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4:04 PM
!!cowthink Moo
( Moo )
    O   ^__^
     O  (oo)\_______
        (__)\       )\/\
            ||----w |
            ||     ||
Jun 6 at 12:29, by rlemon
stars are not bookmarks mate ;)
!!cowthink Zirak were you really really bored when made this \n i mean really ?\
( Zirak were you really really bored when  )
( made this \n i mean really ?\            )
    O   ^__^
     O  (oo)\_______
        (__)\       )\/\
            ||----w |
            ||     ||
is it just me or does he look like the "man" in a lesbian couple
she does!
i dont wanna live in this world anymore
@Abhishek What else can I say?
4:10 PM
I wonder if he got the reference
The website is nicely done by the way
let's stop posting pictures of JB
Found it out on the Justin Beiber website that zirak posted
@rlemon Kids these days. The ironic thing is JB thinks he's Cobain.
4:11 PM
anyone got resources for building IE8-specific css? I'm building a conditional stylesheet. There's no one in the css chat room.
@MikeS feel free to ask in here
and read msdn [ old msdn ]
Well lets see... In Utero was released in 1993... so India should be getting it in like 2 more years.
hmmm, 'JB'.split('').reverse().join('')
I've found [this site][1] to be good for dealing with IE [1][google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/]
blast, that didn't work at all
@SomeKittens [blah blah](url)
4:12 PM
@SomeKittens Y U NO USE PLUGIN!
@rlemon I tried alt + l (thinking l for link)
@Abhishek yea, i'm looking at msdn now. just checking for any other sources i might've missed. thx
don't have reference right here
ALT + A inserts a link.
ALT + T inserts a site-tag.
ALT + B formats text to bold.
ALT + I formats text to italics.
ALT + S formats text to strike-through.
ALT + C formats text to code.
@rlemon thanks
4:14 PM
@MikeS there is not a detailed or documented resource for IE 8
as always -- CTRL + K formats the entire input to code.
all you can do is ask here or S.O.
girlfriend found github
nah just testing the alt things
@rlemon she found it before me .. sadly!
yea can I see some of her code?
4:15 PM
sudo apt-get install girlfriend
package not found
$ who | grep -i cute | head | nice | talk | date | cd ~ ; wine ; unzip ; touch ; strip ; finger ; mount ; gasp ; yes ; uptime ; umount ; kill
@Zirak and thats why you still have a corporate java job :D
@SomeKittens "package not found" - thats what she said .
@Raynos lolno. Stopped touching Java for money some time ago
@rlemon that's what the terminal said
4:19 PM
@Zirak so if not for money; what is your excuse now :)
Why, making reliable, cross-platform and saucy enterprise programs, of course.
you forgot slow
@Zirak How does one make a saucy program? With a cookbook, of course!
Don't know about you, but I use sauce.
Of course, make sure it's open sauce, rather than proprietary pesto.
4:23 PM
IE8 breaks my code. Bill Gates MUST DIE!
@rlemon java is slow?
@rlemon true story
that is real... you can buy it
as seen in the question update, I'm using delegate(), but it's not working yet..

4:28 PM
Also my bday is in september... if anyone out there is wanting to show a lemon some love....
@Zirak are you currently unemployed then?
you can make me this:
@SomeKittens yes! it's called stupidity and/or laziness tax.
@rlemon mine bday is, too. Halfsies!
@MikeS I'd be for more of that, except I have far too many moments of idiocy
@MikeS has anyone ever told you in that pic you look like Shatner?
not once you blow it up - but at 48*48 (or w/e) it does.
@rlemon then beam me the f*ck outta IE hell.
@MikeS "I'm a doctor not a bloody miracle worker"
@rlemon the doctor IS a bloody miracle worker
@Raynos I do stuff, but not programming stuff; not for the moment.
