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07:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

7:50 AM
@que alive
Sure thing buzzing around
@que users
@PetterFriberg These are current users
@que remove
@que stats tags
@que remove
5 hours later…
12:54 PM
@ali how is the mysql thing going
@Drew Still figuring it out
I am sure I can help you.
@Drew I'm working on a game bot for telegram, the only problem is the Database. I'm good with php
@Drew How? I'd appreciate it
give me 5 to 10 minutes. I have to look at a few other questions first
as in close vote them :p The others
@Drew Alright, thanks
1:03 PM
@que stats tags
@que remove
1:26 PM
@AliPadida I put a villa.txt up in the beehive
@Drew Let me take a look at it, thanks
@Drew Looks great, the properties table, I couldn't understand the type field. Forexample if we say wall is a property of village, what should its type be?
1:41 PM
the properties table was a first idea (note I said consider ditching it)
but it could contain say 5 rows of different wall types
and the starting strength
so, type would be 'Wall'. Let's say you have a half dozen things like oil, gas, ..., their type is 'Energy'
you can either have the app just add stuff to the inventory table or have other sub-types that add to or detract from the cumulative net strength of an type
so a sum with group by
Right, I guess I got the whole idea, I'm gonna work around it
@Drew I'll mention your name if I get to complete the Bot :P
There's a similar bot on Telegram, @villagegamebot.
Developing games for Telegram is trending nowadays
good luck Ali. Glad to help (within reason)
oh, and if you were the one that just massively upvoted me, please undo those votes
@Drew I'm fimiliar with Php, mysql, C#, your responses are helpful for me too. That's why I upvoted
just undo them. except maybe one if any. I get in trouble if you dont
@Drew Oh, I got it. I'll do, but that's stupid if you get trouble with upvote spams. maybe someone is appreciating you guys
1:55 PM
Find one you like. Not upvoting for the heck of it. Like click upvote click upvote. It makes the site cheap. Plus we all look fishy
Now everytime someone goes on an upvote spree, I have to edit all the answers so they can undo their votes. Cuz after 5 minutes the votes can't be reversed.
It is all a pain in the a%@
@Drew Damn, I didn't know :(
the serial upvoting script will reverse them in 18 hours or so
so I will ignore it :p
@Drew 18 hours is not that much
@Drew It's the first day I'm using the chatrooms, happy to find you
well I felt guilty closing your question without offering a little help
The community is a great place, I've gotten all my answers, thanks to you guys.
@Drew You helped me here, didn't you mention anything there? like in the comments?
2:11 PM
No, I just closed it
I highly doubt the intent of OP stackoverflow.com/q/37463362/2173917
what do you think the intent is
@Drew that's not fair, haha. Kidding, I mentioned your name though.
Well, I need to leave for now, life is hard, and I'm a student. Thanks agains for inviting me here, I'll visit again to follow interesting discussions.
good luck with your stuff Ali !
would have to go out of his way to say less stackoverflow.com/q/37448032
2:43 PM
@nisse if you have any free time and votes:
batch024 count=15 cv4 is in the beehive
@queen stats tags today
Tag statistics today
   nr [tag]             Reviews  CV virt.  CV count    Closed
   1. android                12        12        12         8
   2. java                    5         5         5         3
   3. r                      20         1         1         1
      TOTAL                  37        18        18        12
@queen [makefile]>=1cv
@DevNull in makefile scanned 2000 questions between Sep 02 17:40 and May 26 16:11 filterd and order 20 in batch 57
@queen [make]>=1cv
@queen [c]>=1cv
@queen [c++]>=1cv
@queen [cpp]>=1cv
@queen [make]>=1cv
2:46 PM
@DevNull in make scanned 2000 questions between Sep 02 17:40 and May 26 16:11 filterd and order 20 in batch 62
@queen [c]>=3cv
@DevNull in c scanned 1007 questions between May 17 14:30 and May 26 16:37 filterd and order 20 in batch 63
@queen done
@DevNull Sorry could not undertand which batch you are refeering to
@queen done [c]
2:50 PM
@DevNull Sorry could not undertand which batch you are refeering to
@queen help commands
@DevNull These are available commands
    api-quota - Get the current api quota
    commands - Display this list
    help - Display information about the chat bot
    stats tags - Show statistics on different tags
    stats rooms - Show statistics on different rooms
    users - Display the list of enabled users
    <max-questions> [tag]* <dupes> <cv-count>cv <q-score>s <answerType> <age>d -all - Cherry pick what you like to review
          answerType: a=Has answer, aa=Has accepted answer, na=Has no answer, naa=Has no accepted answer, nr=No roomba
@queen [c] done
@DevNull Sorry could not undertand which batch you are refeering to
Does anyone know how to specify which tag is "done" with queen?
