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12:04 AM
@skibbi_bizzle ?
Different Strokes is on netflix
12:38 AM
Google DNS fucked out -.-
so wouldn't let me access the site
and a shit load of others
So had to specify Google DNS to now get back on :)
5 hours later…
5:28 AM
how do i mask a portion of a <hr>, and make a portion visible? i.e.: left to middle like it slid open the far from the side
6:18 AM
posted on December 21, 2014

Dilbert readers - Please visit Dilbert.com to read this feature. Due to changes with our feeds, we are now making this RSS feed a link to Dilbert.com.

posted on December 21, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

6:50 AM
how do I mask a portion of the progress bar with CSS: jsfiddle.net/papfdqzx
example you show x progress, but hide y progress based on percentage after calculating numbers
1/5 would display only 20%
if i could post it, i would
1 hour later…
8:23 AM
how do i make my bootstrap menu collapse properly in mobile (low-width) views (try using chrome dev tools under mobile, menu doesn't collapse) - 57b59189.ngrok.com
9:11 AM
1 hour later…
10:15 AM
10:35 AM
10:47 AM
1 hour later…
11:55 AM
@13375 Y U NO USE <progress>?
@SecondRikudo no one likes html5 form elements :-(. its always, "but firefox doesn't support them" or some other bullshit excuse
FIIIINNE. so it supports that one, but i have seen that excuse for other elements.
@mario @easwee @basementkeyboardhero @rlemon so apparently it is sunday today... I went on leave at 5pm on friday... I have been on a bender since 5 30pm... its now 2pm on "SUNDAY"... No sleep, I have eaten once... I think I have a problem Writing this with beer in hand
@skibbi_bizzle I don't see the problem.
12:09 PM
is this a "dude, where's my car?" type problem?
@SecondRikudo This is exactly why I like you
@cimmanon I think a bit worse than that... My dad said to me a few minutes ago "How are you this fucked on a sunday..." I replied, dad... its friday -.-
@skibbi_bizzle lol, best answer ever
Last time this happened, I went to another town on a thursday day, for a "few" drinks... ended up leaving the province with people I had met "that night" and came back the sunday evening...
@SecondRikudo My only issue is... I now realize I have plans tonight I cant bail on... and tomorrow I have plans as well... which will most likely extend through till wednesday... can a human even be awake for that long let alone continuously getting more fucked :/
@skibbi_bizzle Sounds like the perfect time to sleep is... now?
but but but everyone is drinking at my house :/
12:37 PM
Hello CSS people!
jsfiddle.net/yvgcx8kr Why this no work? :(
12:50 PM
@AwalGarg Because you misunderstand how nth-of-type works
.red:first-of-type doesn't mean "the first .red", it means "Any .red which is also the first of it's type"
@SecondRikudo most probably. It works for only element tags, I guess?
What is nth-of-type?
sorry, i'll stfw first
@SecondRikudo Well, got it. So how do I select the first element, from the list of elements which have a specific class?
@AwalGarg Sadly, not easily possible.
css, you suck.
12:59 PM
hi, whats the difference between: p.class and .class p
@user2983686 p.class means p elements which have the class class. .class p means p elements which are descendants of the elements which have a class class.
i see, so the first one i can also omit the p tag and just write .class right?
@user2983686 The first is <p class="class">...</p> the second is <p><span(or whatever) class="class">...</span></p>
@user2983686 If you don't care that the element to be a p element specifically, yes, you can omit it.
@SecondRikudo eh? I don't think so (for the latter).
jsfiddle.net/bad9skga // what am I missing?
Oh oops
Other way around
1:06 PM
1:49 PM
is "why does anyone still use php when there are better languages available?" a valid question? :p
2:04 PM
@cimmanon PHP is newbie friendly.
You can do horrible horrible things without anyone punishing you for it (other than Stack Overflow)
that was funny
aaaaannnd my follow up question! why does anyone use mysql ever under any circumstance? :p
(you knew it was coming!)
@cimmanon Oh, that's easy. mysql_query, doh.
i thought that was deprecated?
methinks 95% of all mysql based applications are written in PHP.
methinks 5% of all mysql based applications were once written in PHP.
2:11 PM
sounds about right
!!tell 20578000 youserious
hey, i dont php anymore :p
It is deprecated.
No one cares.
Not that I care anymore, but it should have been removed in PHP5.6, or at least in 7.
lol, everyone will be begging for a php.ini setting to bring it back, just like when they changed $SERVER_GET_VARS to $_GET
2:14 PM
That's why I left PHP pretty much for good.
It's a powerful language that can do a lot of things. But it is, and always will be, a language for beginners that has too much legacy.
i certainly wouldnt recommend it to a beginner. its more like a language for people who dont give a fuck about doing anything right, they just want to get it done
i think if i hadnt learned php in the first place, i would have been a better programmer
@cimmanon I don't think so.
PHP simplifies a lot of concepts for you for easy learning.
If it weren't for PHP I would have likely had a hard time understanding PHP
so does basic
Haven't tried basic, so can't really judge.
my "intro to programming" course in college used basic (but i dont remember anything about it). khan academy uses javascript for its programming course.
Where can I find the CSS of these buttons?
I googled but didnt find it.
... seriously?
@RahulDesai what
You're trying to find the CSS rules for buttons from images?
2:40 PM
Just remake them, it'll take you exactly 5 minutes
dont get me wrong please. I am just checking if these buttons are already been created so that I can use them quickly.
1 min ago, by Second Rikudo
Just remake them, it'll take you exactly 5 minutes
@SecondRikudo I am not able to get that "f" to touch the bottom. I am using Font Awesome.
2:41 PM
@RahulDesai well write css for those button ... its too easy
why do you want to get everything ready made ? that is not how a developer works :)
You will have them faster if you make them than if you search for them ready made...
i am suffering from fever and working for last 6 hours .... :3
2:48 PM
same here, but 2 hours
that made me ask for a readymade solution ;)
whatever i do not compromise with QOW :P its new experience and kind of fun
Guys, in here jsfiddle.net/ep2td7ub is it possible to make the last div always be on its own line? I am not allowed to increase the width of the elements, or move the last div element outside the parent. Possible?
I agree
@AwalGarg last-child selector ?
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi umm, how exactly? Setting display:block on it?
hii guys
please help me
!!welcome sismaster
@sismaster Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi mate please help me
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi I want that div to be at it's own line...
2:55 PM
Guys, how do I get the "f" in this CSS3 button to touch the bottom? jsfiddle.net/rdesai/Lgtezrh8
if its like footer than add new class and wirte css for it
i am trying to cover screen of phone ,
its a popup
that will cover phone screen its working fine on mozila screen checker
but not on phone
@sismaster i am not sure weather its ethical or not but it works jsfiddle.net/2xhgu0zj
@RahulDesai you could do this : jsfiddle.net/webtiki/Lgtezrh8/1
2:58 PM
@RahulDesai please help me bro
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi ew
@sismaster Stop begging for help.
!!welcome sismaster
@sismaster Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Read this carefully
@sismaster don't ping randomly ask your question and if someone has time and want to help they will
@sismaster Hi. Dont ask for help, personally. If anyone is available here, they will definitely help. :)
@web-tiki looks good!
2:59 PM
sorry to all
@SecondRikudo :P i am not proficient designer but my little knowledge os css always get me things working like i want :D
os* = of
any suggestion?
Problem: vertical-align: middle; isnt working here: jsfiddle.net/rdesai/Lgtezrh8/2
.. in chrome
@RahulDesai you need to set the align property on the child jsfiddle.net/webtiki/Lgtezrh8/3
@web-tiki thanks mate!
3:12 PM
Got to use it in a menu today, everyone are just opening and closing it repeatedly.
@SecondRikudo yeah it got me I think I clicked about 20 times before closing that fiddle
3:27 PM
@sismaster ?
3:57 PM
Hey guys any idea how I can prevent scrolling when one of those elements is opened? codepen.io/web-tiki/pen/VYjxqK
@web-tiki overflow: hidden? codepen.io/anon/pen/KwMEBW
@SecondRikudo vtc'd
3 hours later…
7:06 PM
posted on December 21, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

