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Is Locale::getDisplayLanguage() output suppose to vary in capitalization?
@crypticツ they come from the system....and aren't that well organised
anyone know how to read keystrokes in a foreach loop without making the loop wait on the keyboard. This is a cli php app for windows. I think what i need is a way to poll the keyboard without hanging the loop
hi all
how can I post info in 2 tables at the same time?
@Chris a foreach loop?
I'm not sure someone said join
I have topics table and a posts table I was told to make the posts hold the body text for both tables
@littlepootis, yes, but it could any type of loop where I want to check if a key is pressed
Theres readline, which doesn't work on windoes
ive got everything to work except the post form
Not sure if there's a getc equivalent
@littlepootis, i looked for other builtin functions but they all block
I think i need some type of low level api
still awake @Danack ?
@JoeWatkins, you know if its possible have interrupt style keystrokes in a php application
Oh, wait, Joe wrote pthreads
yea, i use it to speed up geomapping
@NikiC Bleh, I just sat down to look into github.com/facebook/hhvm/issues/6970 and saw you already fixed it. :p
How do I protect my session variables from bring viewed outside my application ? Anyone can make a page with session_start and see all the variables !
If they have write access to your server they can do a lot more than read session variables
Not sure what you mean by them being read outside your application, though.
way to go, sharks
i cannot understand mvc pattern
morning baby
baby...... do i look like baby
what happened to you Saitama??
he became leloutama
I cant change my name to lelouch before 1st of May :(
ouch. I had forgotten that song reminded me so much of someone
"Le paradis c'est juste marcher dans les rues et être heureux." heh, noice comment there
Mornings and happy caturday
@Saitama Today is Saturday. And Sunday comes afterwards
@JoeWatkins \o
posted on April 23, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@JoeWatkins I wasn't.....and the real question is how you were awake at 2:30 and also at 8:14.....
it seems unreasonable when you say it like that ...
no autoload yet ...
Cool. I might have a look at the autoloading....would be good to learn how that even works....probably won't get far but worth attempting......
it basically does what you suggested
creates object files from php code, then links them into a static library, then generates a header for that, then links the ext to the library ...
working with the stuff directly in data sections is a bit messy, so I put everything in a hashtable with init() function ...
I couldn't quite figure out a general mechanism to load, sometimes you may want some lib_enable_usermode() or something with a better name, or other times you may want it to be automatic ...
I may experiment some more with it and see what can be done to make it easy ...
I think it would probably be best to require some code in an extension to load. As that give a good "join" point where extension writers are able to load the appropriate file/version, or just skip the file loading if an extension specific ini setting is enabled.
yeah so php_user_init() in rint, and then I provide php_user_include(char *path)
@Wes I think I just watched who your first avatar was. Nice pick, mate.
!!urban Ekin
[ Ekin ] A word referring to an individual who acts in the manner of an elderly man. Such acts include, but are not limited to, sleeping early, calling caramel "toffee," and displaying a disproportionate affection for foods such as prunes.
!lol, prunes are nice...
!!urban Jeeves
[ Jeeves ] Name of butler in any rich person's house.
!!urban stackoverflow
[ [stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.urbanup.com/5997436) ] A programming Q&A site, where users get upvotes for good questions, answers and comments, and also get downvotes for bad answers, questions and comments. The votes determine your rep (the highest I've seen there is 300k Skeet Skeet)

The users don't play around better not fuck with them. And don't post silly questions, answers, and comments except your Jon Skeet (He has a lifetime supply of upvotes, if you downvote him your wasting your time) . Can be a horror to new users though. Plus its perfectly designed.
cough, cough
!!urban quora
[ quora ] A place for (pseudo) intellectuals to come and be pretentious.
^ true dat
class ExceptionException
@RonniSkansing class ExceptionException extends Exception { public function __construct(string $message = "" , int $code = 0, Throwable $previous = NULL){} }
got a coding block today
cant seem to get really started on anything
isn't it too much quiet today...