I requested mulitple batches back-to-back
2:51 PM
the stats are rather meaningless
@queen How are you today?
@DevNull Sorry I did not recognize your command and the AI functions are disabled
afternoon, sirs
and queen
and possible ladies with low probability
queen, you need somethhing like the Parsey McParserFace engine
3:01 PM
zero prob
so we can have in-depth conversations with you
Is SO mainly male-dominated?
the missus is on a conference, and I'd have to work, so it's the perfect time for me to get familiar with the new system, and Her Royal Highness:P
@DevNull madly
I was reading some article the other day that if you favor FOSS developers while hiring, you're sexist
I had no idea the OSS world was mainly white and asian males
3:06 PM
sooo @Drew, is there a 101 or something I can read about the new system? Petter said something about some new stuff
yeah I would peruse the socvfinder chat room
okey doke
the stats are goofed out. Use -all if you don't want prior seen yet still open atm questions squelched
my parser broke on that second sentence of yours
lets say you do >=3cv . with me?
3:09 PM
oh, I'm nowhere near queen commands yet
but yeah, so far so good
so, assuming @done works ... and it has any clue what batch you are referring to ...
yeah I'm just looking at her commands, found "done"
if you then do a >=3cv a minute later, you are fed nothing
yup, that's what I gathered from the help, nice
so, the batches are of little re-use to other people in that context
cuz the context is about you, Andras
that is why I asked Petter to put in a -all switch
3:12 PM
to not suppress the output. And assuming everyone has on their propeller hat and knows the context of everything
oh, so you mean that if I don't add -all, and somebody has worked a post, then I might not see it?
if Andras does a whatever without -all
then you do a done, then you do the same cmd that got you the batch, again without -all
then you and everyone clicking on the batch url are looking at the Andras context
and that batch will exclude
3:32 PM
@Drew so should or should I not use all?:D
just map it thru in your head what the implication is
yeah that's what I don't get right now
I didn't write the thing. Most of us would use -all in my mind
I'll look in the socvfinder transcript
Some people don't want to see questions they have already seen having done a done
3:34 PM
ah OK
To me, the problem is that you have to go out of your way to do a -all
And those that follow you up are working off of your context
And stuff has a good chance of staying open then
So I would not have designed it this way
So if someone fires off a queen cmd without a -all, I have no interest at looking at it
I don't think anybody should be following my batches, and I leave posts open for a reason
Others, casual passersby, they dont know that (that batches are dependent on the person executing it)
3:37 PM
and I don't like looking at the same non-close-worthy posts multiple times in multiple batches:)
we need PKI for batches !
so I think I'll skip all for now
that was a damn funny joke. To me at least
well I have to google
Googled, but I still don't get it:P It's probably funnier if you know what it means
@Drew please provide us the joke
I could use a laugh today. Rough week.
3:45 PM
think RSA. Public key rings. I guess I worked crypto for too many years
@DevNull this is more like it
4:13 PM
love racoons. Thanks
4:32 PM
hi all
sorry I have been AWOL, slammed with work this week
also trying to move
4:48 PM
@JAL where to?
Chelsea, SoHo
Staying on the Upper West Side actually, just moving down to the 70s
I'm not hip enough to live downtown
5:08 PM
Hi all
Good evening
you would think this question would have been setup better before a bounty of that mag stackoverflow.com/questions/37315815
well at least it's not OP
300 seems like spare change for the 16k dude
I would happily IIS it but geez louise set it up
IIS? What's with obscure acronyms today?:D
that is what the question we are talking about, is about
5:17 PM
oooh I see
I got lost at php
he certainly is mixing and matching
but some people do it
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I am not voting on this one. All yours. stackoverflow.com/questions/37348725
PHP is looking rather dreadful atm
ugh... let me think on that :p
that is the kind of question I would delete
5:28 PM
it does seem very much too localized
to me it is a book report type of q and a
Hi all
I found a 9 page scala / akka self answer yesterday stackoverflow.com/questions/35120082
hey \o
looks like a documentation page
5:36 PM
@Drew This looks like a nice complete documentation rather than an answer to a specific question but meh...
