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2:31 AM
@JorisMeys I wouldn't call it a discovery. More a "shot in the dark". Glad it will speed things up for you though!
6 hours later…
8:02 AM
What is the meaning of OP, as in "it answers the OP's question"? It clearly refers to the person who asked the question, but where does it come from?
8:25 AM
define: OP
8:35 AM
OP = original poster , it comes from newsgroups and forums
sometimes it is also used as opening post (In the OP, this was clearly not mentioned)
morning btw
I was blind but now I see.
I was blind but now I found the internet :-) acronymfinder.com
All my work that I did over the weekend is on my home pc and I forgot to Dropbox-it.
google.si/… would also do
bollocks. Is the sun shining? Is there warm tea at home? Is there any reason to want to be home? Then you have now created yourself the nicest excuse to do so
Yes. Yes. Yes and no. Ok.
My grandmother is "high" today and she's marginally bearable.
8:43 AM
oops. bollocks again.
So I need some time away to calm down.
She's currently speaking another language. No matter what I tell her, she understands something different. Quite interesting by itself, though.
quite frustrating too I can imagine
Especially when you have shit to do.
Neato! Hmisc::translate(c("ABC","DEF"),"ABCDEFG", "abcdefg")
hey, that's almost as easy as Perl?
@RomanLuštrik thx for the headup, somehow I missed that one during my adventure trips down the help-file-jungle
correction: that's even easier than Perl, as other people can read it too :-)
Examples down the road are not as straight forward as they would seem at the first glance. They get "\".
8:59 AM
strange... But it helps to change stuff within strings, useful for DNA work. (translating from ATGC to Purine (R) - Pyrimidine (Y) for example)
Is it just me, or is the function a wee slow?
don't know?
> x <- paste(sample(c("A","C","G","T"),1e7,replace=T),collapse="")

> system.time(Y <- translate(x,"AGCT","RRYY"))
   user  system elapsed
   0.05    0.02    0.06
seems reasonable to me.
Ah, it's my session. Something's going terribly wrong.
my Rterm session won't display all 1e7 characters. The damn thing just falls apart. :)
CPU goes into berserker mode and I have to quit the session.
And I get similar speeds.
2 hours later…
10:55 AM
All hail rgeos package. So many wonderful functions to work with spatial data...
11:43 AM
@JoshuaUlrich : Can't get do.call to work as you presented
X <- list(A=list(A1=1:2,A2=3:4),B=list(B1=5:6,B2=7:8))
> do.call(c,c(X,recursive=TRUE))
Error in do.call(c, c(X, recursive = TRUE)) :
  second argument must be a list
what am I missing?
Q: Converting a list to a "two or more objects" argument in R

julesI have to call a function in R that takes "2 or more objects" as an input, so the function definition is: function(..., all = TRUE, <other named parameters>) where ... is defined as 2 or more objects The issue is I have is that my objects are in a list, and I am working with a different...

How about do.call("c", list(X, recursive=TRUE))?
`A.A11 A.A12 A.A21 A.A22 B.B11 B.B12 B.B21 B.B22
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8`
OK in this case, but try it with :
X <- list(A=1:3,B=4:6,C=7:9)
See the difference?
12:05 PM
I think my head now hurts.
12:17 PM
@JorisMeys syntax error
I was assuming there would be more than all=TRUE
So my answer should be: do.call(function, c(list, list(all=TRUE,...)))
That's what I get for providing an answer off the top of my head without testing it first.
12:57 PM
@JoshuaUlrich ah OK, that makes sense. Thx
@JorisMeys You're welcome. Sorry for the confusion. Looks like it cost me the check-mark (either that mistake or my brevity).
@JoshuaUlrich You'll make up for that. Reading back the discussion of earlier days, I guess @Roman would like some of those questions to get some tickmarks too though.
1:21 PM
Hello, all
Just posted a question. I spent all morning in composing it. stackoverflow.com/questions/5635849/…
I would appreciate your help in getting to an answer.
Given the complexity, I'd be happy to put a bounty on this, if you think it necessary.
Also, if anything is not clear, please point it out and I'll fix it.
I'll be back later. I'm going window shopping for teh gunz, fuck yeah!
1:39 PM
@Andrie Very nice question, I like to have a go at it. But it's quite complicated matter. Am I right that you're looking for the optimal design which cannot be completely balanced?
@JorisMeys The optimal design may or may not be completely balanced. I don't know enough about the theory to know when a completely balanced solution exists or not.
@Andrie You should get acquainted with the theory if you ask me. Depending on the design, some hypotheses might or might not be testable. I'll try to give you an answer, but this is actually a full course at our departement.
Maybe you should try to get some info at crossvalidated.com as well. That's more for statistical questions. People will be happy to help you there. Regarding the programmability, I'll see if I can dig some things up.
Top tip about CrossValidated, thank you.
I am running the algorithm 100K times to see what happens. It seems that there are quite a few solutions with a score of 4, because this gets found quite early on. But after 10K repeats, the score gets stuck at 4.
Pragmatically, this is actually good enough for me. I don't mind running with a solution that is almost perfect.
I am actually really interested in using R for optimization problems. It sounds like the type of problem where a genetic algorithm might find some good solutions quite easily. But thus far the whole area of numeric optimization in R has eluded me.
@Andrie If you contact me via mail (see my profile), I can send you the latest R session on optimizing experimental design from our course. But you'll have to read up on matters as well. Your approach is rather naive I'm afraid.
@JorisMeys That's a very kind offer, thank you. Experimental design is such a vast field...
(And I am aware this a naive approach. Hence my question... At least my in my work this morning I have identified an objective function that seems to be useful.)
2 hours later…
3:27 PM
Very interesting blog by Dirk Eddelbuetter on byte-code compiled R: dirk.eddelbuettel.com/blog/2011/04/12/…
3:52 PM
A: Creating balanced experimental designs

Joris MeysI should warn you first that you really have to check on experimental design again, specifically towards optimality criteria and the implications of incomplete designs on the possibility of testing hypotheses. Given your calculation, solving the problem is trivial : XX <- cbind(1:7,c(2:7,1),c...

