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12:01 AM
This works fine for me: jsfiddle.net/6rt3c1d8
@MLM it works in Chrome, but not Firefox, well at least v34 of Firefox.
@crypticツ innerText doesn't work in FF, I guess: jsfiddle.net/6rt3c1d8/1
gtg eat
12:29 AM
@crypticツ Does that fiddle solve the problem? Here is a question about innerText and FF
12:52 AM
@MLM yeah it did, thanks.
1:49 AM
hi..ANyone knows foundation5 here?
a bit
Thanks hopefully u can help ..a very simple one only
<div class="white_header">

<div class="small-12 medium-12 large-5 columns">
<img src="img/ymm_head.png" class="ymm_head">
<div class="small-12 medium-12 large-7 columns">
<img src="img/add_top.png" class="add_top">

The problem is, when the browser resized to medium, the second image (add-top.png) overlap the first one ..instead of appearing below the first image..for small..even worse
Can you show a working (or in this case breaking) example of that somewhere?
If I just use only this piece of HTML in a Foundation page it seems to work
a moment plz
here u go..
By using floats and absolute positioning you're effectively breaking the effects of the grid system
2:02 AM
where u noticed it plz
hey..i got it..I removed absolute
now.the second image appears out of the wrapper
yeah, because you're expecting the two divs to go below eachother but you gave the header a fixed height
why would this line document.addEventListener('readystatechange', toggle); cause my page to be blank of all content, but display all the inline JS as plain-text to the visitor?
remove the height property from the white_header and add a clearfix class to it as well
that should do it
ok will try
@crypticツ because Jesus was an only child
that sounds like a weird bug though
2:07 AM
console shows no errors whatsoever, that line is in a JS file too.
I guess that's why I dev in chrome and never even check other browsers
as long as I don't notice it's not a bug
spoke too soon, even Chrome does it
2:49 AM
great video I saw when just starting web development that I refound vimeo.com/85040589
what do you call the animation in css that go diagonal
that's a very unclear question
Which should be the canonical name? html5-data or custom-data-attribute (both exist)
3:03 AM
Thought so
@BoltClock I think html5-data doesn't quite cover it
@AwalGarg Depends. If they all have the same parent, then see
A: CSS selector for first element with class

BoltClockI felt this was a good place for a canonical answer as the question is general and quite clear, but the original accepted answer isn't quite right. I explain why the accepted answer is flawed in a later section, but first I'll cover how to do it the right way. The :first-child pseudo-class, intr...

3:21 AM
are you some kind of ninja turtle
heroes in a half shell?
hi people...in Zurb Foundation ..what is opposite class to collapse? I mean to have padding between nested divs.
@StephanMuller Great now the song is stuck in my head
@Twinkle I don't think there is one
you could just leave it out?
3:31 AM
@StephanMuller,,noted..Then I'll just use padding manually..thanks
@Twinkle May I ask why you decided to use Foundation over Bootstap?
Coz it allows styling on our own and little bit easier?
What do you mean "styling on our own", it has less pre-defined styles for its elements?
(I'm genuinely curious, I started using Foundation for a project a while back just to see what it was all about and I have to say I like it a lot for exactly that reason. But you don't see a lot of people that use it really, almost everyone just goes for Bootstrap)
Yes..U can actually use their class for the grid system and i can appy my own styles on element
yes ..im curious why people opt for bootstrap?
actually i've never tried it before
I think mainly because it was one of the first ones that was quite complete, plus the fact that Twitter made/uses it gave it a lot of exposure. Now it's so popular that people forget there's alternatives I guess
like jquery
3:38 AM
I see...is it as easy as foundation ? and how bout the styling ?
It is easy, yeah
I do get the feeling it comes with more predefined styles though
You can always override them (or just change them beforehand when using LESS/SASS of course), but still
Perhaps ..I should give it a try I guess
It never hurts to know what's on the market, especially if it's so popular
yeah..Thats right
♬ Don't get no jism on that sofa, sofa
4:08 AM
How do I make the bootstrap mobile menu (the one with the 3 horizontal bars) appear on resize earlier? I'd like to up the breakpoint.
4:45 AM
@SecondRikudo I didn't know about it, and that solves it perfectly
4:59 AM
What do I need to do to make the <HR> look like the <meter>?
5:13 AM
@13375 jsfiddle.net/d4j56qag/2 closest I could get
@crypticツ that is awesome
Guys..I have a link here...ANd I need some ideas on how to make the grey coloured menu
The site I making is responsive..therefore I dont prefer to use photoshop for this ..but CSS instead
How do I make the botoom box-shadow and the divider just like in the link please?
what have you tried?
I have used a div with 100% width ..and for the box-shadow box-shadow: 0 5px 5px -5px #333;..But it's generating misty shadow but I want solid
I think can use <li> for the menu it's just the divider and box-shadow how to make them
post your code in a jsfiddle
one of my nephew thinks i'm santa, coz i brought presents, i'm fat, i have a beard and a red sledge car
it's 3 days that i'm here and my mother already nuclearized my testies @Mr.Alien
!!urban nuclearized
@crypticツ No definition found for nuclearized
5:43 AM
you know what happens when you listen the nuclear emergency alarm? that's my testies protons colliding
6:12 AM
posted on December 22, 2014

