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11:03 AM
@PeeHaa sure
Although I will say this: there are several elements of that internal API that I don't like :-P
It's ok it doesn't like you either
github.com/PeeHaa/AsyncTwitter/commit/… <-- definitely wrong, but no other way to do it at the moment
Oh right
@kelunik @bwoebi I assume this is me being a dumbass, but I couldn't find a sane way to add a file upload to a FormBody (artax) without giving it a local file system path
@DaveRandom wat
that doesn't sound right
I really wanted a way to give it another Request instance to proxy that data into the field
But failing that, a way to give it the data from a string
I assume this is just me being a dumbass though
Oh an also amp/socket doesn't check the fwrite for false explicitly (it only checks empty) and it also supressed error, which made it very difficult for me to find the cause of the bug referenced last night
Need to check false and abort immediately on that, ideally with an exception using error_get_last() as the message
11:10 AM
Those amp people are dicks
happened yesterday
also morning
Any errors before it starts leaking like crazy?
hey paul
11:11 AM
> tried to allocate 173512 bytes
that's a big alloc
That sucks...
that stack trace sucks
That too
@kelunik Added to my todo
@MadaraUchiha ping
ooooh @PeeHaa also we got that same thing today
11:18 AM
so here's an interesting thing @Ekin, when I do ps aux | grep php on that server, I can't see the service process
@DaveRandom aerys
> GitAmp-Ubuntu php[6184]: #0 /opt/gitamp/vendor/amphp/aerys/lib/Server.php(560): Amp\Deferred->update('cmd=%63%64%20%2...')
GitAmp-Ubuntu php[6184]: #1 /opt/gitamp/vendor/amphp/aerys/lib/Server.php(536): Aerys\Server->onParsedEntityPart(Object(Aerys\Client), Array)
@PeeHaa I should still be able to see the root php process though, surely?
Related to the bug that fucks it all up :(
@DaveRandom Dunno how that stuff works :P
11:20 AM
Hi! I've written a PHP CLI script, but I'd like to keep track of its uptime. register_shutdown_function doesn't seem to be getting triggered when I close the command-line. Is there another way to do this without having to recompile with pcntl?
(On windows btw, although will be deploying to 'nix)
@jhmckimm You may find that on *nix it works already
@PeeHaa did that kill the service the last time btw? can't remember but this time it continued okay it seems
Windows handles stuff like that completely differently
@Ekin Not sure about last time. I know I have seen that thing right before a crash at some point
@MadaraUchiha I just got my accepted answer tick removed from stackoverflow.com/questions/2183486. that post is from 2010. the new accepted answer tick was awarded to an answer that was just posted an hour ago. the new answer doesn't add anything new over the already given answers. This smells fishy to me. Can you check the user of the new post against the OP. I suspect there is linkage.
Also, the author of stackoverflow.com/questions/2183486/… might be connected too. More evidence: stackoverflow.com/questions/32952051/… same OP, new answer.
11:22 AM
Waaaaaaaiiiiit @Ekin
We should have the complete request in the log now don't we?
Please tell me we do
tfw you accidentally paste a huge SQL query into a terminal and have to check the backlog to verify that none of the lines were accidentally a valid bash command...
don't think we do :(
11:22 AM
gonna check it again
I suck
ha owner abuse
> You cannot star your own messages
11:23 AM
There should be a "may be equal to" operator: SQL <?> Bash
@PeeHaa we don't
But but but
11:26 AM
Hmm, okay. Seems I can use react to write to a file every few seconds to keep track of uptime... Do I... Do I...
@jhmckimm probably not
@Ekin ugh seems like it crashes before aerys handles the log middleware thing :(
I'd suggest an approach more like time php /path/to/script >> file.log @jhmckimm
!!man time
[ time -- time command execution ] time [ -al ] [ -h | -p ] [ -o file ] utility [ argument ... ]
11:28 AM
Or do you need it live while the process it running?
that girl is hilarious: i.makeagif.com/media/2-19-2016/BH8EEF.gif. anyone know where this is from?
My "app" is a Discord bot running on: github.com/teamreflex/DiscordPHP
Need a "max uptime" value for stats 'n' stuff.
@Gordon lol
@jhmckimm where "max" is a limit on how long it is allowed to run?
