said of me that I'm a quiet guy. lol
@TonyTheLion geeze, you don't half go on about it though :P
@thecoshman what? Not sure I understand that sentence
On my driving test, I'm going to park like this lol
I killed it again??? Y U NO TALK?
to make you feel bad :)
@FredOverflow And if you missed the meta post about Telkitty's departure, here it is:
@TonyTheLion ¬_¬ stand up
All of her comments were deleted, but some of them are oneboxed in the transcript here.
@TonyTheLion big slab of sarcasm, don't worry
@TonyTheLion oooh, fancy
haha Telkitty's gone? :p
@thecoshman I'm sitting, too lazy :P
@Mysticial I love Puppies comment at the very bottom.
My sentiment exactly.
Yeah. So true...
@TonyTheLion oh you
<insert meme of guy looking at his derpy dog?

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