4:45 PM
@SomeKittens @ 21 I doubt you can appreciate the reference - TNG maybe - DS9 (crap!) likely - Voyager has 7of9 so I can't really complain
Enterprise sucks.. hard
@rlemon I've never been a Star Trek fan anyway
TNG ftw
Picard === 9th doctor + 10th doctor - 11th doctor (so win win win)
Matt Smith is a horse faced turd.
Matt Smith isn't that great, but I blame Moffat for the decline in quality
@rlemon Why didn't you tell me I was a complete idiot with urlstringify!?
ok, wtf. i have this code setcookie('dataLoaded', 1, time()+28800); and IE8 chokes on it. chrome and firefox do just fine. So, yes, MS chokes on my cookie if you must know.
4:48 PM
@Zirak urlstringify.("You're a complete idiot");
@SomeKittens SyntaxError: Unexpected token (
19 mins ago, by SomeKittens
@MikeS I'd be for more of that, except I have far too many moments of idiocy
@SomeKittens well the story lines are a little bit... repetitive. but at least Eccleston and Tennant were enjoyable to watch
I could watch Eccleston all day. and DT is funny as hell.
@rlemon True. Tennant made the show so much fun to watch.
but, but bowties are cool
4:52 PM
Eccleston had his own, wonderful, style
$("#mytable tbody").delegate("tr", "hover", function) doesnt work, however $('#mytable tbody tr').mouseover(function) works.
My whole life I thought I was a straight man; as it turns out I also want to be Christopher Eccleston wife.
try .live()
you cannot delegate hover
what about on()
4:53 PM
you can in 1.7.2...
its not working either
or 1.7 even..
@Esailija orly?
i missed that train
it's in the 1.7 patchnotes
I just use .hover ( func1, func2 ) or .hover ( func )
4:53 PM
I'm using 1.7.2
some ppl complained so they added very hacky special case
enjoy the weekend. i'm out. cya
@rogcg element.hover(function() { console.log('over'); }, function() { console.log('out'); });
@rlemon or that. ;)
element.hover(function() {
      $(this).toggleFade(); // oolala
wow i'm fast
"this message cannot be edited until it is received by the server"
4:55 PM
my doubt is, delegate() or on() will handle events now or in the future. just dont get why it's not working, since the rows are generated dinamically
@rlemon HAUHAUHU
but it's not doing it
now that I found the solution I'll have to answer my question. I hate answering my questions.
PT-boat on the way to Havana, I used to make a living, man, Pickin' the banana. Now I'm a guy for the CIA, Hooray for the USA!
whatever I'm using hover
please answer my question. I hate answering my own questions
5:03 PM
Q: Highlight and sorting issue when populating table dynamically

rogcgI'm trying to make my table have a checkbox column for each row, and also the rows to highlight on hover. It works properly when the data is static declared on html files, however when retrieving the data from server (I'm using $.getJSON) the sorting becomes a mess and the highlight stops working...

5:51 PM
have you ever actually read the back of the old spice stick?
nuclear robots, heh?
"oh hey, your robotic smell is so sexy. let alone your radiation"
lol my gf noticed that and showed me
i was like Orly?
6:06 PM
That's part of the reason I stick with Old Spice
Also, holy crap guys why is it only 2:10 :-(
boss let us go home at 1 :)
i'm sitting here with a beer about to start up diablo
nvm as this is my last beer i'm heading out to the LCBO to get some more
then diablo
@RyanKinal you Diablo?
6:11 PM
... actually, at 3:30, I get beer in the office
I do!
and americas servers correct?
I never remember the friggin' number on the end of the battle tag, though
rlemon#1805 I have a lvl 60 barb in inferno and a lvl 36 WD
I've been doing tornado builds with my barb but now that they nerfed my dps and ^^ the repair cost I'm going to have to make a tank build.
6:13 PM
I have a... 54 barb in Hell (Act 1 still)
Yeah, tank build seems to be the way to go
well.... now
My DH is around 36, I think
I loved reading everyone on the forums saying "omg this char is so easy" or "this is the best build period!"
lol, yeah
LOL the game is only a few weeks old (5/6 now????) How in the fuck do you guys know what is best?