Is this a daemon (service) or just a script invoked by e.g. cron?
Just a CLI php script.
11:33 AM
@DaveRandom Ideally using set_error_handler
@jhmckimm OK right, but is it supposed to keep running for as long as possible or do you want to limit/track it's run time to check it's not taking too long?
Long as possible, with the ability to actively update its "longest" uptime.
@jhmckimm OK right, so what you want to do probably is use a systemd service
!!? systemd service get uptime
Search for "systemd service get uptime" (https://www.google.com/search?q=systemd+service+get+uptime&lr=lang_en)
• monitoring - how to monitor up time and down time… - 4 sep. 2013 - how to monitor up time and down time of a linux service … on systemd, the init system… (http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/89356/how-to-monitor-up-time-and-down-time-of-a-linux-service)
• How to check uptime under a systemd system : linu… - 8 dec. 2014 - Using Debian Jessie here. I used to be able to type 'uptime' to get my system's uptim… (https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/2omhcr/how_to_check
11:39 AM
Am I able to call that from within my app?
^ almost certainly that will provide you with a suitable solution
@jhmckimm well it would mean that the server can be configured to auto-start it on boot, restart it when it dies, and you can use the plethora of tooling that already exists for generating stats about systemd services
It will also automagically log any output such that you can munge it with journalctl
(so you don't need to mess around writing log entries to file yourself, you can just echo them)
Ah, that might not work. There is a tonne of output from the lib I'm using.
I probably wouldn't make a script responsible for reporting it's own uptime
^ that
ps -p <script pid> -o etime
11:42 AM
you want a well tested, stable wrapper to track that stuff for you
or a dirty hack :D
It's really just a novelty command for users to use.
your script responds to commands?
Yes. It's a Discord chat bot.
11:43 AM
well if you just want a thing to run and report how long it ran for when it ends, time command arg1 arg2... is the simplest possible way
Responsible for reporting information about items in a game.
A lot of items (900+). Pulls stuff from a wiki. :)
so why not define('START_TIME', time()); during bootstrap, and then when someone asks for uptime, just sub the start time from the current time, format and send
because this is starting to look far too complicated for what you want :P
I have that. I'm looking to keep track of the longest uptime from any session.
ah ok
24 mins ago, by jhmckimm
Hi! I've written a PHP CLI script, but I'd like to keep track of its uptime. register_shutdown_function doesn't seem to be getting triggered when I close the command-line. Is there another way to do this without having to recompile with pcntl?
11:45 AM
will have to bookmark ehbeefamily.com for later
That says to me that you want to record it if it's manually killed
wrap your php script with a php script that does a blocking exec :D
There's also that, but still vulnerable to losing it if that proc is killed
That could work.
it's php scripts all the way down
11:46 AM
time command arg1 arg2... <-- that is exactly what that does
!!man time
[ time -- time command execution ] time [ -al ] [ -h | -p ] [ -o file ] utility [ argument ... ]
Hehe. Oops.
your time is pretty different from my time
11:48 AM
Is there any way I can get that to write to a file?
   time   [ -apqvV ] [ -f FORMAT ] [ -o FILE ]
          [ --append ] [ --verbose ] [ --quiet ] [ --portability ]
          [ --format=FORMAT ] [ --output=FILE ] [ --version ]
          [ --help ] COMMAND [ ARGS ]
Just a 'nix stamp is all I need.
20 mins ago, by DaveRandom
I'd suggest an approach more like time php /path/to/script >> file.log @jhmckimm
See, these things aren't obvious to me. :c
I'm not a heavy 'nix user.
Well you should fix that :)
11:49 AM
My favourite command is sl.
choo choo
>> is a redirection operation that means append to file
Gottcha. And is it relative to the dir from which it's executed?
@Leigh ...by putting weight on?
@jhmckimm Yes, or you can specify an absolute path
ftr windows works the exact same way
@DaveRandom yes, the same way you become a C# dev by getting new glasses
ahem <<- C# "dev"
11:50 AM
@Leigh I did it by buying a new bong
@jhmckimm "nice language, shame about the framework"
(I also spend a lot of time writing C#)
This is not how time works.
