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I mean, I work on a big team on work projects, yah
but for personal endeavours, always alone
...which might be why nothing ever reaches completion...
@RaghavSood yea they're good friends
@nebulae I don't think you understand how complicated that is lol
how complicated what is?
@sbrichards Oh. i used to work on their AndroidActivist Project for a while. Before it shut.
to pass the turing test
ahh cool
I've read the diamond age! I know the complexities!
we just need a time machine and some science.
Diamond Age is awesome.
neal stephenson is my master.
you know he's making an illustrated primer for ipad?
i kid you NOT
but I think if we make one for android it will be BETTER and much more awesome.
He is?
he is. I had a line to get in on being on the team... then it fell through. I almost cried. I was so excited.
I'm kind of disappointed with Stephenson lately though, he went off the deep end after Quicksilver
Which may be more due to me expecting just scifi than him being bad or anything
cryptonomicon, one of my fave books ever
but I made it through only the first 1/3 of reamde
and not even the first couple chapters of mongoliad,
but that was a team effort, not just stephenson
I first read Snow Crash then my dad gave me Cryptonomicon because he said it was the best book ever
Though far as I'm concerned, Diamond Age is his best true scifi book
I haven't finished Anathem yet, but I want to. It wasn't bad, just.. hard to comprehend.
Didn't work with the pace I was reading it at
have you read wool?
by hugh howey?
theres some awesome scifi right there
if you like the dystopian future thing.
also ready player one.
It'll have to go on my to-do list, I'm pretty far behind on scifi reading these days
awesome book
I'm currently on The Forever War and Altered Carbon, though I have a few other books that I need to finish as well before I even start on anything new.
oh man I need to add these to my wishlist lol
been looking for good sci fi books
Someone managed to run over one of my cats.
I pray to god that I don't find out who it was.
Luckily she survived it, her left rear leg is broken though.
Her surgery is tomorrow.
Good luck to 'er
Good luck
Doc said that she is going to be alright again soonish.
Well, I have pizza and Hooter isn't screaming at me because he wants it
This is a first.
@ShubhamA You've got write access. Your questions a bit low quality and your reputation is low, but I like your answers.
sitting high upon his throne
nil passes judgement on those plebians who ask for passage
I'm pretty reasonable.
I'll overlook a lot of crap if you've put effort into answering questions well.
Unless you need a sandwich.
Sandwiches are postprocessing, they only come up if the rejection is guaranteed already
he rules with a firm yet gentle hand
I also absorb all the flags and serial downvoting and hate mail, apparently
Which is odd when you consider that I'm practically saintlike next to Merlin and Pyro.
@nil Also stars.
Pretty sure that's pyro's job
Ah, that is true.
nil's in a good mood today. His message stars are hanging around.
I typically don't bother canceling stars on my messages. The rule is more for comedic purposes.
^Shouldn't have said that :P
Well this might be the strangest question I've seen today.
Q: How to change an Imagebutton to an integer

Rich Talcikbasically I am trying to make a side scrolling game, with an an Image button, the reason why I am using the image button is because when the image of the person is clicked it double jumps, when the background is clicked, it jumps. but, I am getting a problem when trying to convert an imagebutton...

Yea I saw that I did not what to think lol
How do you even reconcile that logic in your head? @.@
I saw that. I assumed he was talking about R.id.*, but wasn't sure.
yea me too.
Maybe so.
Hes probably confused about the resource id
I was going to say that the image is already an integer.
or something
or just confused. he sounds rather confused.
lol "...it was a general question so thatswhy i tagged all languages"
Q: Generating unique Random Numbers From M to N

ArtHow can i Generate Unique Random Numbers from M to N? Developing an app for Android Code Will be Helpful, Urgently Needed

he forgot some. :D
so my pre execute method is being called twice
M to N are not numbers!
lol yeah, I liked that one.
M.1, M.2, M.3,...
(Yes, I know what he meant :P)
Damn, talk about a dogpile though.
also M.1a, M.1b, M.1c...
M.1a.I, M.1a.II, M.1a.III, M.1a.IV
is stopping now
hahah infinity possibilities
theres an event in 6 minutes?
did anyone bring refreshments?
I thought you were buying this week?
@nil I'm new here so reputation is low. Will try to improve my questions. Thank you for giving write access here.
Alright, I got tup installed
my work just gave me a new laptop for work that can play EVE... this was a terrible mistake
they really are going to steal your account
prob have a keylogger on it right now
They did make the image...
"sure go ahead and take it home"
"sure go ahead and take it home and get as much isk as possible"
isk is the currency in EVE right?
ISK technically, but who's counting
your work
Hello android room!
1 message moved from C#
Oh I didn't know my request was accepted
@Pyrodante I'm afraid there is no blowing me up as I can't even start the game to buy meself a boat
Has anyone here every used marmalade?
yes ... great on toast ... loved by peruvian bears
the only thing I can think of is to reinstall the old version of wine ... mine is a bit bleeding edge
i donno
I don't really know about linux
but I know my company just gave me a laptop with 8 gigs of ram
terrible TERRIBLE mistake
I use Linux
just trying to get EVE online running on Wine
Another great question in the making
Q: Adding audio to a java program

Logan StiltnerI'd like to add both, Looping music in the background to a game I made, as well as sounds that play when certain events take place. I've searched Google but the only results I've come up with are how to implement them to an Applet, or an outdated version.

lots of "how do I do this"
flag it so these stop infesting SO
I reckon of the last 50 questions I looked at ... I vote closed 90% of them
is not the helpful kitteh these days
@Pyrodante I have 16gb of RAM. It gives me mad scientist feelings.
yes but they just handed me this... "for work"
compare that to the 2gb I am being upgraded from
Well, clearly your work needs to involve more questions of "what can I do to use all of this?"
I feel they are trapping me into playing video games at work
Well, heads up, most games won't use more than 4gb of RAM, so you'll have to run two at once
well shit
I could get the seti at home software
Also, I can't use more than 4gb of RAM in Zbrush, so I'm really disappointed
It's unfortunately 32-bit only
how was it you get the AVD to be smooth post ICS
I missed that part
having a weird problem with action bar sherlock
ok why on earth did the eclipse people think this new version is a good idea
its terrible
why did you think installing it was a good idea?
if you go from one tab to another it hides the tab you just visited
as if like
you will never go back and forth between two tabs
doesnt work at least on a mac
do you have too many tabs open?
well define too many
more than the window can show at once yea
so it has the >>4 to the right of the tabs
then close some tabs
nah id rather have them all open so i can navigate between the classes im looking at
stupid answers aside the old version would keep the most recently accessed tabs live and the ones you hadnt used in a while in the >>more section
this new version does the opposite
well if you're doing something dumb don't expect the software to play nice
@ChrisOkyen I already explained why you were removed from the room.
you couldnt write this shit man, lol
Aha the quintessential quadroped returns

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