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8:00 PM
shoulda picked Red Five
@uselesschien No, not for a first-timer
@Mosho Well, that's a tough statement to make. I wouldn't say it's objectively better: Some things are indeed easier (or better designed) on Windows. It boils down to what you make of it. Windows makes me claustrophobic, on linux I can pretty much roam the desert lands and die from dehydration.
@SomeKittens Yes, it's definitely not for a first-timer.
There's the good and the bad, but trying it out made me realise the good is just soooo gooood
That's my experience. It's subjective, and enjoying it may come with time
still waiting for an example
I'm a big fan of package managers vs. downloading random .exe's
8:02 PM
windows has
apt-get install software-name
pacman -S software-name
yum install software-name
95% of what I install is managed by apt-get, so I get updates when they're needed with only two commands (and my distro has a gui so it's really a click)
@Mosho running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade will update your kernel, and all your packages.
on ubuntu
...drat. I need to redo one thing at the first step, which means editing ALL the things on steps 2 through n
!!> (new Date( Date.now() + 1000 )).toJSON() > (new Date()).toJSON();
8:05 PM
@Abhishrek true
* Service management
* Package management
* A bazillion VTEs (xterm, urxvt, roxterm, sakura, tilda, ...), with a thousand shell flavous (zsh and fish will blow your mind)
* An untold amount of WMs and DEs
* The unix philosophy
* The choice to not load up some GUI
* A playground to mix and match from
* You start to see why Linus is mad all the time
That's off the top of my head the superficial reasons
oh yeah, having a proper terminal is amazing
@Mosho Until Visual Studio (not Code but the full IDE) runs on Unix-like OS, I refuse to write anything outside of Windows unless it is meant specifically for Unix-like OS
Virtually anything is possible in the terminal, which means it's all scriptable
I have a monitor just for Terminator
Oh yeah, scripting!
8:06 PM
@Zirak You have described the two extremes
Dude, you'll love scripting
@MoonOwlPrince That's part of my point: You have to experience it.
Powershell is not bad. Command prompt is embarassing
It's like riding on a motorcycle for the first time, or eating a pancake with maple syrup.
Maybe both at the same time
@MoonOwlPrince Yes, compared to a pile of rotten potatoes, a decent leaf of lettuce is nice. But we're talking about a four-course meal.
@Zirak Real Maple syrup, none of that wussy "Pancake syrup"
Plus, anything not designed my MS is built Unix-first (i.e. Node, postgres) so you don't need a pile of hacky workarounds.
@MoonOwlPrince Xamariin studio is pretty decent. VS is still better, but..
8:11 PM
Can I prefix all writes to process.stdout with something - node server | dunno "the prefix"
@Luggage Does Xamarin now have Source Control built in?
@m59 node server | sed -e 's/^/prefix/'
Xenix is a discontinued version of the Unix operating system for various microcomputer platforms, licensed by Microsoft from AT&T Corporation in the late 1970s. The Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) later acquired exclusive rights to the software, and eventually replaced it by SCO UNIX (now known as SCO OpenServer). In the mid-to-late 1980s, Xenix was the most common Unix variant, measured according to the number of machines on which it was installed. Microsoft chairman Bill Gates said in 1996 that for a long time his firm had the highest-volume AT&T Unix license. == History == Bell Labs, Unix's developer...
@Luggage brilliant
8:14 PM
yea, git support
@Luggage What's the -e for? I'm reading the docs and don't get it. It seems to work without it as well.
got me
@Luggage Can you now run Unity on Linux?
unity.. the game sdk?
i'm not on linux, btw, OSX.
8:17 PM
but, yea, there are unity games that run on mac
like KSP
linux, i mean. linux, too
Unity is cross-platform, so yeah
One of Unity's big selling points is compiling the same codebase to Windows, OSX, Linux, Android and iOS.
