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12:01 AM
yo @BK435 pretty good
Own man
I have had my head stuck at this new job
a bad thing huh
did not have any time to even really come on these SO boards
No its not bad so much as a headache
the sys analysis I had to do just made my head hurt
like Rupe Goldberg machines that just didnt make any sense
it's 5pm. Go home to Netflix and beer
I stay till 8pm
traffic is aweful
takes me almost an hour to go like 9 miles
12:10 AM
I'd say use the subway but you don't have one
We are expanding on that from what I hear
never used it
but still wouldnt work for me due to my location
it would take me just as much time to drive there and then get to work from the off station
then it would to just drive straight to work
DO you by any chance have any practical experience with REDIS?
man I had to redo this whole system in Redis
and figure out all this stuff
It was a bit of a headache
working on deadlines too
12:13 AM
how many hours a day are you in that building
that I am not sure why they are in place
I get in at 10:30 and leave around 7:30ish
well some people leave for work at 5 I hear. 5am
if they live in the valley
and want to be in by like 8
or before 8
what a world we have built, eh
if you live in the valley and work in LA proper if you leave after like 6ish you will not be in by 8
12:16 AM
so do you like the redis store?
You know
I actually do
I am still trying to wrap my head around it
I never took a formal data structure class
so all this stuff I just knew a bit about
I actually did a whole Flowchart diagram
corp america loves that stuff
stayed up Thursday night based on how I thought the whole thing worked with the HASH
fell asleep with my laptop in my hands
but before I read a blog post
and I realized that the HASH store did not actually work the way I thought
and then when I got into work the next morning had to redo everything
after doing a few test
I was in a bit of a frenzy cause I was supposed to have that flowchart in on Friday
a deadline
But I got it done
you know what I got rewarded with....More work :)
yeah my manager has been giving me these deadlines
12:19 AM
so you failed
No I had it in
I redid it and had it in by end of day Friday
I did not fail
you failed by succeeding
I dont get it
what do you mean?
they gave you more work
now I have to get all the data
or mock of the data based on the data size of the would be data store
seems great!!
and write code to do all that stuff
do benchmarking and stress testing
12:23 AM
get your data from a fractal tree index ?
or is that a memory from a previous life
4 hours later…
4:53 AM
Ohh nah...I need to writ a query that would estimate the amount of records based on the actual data set
n then just generate mock data equivalent to that size of that data...
should not be all that difficult in python
4 hours later…
9:01 AM
5 hours later…
2:29 PM
No [tag:c} or in the beehive?
Have we scared aware too many newbies?
Aww, my bees.
2:43 PM
@DevNull we have a nice bot for you :D
just try this @ queen 10 [c] =4cv, remove the space between @ and queen
or [c++] if you like that more ; )
@queen stats tags today
Tag statistics today
   nr [tag]            CV count    Closed
   1. python                 65        20
   2. ios                    31        10
   3. java                   18         7
   4. android                18         9
   5. php                    10        10
   6. typo3                   1         0
      TOTAL                 143        56
@DevNull yeep c needs to be on the list... python is dominating...