Look at the number of upvotes...
This is helpful to people
I agree
hopefully the new SO docs thingie will be a place for things like that
how is everyone? :0
5:53 PM
@DevNull If fixed the done command I had a problem with adding some new info,
TIme to eat
@Drew lol, that scala self-answer. I'm tempted to add to it.
^wanna see how much ?
Hey quick question
why does having two synchronized methods in this case take twice as long ?
6:07 PM
Look what @Tunaki has done :p
custom java question
@eli why are you waiting with Thread.sleep(1);?
6:37 PM
Just had 7-month old century eggs for lunch today.
Surprisingly tasty
I would help but it seems I am doing java homework in another room
Though I nearly cried like a child.
if a baby coon won't eat it, you shouldn't either
A sad Canadian horse fleeing to the US might :)
6:40 PM
that is a Toronto horse
Now you're just splitting hairs
@Drew and @AndrasDeak the done command to queen save to database that you have reviewed those questitons and she will filter them out. The basic logic of the queen is to search for all question, then filter as in your command, then filter away what you have said is already done, then order them (the order is different for cherry picking and dup hunt), then display them.
The batch she creates is target at the reviewer who request batch not to everyone. The statistics is only fun that leverage the concept of being able to exclude questions already reviewed.
@PetterFriberg I recommend creating a Dr. Seuss like simple to understand help page on it because having to describe it for 10 to 20 minutes to everyone that asks gets a bit old
@Drew just to simulate some work
6:46 PM
@Drew yup
@Drew Yeah there is the help and the commands, I will try to do something better its just that I don't have fun documenting : )
@eli I think Tunaki was discussing it with you
Queen sees, bee brings, close 'em all up!
The concept should be fairly clear @ que [yourtag], when done @ que done,
oh my bad
6:47 PM
@que commands
@PetterFriberg These are available commands
    api-quota - Get the current api quota
    commands - Display this list
    help - Display information about the chat bot
    stats tags - Show statistics on different tags
    stats rooms - Show statistics on different rooms
    users - Display the list of enabled users
    <max-questions> [tag]* <dupes> <cv-count>cv <q-score>s <answerType> <age>d -all - Cherry pick what you like to review
          answerType: a=Has answer, aa=Has accepted answer, na=Has no answer, naa=Has no accepted answer, nr=No roomba
@que help
This is a chat bot to notify about possibile duplicates and cherry pick questions to review. Reply to bot with commands for full command list and see SOCVFinder for more information
@Tunaki to simulate some work
@PetterFriberg what doesn't make it easy is the fact that -all gets in the way. It is far from easy to understand for the guy that just shows up
6:48 PM
I guess my question is
@PetterFriberg Without -all the output is almost useless to the next guy seeing the link when done is used.
if I synchronize a method does it lock the class?
and if I run a synchronized code block with an object in the parameters
What do you want to do @eli?
does it lock the specific object
multithreading and synchronizing don't go together
6:49 PM
@Tunaki I am just wondering, why it will take twice as long, if I synchronize methods
@Drew that one of your featured request, -all basically does not filter away anymore the ones already served (the ones you have sent done to)
@Tunaki what do you mean they do not go together?
because you synchronize on this
@PetterFriberg I know it was a feature request, because the batch is not useful to other people
you synchronize on the Worker instance, that is shared by the threads
so, since you are synchronizing on this shared instance, both threads can't invoke the method concurrently
6:51 PM
@Drew yeah but the batch is not for other people, everybody should request their own batch
they need to wait
@PetterFriberg right. And it takes a lot of explaining to people. Without a page, guess who has to do it
Generally, if you need to use synchronized, something is wrong in your multithread logic.
@Drew lol, sorry ok I will try to improve :D, I will setup a command page
oh so synchronizing methods synchronizes the worker instance?
6:52 PM
public synchronized void stageOne()
means "synchronize on this", this being the worker instance here
oh and synchornize(lock1) means synchronize on this which is the object lock1 ?