@Sara I figured no one else would be interested in fixing weird lexing edge cases ^^
@Danack done .. should be easy now ;)
Cool - btw I checked out the repo, and got an error message linking -luser - I couldn't see where the data file was being built.
yeah, I see that sometimes, the rules may need adjusting in the makefile.frag
did you try to do make clean install or something like that ?
if you do "make", "make clean", or "make install" it should work, I'll try to figure out the makefile a bit better ... "make" is what creates the static object ...
I was doing "make install" directly. Doing "make", then "make install" seems to work \o/
yeah or make all install
or make clean all install
it's the al rule that is overriden ..
hmm.....if we skipped the autoloading.....we could skip the RFC....
you would need to find a windows person, I really have no idea how this works there ... none ...
"New in PHP 7.2: a series of features carefully crafted to avoid the RFC process."
Cool - thanks for that Joe. I'm off to do a release of something and then update the Closure::fromCallable RFC.....then I'll look at the autoloading.
@PaulCrovella "Programmers consider co-operating with others like damage, and so like the internet route around that."
@Danack yw :)
Hmm.....my branch for that is 23,804 commits behind master.....
That seems a lot?
I'm sure it'll be fine
it's quite a big number
@FélixGagnon-Grenier it's the same person
but now southpark-ized :B
backache at 30. at 60 i'll probably be a vegetable in a bed at this rate
admitted that i get to reach 60...
why does github think that repo has javascript in it ...
36% javascript ... maybe really messy stuff is just assumed to be javascript ..
because otherwise the language usage statistic would be fair @JoeWatkins
iirc it counts json files as js too
there isn't a single line of javascript
fuhk, it's already tomorrow
it was more like "I'm having one beer tonight"
then I spent hours trying to see how bad 6months of chemotherapy can get
thus that one beer became many beers :p
that'd do it
someone was looking for something to do yesterday :PP
interface ReadOnlyArrayAccess{ function offsetGet(); function offsetExists(); }
interface ArrayAccess extends ReadOnlyArrayAccess{ function offsetSet(); function offsetUnset(); }
useful for immutables... worth having it?
Hi all, I am building an application using Laravel5.2 and Angular1.5. Is it possible to set up say two routes in laravel eg App1 & App2 and have each one route to a different Angular App? I cannot get it to work.
Warning: Error while sending STMT_CLOSE packet. PID=2735 in /var/www/..
Has anyone encountered that error?
How does a PID get shown in a web page as error..
Oh ..
It makes sense now
Am I right that, for the caller, function returning a value is no different from the function returning a reference in PHP? (only the types matter here)
for the caller as in, userland ?
for them it is no different, deref happen when necessary
yes in userland, for the caller of the function
thanks Joe :)
I've seen that before, where is it from ?
oh. my. god. https://t.co/DpXu7bpqkA
yeah replies are even better
I dunno if it's real, I just can't imagine someone doing that
what about the person they done it for
why didn't they say "wtf is that?"
it's usually the client asking this kind of things :B
that's what I mean, the client, why were they satisfied with that ...
even if you had never used an interwebz, you would know that is wrong ..
I have to believe it's not real ... for my own sake ...
client is usually satisfied with the dumb things they asked :B
gotta go afk, being forced to go outside ... lata peepz
for instance, just recently a client asked me to implement an automatic scrolling on their website, because it's too hard for them to scroll on a touch screen. with automatic he meant that you join the site and it starts scrolling automatically so that you can read the whole page without moving your fingers
he actually thought it was a good idea
@JoeWatkins I guess the .frag file is counted as JS
Hello guys, i can connect to my remote mysql using this command from the command line
`mysql - h -u my_username -p my_databasename`
but I can't connect using php. I have tried to write a code manually and also tried to use with another script.
what you think could be the problem?
@ShubhamNishad you ought to post some code to pastebin or 3v4l.org to show what your code is doing....and also include the error message so that people can see what error you have, rather than having to imagine.
Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/2002): Permission denied in /var/www/testserver/index.php on line 10
@ShubhamNishad is the box that you're running the mysql command line test on, the same box that you're running the PHP code on?
If MySQL is running on the standard port, this is very likely to be a typo in either the username or password....
no, it's not a typo. I have copy pasted every info. And check it several times.