Dilbert readers - Please visit Dilbert.com to read this feature. Due to changes with our feeds, we are now making this RSS feed a link to Dilbert.com.

1 hour later…
7:16 AM
@Mario rompicoglioni?
posted on December 22, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

I'm having an emotional crisis due to wanting to use web components at work but knowing that its unrealistic
what do?
7:35 AM
posted on December 22, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by serviet */

@MontyMonro shoot yourself in the leg and feel the pain that it will bring you if you use them
If I have to wait 2 years to use the latest tech at work im going to end up like that dog from futurama.
spoiler... HE DIES!
I dont believe it supports ie8 does it?
also, its a 66k dependency :(
don't know - I don't have to support IE < 9
7:39 AM
and im a big moaner, please dont take me too seriously lol
you lucky bastard
8:29 AM
@easwee trebbiapalle
i'm teaching you proper italian slang here
@Mario I haven't heard that one :P
@Neil :P
rompipalle is nicer than a rompicoglione?
it is, a bit
I suppose that's like the difference between using damn and darn
Though granted darn is so tame, you might as well be church-going folk to use it
8:40 AM
they both mean the same thing, but "coglioni" is more vulgar than "palle"
Damn used to be a lot stronger back in the day
my favs are "trebbiapalle|coglioni" "falciapalle|coglioni"
they are so rare on google lol
nobody uses them on the net
@Neil still at work?
@Mario Yep, why?
Still have a job? Yes, miraculously
In this economy
8:55 AM
true, true
i imagine you coming from usa to italy. must have been like going to middle age xD our politicians, the mazzette, the '70 mafia still going on.... are we screwed, right?
you can be honest xD
9:17 AM
@Mario i have one ... farmers here use it
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi :D
@Mario its quite easy to peal potato from them :D
and tomato too ;)
9:35 AM
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi peel?
I doubt you're ringing potatoes.
ow yaa .. it meant to be peel
posted on December 22, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by JRich */