@Ferrybig, python at large again ^^
@que [python] =4cv
@Ferrybig in python scanned 1010 questions between May 10 22:31 and May 25 16:52 filterd and order 12 in batch 34
\o/ Fight back, don't help'em
3:03 PM
@que done
@Ferrybig Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 12 questions, I counted 12 (100%) close votes and 12 questions closed
@que [python] =3cv
@Ferrybig in python scanned 998 questions between May 10 22:31 and May 25 16:57 filterd and order 10 in batch 35
3:17 PM
@que done
@Ferrybig Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 10 questions, I counted 10 (100%) close votes and 0 questions closed
@PetterFriberg Sorry Petter, I am bored right now
@que [java] =4cv
@Ferrybig in java scanned 1006 questions between May 10 11:09 and May 25 17:11 filterd and order 10 in batch 36
@Ferrybig no its good you put some stress on Tuna
@queen stats tags today
Tag statistics today
   nr [tag]            CV count    Closed
   1. python                 91        33
   2. ios                    31        10
   3. java                   21        10
   4. android                18         9
   5. php                    10        10
   6. typo3                   1         0
      TOTAL                 172        72
3:32 PM
@que done
@Ferrybig Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 10 questions, I counted 10 (100%) close votes and 10 questions closed
@DevNull you can use the bot if you like
she will get you what ever you like
@DevNull check Ferry's commands, just switch the tag
4:25 PM
@DevNull Sorry I did not recognize your command and the AI functions are disabled
@queen help
This is a chat bot to notify about possibile duplicates and cherry pick questions to review. Reply to bot with commands for full command list and see SOCVFinder for more information
@queen commands
@DevNull These are available commands
    api-quota - Get the current api quota
    commands - Display this list
    help - Display information about the chat bot
    stats tags - Show statistics on different tags
    stats rooms - Show statistics on different rooms
    users - Display the list of enabled users
    <max-questions> [tag]* <dupes> <cv-count>cv <q-score>s <answerType> <age>d -all - Cherry pick what you like to review
          answerType: a=Has answer, aa=Has accepted answer, na=Has no answer, naa=Has no accepted answer, nr=No roomba
4:27 PM
@queen stats tags
Tag statistics all time
   nr [tag]            CV count    Closed
   1. java                  244       110
   2. python                241        86
   3. ios                    43        22
   4. php                    25        25
   5. android                22        13
   6. c#                     20        20
   7. c                      15         8
   8. javascript             10         5
   9. typo3                   1         0
@queen [c]=4cv
@DevNull in c scanned 1000 questions between May 17 02:10 and May 25 18:12 filterd and order 20 in batch 37
@queen [c++] cv=4
@DevNull Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 20 questions, I counted 20 (100%) close votes and 15 questions closed
4:31 PM
@queen [c] cv=4
All right, dear, working on it...
@DevNull Sorry your query did not produce any result
Why doesn't queen support c++?
@queen [c] cv=3
@DevNull in c scanned 1009 questions between May 17 02:10 and May 25 18:12 filterd and order 20 in batch 39
@queen [c++]=4cv
@queen [cpp]=4cv
@DevNull in cpp scanned 2000 questions between May 17 22:19 and May 25 18:27 filterd and order 20 in batch 41
4:36 PM
@queen done
@DevNull Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 20 questions, I counted 15 (75%) close votes and 15 questions closed
@queen stats tags
Tag statistics all time
   nr [tag]            CV count    Closed
   1. java                  244       110
   2. python                241        86
   3. ios                    43        22
   4. c                      35        23
   5. php                    25        25
   6. android                22        13
   7. c#                     20        20
   8. cpp                    15        15
   9. javascript             10         5
  10. typo3                   1         0
@queen stats today
@DevNull Sorry I did not recognize your command and the AI functions are disabled
4:37 PM
@queen stats tags today
Tag statistics today
   nr [tag]            CV count    Closed
   1. python                 96        34
   2. java                   84        35
   3. ios                    31        10
   4. c                      20        15
   5. android                18         9
   6. cpp                    15        15
   7. php                    10        10
   8. typo3                   1         0
      TOTAL                 275       128
3 hours later…
7:40 PM
@queen 1 [c++]
@PetterFriberg in c++ scanned 400 questions between May 24 14:47 and May 25 21:30 filterd and order 1 in batch 42
@DevNull, I do not know what happened, for sure she does not listen to edits
@que done
@PetterFriberg Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 1 questions, I counted 1 (100%) close votes and 1 questions closed
@que stats tags today
@que remove
I will check the commands anyway maybe the ++ is messing with some regex
Hi everyone
Hi Petter
How are you guys doing?
