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12:06 AM
Test incoming...
What the...
sd why
^ Trolling
1 min ago, by Undo
Test incoming...
36 secs ago, by Praveen Kumar
^ Trolling
11 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
7 hours later…
7:12 AM
An error (NSError) occured while parsing events (cc @NobodyNada):
NSURLErrorDomain code -1 ["NSErrorFailingURLStringKey": "https://chat.stackoverflow.com/message/34504154?plain=true", "NSErrorFailingURLKey": <CFURL 0x6ed757d0 [0x76b147c0]>{string = chat.stackoverflow.com/message/34504154?plain=true, encoding = 0, base = (null)}]
An error (NSError) occured (cc @NobodyNada):
NSURLErrorDomain code -1 ["NSErrorFailingURLStringKey": "https://chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/111347/messages/new", "NSErrorFailingURLKey": <CFURL 0x6ee4e880 [0x76b147c0]>{string = chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/111347/messages/new, encoding = 0, base = (null)}]
An error (NSError) occured (cc @NobodyNada):
NSURLErrorDomain code -1 ["NSErrorFailingURLStringKey": "https://chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/111347/messages/new", "NSErrorFailingURLKey": <CFURL 0x6ee38310 [0x76b147c0]>{string = chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/111347/messages/new, encoding = 0, base = (null)}]
An error (FireAlarm.Filter.QuestionProcessingError) occured while processing an active question (cc @NobodyNada):
jsonParsingError(json: "{\"action\":\"155-questions-active\",\"data\":\"{\\\"siteBaseHostAddress\\\":\\\"stackoverflow.com\\\",\\\"id\\\":41054680,\\\"titleEncodedFancy\\\":\\\"Swift 3 using AFNetworking\\\",\\\"bodySummary\\\":\\\"I am using AFNetworking with Swift 3.0 and I am stuck on one code.\\\\n\\\\nfunc getJSON()\\\\n    {\\\\r\\\\n        let manager = AFHTTPSessionManager()\\\\n        manager.get(\\\\n            url,\\\\n            parameters: nil,...\\\",\\\"tags\\
4 messages moved from SOBotics
8 hours later…
3:16 PM
An error (FireAlarm.Filter.QuestionProcessingError) occured while processing an active question (cc @NobodyNada):
jsonParsingError(json: "{\"action\":\"155-questions-active\",\"data\":\"{\\\"siteBaseHostAddress\\\":\\\"stackoverflow.com\\\",\\\"id\\\":41058215,\\\"titleEncodedFancy\\\":\\\"Create Java Application to run as a Windows Service\\\",\\\"bodySummary\\\":\\\"i want to create a Windows Service which runs my Java-Application.\\\\n\\\\nThis was no problem by using\\\\n\\\\nsc.exe create myService binPath= \\\\\\\"java -jar C:\\\\\\\\to\\\\\\\\my\\\\\\\\service.jar\\\\\\\"\\\\r\\\\nWh
An error (NSError) occured (cc @NobodyNada):
NSURLErrorDomain code -1 ["NSErrorFailingURLKey": <CFURL 0x6cddda78 [0x76ac57c0]>{string = chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/111347/messages/new, encoding = 0, base = (null)}, "NSErrorFailingURLStringKey": "https://chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/111347/messages/new"]
An error (FireAlarm.Filter.QuestionProcessingError) occured while processing an active question (cc @NobodyNada):
jsonParsingError(json: "{\"action\":\"155-questions-active\",\"data\":\"{\\\"siteBaseHostAddress\\\":\\\"stackoverflow.com\\\",\\\"id\\\":41063380,\\\"titleEncodedFancy\\\":\\\"_.extend vs _.clone in lodash\\\",\\\"bodySummary\\\":\\\"To inherit properties of one object by another while dealing with javascript objects, I often see usage of _.clone where intention was to create an object with another object\'s properties and then it ...\\\",\\\"tags\\\":[\\\"javascript\\\",\\\"lo
An error (NSError) occured (cc @NobodyNada):
NSURLErrorDomain code -1 ["NSErrorFailingURLKey": <CFURL 0x6cdddd78 [0x76ac57c0]>{string = chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/111347/messages/new, encoding = 0, base = (null)}, "NSErrorFailingURLStringKey": "https://chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/111347/messages/new"]
An error (FireAlarm.Filter.QuestionProcessingError) occured while processing an active question (cc @NobodyNada):