6:14 PM
in jquery i am trying to traverse up through the DOM and find the prev element that has a class of btnToggle, this element could be a prev sibling or a parent. Howtf do i do that?
have you played every build? every char?
I think not.
@Mike $(elem).closest('.yourclass')
^ that
@ryan only works for siblings, what if the elem is a parent?
closest is for parents, not siblings
6:15 PM
okay what if its a sibling then
i tried prevAll
$(elm).parents(klass).add($(elm).siblings(klass)); /// all
I'm actually just guessing on that one, lol
But it seems logical :-D
or wait..
6:16 PM
but prevAll no workies :(
prevAll is for all siblings before the current element
var els = $(elm).siblings(klass);
if( !els.length ) { // 0 is falsey
      els = $(elm).parents(klass);
btnField is a hidden input , btnToggle is a button that i click on click it takes the value of btnToggle and puts it into the input.
$('.btnField').prevAll().attr("value", $curValue ); doesn't work
i am looking for space on the web server so please tell me any good compny
var $curValue = $this.attr('value');
6:17 PM
Use .val() instead of .attr()
attr and prop shouldn't even exist.
setAttribute/getAttribute and . were too hard for people to understand
prop is effing retarded
elm.foo = bar;
6:20 PM
elm.foo = 'bar';
problem is, .btnToggle element can be child of a btngrp
@ThiefMaster touche
var btnFields = $('.btnField');
        btnFields .parents('.btnToggle').add(btnFields.siblings('.btnToggle')).val( $curValue );
IMHO it would be nicer with andSelf:
jsfiddle.net/wUvJX/1 works great, but if i put the button into another div called btngroup it wont >_>
6:24 PM
yea i'm not a huge jQuery user :) so some functions I don't even know about :P
$this.parent().find('.btnField').val($curValue); // assuming .btnToggle and .btnField have a common parent
but! for someone who has used jQuery less than 2 dozen times I can honestly say it's sad to see so many uberly dumb questions floating around
Learn JS FFS (Public service announcement)
they do :)
So, read through that line I just wrote
i did
6:28 PM
$this        // the button that was clicked
.parent() // the parent of the button
.find('.btnField')      // any .btnField's in the parent
.val($curValue)    // the value
Prefixing variables containing anything but jquery objects with $ is extremely ugly by the way
its the php in me >_>
ill go back and fix it after the fact.
just trying to get a working proof :)
@RyanKinal jsfiddle.net/wUvJX/5 blah
$ sucks in php - why would we want it in our js
i would die for var + no $ in php
@rlemon what the hell?
6:32 PM
i have grown to love ruby
@Greg what the shit
no I noticed it wasn't you who is complaining :)
every time I see $ it just reminds me I have none. F U PHP AND JQUERY! F U
6:34 PM
@rlemon Then use a language that doesn't use dollar signs
I do!
@rlemon or patch PHP's grammar yourself
Yeah, and while doing that let's make functions etc. proper objects!
I've been considering python..
PHP is a mess...
6:35 PM
@rlemon don't you have a good pay ? O-o
i must say, i HATED javascript when i began messing with jQuery... then once i began to fiddle with prototype and other non jQuery stuff i have begun to enjoy it
Good idea - actually I became anti-PHP after I discovered python
@Mike I like JavaScript. Without any bad bits.
@DieVarDump good pay + bad bills === SOL
i always forgot about bad bills
6:38 PM
I have developed (on and off) since about 1992 - js at the dawn of windows 98 and then between 2007 and 2011 I stopped. so coming back last summer and finding jQuery and ES5 was like "BOOOOOOO" and "YaY!" respectively. however it was a shame to see I still had to support the SAME lame IE versions.