@que [java] =cv4
7:53 PM
@YassinHajaj in java scanned 1011 questions between May 10 22:22 and May 25 21:49 filterd and order 6 in batch 43
@que stats me
This is your effort that I have registred all time
   nr [tag]            CV count    Closed
   1. java                   13        13
      TOTAL                  13        13
@que done
@YassinHajaj Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 6 questions, I counted 6 (100%) close votes and 6 questions closed
@que [java] =cv3
7:57 PM
@YassinHajaj in java scanned 1011 questions between May 10 22:22 and May 25 21:55 filterd and order 15 in batch 44
@que done$
@que done
@YassinHajaj Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 15 questions, I counted 20 (133%) close votes and 5 questions closed
@YassinHajaj You have already completed this batch
@que [unity3d] =cv4
@Serlite in unity3d scanned 2000 questions between Mar 06 23:37 and May 25 21:18 filterd and order 3 in batch 45
Probably none, huh? =P
8:07 PM
@PetterFriberg How is it even possible to close 133% ? lol
@Serlite You're lucky
Yes! Hit the goldmine...
Yeah I know it counts the cv after and somone else put in a cv, I will fixed it since I can do max 1 on every question :D
I wanted to leave it since a dupe hammer could do 5cv in one vote to encourage the duplication hunt
Darn, I already voted on one...@que done
@Serlite Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 3 questions, I counted 2 (67%) close votes and 2 questions closed
Didn't count my old vote, I see. Harumph.
8:10 PM
lol, it does a api call after your done command to find the difference
@que stats tags
@que remove
Oh weeell...anyone wanna do the honours? stackoverflow.com/questions/37329673/hello-world-vr-app
Thanks Petter!
@que stats tags
Tag statistics all time
   nr [tag]            CV count    Closed
   1. python                310       106
   2. java                  296       130
   3. ios                    43        22
   4. android                37        15
   5. c                      35        23
   6. php                    25        25
   7. c#                     20        20
   8. cpp                    15        15
   9. javascript             10         5
  10. unity3d                 2         2
8:12 PM
Python guys still have the lead :D
@YassinHajaj, put in some more :D, I'm out of votes....
Oh no, all my main tags are trailing the bottom. Cmon team!
we need 15 more ....
@que [java-8] =cv4
All right, dear, working on it...
@YassinHajaj Sorry your query did not produce any result
8:13 PM
@que [javascript] =cv4
Oops this does not count for java I guess
@Serlite in javascript scanned 1087 questions between May 07 23:32 and May 25 22:11 filterd and order 12 in batch 47
@que [java] =cv2
@YassinHajaj no but it is ok, the stats are only for fun...
No answer for cv2 ?
8:14 PM
hmm I don't know, why she ignored you... :D
try again..
Not that I'm not used to woman ignoring me... lool
@que [java] =cv2
@YassinHajaj in java scanned 1011 questions between May 10 22:22 and May 25 22:11 filterd and order 20 in batch 49
lol, I bet there was a nice Nullpointer some where..., just like women
@que stats rooms
@que remove
@BK435 Hi
@que done
@YassinHajaj Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 20 questions, I counted 7 (35%) close votes and 0 questions closed
8:18 PM
@que stats tags
Tag statistics all time
   nr [tag]            CV count    Closed
   1. python                310       106
   2. java                  303       130
   3. ios                    43        22
   4. android                37        15
   5. c                      35        23
   6. php                    25        25
   7. c#                     20        20
   8. cpp                    15        15
   9. javascript             10         5
  10. unity3d                 2         2
@que stats rooms
Room statistics all time
   nr Room             CV count    Closed
   1. SOCVFinder            585       230
   2. campaigns             217       134
      TOTAL                 802       364
The room stats does not have much sense now, pepole is using it both here and in the test room
@que stats me
@que remove
Hmmm...who maintains the SOCVR report site? It'd be cool if visited links were a tiny bit more different from non-visited links. Maybe a strikethrough or something?
8:20 PM
@Sam ^^ :D
He is the general of all bots
All right! Hope he considers this. =D
He is not online at the moment but he will answer you.
@que Who is Sam?
@que remove
True in this room I have disabled them
@que done!