Unity Studio
@MoonOwlPrince The studio's avail. for Win & Mac
8:18 PM
okay, I'll use linux mint for a week
What about Linux
@Mosho yaaaaaay
@uselesschien It doesn't work
@MoonOwlPrince Have you tried?
8:20 PM
@uselesschien Yes. It crashes too often
@MoonOwlPrince oh
@uselesschien I thought I was the only one but if Unity officially asserts that even though they could, they will not support development on Linux and the rest of the web experiences these crashes then why force the cactus down my throat when I could be eating cucumbers?
Guys, I have gone through this
I want SFM on linux, sadly it isn't available.
I'll try to install Unity Editor on Arch.
8:27 PM
Let us just admit that Windows does some things better than Unix
@uselesschien It will install perfectly
Will it run smoothly? Good luck!
@Luggage revenge of the X/Y! Can I color that prefix also =D
8:39 PM
I'd think something like node io | sed 's/^/$(echo "prefix: " | colorize red)/' would be possible
I just wrote GROUP BY id
/me takes a break
yea.. i'd assume any normal console color codes.
The two problems are that 1. I don't know how to get sed to do anything but strings and 2. I don't know of something I can pipe to to colorize
(looking all this up, of course)
hmm, I see people saying this sed "s/0/$(date +%s)/g" works BUT IT DERNT.
Oh, hmm
is github down ?
Had to change the quotes around
Cool, so now just need to pipe to a coloring thingy.
8:51 PM
@OctavienDamien where have u been ? // and where can i find u you are not on any social network so pinging u here
Hi guys
It's 2am, im alone.
@MoonOwlPrince It failed. i.imgur.com/7UT50CL.png and made my PC unresponsive
I am looking forward to building an email server using Node.js (preferrable) where all the incoming emails are sent to a database to which I have access to. I am building a site where users can see their emails with additional tools that will help the marketers.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
oh, trolls..
!!afk sleep
9:06 PM
@Luggage node server | sed "s/^/$(echo -e '\e[1;31mprefix: \e[0m')/"
There doesn't seem to be a nice unix utility for colorizing you can pipe into :/
Morning :)
Guys is there any way to trigger an event when the text of an element changes ?
like an input element? Add an event listener for keyup
For example <td> has a value of 2500, I want to do something as soon as the text of td changes !
what changes it?
9:15 PM
User input
input into where
That <td> basically calculates the amount by using a certain mathematical formula from the user input
But remember there can be more than 1 rows !
@ZahidSaeed so why not listen to the input element?
@SomeKittens right now I'm using setInterval() to calculate the grand total of all the amounts in the table
@ZahidSaeed so every interval you check the user's input?
1 min ago, by SomeKittens
@ZahidSaeed so why not listen to the input element?
9:17 PM
But I think that's not an appropriate method
no kidding
@SomeKittens Yes
That setInterval() fires after every 1500 :P
@ZahidSaeed er, that wasn't a yes or no question...
What's the best place to shop for computer parts? Newegg, TigerDirect, something else?
@Shmiddty both of those are good
9:24 PM
okily dokily. Any recommended parts? Uses: Gaming, Programming, 3d modeling, graphic/video editing. I've found Intel/Nvidia to be better than AMD in my experience (outdated)
Looking to liquid cool
@uselesschien Well, just run Windows if you want to run Unity
@MoonOwlPrince uselesschien is afk: sleep
@Shmiddty Windows + Intel + Nvidia + DirectX > Unix + AMD + OpenGL therefore if you can't afford Autodesk's software go with Blender and check out Unity and Unreal Engine
I think I'll probably multi-boot. Or perhaps use VMs. I'd like my dev environments to be sandboxed.