(jQuery was not so big in 06)
92... i was 4
I was 6/7
learning QBASIC
<--- 8/9
I was / am ADHD and star trek really spoke to me so I begged my rents to get me a 386 and started rocking the DOS
I don't think I actually started developing until later, though... I didn't own a computer until I was at least 10
6:41 PM
I owned a computer for the sole reason that; when I was 7 I was sure I would be able to make my own "Computer" voice activated personal companion like on the Enterprise (D)
lol, nice
" i begged my rents" -» like it
interesting, @RyanKinal even doing alert( $this.attr("name") ); doesnt do anything lol
four weeks and a text based calculator later: I was sadly mistaken.
6:42 PM
Yeah, programming is disappointing like that.
@Mike Can you save and link your current fiddle?
But then I figure out all sorts of cool things I can do with programming
which is why there are all these noobs hacking away with grand ideals and cannot take it when you tell them "Fuck dude, slow down and crawl before you walk"
tbh I remember owning books on languages and programming... but I really cannot remember how in the hell I ever pulled off "self taught" before the internet.
6:44 PM
@rlemon Reminds me of Atwood saying that the best coders are the ones who know how bad they are
@Mike You know that $this doesn't have a data("toggle"), right?
$this is the button that was clicked, not its parent
on the second it doesnt
on the first it does
@rlemon I tried books. Didn't work. I'd try out something that the book didn't fully cover, and then it broke. I couldn't figure out why, and lost interest
even change the data() to val() and it wont work >_>, must not be selecting $(this) properly?
Ah, you're right
So, what isn't working? I see it all working the way I expect it to.
6:46 PM
I learned by reading others code and hacking around at it until I actually understood what it did .
VERY tedious and not recommended way about it
WTF, now it is ? LOL... cleared cache and now it works.
but I did learn first what all the "DO NOTS" were
@rlemon That's what I did too
@Mike ;-)
yay internet
@RyanKinal so like me in 10 years you learned what others did with instruction in 6
6:47 PM
(also, formal schooling, which helps a lot more than people think)
however they know all the best practises I know all the "Holy fuck you didn't"s
@rlemon Well, I was also going through tutorials at the time
there were no tuts when I started.
language agnostics were all self taught.
life savor
I'm not a big fan of tutorials
6:48 PM
jsfiddle.net/wUvJX/8 you guys see anything you'd change?
good starting point, but nothing more than that
maybe string all of the items into one, prevent from having $this repeatedly?
I know too many people who went through a Java tutorial and think that qualifies them to correct me.
I feel Language Agnostic should be the first thing ANY programmer learns.
IMO 90% of all jQuery "problems" are for lack of language agnostics
@rlemon I learned Python first thing, which is close enough
6:49 PM
w00t to that
@rlemon agreed
Looks like it may have been written in 98, lol
@RyanKinal so why do i have to click the button twice for the item to popup.. should the if statement take care of that?
lrn me some noobs
It's because of the if statement
6:51 PM
use a toggle instead then? Rather, what would you suggest?
Hmmm. Just a sec.
@RyanKinal jsfiddle.net/wUvJX/9 final code.
Take a look at your logic
pre-condition: your buttons do not have class 'active'

on click:
	if button has 'active', then remove 'active', and put the value in your field
	if button does not have 'active', then add 'active', and put a blank string in your field
Hi there, can anyone take a look into a SO question of mine please? The jQuery and the front end worked but I'm stuck at the PHP class part :( stackoverflow.com/questions/11147866/…
flipped logic
6:55 PM


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
stackoverflow.com/a/11101221/223594 is there any way to do this with a single regex?
@RyanKinal id buy you a beer if you lived in az
@Mike I accept donations :-D
Did someone take a look at Angular JS ?
6:58 PM
consider it buying you a beer ;)
@Mike lol, yeah
@DieVarDump I saw it. Haven't looked into it yet.
JavaScript Weekly is really full of informations
yes it certainly is

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