jsonParsingError(json: "{\"action\":\"155-questions-active\",\"data\":\"{\\\"siteBaseHostAddress\\\":\\\"stackoverflow.com\\\",\\\"id\\\":41061555,\\\"titleEncodedFancy\\\":\\\"How to define get and set methods\\\",\\\"bodySummary\\\":\\\"I am new to C# coding and are hoping to build on my skills by creating a game in which rooms are connected by corridors within a haunted house. The user will be be able to move north, east, south and ...\\\",\\\"tags\\\":[\\\"c#\\\",\\\"class\\
An error (FireAlarm.Filter.QuestionProcessingError) occured while processing an active question (cc @NobodyNada):
jsonParsingError(json: "{\"action\":\"155-questions-active\",\"data\":\"{\\\"siteBaseHostAddress\\\":\\\"stackoverflow.com\\\",\\\"id\\\":41063020,\\\"titleEncodedFancy\\\":\\\"How to change the US default dateformat input fields in React-bootstrap-daterangepicker\\\",\\\"bodySummary\\\":\\\"I\'m new to React and Javascript and have the following problem: I need to change the default US dateformat in my React-bootstrap-daterangepicker. I found some info about changing the locale
An error (FireAlarm.Filter.QuestionProcessingError) occured while processing an active question (cc @NobodyNada):
jsonParsingError(json: "{\"action\":\"155-questions-active\",\"data\":\"{\\\"siteBaseHostAddress\\\":\\\"stackoverflow.com\\\",\\\"id\\\":41063355,\\\"titleEncodedFancy\\\":\\\"Push notificaiton not displaying when app is in background\\\",\\\"bodySummary\\\":\\\"I am trying to implement Firebase Push Notification into my IOS app but cant figure out how to receive notifications when the app is in background.\\\\n\\\\nI used print to display the notification, but it ...\\\",\\\"t
An error (FireAlarm.Filter.QuestionProcessingError) occured while processing an active question (cc @NobodyNada):
jsonParsingError(json: "{\"action\":\"155-questions-active\",\"data\":\"{\\\"siteBaseHostAddress\\\":\\\"stackoverflow.com\\\",\\\"id\\\":41057995,\\\"titleEncodedFancy\\\":\\\"extracting contents from a header and parts of payload\\\",\\\"bodySummary\\\":\\\"I have the following contents from data.log file. I wish to extract the ts value and part of the payload (after deadbeef in the payload, please refer to expected output).\\\\n\\\\ndata.log\\\\n\\\\nprint 1: file ...\\\",\\\
An error (FireAlarm.Filter.QuestionProcessingError) occured while processing an active question (cc @NobodyNada):
jsonParsingError(json: "{\"action\":\"155-questions-active\",\"data\":\"{\\\"siteBaseHostAddress\\\":\\\"stackoverflow.com\\\",\\\"id\\\":41063495,\\\"titleEncodedFancy\\\":\\\"Using Jest to test a React component&#39;s method\\\",\\\"bodySummary\\\":\\\"I have a container component responsible for providing save functionality for a child form component method. I\'m trying to use Jest &amp; Enzyme (I think I need enzyme?) to test whether the child ...\\\",\\\"tags\\\":[\\\"javas
An error (NSError) occured (cc @NobodyNada):
NSURLErrorDomain code -1 ["NSErrorFailingURLKey": <CFURL 0x7010eb68 [0x76ac57c0]>{string = chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/111347/messages/new, encoding = 0, base = (null)}, "NSErrorFailingURLStringKey": "https://chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/111347/messages/new"]
10 messages moved from SOBotics
3:42 PM
@Kieran What the <Hidden> did you just <Hidden> say about failsafe you little <Hidden>?
8 messages moved from C#
3 hours later…
7:10 PM
!!tell eric help
@jab Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@scheien Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@eric Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
7:10 PM
I'm a tard
!!tell mikeTheLiar 2+2=5
@JABFreeware Command 2+2=5 does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
okay i'll brb
time to learn
@scheien That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: command, commend
7:10 PM
@EricFrechette Cap is a not an official chat integration. She's a bot written by one of the JS room members
!!commend jabfreeware
@JABFreeware QuyTang's so handsome!
!!commend jabfreeware
@JABFreeware QuyTang's so handsome!
!!defintion QuyTang
7:11 PM
@JABFreeware That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
22 messages moved from C#
what am i doing here

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