@Tunaki thank you! that was an extremley clear explanation! I appreicate it
	public synchronized void stageOne() throws InterruptedException {
is equivalent to
	public void stageOne() throws InterruptedException {
		synchronized (this) {
that is bad
Multithreading is all about cutting down a task in multiple subtasks that don't overlap.
so that each subtasks can be performed in parallel
if each subtasks needs to share a common resource and synchronize on that, there is no point in multithreading
got it, that makes sense
6:56 PM
so more performant paradigms were created to escape sync nightmares, like mailslots and message queues. That sorta thing
And node said screw multi-threading, we won't even support it
That is also something to keep in mind: multithreading code does NOT make it run faster by default
Try reading a single file with 2 threads.
got it cool thanks this was really helpful
And now
Second lesson
Don't ever use new Thread(...).start()
This is a recipe for disaster.
Use an Executor instead.
Executors is a utility class that can give you a bunch of those.
So homework: try to rewrite your code without using new Thread(...) :D
are u saying I should do it without the start method?
7:09 PM
No, without using Thread itself
I see, is the API called ExecutorService that u are reffering to?
it is a subinterface of Executor that provides more functionality
Cool I will try it and check it out thanks
@zx485 just admiring some of your work in masm. You are a glutton for punishment, you know that? :p
7:36 PM
So Executor is the superinterface, ExectuorService is the subinterface
If I am creating a thread pool
ExecutorService executor=Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
In the documentation is does not say that Executors, the class implements ExecutorService?
ExecutorService extends Executor
I am not sure what is the meaning of the right side of the statment
Executors is a class that has a method newFixedThreadPool
but it does not say it implements ExecutorService in the documentation
no it is an utility class
Executors has a static method newFixedThreadPool that constructs and returns an ExecutorService
7:39 PM
It says it create and return an ExecutorService set up with commonly useful configuration settings.
but then are we not declaring an object of ExecutorService,
Sure, it is returned by the method
but its an interface?
Yes. newFixedThreadPool will create an instance of something that implements ExecutorService behind the scenes
It is actually a ThreadPoolExecutor
and then it returns that to you
7:42 PM
oh okay, got it make sense thanks again man
Woot \o/
close and delete I say
@Tunaki pending since yerterday
8:22 PM
@SouravGhosh have you seen all the cv4 in batch024 in the hive?
despite it being 2am in the morning :p
What happens if I do not call shutDown in the exectuorService?
your program will never terminate
it actually depends on how the executorService is used but most likely it won't terminate
8:39 PM
i see
Q: Reason for calling shutdown() on ExecutorService

LucasI was reading about it quite a bit in past couple hours, and I simply cannot see any reason (valid reason) to call shutdown() on the ExecutorService, unless we have a humongous application which stores, dozens and dozens of different executor services that are not used for a long time. The only ...

^ take a look at that
I'm not a big fan of adding a shutdown hook, there are other ways to do it
but the logic is the same
you shutdown, that stops the executor from being submitted new tasks
and then you await for all tasks to finish (if you want)
Got it, that makes sense also one more question
Hi all
@Drew Sorry, I was a bit occupied today
Hiya o/
8:45 PM
I am struggling with the countdownlatch
though I had voted on most of them already
@eli oh? What don't you understand with it?
remaining I have checked now
@que [java] =cv4
@YassinHajaj in java scanned 989 questions between May 10 10:53 and May 26 22:45 filterd and order 5 in batch 64
8:46 PM
I wrote this program here from an online tutorial
I do not understand how the countdown latch affects threads
To my understanding the constructor, has the number that it counts down from
and when you call count down latch it counts down
@que done
@YassinHajaj Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 5 questions, I counted 4 (80%) close votes and 4 questions closed
in this program, does it mean that before, each of the 3 threads is terminated it will count down 1 second?
Like does it create a thread, then count down 1 second, then the next thread, count down 1 second and so on
@YassinHajaj push up some 3cv and I will hit them later
@que [java] =cv3
8:49 PM
@YassinHajaj in java scanned 1012 questions between May 10 10:53 and May 26 22:45 filterd and order 17 in batch 65
:D, you stole all the 4cv...
@SouravGhosh they are all close now except one
@PetterFriberg Too quick :D
Is it possible to hammer this?
Q: Online Store Assignment

C.FI was told to come here because I am needing some help on an assignment for school. I have not been able to attend classes recently and I am a VERY new programmer, and I was fine using Netbeans last semester but due to family issues I have not attended class and we are exploring BlueJ, and I can'...

07:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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