@Serlite Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 12 questions, I counted 8 (67%) close votes and 8 questions closed
@AndrasDeak, it time that you join the fun :D
8:23 PM
Hehe, this is admittedly a little more fun than batches...
but don't review python ;P
Well the idea is to help out SO in the most efficient way and have some fun while doing it, if you fell alone here the is also this room (you see it on top of hive page) SOCVFinder, there you will normally find the dev team
@que stats tags today
Tag statistics today
   nr [tag]            CV count    Closed
   1. python                165        54
   2. java                  143        55
   3. android                33        11
   4. ios                    31        10
   5. c                      20        15
   6. cpp                    15        15
   7. php                    10        10
   8. javascript              8         8
   9. unity3d                 2         2
  10. typo3                   1         0
@queen [C#] =cv4
@Serlite in c# scanned 1054 questions between May 08 21:17 and May 25 22:20 filterd and order 13 in batch 50
@que done
8:32 PM
@Ferrybig Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 20 questions, I counted 38 (190%) close votes and 19 questions closed
> 190%
Yeah to long time :D
I think I will go back to original max 1 vote per question....
The idea was to encourage hammers but if someone takes alot of time other votes arrive so when I do api calls I see them to...
Its a quick fix since I have all batch with number of questions, intital vote count and final vote count on db
@Ferrybig However the truth is that I will never be able to be sure... since I can only do an api call to check the status of served questions.. and I do not really know if it was you who voted, If you like more reliable stats do smaller batches 5 [java], so noone else get time to sneak in close votes
@PetterFriberg If you want to know, I was going through the questions, and midway something else popup, I just found out that I had the screen open with all the questions, so I finished the list.
@PetterFriberg what what what?
@Ferrybig Yeah I immagine that, and in the meanwhile we voted on some..
@AndrasDeak Have not BhargavRao told you?
@que stats tags today
8:43 PM
Tag statistics today
   nr [tag]            CV count    Closed
   1. java                  186        79
   2. python                165        54
   3. android                33        11
   4. ios                    31        10
   5. c                      20        15
   6. cpp                    15        15
   7. php                    10        10
   8. javascript              8         8
   9. unity3d                 2         2
  10. typo3                   1         0
@PetterFriberg At the positive side, I didn't forget to do the done command, :D
@AndrasDeak are you settling for 2. place :P
@Ferrybig The most important with that is to exclude the questions in future searches
At least java is on top again
@Serlite Are you using the dark or light theme?
True!, don't tell anyone...
HI Sam :D
8:46 PM
what what what?
scroll up :D
I have, didn't help
we have a little bot that search and closes questions and to have some fun there is a wrap battle gooing on between python and java : ), the c and ios guys are trailing.... they will need to wait for JAL
@Sam Using the dark theme I think, didn't know there was a lighter one...
@Serlite White box, next to the heading.
8:50 PM
I'm not sure gamifying close votes is a good idea:P
well have fun reviewing and targeting stuff that have sense is my mine objective..
Do you you think the steward gold badge is real or is it just fun?
If we manage to engage people in reviewing that can only be good so join in.
@Sam Ah, I see. Hmmm, I guess the different shades of blue are a bit easier to see against the light background. On the dark one, I think the contrast of the blue against the background isn't high enough. '~'
For visited links, or in general?
Just for differentiating between the visited/non-visited links. In general they're both readable, we're not going for WCAG compliance or anything. =P
Alright, I'll tweak the colours again later.
If I remember.
8:57 PM
All riiiiight...
@que done another!
@Serlite Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 13 questions, I counted 13 (100%) close votes and 13 questions closed
Yeah! Some of the questions got closed before I got to them, but whatever!
@PetterFriberg as long as people take care while having fun, it's great
but we have all those robo reviewers in all the queues exactly for the badges
and if robos start working the batches, it will bite us in the ass
let's hope it doesn't:)
well no badges here just fun and you can make a difference, so bring the matlab team
9:04 PM
We could even get some sort of team spirit going for this, though then you gotta be careful people aren't just close-voting to "win". =P
@queen [css] cv=4
@Serlite in css scanned 2000 questions between May 18 21:26 and May 25 23:01 filterd and order 20 in batch 51
@que done! Let's try another...
@PetterFriberg what's up?
@Serlite Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 20 questions, I counted 13 (65%) close votes and 13 questions closed
@que [C#] cv=4
9:11 PM
@BK435 Not much just saying hi
@Serlite in c# scanned 1041 questions between May 10 16:43 and May 25 23:10 filterd and order 4 in batch 52
@PetterFriberg Hello to you too! whats going on in the chat right now?