"63 minutes"
@Leigh :)
║ [1 hour, 21 minutes and 17 seconds] without an accident ║
║               since [2017-02-24 10:40:23]               ║
it should also tell the difference towards the longest time without incident
12:05 PM
Well personally I think it should just always say 0 seconds
Perhaps the time since the last message sent. ;)
I do like a nice Apple Grumble
no apples
just grumble
sounds dry
12:11 PM
no desert
just grumble
/me fights urge to ask "how about dessert?"
you didn't really fight the urge
I didn't say I was fighting it hard
sorry I seem to be in quite a troll-ish mood, I will go away
I kid, I kid
Not as trolly as this guy: stackoverfiow.com/questions/52353/…
12:15 PM
god damn it
Hey guys, anyone have any idea how to "center" the red box vertically between those 2 navbar parts? codepen.io/anon/pen/gmOJKj
Know this is more a css question but can't seem to find a frontend chatroom
!!docs center_the_red_box_vertically_between_those_two_navbar_parts
you're welcome
12:17 PM
@DaveRandom Hehehe. Sorry.
Didn't help at all mate
!!docs real_center_the_red_box_vertically_between_those_two_navbar_parts
[ stream_context_set_params() ] Set parameters for a stream/wrapper/context

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
12:19 PM
you're welcome
/me needs the week to be over, so I can sleep for a couple of days
that was to Paul.. soz man
oh ... I know
3 messages moved to Trash
@Jeeves are you tested yet ?
@JoeWatkins I am tested on you!
12:24 PM
@Jeeves crazy bitch
@JoeWatkins I don't think you need to insult me.
soviet jeeves tests you
@Jeeves Don't fuck with Joe
@Leigh Why do you want to live in me?
gooood ... gooood ...
12:27 PM
hi guys . anyone integrated connectopensource("http://www.connectopensource.org/") with PHP Application ?
your link seems fishy .. the hell
ah i see, i should have used the www in front
define "integrate"? what do you actually want to do?
ftr "integrate with x" is as meaningless as "the cloud", it's flowery sales talk
@DaveRandom I do all my integrating in the cloud
i just integrated to my php EMR . But It have Document retrieve method. I have some error with this operation :(
12:32 PM
You can get arrested for that sort of thing
not if the cloud likes it, and the integrations are client focused
piece of paper on desk, numbers written in my handwriting, don't know what they are for, don't remember writing them ...
check for carbon monoxide buildup
on the paper ?
12:39 PM
Have your wife and/or children been kidnapped? If not, the numbers are likely not related to bomb defusal and as such, unimportant.
in your home. a CO leak can lead to memory loss like that
they have not
there's an alarm in next room where boiler is, it's only a few weeks old (the alarm)
another possibility is a version of you came back from the future to fuck with present you
Did you recently measure yourself for a suit?
pretty wild stab in the dark, and a miss
12:43 PM
it could be future you measuring you for a suit
Do they look like IP addresses?
If yes, it's probably the future-you-suit thing
no, and not phone numbers, or bank numbers that I recognize
are they in the right format for bank numbers?
one of them is 8 digits, the other is 7 and written at a right angle to the first for some reason
gps coordinates?
12:46 PM
google doesn't think so, and it would be pretty strange to write that down ...
Generally the only numbers I write on actual pieces of paper a measurements before going to e.g. B&Q
everything else goes into my phone or a sticky on computer
They are usually accompanied by a diagram, and are probably never 7/8 digits
I misread that and wondered why you were measuring yourself for a barbecue
sorry, unnecessary
I'm just going to have to keep the bit of paper now, until someone asks me for numbers that I don't know for something ... or ... fuck knows what ...
The fact that they are written at right-angles says they either have some spacial relevance or they are unrelated to each other (written at different times)
12:50 PM
I hate forgetting everything, I clearly wrote them down for something, in the last few days (since I cleared all the shit off my desk last)
unrelated seems likely ... and didn't occur to me
doing sudoku at all?
I give up, I'll just keep the bit of paper
@PeeHaa The request logger should probably yield the body here: github.com/ekinhbayar/gitamp/blob/master/server.php#L82
k will do so
No access to the machine right now
@PeeHaa showing Jay the best place to molest wax models ?
12:59 PM
:P working
I think Jay has the expertise there, anyway
@PeeHaa it's friday
Yeah I know :(
But I still have lots to do

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