There you go
I sent you the practical course where these things are illustrated. It's not much, I know, but it should get you started on the theory behind this.
@JorisMeys Thank you. I am reading through your answer now.
First comment: the starting point for my question is already the result of an optimised experimental design, using optBlock(), i.e. an partially balanced incompleted block design.
I should have been more clear about this, so I apologise.
In my example, df[1, ] is 1,4,5,7
This is set 1 of a balanced design. What I am after is a shuffled order of df[1, ], e.g. something like 7,5,4,1.
In other words, the column order is modified, but the values remain intact.
Your solution XX[1, ] is 1,2,3,4 In other words your solution breaks my design.
@Andrie : now that's quite easy : df[1,sample(1:4)]
Yes, and that's what my algorithm does.
This account is temporarily suspended. The suspension period ends on May 11 at 20:03.
Except that the block as a whole must satisfy my requirements for balance across columns.
"Balance" is probably the wrong word here.
4:01 PM
@Andrie : I'll look at it tonight or tomorrow. It's simply a matter of constructing all possible design points from the optBlock() solution and make that your C0, no?
Have to run, sorry...
PS. At the very top of my question I gave some code (commented out) on how I generated df in the first place
@JorisMeys have a nice evening
Thanks for your help.
1 hour later…
5:23 PM
I love the smell of Sweave in the morning. Smells like... victory. Especially when I can Sweave a file using CTRL+T 0 in Eclipse.
The only down-side is that you have to close the pdf (if you're re-Sweaving), otherwise it craps out. I sure liked the way pdf gets refreshed in Ubuntu.
1 hour later…
6:52 PM
@RomanLuštrik I agree about the beauty of Eclipse and Sweave, or rather, Latex. For unexplained reasons I have never adopted SWeave, but write Latex directly from my scripts, and then call texi2dvi() to compile the Latex directly from R. CTRL+R R does the trick. Now to find a way of closing that PDF first...
7:04 PM
I've gotten used to closing the file after I give it a check-up.
Yeah, me too.
7:40 PM
What I miss in StatET is the smartness of R syntax handling when writing a Sweave file. Code folding and syntax error detection are not working (and maybe other stuff I haven't noticed yet). As a result I write down R workflow to make sure it works and then incorporate it in a .Rnw file. As a result, I have two files for the analysis. Sure, I can delete the .R file, but then if I need to change something later, I don't have the bonbons of R syntax handling.
8:16 PM
@JDLong Thanks for the info on dropbox and synchronising open volumes. This makes sense.
9:03 PM
@Andrie no worries. I've been thinking about this quite a bit myself.
Oh Great. Ben states in his book that the Taylor series is one of the key concept used in ecology. The very same thing that I didn't get in math class (somehow it didn't look that interesting in my first year of college). :smack on the forehead:
You have to love Taylor series!
But I think I preferred the Maclaurin series
Slightly simpler!
I see, they're special case of Taylor series.
Quite right. What would we have done without Wolfram?
Looks like Taylor series are used to approximate a function in one point. Does that sound about right?
9:12 PM
It is used as an approximation for functions that are analytically difficult to integrate.
Ok, that sounds more interesting.
The intuition is that you create a polynomial around a point that approximates the function.
I should have taken the math class now, not 6 years ago.
By adding more and more terms, you eventually start to approximate the function.
I can see that my next book will be a mathematical handbook.
9:14 PM
It's the only textbook I still have from my engineering studies: Advanced engineering mathematics.
O'Neill. Second edition.
Shows my age...
Hallo, @GavinSimpson
We're discussing Taylor expansions.
Howdie - just back from a day trip to Lancaster for another project meeting.
@RomanLuštrik what are you working on>
In general or now?
Well, what do you need a Taylor expansion for?
I'm just reading Ben Bolker's book and it came up.
9:17 PM
By the way, did you post the cool graph about butterflies yesterday?
Yes, that was some data I got from a friend.
She's actually doing her grad thesis and she doesn't know squat about stats. And because everyone knows I do stats, I always end up with a bunch of data.
I wish to live to see the day that I can do a PCA graph like that with my own data.
I do market research, and unfortunately people aren't like butterflies!
These butterflies are a special case. A one in a million, if I can use Guns n' Roses terms. :)
It's actually pretty interesting problem. They're hard to tell apart just by their wing morphology, yet they seem to be from two complete worlds based on their male genitalia. They are said to be ecologically a weee separated (one predominantly found on wet meadows and the other one on dry meadows).
@RomanLuštrik whenever I talk about genitalia I get a call from HR. You ecology guys have all the fun.
@JD dare I ask what's an HR? :)
Is it anything like OBGYN?
9:27 PM
"Human relations" it's the group in big corps that hires/fires people
and also has the lovely duty of talking to people and telling them that they need to shower/cuss less/stop slapping butts in the hall, etc
I see how you get to talk to them a lot.
Why does it seem so quiet on the SO list today? Is there a public holiday that I missed?
Or is it because Catherine's account was blocked?
Hum, I wouldn't know. I'm often asleep by this hour.
10:09 PM
Good night

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