I tried to connect from a live server already in use and I get the same problem there too. So it's probably an issue with me setting remote mysql in my mysql server
This is what I did to enable remote mysql
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mydatabase.* TO 'myuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
.....k. To explain the error message i) PHP is talking to MySQL fine. ii) MySQL is looking at the username and password and objecting to them. If you were running the command line test from a different box, then as you're aware the GRANT bit is different for different machines....
But if you're saying that you're doing the command line test on the same box that the PHP code is running, then that should eliminate that factor as being the cause of the problem.
yes, that's the reason I'm puzzled
Other than suggesting you do mysql -uroot -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" I have no useful suggestions.
I just used this
Either you've got a typo, or what you described you're doing isn't necessarily so. Also:
> I tried to connect from a live server already in use
Having live SQL servers accessible from the internet is a "bad thing".
are these websites safe to use?
i just got this from a quick google search
fuck no.
lol. yo Ray \o
why not? of course. enabling remote login, giving credentials to random people are totally okay.
lol, few websites are known as safe. Like there was one website (I forgot the name) from where I used to ftp to my website
Anyone using facebook php sdk?
@PeeHaa Boo! The message exceeds the 140 character limit. :-(
It's somewhere on the twitter todo list. Will probably fix it this weekend somewhere
I want to make a Django fork (PHP7). A name propsal? I thought Phango initialy...
Tango Mango Bongo
no haha
I guess its not a fork
then what is it? a clone?
at most a port, I think
@kodeart phpep7 :P
phpip7 :)
If you took their current code, forked it and made changes to the code, it would be a fork
Atm are you going to port the code or are you making a framework inspired by django?
@ShubhamNishad does your username/password contain a $ sign?
this thing is huge. also very hard, if not impossible to port 1:1
so far I cloned the views, most of the template logic and some of the management
sounds like another framework
but the most hard part is the models
but inspired from django
yah, it's not for public, only for me.. we do not need another framework :)
heh, I dunno we might need a new framework
and yes, I am inspired by Django. it's a great framework, great language and community is decent
alto i do not agree to some of the python -c "import this" zen things
php can be much more elegant, instead of creating 100 variables in 200 loc funcion, just to be explicit
Im having a total code write block today
Try hard liquor
@RonniSkansing go for a walk or read a book...
Trying to force coding when you're not feeling it is not a good idea normally.
@bwoebi when you're online can you ping me, regarding an RFC we were thinking of...
@Danack ping
What RFC?
To the twitter mobile.
yeah what rfc ?
also moin bob
@JoeWatkins had a conversation with Daniel in private
so ... super top secret rfc ?
Gatekeeper of Gozer RFC
yom tov: holiday.
Man, what genius added that brilliant command?
@PeeHaa can jeeves store stuff?
i have an idea for a plugin but requires storage :B a database or something
@Danack yea thanks. Just gonna relax
note to self: rm -rf /var is not the same as rm -rf var
@Gordon it is, with one caveat … you need to have a cwd of / ....
@Wes Yes. It supports persistent file storage
If you need a actual database you would have to implement amp/mysql
Both the admin and the ban list use storage
okay, will check
Hey there, can anyone please tell me how to use client certificate while calling a soap web service.
@NikiC What exactly is your opinion on Joes functional interfaces RFC? And why?
I do have a .pem file and a pfx file. I have installed that pfx file on my windows machine and it is working fine when I call using a soap gui.
@bwoebi I'll read the RFC and tell you
@NikiC thanks :-)
@JoeWatkins working on scalar unions … I've had that scary thought of int & string meaning "only ints or strings which are losslessly castable to int"
all of the thoughts you will have now are going to be scary
Not that I'd do that … but …
Jeeves needs a learn command
( ͡°) ͜ʖ( ͡°)
I'm glad you're doing this bit ... I did manage a set of rules before, but every 20 minutes I would see another way they don't do what I expect ... I'll be interested to see what you come up with there ...
bam! I haz a backup! how awesome is that!
@bwoebi The heat death of the universe will occur before I could physically type enough exclamation marks to follow this, so I won't bother trying: NO
@littlepootis !!learn kill die();
@DaveRandom It was just a thought … not that I'd like it… :-D
If someone suggests it on internals, send them in my direction so I can beat the crap out of them
you have to have these thoughts ... like what if int & float means some precisely representable number, and how should you represent it if it does and can be represented by both types ...