that's the problem I kept running into!
10:20 AM
@Mario Sry, I was afk
Nah, you guys have problems just like we have problems, just of a different nature
I can't help but notice that you guys have the types of problems like corruption in politics and inequality for women that we used to have in the 1960s. Maybe it is just a matter of time
There is the prevailing idea that being a male and having seniority is what counts here, which is kind of absurd if you think about it
We might as well be living in the age when only white males could vote and own land
We used to do that too, then we figured out that performance matters, not age
Which is also kind of a bad thing if you're old and can't get work elsewhere
But it also means businesses thrive
You guys have such a rich history, far more than ours, yet I find that Italians generally don't seem very interested in the Romans
You guys won't eat anything that comes from a questionable source, something we americans should take much more seriously
We tend to not really care where the food comes from, so long as it tastes alright
Also, while the economy isn't as it once was, there is no "crisis" anymore
You guys talk about it (or at least did up until last year) like it was still very much a problem all over the world
Perhaps Italian politicians wouldn't want you guys to think that it was their incompetence that was preventing italy from getting back onto its feet
10:57 AM
pretty awesome : fiveminutes.gs
12:08 PM
@Mario bwahahaha, so you at ur mummas place?
@SomeGuy let me check
12:26 PM
@Mario Do you break into houses?
posted on December 22, 2014 by Dan J.

It's Raining on the Robot On the way to the data vault, Dave and his coworkers tried to list every rain-related song they knew. Here Comes The Rain Again was an easy one. Ryan, raised in the nineties, offered I'm Only Happy When It Rains. Justine tried to get out in front of the competition by rapid-firing November, Purple, and No. Thad, veteran of a hundred karaoke battles, offered Blame It