We are searching for questions to review, you need another 0.9K then you can join in.
ohh man!
I feel so left out
:D, just answer and do some nice edit... rep comes with pain
9:16 PM
I am swamped at work right now...Have been since I started my new job
Yeah but I am primarily a MySQL buff
@que done!
@Serlite Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 4 questions, I counted 4 (100%) close votes and 4 questions closed
@que tags
@Serlite Sorry I did not recognize your command and the AI functions are disabled
Uuuh...@que tag
9:16 PM
@Serlite Sorry I did not recognize your command and the AI functions are disabled
Most of the SO post here about MySQL have been answered Ad nauseam
Its almost like the Newbies can't even use Google...or think for themselves IMHO
Drew used to throw me a few QU every now and then that he didn't know the answer to in the MySQL section
Yeah mysql is rather full of crap... I would go for something newer and more niche.
I have been learning Redis for my new DBE roll at the company I am at now
So I might shift to answering QU there
one of these days I will get to 3K and then help out the community some more
for now GL guys!
Yeah find a niche, I started in java but that was to crazy for me to much crap.
@queen stats tags today
9:30 PM
Tag statistics today
   nr [tag]            CV count    Closed
   1. java                  186        79
   2. python                165        54
   3. android                33        11
   4. ios                    31        10
   5. c                      20        15
   6. c#                     17        17
   7. cpp                    15        15
   8. css                    13        13
   9. php                    10        10
  10. javascript              8         8
@queen [c] == 3cv
@DevNull in c scanned 1000 questions between May 17 09:45 and May 25 23:24 filterd and order 1 in batch 53
@queen [c] >=1cv
@DevNull in c scanned 1000 questions between May 17 09:45 and May 25 23:24 filterd and order 20 in batch 54
@AndrasDeak is the answer really that bad on the Q/A?
9:34 PM
@queen done
@DevNull Thank you for your effort, you reviewed 20 questions, I counted 13 (65%) close votes and 1 questions closed
@queen stats tags today
Tag statistics today
   nr [tag]            CV count    Closed
   1. java                  186        79
   2. python                165        54
   3. c                      33        16
   4. android                33        11
   5. ios                    31        10
   6. c#                     17        17
   7. cpp                    15        15
   8. css                    13        13
   9. php                    10        10
  10. javascript              8         8
@queen [Makefile]>=1cv
@DevNull in makefile scanned 2000 questions between Sep 02 11:57 and May 25 23:30 filterd and order 20 in batch 55
9:35 PM
@queen [make]>=1cv
@DevNull in make scanned 2000 questions between Sep 02 11:57 and May 25 23:30 filterd and order 20 in batch 56
@PetterFriberg I didn't look at the posts, just the fact that it's clearly stated to be a duplicate on intention
I looked at them now, and the answer is not that bad
(the question is)
@queen tag stats today
@DevNull Sorry I did not recognize your command and the AI functions are disabled
but I think he's right about the dupe close, once you understand what OP wants
9:36 PM
@queen stats tags today
Tag statistics today
   nr [tag]            CV count    Closed
   1. java                  186        79
   2. python                165        54
   3. c                      33        16
   4. android                33        11
   5. ios                    31        10
   6. c#                     17        17
   7. cpp                    15        15
   8. css                    13        13
   9. php                    10        10
  10. javascript              8         8
@AndrasDeak Help him out, I think inking to the dupe was an honest action from a new bee trying to post a nice answer
@PetterFriberg he's far from a newbie
he has a history of shitty answers full of magic numbers
but yes, it was an act of good will
which is why I told him to make it right, which he's trying
I already voted to reopen the original, and I will revoke my downvotes from his self-answered Q&A before he deletes it
9:40 PM
(see SOCVR)
Yeah I saw
I love the nonchalant candor here. "he has a history of shitty answers full of magic numbers".
Made me spit up pop.
So, anymore upset american horses fleeing over to canada lately?
or vice versa?
10:09 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier batch038 count=22 cv4 is in the beehive I voted to close all
@DevNull mainly vice versa iirc

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