I dunno the answer, so avoided the questions ... bravely ...
not because it's a good idea ... but you need to be able to argue the case for why it doesn't work that way ...
I think the most reasonable suggestion so far is that scalars just don't belong in intersections at all ... probably ...
@JoeWatkins It's a very short answer for me: types and values are different things. Intersections are really about inheritance - or more to the point, the lack of it - but that's a typing issue.
@bwoebi Just read the functional interfaces RFC, I don't like it.
Quite apart from anything else, if you allow scalars in intersections then string&<anything> will always pass
> And why?
This is adopting a Java solution to a problem that only exists in Java and not in PHP.
Java has to do this because they don't have a concept of closures, everything is a class there, so they have to shove closures into being anonymous classes somehow
@NikiC so, how do you hint for return types accurately?
We don't have that problem. We have proper closures. Your API should accept general callables.
hey can i ask a mysql database problem here?
@bwoebi Depending on context either you don't or you land a callable():Type RFC (as is in discussion now)
I'm generally not super convinced on requiring type annotations on callbacks
Even strongly typed languages don't force you to do that, because closure types are generally inferred
In any case, I don't see the usefulness of the RFC, but more importantly, I think it would cause active harm.
Namely, if people actually started replacing code that currently accepts general callables with code that accepts a single-method interface instance.
Agree on this one … AFAIK Dan wanted to propose yet another RFC in that direction
I don't agree with most of what you just said, but also don't care about it that much, and can't really be bothered to argue the case ...
what I don't want is callable(callable(callable(callable))) ... this is terrible ...
@JoeWatkins That this is terrible has nothing to do with callable types though, it's just an API that sucks ;)
it has a little bit to do with it ... quite a lot ...
it's everything to do with it ...
@JoeWatkins If your API requires four levels of nested callables, your API is bad, not your type annotations.
The type annotations will at least give people a small chance of understanding how to use this abomination :D
that's how they are going to be used, if that's the only way we provide to type a callable, it will be an inescapable reality that signatures, that only a few years ago were very very easy to read, now require studying closely just to understand what the thing does ...
function(callable(int, int) $cb, string $thing) : callable(int, int) {}
awful ... and that's not even extreme ...
@JoeWatkins type aliases do seem useful for that
In any case, I'm not very convinced about adding callable signatures, but I'm reasonably sure that functional interfaces will be much worse
@NikiC yeah, if only the engine already had some sort of built in ... interface ...
In future, we'll write LISP-like code…
@JoeWatkins you don't implement type aliases ;)
($bar, 2)
($baz, 1)
($buzz, 3)
With the callable (in $foo) returning itself on each call
I think you're seeing a thing from Java, reading about why it exists in Java, and then jumping to the conclusion that it's not useful because "x, y and z don't apply" ... but what does apply, is there value in interfaces, in strongly typed closures ... to say that there isn't is just nonsensical, why do we have interfaces at all if they are not useful, why bother to declare classes have interfaces ... sure, Java doesn't have Closures, and we do, but ours are still a few years behind the rest
of php, in that they are completely untyped
Did we ever discuss an __instanceof magic method as a solution to the delegation problem?
I don't remember such a discussion
how would that work ?
I see how it would work for objects ...
@JoeWatkins Unrelated to the present discussion, just a thought. Allow classes to pretend they are instanceof something (so they can use __call for delegation, for example)
oh right right, gotcha, there was a bit of talk about extending instanceof operator recently, but it's buried in ... I don't even know where ...
@NikiC Sounds like a pretty bad idea.
@NikiC would make more sense to allow random interfaces to be implemented if __call exists than a magic __instanceof
That way you at least still have static knowledge about inheritance…
for a short while in PHP, we all wanted to declare the type of everything ... seems like the novelty has worn off ...