1:24 PM
Hey guys. How is possible that my CSS isn't updating?
In file it's updated
But when I check loaded CSS it's still here
@TomášAresakMalčánek clear cache?
hard refresh? (ctrl + F5)
are you using SASS maybe?
1:41 PM
@JonathanSampson hey - a question regarding IE mobile on wp 8.1 - i'm using swiper plugin to have a few slides swipe left and right - each slide contains around 50 rows with multiple elements (total amount of nested elements is very big - I'm nesting 5-6 levels deep and each row contains aroung 30-60 html elements - it's an betting odd selection list). I'm measuring the fps while transitioning between slides - it drops down to 2 fps while transitioning.
I'm experiencing a fps drop on an android phone too - but it only drops from 60 to 40 fps - which I expected, while on WP it drops down to 2, which lags up to a point that the swiper becomes unusable. The slides are animated using translate3d combined with transition - translate3d is also getting constantly updated while touchdown event is triggered (moving pixel by pixel).
Any way to boost up this performance or does IE mobile have problems animating big ammount of HTML elements inside a container? I'm testing on Lumia 920 which is a far stronger phone by specs compared to the other test phone - samsung galaxy s3 - but works far better on s3.
1:57 PM
@web-tiki was your answer in the end also wrong?
hmm I wonder what the msg behind it is
I don't think you can get it right anyway
what does it mean then?
means you are infected I guess
2:02 PM
I'm shure they change the end according to what you answer
or he has become a hybrid
the first human-zombie hybrid, with half memories and half consciousness
that would be a nice ending
at a point I thought the daughter was infected
yeah same
anyway the daughter seems to think she was in [spoiler] yellow too [/spoiler]
2:05 PM
if I were infected I'd go full kamikaze and try to take out as many zombies as I could
take one for the team and make myself useful
Well the daughter would have a hard time after that alone with all those zombies...
well yes in this case they weren't sure if he was infected
but I mean in a case where you are totally bitten
totes 8)
2:11 PM
@Mario where's my present damnit!
btw what were rlemon's 12 days weekend gifts?
Game of Thrones or Kerbal Space Programme and an Amazon Gift Card, IIRC
@rlemon You need to add the name of the gift won along with the winner
2:31 PM
@DarkAshelin did it again and you can't choose red anyway...
@web-tiki what happens if you pick a totally different color?
she kills you
they both are infected
thats the conclusion
or the zombie of the mother changed clothes
@web-tiki @DarkAshelin wut?
or it isn't the mother at all you see at the end
2:35 PM
@web-tiki the daughter says "I was so sure it was red" though, doesn't she?
4 hours ago, by web-tiki
pretty awesome : http://www.fiveminutes.gs/
@SecondRikudo hmmpf... I suppose, it's zombies
I shall try it at home later then
2:36 PM
@web-tiki OOOOR it was yellow and the red is just all blood :)
pretty comfiusing and disturbing
bloody mother
I did it in hard mode and failed twice
@web-tiki what is it ? it just get stuck at 10%
I did in hard mode once and succeeded (1 death tho)
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi interactive movie-thing
zombies are too scary I was fightened and failed...
kill them all !!!!
2:41 PM
@web-tiki I have enough zombie-dreams that I've gotten used to them
hid my eyes at THE moment when you think its going to bite you
@DarkAshelin zombie dreams !!! LOL
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi my dreams evolve too
first it was just me running away from zombies, then I got a couple of melee weapons like a knife and dagger, then my next dreams I started getting guns, eventually making a fortified home and killing zombies + zombie animals
at some point robot dinosaurs also joined in
I should be used to them too, I played zombie games and watched some of the walking dead but they still get me
2:43 PM
@SecondRikudo rov?
Reopen Vote
i only played plant vs zombie :D
how to make connection in that game ?
worked perfect for me...
3:03 PM
@Feeds lol
@DaveRandom ^?
Risking to sound stupid here, but assuming you knew a certain length, how would you go about determining the radians equivalent along a circle's circumference
@Neil Always 2PI
Unless I'm misunderstanding
@SecondRikudo This doesn't help
3:24 PM
Suppose you had length PI.. on a circle of radius 1, the radians for traveling PI distance on the circumference is itself, PI
I never learned radians in school
However if the radius were 12, PI distance would give you a lot less radian equivalent
My first instinct was just to divide by 2PI*radius
@Neil What's "length"?
An arc?
A radius?
@SecondRikudo distance traveled on the edge of the circle
A section of the circumference
@Neil An arc then
3:27 PM
With arc length n, and circle of radius r, what are the radians traveled?
(L / C) * 2PI
Where L = length, C = circumference
C being circumference?
C is 2*PI*R isn't it?
It's just the length divided by the radius?
radian measure = arc length / radius
3:28 PM
that makes sense
If you have radius, it's just L / R
definitely a perishable skill
My head is already hurting and all I did was google
How is math perishable? :o
Also don't let BenjaminGruenbaum hear you
a perishable skill is one that diminishes over time without regular use
as opposed to riding a bike, which people say you "never forget"
3:37 PM
I misinterpreted that.
I brought it up because I probably haven't been able to make sense of stuff with radians since I had geometry class in 9th grade X-P
@TylerH TBH I haven't dealt with circles and geometry in general in like... 6 years.
if I even learned it then
I know 2 Pi R and D Pi and stuff
but I don't recall ever learning radians
we focused on degrees instead
@TylerH How did you do trigonometry functions?
Those are all about radians
@TylerH thats because radians are less useful than negative fraction exponents :p
3:40 PM
Hell yeah!
Hi guys..
anyone worked with datatables?
@SecondRikudo I don't recall, but trigonometry was a separate class in 11th grade
or for me 12th because I took an extra algebra class beforehand
then I didn't take calculus until college
but it was a "survey" course
I don't remember much math from high school
@SecondRikudo no, I do not know enough about any area of CSS to write articles about it :-P
Not sure if trolling or serious
There are quite a few Chris Wrights though, I've met several over the years
@SecondRikudo seriously
3:47 PM
Are you telling me that there is more than one Chris Wright?
There does seem to only be one of you, though, at least the first page of Google hits is all you
Q: Why won't my mp3/ogg <audio> play in Safari, yet it works in Firefox, Chrome?

Andrea FauldsThe page in question: http://ajf.me/mini/lana/ (it's tiny, might be worth looking at the source directly) For the sake of future visitors, here's a permalink to the version under discussion on GitHub: https://github.com/TazeTSchnitzel/ajf.me/blob/67dba982aa3de8188ce77dce59242b6645433598/htdocs/m...

3:59 PM
@AndreaFaulds Y U NO QUOTE ATTRIBUTES?!?!?!?
@DaveRandom because in HTML5 I don't have to, and quotes are distracting
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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