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6:20 AM
@qiterpot uh, the order of expansion is fixed, not sure what you are trying to accomplish?
@Queen k
2 hours later…
8:18 AM
That's what I thought. But my professor wants me to make a script that works if pathname expansion first. But I don't even know if I can emulate it, let alone write it. I'm starting to think it was a trick question but I don't really know why it isn't possible.
8:38 AM
@qiterpot hmmm, I suppose you could eval the pathname expansion with variables protected somehow, or vice versa
eval "${script//\$/\\\$}" maybe...?
9:06 AM
any curl experts here?
I tried the following: (curl -o /dev/null --retry 9 -v -L -w "%{http_code}" ${url} and get the following Warning: Transient problem: HTTP error Will retry in 1 seconds. 9 retries. But, there were no retries.
9:37 AM
@TheCoder not really a Bash question but perhaps adding quotes to "$url" (instead of ${url} where the curly braces are not actually doing anything useful) would fix the problem
the HTTP error could be due to a network problem I suppose but also due to a malformed URL, perhaps because of the broken quoting
2 hours later…
11:32 AM
@tripleee thanks. I see the error. the output is being directed to /dev/null. when i removed this, i can see the retries. The issue now is that curl's retry doesn't include 404's
12:16 PM
oh yeah, I maant to ask about that, good thing you figured it out
3 hours later…
7 hours later…

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