Multi-boot is lame
9:29 PM
multi-boot never works out. it's like a long distance relationship
Word. It seems that VMs don't have too much overhead these days
sure, you'll reboot at first. then less frequently
I multi-boot, but only for some games and I hate it
Especially because Windows takes forever for random things
9:30 PM
So I am using Ubuntu and I have a NVIDIA gfx card, and I have the drivers for it, but sometimes when watching videos / doing something that requires more graphic power, the system freezes and I have to reboot the PC. I think this has something to do with gfx.
@copy Same here. The fact that it's on a HDD doesn't help
what vm are you guys using?
@copy my windows takes 5 seconds to load
just use SSD for OS
yea, windows 8 on ssd is damn fast
I use W7
9:31 PM
w7 isn't bad either
From my experience, Windows makes more efficient and effective use of Nvidia cards
I'm fucked :(
Ubuntu freezes when requiring more intensive graphic power.
Most people who hate Windows hate it because they hate Microsoft and they belong in prision for some of the things they do
9:32 PM
Stupid NVIDIA and ubuntu.
I plan on having a dedicated SSD for the OS, a secondary SSD for scratch storage, and a HDD
@afonsomatos black screen?
Nvidia make their cards with Windows in mind NOT Unix
@Neoares No, screen freezes.
Although I can still listen to music.
@afonsomatos hm... update nvidia drivers?
9:33 PM
@MoonOwlPrince isn't that a bit harsh? what are some of those things?
@Neoares That's the first thing I did
@afonsomatos restart PC?
Now you're just fucking with me
have you disabled CPU graphics?
I mean, new intel processors have graphic cards integrated
9:35 PM
rolf :)
wtf, I opened a .run file
it opened in sublime text 3
@Neoares Windows, by default, automatically makes use of hybrid graphics
I also like windows, but jeeze, put your dick away. :)
@CSáµ  Some of those things are inappropriate for this chat room but just know they are some of the major means through ad-ware and Trojan horses end up on your computer
@MoonOwlPrince but he's using ubuntu
9:39 PM
@Luggage I do not like Windows. I like Ubuntu
But my heart was broken
He should consider bumblebee (I forgot the actual name but look it up and be careful)
You can easily fuck up your GPU
I use all three for what I think they are good at. Windows for gaming (and dev in some languages), OSX for JS dev (and general use) and linux on the server.
@Luggage Exactly. There is no screw driver that fits into every screw
If you are doing anything artsy, get a Mac
that's an old notion
9:42 PM
most GUI software is available for mac/windows roughly equally
Can you tell where I blatantly manipulated the data?
But getting a Mac will give you access to OS X, Linux/FreeBSD and Windows
@Luggage Music production was included in that "artsy" category
And that retina display
yup. that was a huge motivating factor, the display
but.. because it's so clear with text
it's nice for coding
what are the advantages of using a mac for programming non-web-non-design-non-UIcrap?
9:44 PM
unixy environment, like linux
@afonsomatos OS X is Unix-like, like the other BSD's
mac is unix ..
oyu'll notice a lot of tool in the JS world that don't build on windows or require fiddling
where they build on linux and OSX easily
OSX actually has the Unix Single Specification license
Which is awesome
in general, you can do whatever you wan ton any OS. OSX have given me the best of linux + windows, mostly.
9:45 PM
I am considering buying a mac in the future just because why not
with some caveats
macs look really nice btw
The only weird thing about Macs is the absence of a discrete GPU
using multi-windows apps in OSX can be annoying
but the question is is it worth it
9:46 PM
but using an editor + terminal + browser is awesome
macbook pros can come with nvidia
If some of Microsoft's software engineers run Windows on Macs then that should tell you something
But if you are into game development, consider getting yourself some Alienware and never look back
That they were the ones who invented Clippy?
@MoonOwlPrince It tells me they work for Microsoft?
gaming on laptop? wtf?
@MoonOwlPrince Alienware? They're terrible.
9:48 PM
@MoonOwlPrince Dude...no.