@NikiC I designed userland approaches to that. Not nice, but working and type-safe :P
@kelunik Probably ^^ Just something that came to mind seeing as ECMAScript introduced Symbol.hasInstance
(Which goes in the other direction though)
@Ocramius oh, how does that look like?
it's the proxy thingy thingy
you can rewire anything as anything via wrappers :P
hi all
PHP regarding Issue please help
MYSQLI is Not Supported in This Syntax <$loginData['u_email_id'] = mysqli_real_escape_string ($conn, $data['email']);>
Why would you even do that?
Also there is no php
@NikiC php-ast is definitely going in core now ?
@JoeWatkins not definitely. I need to write an RFC
Please Help @Joe Watkins NikiC
we don't need an rfc for that surely ?
@JoeWatkins We don't need an RFC for bundling a new extension?
but the ast is part of php, it's a bit strange ... it was a bit strange that there was an extension in the first place ...
and it's not even new either ...
imo an rfc is a bit of a waste of everyone's time ...
@Rajesh dont ping random people.
@Gordon ok bro
who is going to vote no on that ? (not including stas)
@Rajesh I am not your bro, dude!
@Gordon okay bro
It's my blog created by Wordpress and PHP: hubot.pl
@Gordon ok
@Rajesh Also @PeeHaa tried to help you, but you didn't reply to his question
What are you think about this?
@hubot impressive
@JoeWatkins Lester
@JoeWatkins might (I mean theoretically) yield some useful input on api choice...
What are your opinions about Beginning PHP5, Apache, MySQL Web Development book?
hmm ... that's true .... but I think chances are slim probably ... I would email internals and just say we want to merge this part of php back into the tree, if a single voter objects, then it may be necessary to go through the month long RFC thing .. and you can invite such API discussion at the same time ...
@hubot you need to upgrade
Ronni: upgrade to PHP 7?
@PeeHaa okay
I'm actually working on Java and C# (lately ASP.NET MVC)
Do you know any server based on newest PHP and JSP/ASP.NET?
@hubot Apache is not in good shape (use nginx), mysql is generally terrible (use postgres)
@hubot PHp does not play nice with windows in production, so that leave you with mono, which I don't know about how good it is in production
How is better solution to create website with C# and Java tutorials? ASP.NET MVC 5, JSP or PHP?
I'm going to create website about my interestings (mainly physics, IT, electronics).
Well that's a ridiculously subjective question. Given that this is the PHP room, what's the most likely answer you are going to get here?
it annoys me that everything takes a month, especially when there are essentially no questions to answer, and no real discussion to be had ... if you objected to merging a thing like php-ast, or opcache, or something of that sort, you would be actively being harmful, just for the sake of being harmful, just because we allow you to be harmful ...
it's not like phpdbg, which we wrote in a weekend or whatever ... that's a totally different thing ... ast, opcache, these are things that we require moving forward ... there's no question ...
and they are already stable-ish things ...
DaveRandom: but Apache on Linux is good solution
BTW I've bought Raspberry Pi 2B with Noobs
I would highly recommend nginx over apache, it's a lot easier to use
What are you think about M$ technologies as for example IIS?
Well I personally hate the microsoft web stack, but as I said it's very very subjective
Do someone know any hosting based on PHP and JSP/ASP.NET?
I don't believe in web servers ... I prefer to serve all clients in person, I use public transport - with tramps and such - and I go door to door ...
I'd rather free hosting.
I have bought domain.
What are your opinions about use Raspberry Pi as web server?
Most of us here probably use a VPS
Use a Pi if you want but don't expect it to churn out requests too fast
it might kill it ...
although they have to work pretty hard with the video
I think they have dedicated hardware for that though ...
@JoeWatkins I used to do this but it's not scalable, so I started doing it through the amazon marketplace instead. Some say they long for the old days, when local people went to local place to get locally sourced web pages, but I'm a visionary.
Do you write and use sometimes perl scripts in cgi-bin folder?
What are properly they perl scripts?
Only sadists use perl - @FlorianMargaine does it, probably
some words are missing ...
I don't think anyone uses cgi-bin anymore...
we should bring cgi-bin back ...
@DaveRandom and Booking.com
it was much easier to determine how you were hacked ... it was the one folder on your server which some idiot set to have world executable permissions because they don't understand permissions ...
What are you think about XAMPP?
XAMPP is probably most easier to configure package

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