Why is SMBC even in the feed here? Is it ever relevant to HTML/CSS?
7:32 PM
its also never funny
8:26 PM
Second Rikudo has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
9:10 PM
Is it possible to target the last row of items in a container with an extra div at the bottom as well (relevant because :nth-last-child and :nth-child doesn't play well): codepen.io/MadLittleMods/pen/ZYWJgE?editors=110
or maybe even :nth-last-child + .row
@AwalGarg It is not that simple because I only want the last row and it could be unbalanced with 1, 2, or 3 items in that last row. There is this selector everywhere but it doesn't work well with that extra spreader element at the bottom
// First get me every num-columns item
.item:nth-child(#{$columns}n + 1):nth-last-child(-n + #{$columns}),
// Now get me every one after that same collection too.
.item:nth-child(#{$columns}n + 1):nth-last-child(-n + #{$columns}) ~ .item
It fails when there is a balanced(4 in each row) number of items because the spreader is making the next row of itself.
Ooo, I might have figured it out:
.item:nth-child(4n + 1):nth-last-child(-n + 5),
.item:nth-child(4n + 1):nth-last-child(-n + 5) ~ .item
^ That does target when there is just 5 items without the explicit spreader element but that is a edge case I think I am willing to live with
@crypticツ Thanks
I wonder what version of GitHub for Windows has the fix? I have atm and there is no update prompt
2.2.1 is the latest version. Where are you getting your version from?
make sure you are getting the client version not the version for a GUI for git.
@crypticツ I have PHP 9 installed on my machine.
@crypticツ ahh, I thought it was packaged with the app. Looks like I have 1.9.5 when opening in Powershell from the GUI. And 1.8.4 just opening CMD prompt. (git --version)
10:06 PM
@MLM if all you want is to kill the bottom margin on the last row of items, you can emulate it using negative margins: codepen.io/cimmanon/pen/dwbHi
10:25 PM
@cimmanon that would work, Thanks for the idea! But as soon as I want to add something to the container(border) it falls apart. But your idea has the benefit the margin remove working in IE7 so I am still thinking on which I like better.
I suppose I could just benefit from both and add it to the conditional stylesheet.
1 hour later…
11:38 PM
I'm clueless as to what to do here. I am trying to have a menu link toggle it's title and text values with the equivalent values in data attributes.
using this.firstElementChild works sometimes and sometimes not. I feel I am going the wrong way, and JS has some easier way to do this.
posted on December 21, 2014 by Mary Lou

Creating Animated GIFs * SVG Christmas Card * Flickity * Flexbox adventures * CSS Animated Headlines * Optimizing SVGs * Future of CSS * Material UI Colors Collective #147 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

@crypticツ how about .children[0]
@StephanMuller it keeps saying 'this' is undefined. Which is weird since I was able to test if it could be accessed by accessing its attributes and sending it to console log.
11:56 PM
@crypticツ When you call toggle on line 19 the this context is of the IIFE, not the .sidebar-display
@MLM yes, that function call gives that error, but then when I do the click it says errors about link.getAttribute() is not a function, which leads me to beleive 'this' is still not being access since 'link' is the element object.
JS file is added right before </body> too

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