That's like buying Skullcandy headphones
@SomeKittens Something about Macs, I mean
I saw TED 2 today
discussing which OS is better is like discussing what the best flavour of ice cream is. Use whatever you like and don't talk down to others who do not like yours. Now discussing hardware...
I like to be able to customize my hardware
@rlemon that's been the discussion. it's not a n OS war but discussing the pros of each
@Zirak "Hey, here's this nice banana. It's a pretty good banana. Ignore the fact that you can buy a better banana for half the price"
9:49 PM
It was all civil until NOW!
A point against laptops in general and Macs
I know I'm just still seeing a lot of "this is better" and "don't use this"
@rlemon it's asking personally
it is pointless.
@rlemon Mosho/Zirak/me were having a pretty good pro/con discussion
9:50 PM
@rlemon Religion is influenced by politics
@MoonOwlPrince what?!
@SomeKittens I've been lurking. I saw a few comments that bugged me in the recent transcript.
not yours.
I mean I think blue is the best color, who's with me?
It's a deciding factor of newness to say there's a perfect solution for all cases.
@rlemon ah, cool. Yeah, it's been weird today.
@MoonOwlPrince Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like? You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?
@Zirak WTF?!
9:51 PM
@Zirak I agree.
zirak needs to attend his grammar classes
@MoonOwlPrince But seriously, where is all the love?
@afonsomatos In Mecca where my girlfriend is
Not in windows for sure, that shit keeps crashing.
@rlemon NEVER^H^H^H ok
9:54 PM
Well, if there is one thing I decided which I am glad I did was: To not run an operating system on hardware that was not optimally designed for it
you guys can listen to me ramble about data warehouses
@Zirak @SomeKittens @Shmiddty
@MoonOwlPrince dude.
@MoonOwlPrince No
oh yeah, i kicked him btw.
9:59 PM
(sorry guys, parents called, didn't realize how late it was)
copyOS best OS
Release 2017
are you for real
please include cute default wallpapers
I wouldn't be surprised
10:07 PM
@rlemon Where's that from?
That's The Kid, from I wa... oh.
@rlemon Look at his profile picture.
Just look at it.
Guys, I'm using Lab and Code for my testing and assertions
I want to test that a particular promise rejects.
And fail the test if it does not
Any ideas?
Go outside
@jAndy woah... that would be amazing haha
hey @phenomnomnominal!
10:21 PM
how are you!
good, finally back from vacation
yeah pretty good! Where did you go?
just Michigan
back to see family mostly and pickup my son to bring him out here
heh when we were gone though my dad was admitted into the hospital
so we had to cut it a day short which sucked
oh shit!
that sucks! hope he's okay
Good to get away either way
I've got four more weeks to count down before my holiday. I'm coming to 'murcah!
@SomeKittens run this code:
10:34 PM
@php_purest I wrote that code
10:49 PM
11:14 PM
@phenomnomnominal nice, yeah he should be alright
he got surgery got the blockage removed, now is recovering
got my son from MI a new PC, he was insanely happy
and like idk 20 games lol
@Loktar sick! I'm playing Arkham Knight, first game I've had(/made) time to play in ages
like it?
I havent played any of the batman games, but have heard they are great
yeah it's awesome, the batmobile is pretty much a tank, it's really fun
on PS4?
arkham city was a bit samesy after arkham asylum, but this one feels like a new game
yeah PS4. The PC version is all fucked up, that's what they get for outsourcing
11:32 PM
@Loktar Your son from MI? You categorise your offspring by geographic location?
haha well he lives in MI :P
hes my oldest, lives with his mom
Wait, how many children do you have?
@monners Doesn't everyone, Australian friend?
@SomeKittens I categorise my children by likeliness that they'll ever actually exist. My current favourite is 0.000037
@monners so, basically you rank your sperm?
11:43 PM
@phenomnomnominal That's one way to look at it
#proud #straya
Anyone has an Idea how to fetch the data in controller for angular
@monners 4
I need description text from json, can get the name but not description?

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